This is topic coolest man in the history of the world, this dude is hero in forum Life at TMO Talk.

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Posted by vikram (Member # 98) on :

i want to be him.

who do you want to be?
Posted by vikram (Member # 98) on :
his house is james bond and his chicks are mostly hot. and think of the pharmaceuticals. what a guy.
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
Why would you want to be him moreso than any other millionaire? I mean I get that he's loaded and that seems to be working out well for him, but I don't really get why you'd aspire to be him in place of... any other wealthy person.
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
Also, if I you were going to make millions - I mean if God came down from heaven and said "Vikram you can have anything you want, make as much money as you want in any field you want" would you really turn around and say "I want to be a billionaire and I would to make my money by being an estate agent"? The seems a bit.... I don't know. A bit boring for an ultimate "if I could be anyone, I would be him. I would be a rich estate agent."

Anyway. If I could be anyone I'd choose to be Tony Stark.
Posted by vikram (Member # 98) on :
nice pad, hot chicks, pimp clothes. silly but cute obsession with basketball. has the dead eyes of someone having the best life.
Posted by Cherry In Hove (Member # 49) on :
Originally posted by vikram:
nice pad, hot chicks, pimp clothes

These are the most important things in life.
Posted by vikram (Member # 98) on :
i'd probably be charles saatchi, for the 80s advertising and all the art rather than nigella. i dont think i'd actually want to be an artist though.
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
Originally posted by vikram:
nice pad, hot chicks, pimp clothes. silly but cute obsession with basketball. has the dead eyes of someone having the best life.

But these are all just a product of having money. They're kind of the basic accoutrements for the rich and famous. Wouldn't you rather have these things and be a brilliant and successful musician, for example? Prince has all these things and the guy can wail on an axe and spend his spare time making albums that millions of people will buy and enjoy. I'm not sure why this guy is the best rich person you could possibly want to be.
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
Originally posted by vikram:
i'd probably be charles saatchi, for the 80s advertising and all the art rather than nigella. i dont think i'd actually want to be an artist though.

Seriously? All other things being equal, you would rather make advertising than art? For the Love of God Why?

[ 07.12.2009, 07:37: Message edited by: Thorn Davis ]
Posted by vikram (Member # 98) on :
there must be a certain satisfaction to mass manipulation
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
There's nothing cool about being a rich Jewish estate agent. Especially if you set up a website just to show people how amazingly cool and interesting you and your lifestyle are.

[ 07.12.2009, 07:39: Message edited by: Ringo ]
Posted by vikram (Member # 98) on :
oh i totally missed Thorn's Hirst reference there.
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
Me too.
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
good to know that vikram hasn't changed at all.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Is this a joke?
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
I'm hungry.
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
Do I get a Gemini award?

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