I read there's a load of outrage in the press about the fact she had a procedure that made her lose weight and therefore has duped people who thought it was down to eating healthily and eating lots of Ryvita.
They're wanting her to lose her job and be sacked for cheating to shedding a few pounds?
One fan said: "This is the most sickening act of deception I think I have come across."
Over-stating a bit maybe? How much do you wanna bet this 'fan' is a 19 stone salad dodger?
"She is hardly the big woman's role model now"
Erm, so she's not allowed to lose weight as she's a role model to fat people?
Does that constitute a rant?
Posted by Pepper (Member # 353) on :
Not very ranty, no. You won't burn many calories with that amount of raging.
I don't see what the problem is, it's not like she's brought out an exercise video and told us that's how she did it. I'm sure she couldn't give a shiny one, she's probably happier looking great than being a "role model".
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
I reckon "great" might be overstating it a bit.
[ 03.06.2008, 09:46: Message edited by: MiscellaneousFiles ]
Posted by sabian (Member # 6) on :
Red top readers = mouth breathing, knuckle draggers.
quote: "This is the most sickening act of deception I think I have come across.
She is hardly the big woman's role model now. I hope she loses her TV contract. This has upset me deeply.
My daughter actually believed in Fern - I told her she couldn't drop so much weight on Ryvitas alone but impressionable teenagers want to believe that it can be done."
Yeah, that fucking Beckham! I thought if I bought a pair Nikes I could have several kids with stupid names, marry a no-talent fame whore, and be a world famous football star! Instead, I have several kids with stupid names - Oi, Confession and Infinite, what I have I told you about huffing air plane glue near your baby brother As-Matik?? - , married a whore, and sky doesn't fucking work when I want to watch Man U! I just don't know who to trust anymore!
[ 03.06.2008, 09:52: Message edited by: sabian ]
Posted by Stakker (Member # 52) on :
quote:Originally posted by MiscellaneousFiles: I reckon "great" might be overstating it a bit.
Oh do behave, you love it.
Posted by MKandy (Member # 790) on :
I think most people are complaining because the procedure isn't free on the NHS, unless you're REALLY fat. Obviously having surgery is preferable to cutting down on the amount of crap they shovel into their mouths too.
Posted by Darryn.R (Member # 1) on :