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Posted by London (Member # 29) on :
Re: this thread - Aw thanks! I was doing the twittering myself for a while, right up until the point when I entered a WORLD OF PAIN and suddenly found myself with the cognitive resources of a raccoon with its leg caught in a trap, at which point Lisa took over.

So yeah. Jimmy's birth story, if you wish to hear about such things. Induction on 12th June. They put some balloon thing in to dilate the cervix, then they broke the waters, then they put me on this oxytocin drip thing to induce contractions and kept turning it up and up.

Contractions were absolute agony, gas and air did fuck all, epidural didn't do much either - it took away the contraction pain and allowed me to re-enter the human world, and get some rest, but it didn't take away the pressure of ENORMOUS BABY TRAVELLING DOWN **** . I always thought the scary bit of that would be the stretching / tearing feeling but it was more the sense of my bones just not being big enough for it to come out - the sense that my pelvis would snap - that was the most awful.

They kept saying 'Come on! Your baby is nearly here!' but by that point I didn't give a shit. All I wanted was for there to be some way for it to just stop happening, so I could get a rest. I kicked my boyfriend and sister out of the delivery room, btw. I didn't want people who I had to have a social relationship with seeing me in that groaning, growling animal state.

Anyway! Then the baby finally came out, hurrah, and they put him on my chest. And it was a good, quick delivery (if you can call 10 hours of the most excruciating agony a human can feel and still live 'quick') - the induction started at 10am and he was out by 8pm. No external tears (small one inside, 2 stitches), no instruments required for delivery, no episiostomy. Yay.

But then the stupid placenta wouldn't come out because my body just totally couldn't be assed to push that out too. So then I had to have general anasthetic and surgery to remove it, and then after the surgery I had this massive post-partum haemmorhage where I lost 2700 ml of blood - normal amount is 500-1000ml.

So I was lying in the recovery dept thinking 'This sucks' and then they kept coming up and giving me blood tests, and then, most grotacious thing EVER, there was this pulling sensation of something coming out of me, and they were yanking this long, red cloth from between my legs. A blood-soaked cloth. And I was like 'What the fuck is THAT?' and they said 'It's a tampon' but it wasn't like any tampon I had ever seen or ever want to see again. (They had packed the womb to stem the bleeding. Lovely.) And the next day I had to have a blood transfusion as well. And then I stayed in hospital for about four days. And now I am, like, 'anemic', and have to lie around in bed like a consumptive lady and eat iron pills and make my boyfriend do everything for me for a bit. Hurrah.

Anyway. So that is how Jimmy (not 'Big Nuts', you assholes. It's my Dad's name. And his full name is Jeremiah.) entered the world. Here are some pictures of him:

Cute huh?

eta: more pix on flickr if you want -

[ 22.06.2008, 13:24: Message edited by: London ]
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
He's beautiful, Amp. Well done [Smile]
Posted by Darryn.R (Member # 1) on :
I'd already flickr'd, he's a peach.. [Big Grin]

[ 22.06.2008, 15:11: Message edited by: Darryn.R ]
Posted by sam (Member # 884) on :
He is totally gorgeous! Congratulations and a speedy recovery yourself.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
What a cutie.

You need to start eating liver and spinach and sorrel soup and Guinness. Not all together, or even at once.

Well done, London.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Oh, and Floradix
Posted by rooster (Member # 738) on :
ooh, he is rosy and handsome and has one of the greatest newborn hairlines I've ever seen.

Anemia must suck, but be very thankful for the lack of tearing - I think mine left me permanently disfigured.
Posted by MKandy (Member # 790) on :
Excellent work, cool looking baby, though slightly worrying that he's already wearing a hoody!
Posted by London (Member # 29) on :
Thanks! It's an indie boy hoodie though not a thug hoodie. He told me.
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
He looks a bit confused and frightened. I'd like to reassure him that that will all change, but...
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
Must be quite a relief that he's not ginger.
Posted by herbs (Member # 101) on :
Ooh, he's got that all-knowing look, before they learn that staring into souls is rude. Other than that, he really is v cute. Though that childbirth story has (temporarily) put me right off.
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
What colour is he?
(looks grey in ghostzilla)
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Posted by Abby (Member # 582) on :
Well done on making a baby!

But dont have any Floridax, my mum used to make me take that when she thought I was a consumptive teenager and it is RANK.
Posted by Sidney (Member # 399) on :
He is gorgeous, London. Absolutely gorgeous. He looks so aware and alert and is so peachy. Congratulations and well done you on getting through the birth experience!
Posted by MKandy (Member # 790) on :
Originally posted by London:
Thanks! It's an indie boy hoodie though not a thug hoodie. He told me.

So long as he doesn't try to knife me up for my crusty iPod, i'm happy for him to wear a hooded jumper.

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