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Posted by Waynster (Member # 56) on :

I know it's not a console game but I do know there are a few AFOL's on here (Darryn, Octavia, Thorn, Misc) - something I discovered again during TMO's outage. Also it's Star Wars and I know that makes some people desky.

Anyway I have quite a few of the more 'grown-up' kits at home - it's now the go to of what people get me gift wise. Anyone else re-discovered this wonderful toy from your youth?
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
Holy fuck, that price tag. I'm sure this is amazing but it's a lot of grey. I've got quite a few of the star wars vehicles now, and as cool as they look when they're built they're not always as fun to build as Lego's own brand stuff. With the Star Wars stuff there's fewer moments of delight during the build at some ingenious use for a croissant or something.

I'm going to Brick again this year, the Birmingham one falls on my 40th birthday. I think I'l probably spring for Ninjago City, which looks like pure joy. I loved building the Temple of Airjitzu last year - one of those kits full of love and invention.
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
I'm enjoying LEGO a great deal at the moment, but I have a slightly longer attention span than my five year old, which can be mildly frustrating. Saying that he's coming up with his own ideas using my old Technic pieces now.

[flame-proof suit]
I've also bought a Chinese clone kit (of a Harry Potter set that's no longer in production), by Lepin. The quality and fit is amazingly good. A friend switched me on to it after buying himself the (then out of production) UCS Millennium Falcon.

[/flame-proof suit]
Posted by Waynster (Member # 56) on :
Trouble is, if you get one, you should probably get 2 - stick one in the attic and sell it in 20 years and retire, such is the value of these now/
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
The aforementioned friend did own a genuine UCS set at one point, but never built it. He eventually sold it for £800 or something, iirc.

Here's what £89 buys you on AliExpress (Chinese child not included*):


Posted by Cherry In Hove (Member # 49) on :
Wow. I'd never heard of Lepin before but it appears it's completely compatible with Lego.

Also, you get the bonus that with Lego you'd never get kits like this.


or this.

Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
Hmmm. I'm not often a purist but I've experienced Lego knockoffs before and they're never quite right. The sheen isn't the correct depth, the clutch isn't the appropriate strength and before you know it the intruder pieces are all mingled in with your 'real' Lego causing confusion and chaos.
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
The Lepin stuff is leagues ahead of Megabloks and the crap they sell by the pound in Wilkos. The clutch is just right, although the sheen is admittedly a little different. However it will NEVER be mixed with the real thing under my roof. #dadrulez

TAE: How would a Lego brothel work since minifigs can't even spread their legs. I have some old Technic figures that are poseable, but they're entirely the wrong scale for that set. Oh...


[ 31.08.2017, 16:04: Message edited by: MiscellaneousFiles ]
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
What kind of human being invites fake lego into their home? Is this what we've become?
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
Originally posted by MiscellaneousFiles:
How would a Lego brothel work since minifigs can't even spread their legs.

They can bend over.
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
Originally posted by Octavia:
They can bend over.

OMG - I'd never thought of doing it that way. This is a revelation!
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
Looking through pictures of the new UCS falcon, I'm a bit disappointed at the interior. I had been expecting something that folds out with a proper play area in the middle, like the current smaller kit. But it looks like it's just one cramped area in the middle where you can choose to put different furniture depending on what scene you want to recreate.
Posted by Banana (Member # 89) on :
My kitchen table has been taken over by part two of a Star Wars Lego build. It's the Deathstar docking bay being built to go into a coffee table that will then hold the original ucs Millennium Falcon in it. The falcon has taken over my desk upstairs, my partner discovered a website called bricklink that has Lego instructions (patterns?) and helpful shopping lists so you can buy all the appropriate bricks. My house is now full of the little bastards, Lego bricks everywhere.

Not that I'm not building any but his are definitely the bigger more ridiculous builds. I build nice things - Wall-E, VW Beetle, that kind of thing. He has built a chest burster and Alien Xenomorph (which is amazing). oh and the Black Pearl.

Im a bit of a snob though and am more than happy to bricklink sets you can't get hold of and to build random things that Lego would never approve of, but it has to be out of proper Lego bricks
Posted by Cherry In Hove (Member # 49) on :
Originally posted by Banana:

He has built a chest burster and Alien Xenomorph (which is amazing).

These sound brilliant. Do you have any pictures of them?
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
It all sounds amazing - I want to see the Star Wars coffee table.
Posted by Banana (Member # 89) on :
Originally posted by Octavia:
It all sounds amazing - I want to see the Star Wars coffee table.

Yeah so do I! I am very bored of not being able to use the kitchen table. It should be done soon though

There will be alien pics, I just need to not be a technical moron. Or try something other than Flickr for sharing them

[ 02.09.2017, 03:43: Message edited by: Banana ]
Posted by Banana (Member # 89) on :
Dp - it's clearly too early

[ 02.09.2017, 03:41: Message edited by: Banana ]
Posted by Banana (Member # 89) on :
OK I figured it out!
 - Xenomorph by Janna, on Flickr

 - IMG_0926 by Janna, on Flickr

 - Alien lego by Janna, on Flickr
Posted by Cherry In Hove (Member # 49) on :
Oh wow, that Xenomorph is absolutely fantastic. Great stuff.
Posted by Banana (Member # 89) on :
Originally posted by Cherry In Hove:
Oh wow, that Xenomorph is absolutely fantastic. Great stuff.

He is pretty amazing. He does however try and fall apart if you attempt to move it. There was a comedy sketch moment the day I tried to take the photos where a foot dropped off and I tried to rescue it and at that poing the other leg crumbled at the ankle. I was holding an alien up by cupping its codpiece area trying frantically to pick bits of leg up without breaking anything else off. Then the drool and a back spike or 3 fell off. At that point I rested it on a cushion and backed the hell away looking guilty.
Posted by Waynster (Member # 56) on :
Liking those photos of yours Banana - where'd you get to shoot all the aircraft - Farnborough?
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
Originally posted by Banana:
There was a comedy sketch moment the day I tried to take the photos where a foot dropped off and I tried to rescue it and at that poing the other leg crumbled at the ankle. I was holding an alien up by cupping its codpiece area trying frantically to pick bits of leg up without breaking anything else off. Then the drool and a back spike or 3 fell off. At that point I rested it on a cushion and backed the hell away looking guilty.

Lol. Was s/he an invention of yours/Mr Banana's or did you get a design from the interwebs? Asking for a friend.
Posted by Banana (Member # 89) on :
Originally posted by Octavia:
Lol. Was s/he an invention of yours/Mr Banana's or did you get a design from the interwebs? Asking for a friend.

He wishes he was that ingenious, the person who designed it sells a hard back book that has the instructions in.
ETA link - Alien Book
If you buy the book they send you an Excel file containing the parts list. You might be able to get it as a pdf rather than a hardback book

[ 04.09.2017, 05:31: Message edited by: Banana ]
Posted by Banana (Member # 89) on :
Originally posted by Waynster:
Liking those photos of yours Banana - where'd you get to shoot all the aircraft - Farnborough?

Thanks, I'm slightly obsessed by planes. And mushrooms, but mostly planes.

They are mostly taken at RIAT (Fairford) over the years. Last year I went to the arrivals day which was on a bit of grass at the end of the runway so very good view. A few of the older planes are from a local event in Leicestershire.
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
On the topic of planes I stayed at a place in Castle Eaton recently which I think is just over the river from where they do the Air Tattoo. The landlady was saying they can see all the planes from their beer garden.
Posted by Banana (Member # 89) on :
Originally posted by Octavia:
On the topic of planes I stayed at a place in Castle Eaton recently which I think is just over the river from where they do the Air Tattoo. The landlady was saying they can see all the planes from their beer garden.

Beer and planes? Double win [Big Grin]
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
The food's good though the decor leaves much to be desired. It's a nice pub - the Red Lion at Castle Eaton.

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