Need to cook something that will compliment a Thanksgiving dinner (much like Xmas food) as a substitute for the meat. Needs to feel a bit festive...
I'll be serving up (provisionally): sweet potato butternut squash & pumpkin soup, various posh breads, roast potatoes, some sort of bread-based seasonal vegetarian stuffing, various roasted veg, parsnip mash, parsley & mustard potato mash, pumpkin pie, ice cream. For the meat-eaters i'm doing roast chickens and coca-cola / dr. pepper hams (turkey annoys me). What can i do for the vegetarians?
I've looked on t'internet and everything seems not festive enough or a bit too complex. need something yummy and hearty and not stupid like 'Tofurkey'. I'm cooking for 22 people total so need to keep it relatively simple. so far winner is:
Suggestions very much welcome please!
Posted by Cherry In Hove (Member # 49) on :
Stop being friends with vegetarians and hang out with normal fully functional members of society.
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
Some vegeterians are normal...
Plato (428 B.C. – 348 B.C.) Greek philosopher Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Theoretical Physicist Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948) Indian politician George Bernard Shaw (1856- 1950) Irish Playwright Leonardo DaVinci (1452-1519) Italian artist, mathematician, inventor and Renaissance man. Bob Dylan (1941-) Award-winning singer and musician, composer of songs such as “Blowin’ in the Wind.” Peter Gabriel (1950 - ) British singer/songwriter, formerly with Genesis Jerry Garcia (1942-1995) Musician and singer for the Grateful Dead. George Harrison (1943-2001) British musician, one of the Beatles Lenny Kravitz (1964-) Singer-songwriter Bob Marley (1945-1981) Reggae Musician Paul McCartney (1942-) British singer/songwriter, member of the Beatles Ozzy Osborne (1948-) British singer, member of Black Sabbath Ringo Starr (Richard Starkey) (1940-) British Musician, drummer for the Beatles Dennis Kucinich - US Congress
[ 19.11.2008, 10:13: Message edited by: ralph ]
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
wtf. not one of those people I listed is even remotely normal.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
How do vegetarians feel about spunk?
Posted by Cherry In Hove (Member # 49) on :
Assuming that Vikram's friends are similar to him, they'll be absolutely fine with it being sprayed in their faces assuming it is coming from a Z-list celebrity.
Posted by vikram (Member # 98) on :
quote:Originally posted by Black Mask: How do vegetarians feel about spunk?
so long as it's not animal spunk
Posted by vikram (Member # 98) on :
anyway i think you mean vegans
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Trifle. Everyone loves trifle.
Posted by Waynster (Member # 56) on :
quote:Originally posted by ralph: Some vegeterians are normal... Ozzy Osborne (1948-) British singer, member of Black Sabbath
As in the man who bit the head off a dove in a record company meeting? Yeah he sure sounds like a vegetarian....
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
that was before he saw the light...
Posted by vikram (Member # 98) on :
quote:Originally posted by Cherry In Hove: Assuming that Vikram's friends are similar to him, they'll be absolutely fine with it being sprayed in their faces assuming it is coming from a Z-list celebrity.
I don't even know who you are.
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
I saw this thread title and knew it had to have been started by vikram even before I opened it. No doubt he'll post up lots of pictures of his feast again.
Still, kudos for cooking for 22!
Posted by vikram (Member # 98) on :
i do these feasts three or four times a year. normally the 'vegetarians' eat fish so i just do salt-baked seabass or whatever, but this time there are a couple of proper vegetarians. it's really annoying as i'll have to cook up a separate batch of roast potatoes and can't just throw the veg in with the chicken
[ 19.11.2008, 11:41: Message edited by: vikram ]
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
Nigella's got a nice looking recipe in her Christmas book for pumpkin and cream cheese lasagne. I usually do aubergine canneloni or something like prostitutes' spaghetti for veggies but it's not terribly Thanksgiving-y.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
We've got my folks coming over for Christmas. I was going to have a forerib, but my old man wants one of those bird-up-a-bird-up-a-bird jobs. Anyone tried one of those? Success? Disaster? Vegetarian alternative?
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
quote:Originally posted by vikram: I don't even know who you are.
It's SilverGinger5. You know him. He's been here for years.
Posted by Cherry In Hove (Member # 49) on :
But I was never in Skins, so I may not appear on his radar.
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
And you're not a Z list celeb. I always thought of you as more of a U or V lister...
Posted by vikram (Member # 98) on :
thanks octavia. i think with pumpkin soup and pumpkin pie bookending the main dish, it might be pumpkin overload! but thanks for your suggestion.
Posted by missgolightly (Member # 34) on :
quote:Originally posted by Cherry In Hove: Stop being friends with vegetarians and hang out with normal fully functional members of society.
Good advice indeed - I've always thought vegetarianism was a serious character flaw and that a life without regular blue steaks would be a pretty miserable one.
However, there's some good sounding recipes here. My vote would be for either the mushroom or onion and lentil wellington because they sound pretty easy but would look good.
ETA I have horrible memories of nut roasts from when my mum went through a brief vegetarian phase when I was a kid, and they were always really dry. I've never been sure if this was because of her not so great cooking skills, or the recipe, or whether nut roasts are supposed to be like that, but I'm still dubious of the idea.
[ 19.11.2008, 13:48: Message edited by: missgolightly ]
Posted by jonesy999 (Member # 5) on :
Ever since ovo-vegetarianism and lacto-ovo-vegetarianism completed their lopsided roll to the culinary zenith of the meat-free chicosphere during the late 70s, vegetarianism has been all about fads. In 1981 we had the saccharine summer of the Beet Movement and its disciples' relentless hostilities with Manchester's Caners, while 1987 was dominated by pumpkin seeds and a sticky broth of Macadamia nuts and vulm. And who could forget the Soho to Hampshire orgies of 1997? At the peak of the Beetroot Manoeuvres: veeguys and veg punks swaying through a sunrise at Pophams Airfield, tugging joyously at their exposed chubby broccolis before hosing down their female vertes with seemingly never-ending arcs of rose, swollen-beet-tinted spunk – a dozen glistening rainbows of hot, pink salmon dashing themselves to death against the neatly trimmed, freshly lacquered pelvises of the beautiful people, their buffed pots of gold whiffing vaguely of 1996 and the legendary Tofu Raves of inner-city Birmingham.
If you're looking to burn brightest in the vego cosmos this year, if you've designs on lighting up that green firmament like the sexiest cnut since Captain Carl Cockaday; if you wanna radiate like a constellation of a stars resembling nothing less than Huey Lewis eating Wasabi with a spoon shaped like your face then there really is only one trendcyle to mount in 2008.
Ding Ding, out of the way, Squares! Shodomist coming through.
Yes my veg friends, Shodism is where it's at. Shodism exists nowhere, anywhere in the universe but that precise, unknowable compass point where fashion, sex, Bowie and god converge to create IT. Shodism is like some kind of ultra, uber hypermarket selling nothing but IT. Shodism is a fuck off IT warehouse, crammed full with row after row of vast shelving, vanishing into the distance, each stacked Babel high with box after box of pure, unadulterated IT. If you want IT, all the IT you can git, choose Shodism. It's in for the next 39 days before becoming officially LAME. You won't find any IT there after that, no matter how hard you look. Only derision.
Shodism is an uncomplicated culinary movement which plays on blending simple, uncluttered duets of spice (Mace with Old, Fudge with Paprika, Star Anice with Tarbuck; that kind of thing) with a single vegetable (carrot, sprout, pig). The blend is then heated over a milk Ban Marie until it liquifies and becomes sauce. That sauce is used to dress the staple ingredient: a once-worn pair of shoes. Any shoes will do but the sexier the better. Ideally, the wearer of the shoes must have been unblemished and beautiful, with perfect ankles, priceless arches and cash savings exceeding six figures. Of course, it is possible to eat the shoes of a Poor or an Ugly but, frankly, we wouldn't recommend it.
[ 20.11.2008, 05:02: Message edited by: jonesy999 ]
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
I went vegetarian once.
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
quote:Originally posted by jonesy999: if you wanna radiate like a constellation of a stars resembling nothing less than Huey Lewis eating Wasabi with a spoon shaped like your face then there really is only one trendcyle to mount in 2008.
Also I liked the rest of it. Just wanted to make that clear, in case you're like me and if someone quotes one gag from a long post to say 'lol' at, you take it to mean the rest of it was sub-par.
[ 20.11.2008, 05:57: Message edited by: Thorn Davis ]
Posted by jonesy999 (Member # 5) on :
quote:Originally posted by Thorn Davis: sub-par.
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
quote:Originally posted by jonesy999: L
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
Why are you cooking thanksgiving anyway? That's an American thing
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
Yeah're in the UK now...what do *you* have to be thankful about? Posted by Cherry In Hove (Member # 49) on :
For not having to go to work like the rest of us?
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
He must work. How does one afford to prepare a feast for 22 people without a job? Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
Trust fund/ life insurance from the parents?
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
Former career in gay porn?
Posted by vikram (Member # 98) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ringo: Why are you cooking thanksgiving anyway? That's an American thing
when i first moved into my flat i lived with an american girl. thanksgiving has been a tradition ever since! also i put up the christmas tree that night too. i love this time of year.
here are photos of last year's, as per h1ppychick's request
[ 20.11.2008, 09:49: Message edited by: vikram ]
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
That does look like a lot of fun Posted by vikram (Member # 98) on :
yeah it was! i did a safari-themed feast for my birthday this year. checkit. i love this shit.
Posted by vikram (Member # 98) on :
oh man awesome pic on Vice mag's Do's and Dont's - this is as good a thread as any to post it:
[ 20.11.2008, 11:44: Message edited by: vikram ]
Posted by Abby (Member # 582) on :
Is that a Do or a Don't?
Posted by mart (Member # 32) on :
Is he giving the dog a bag of glue?
Posted by vikram (Member # 98) on :
I hope so.
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
And are we supposed to be looking at the head-in-bag bit or at the shaved-like-a-lady-dog cock and balls? I'm unclear about the meaning of the image.
Posted by jonesy999 (Member # 5) on :
I totally want to go on a glue binge with the blonde. She's got great pins.
Posted by vikram (Member # 98) on :
so yeah thanksgiving was a big success i think. especially nice to see scrawny.
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :