I noticed that the lunch club thread is locked so I thought this might be useful. The mid "noughties" were very lunch centric, almost entirely thanks to the central role it played in the wonderful, barrier breaking TV series "sex in the city". Modern day buzzfeed readers will be busy uploading pictures of #vegan #gluten-free #freakshakes that they had for #brunch. but what of the humble dinner? A meal made by the tired, for the disinterested, that serves only as an infuriating barrier between screens. Pity the dinner.
Oh,me? I had some chips, some hummus and 3.5 pints of lager. I feel very sick now. Really sick, I think I may have to be sick so I can stop feeling sick. Anyway look forward to hearing about your dinners, and how they subtlely reflect your lifestyle and your values, your aspirations, and your gastric fortitude.
Posted by Waynster (Member # 56) on :
I am in a foreign so I just had breakfast. It was eggs cooked by my wife as I am crippled currently. 8/10 would try again.
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
Dinner this evening is being provided by Thorn. He is currently outside trying to light charcoal with one hand while fending off two boys with the other. He went out for some vegetables and came back with pork pie with egg in it. I pointed out that egg isn't a vegetable but he just snarled.
Posted by Kanye West (Member # 837) on :
8/10 is better than should ever be expected so you are winning already and its only breakfast. It is 11pm here (foreign also) so no chance to redeem things. I'm really hoping to ride out the next hour and hope that things go the other way because vomitting is more distressing than explosive anal evacuation, even when factoring in the need to endure nauseau. Vomitting is the cowards way out.
Posted by Kanye West (Member # 837) on :
Octavia, despite the egg debacle it sounds like you are still lined up for a lovely dinner, and while I now need to lie in a foetal position and pray to a non-existant God that somehow my biological systems can work this literal shit out or just cease altogether, I still am looking forward to logging onto the internet tomorrow morning and reading about your evening's barbeque adventure. I hope to read it aside lie in bed, and find myself grinning, maybe even nodding and making little unplanned exclamations of pleasure as I recreate the events of the evening on the stage of my imagination, as directed by your own recollection. I hope it goes well.
Have a lovely night everybody!
Posted by Kanye West (Member # 837) on :
"aside" should be "as I" - autocorrect - I'm using my telephone to post!!! Posted by Benny the Ball (Member # 694) on :
Last night I ordered thai food to be delivered from a place that is less than a mile away. I ordered it at 4.25 with plans of an early dinner. It wasn't delivered until 6.30 after two phone calls.
But it was really good.
So now I'm torn...
Posted by Cherry In Hove (Member # 49) on :
Thanks very much for asking Kanye. It's really nice that you're taking an interest in our lives.
I like the sound of Thorn Davis' barbecue. I am actually in the privileged position of having eaten a barbecue cooked by Thorn Davis on more than one occasion and so I can assume that he will be serving a steak the size of your forearm and a massive ciabatta and nothing else. It will be amazing.
I'm having chicken for supper tonight. It is being cooked with fennel and sambuca so overall I imagine the flavour hit will be aniseedy. Like eating 8 black jacks.
Posted by chocolatebuns (Member # 362) on :
Lunch was hotdogs, crappy frankfurters with friend onions in white bread finger rolls.
Dinner, not sure yet. It's too hot to think about food, but I've done the weekly shop so there's plenty in depending on what the rest of the household wants.
Posted by Cherry In Hove (Member # 49) on :
quote:Originally posted by chocolatebuns: Lunch was hotdogs, crappy frankfurters with friend onions in white bread finger rolls.
Why are you slicing me up? I thought we were friends Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
It's only polite to be friends with your food before you eat it. Who wants a stranger in their mouth, after all?
Posted by jnhoj (Member # 286) on :
The girlfriend is making a vegan Shepards Pie. I should point out that we call 'dinner' 'tea' in the North. Though I live in Epping now so I'm looking to create some sort of new compound for those who find themselves dislocated, 'Teanner' perhaps.
I can't believe I have to return to work tomorrow. I simply can't believe it.
Posted by Physic (Member # 195) on :
Lunch was some fairly decent sushi while sat in the sunshine, dinner is a lamb meatball tagine with rice, touch wood it should be rather tasty...
quote:Who wants a stranger in their mouth, after all?
Oooh matron...
Posted by Benny the Ball (Member # 694) on :
quote:Originally posted by jnhoj: I should point out that we call 'dinner' 'tea' in the North.
My kids make fun of me when I call lunch 'dinner'
Posted by Kanye West (Member # 837) on :
Well, it seems I'll have to get through the day without a word picture of Thorn's barbeque. The lack of update leads me to conjour a scene of a whole family ravaged by potentially fatal food poisoning; an orchestra of violent excretion, with a poorly cooked chicken conducting the scene like it was last night of the proms, complete with miniature tuxedo and a baton tucked under a pinkish, half eaten wing.
Or maybe just severe burns.
Posted by Kanye West (Member # 837) on :
For anybody left on a knife edge following my alarming report last night - after a night of terrifying nightmares and repeated waking, I have conquered whatever was ailing me.
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
quote:Originally posted by Benny the Ball:
quote:Originally posted by jnhoj: I should point out that we call 'dinner' 'tea' in the North.
My kids make fun of me when I call lunch 'dinner'
Tea is a drink. WTF is wrong with you people.
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
[ 29.08.2017, 03:15: Message edited by: Thorn Davis ]
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
quote:Originally posted by Kanye West: Well, it seems I'll have to get through the day without a word picture of Thorn's barbeque.
I'm sure Thorn is even now crafting a finely-nuanced description of the hilarious moment when a child choked on a piece of steak and promptly vomited on the grass; the screams and wails as the potato wedges were found to be really quite hot; the smell of skunk drifting over from two doors down ('Mummy, what's that smell?') and other highlights of a traditional family bank holiday barbecue.
I expect you can't wait to read it.
Posted by herbs (Member # 101) on :
I am considering moving to The North. Will I beaten with sticks for calling 'dinner' lunch and 'tea' dinner? And for sounding like a posh twat?
More twattery: lunch yesterday was on the train - hummus with carrots, and a gluten-free vietnamese spring roll. The day before I had a turmeric, ginger and lemon infusion. Just one, mind. And this was in York, of all places.
DINNER was poached ginger and sesame chicken. Plus booze.
There was no choking or skunk.
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
quote:Originally posted by jnhoj: The girlfriend is making a vegan Shepards Pie. I should point out that we call 'dinner' 'tea' in the North. Though I live in Epping now so I'm looking to create some sort of new compound for those who find themselves dislocated, 'Teanner' perhaps.
You could call it supper. That will really get their backs up.
Posted by Kanye West (Member # 837) on :
No news yet on dinner today, will update the forum as soon as a short list of solutions becomes available. A number of options, but still need to complete feasibility study, and gain alignment with other likely dining partners. happy to answer any questions in the mean time, but information is not very forthcoming at the moment.
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
What have you got in the fridge?
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
quote:Originally posted by Kanye West: No news yet on dinner today, will update the forum as soon as a short list of solutions becomes available. A number of options, but still need to complete feasibility study, and gain alignment with other likely dining partners. happy to answer any questions in the mean time, but information is not very forthcoming at the moment.
Thank you for the update Stephen. It is disappointing that more information is not yet available. Speed should be considered a priority on this, as in all we do.
Posted by Kanye West (Member # 837) on :
quote:Originally posted by Octavia:
quote:Originally posted by Kanye West: Well, it seems I'll have to get through the day without a word picture of Thorn's barbeque.
I'm sure Thorn is even now crafting a finely-nuanced description of the hilarious moment when a child choked on a piece of steak and promptly vomited on the grass; the screams and wails as the potato wedges were found to be really quite hot; the smell of skunk drifting over from two doors down ('Mummy, what's that smell?') and other highlights of a traditional family bank holiday barbecue.
I expect you can't wait to read it.
Frankly, I've moved on. I needed the update before leaving bed for the morning. Once I was up and about, it was too late.
I'm not going to say that sloppy reporting was the only thing that brought the forum to a miserable state of hiatus but it was certainly a key factor.
Posted by Kanye West (Member # 837) on :
quote:Originally posted by Thorn Davis:
quote:Originally posted by Kanye West: No news yet on dinner today, will update the forum as soon as a short list of solutions becomes available. A number of options, but still need to complete feasibility study, and gain alignment with other likely dining partners. happy to answer any questions in the mean time, but information is not very forthcoming at the moment.
Thank you for the update Stephen. It is disappointing that more information is not yet available. Speed should be considered a priority on this, as in all we do.
Understood, and I am v. aware of the situation. Pulling out all stops here. Appreciate your patience.
Posted by Kanye West (Member # 837) on :
quote:Originally posted by Octavia: What have you got in the fridge?
Sadly no fridge access at this time.
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
Not sure yet. Might be burgers. I had a burger for dinner yesterday. It had pulled pork in it, and was served in a sesame bun. I had it at the pub last night prior to watching the GoT finale with my wife, NWoD, and his girlfriend. Also pinched some of my wife's sweet potato fries They were pretty decent, as it goes, though not as nice as the sweet potato fries I had at the weekend, while also at a burger place with my wife, NWoD, and his girlfriend. Been having burgers a lot recently. Not really intentionally; it's just how circumstances have aligned.
So yeah, pretty decent last night, maybe 7 out of 10. Probably more burgers tonight but likely home cooked and not accompanied by sweet potato fries. We'll see I guess.
Posted by Cherry In Hove (Member # 49) on :
I love a good burger. My girlfriend and children aren't really big fans so I don't eat them often. If we do a barbecue I'll make ones stuffed with blue cheese. Those are good. But, that's quite rare.
I suspect dinner tonight will be crisps and fruit or something as I'll be getting back from London about 6:30 and my girlfriend then has to leave for work at 6:45, so will have eaten with children already and I can't be bothered to cook anything for myself.
I'm a bit worried about Kanye's lack of fridge. Where do you keep your milk and beer?
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Lunch is a serious affair at my office. When I first joined the company they said that lunchtime on a Tuesday was paid for by the company and it's a chance to get together. The mirage melted away to produce one of the tensest days of the week. You see lunch is mandatory and is often a chance to be chewed out over perceived sleights. If you do need to raise some questions, you will always be spoken to like a twat. Here are some of the interactions I have endured today:
I go to interrupt what looks to be the director finishing up lunch.
"Before we go, does anyone know anything about the kiosks at [unspecified hospital]?"
*sternly* "We're not going anywhere yet"
*awkward silence*
"They are built into the wall and one of the first steps we use to troubleshoot he hardware is to unplug it from the power. These are spurred in and held behind some paneling."
"Are the cables behind the paneling"
"I don't know, I'm not at the hospital, which is why I'm asking who installed the paneling"
"We didn't install it"
I am no further to finding out who is responsible for granting access to this.
"Ok, we're done"
*everybody stands up*
"So that way, the user can check in with the app as they arrive"
"From a support perspective, how will we be dealing with support calls"
"we won't, we'll be producing the app for them"
"Yes but for bug fixing, will we have a knowledge base, or an email to look at problems, will the trust send these to us"
"We won't be doing support, the trust will"
*one director interrupts the other*
"No it's a good point, we'll be providing some tools for logging, don't worry, you won't have to take thousands of calls"
I sit there, feeling bad for asking a legitimate question.
On a scale of Tense to TSA body cavity search, a solid 7.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Flood protection, by anus.
[ 29.08.2017, 09:32: Message edited by: New Way Of Decay ]
Posted by Kanye West (Member # 837) on :
Ok guys, so good news and bad news. Good news is that I've got a confirmation on dinner, bad news is that it's already happened, so I am now working on identifying the reason for the disconnect, and why this information wasn't made available to the forum sooner.
Dinner tonight was three pints of lager and some tepid chips, and actually this had lead to a better understanding of the ongoing nausea problems. There's a suggestion that a lager centric diet could be sub-optimal for maintaining a negligible level of both nauseau and anal discomfort, and we're going to look into this over the next few days. Expect a preliminary forum post into next steps and recommendations in the next few days.
In better news, we've already identified that dinner tomorrow is likely to be a kind of bastard almagamation of vegetarian Chinese and Indian food, to be consumed from inside a deep malaise (or funk, still waiting on confirmation from Temperament Assesment) before boarding a plane. Should be back in BST by Thursday so expect dinner reports at the timezone appropriate hour.
Sorry the news isn't better, rest assured that those responsible for the delay are being spoken to,and we'd invite anybody who has ongoing dependencies on time sensitive dinner reports to an open forum post in two weeks, where we will be reviewing dinner reporting best practise, and inviting feedback from stakeholders.
Please excuse any typos, and watch out for a message that can be delivered to forum leadership in the next few days
[ 29.08.2017, 10:44: Message edited by: Kanye West ]
Posted by Kanye West (Member # 837) on :
Oh, and just seeing this note from Cherry in Hove re: meat and milk, and happy to be able to report that established vegan diet means that there's no longer a risk regarding stored or ingested flesh/ bodily fluids. Aware of the ongoing difficulty in messaging regarding this transition as a result of public sentiment, but happy to pass any queries to the usual channels.
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
Y'know it has never before occurred to me that veganism might enable one to do away with the whole refrigeration nightmare.
In other reports, as I have failed to haul my arse out of the house to buy either onions or Parmesan, tonight's dinner will not be spicy sweet potato stew OR beetroot 'n' walnut pesto, but instead something made out of chicken, stock, pasta, garlic, white wine and Cheddar. I practise a form of culinary segregation where vegetables are kept strictly apart from all other foodstuffs.
Posted by Kanye West (Member # 837) on :
Let's hope that the full report is more forthcoming today, in time for tomorrow's "duvet digest" of the previous evening's dinners.
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
Worth mentioning - In the break I've gotten pretty heavily into hot sauces. My favourite is the Encona West Indian Hot Pepper Sauce, which I apply liberally at every opportunity. There's a pretty good chance that this will feature heavily in any future posts I make on this topic.
[ 29.08.2017, 11:56: Message edited by: Ringo ]
Posted by Kanye West (Member # 837) on :
Anyway, I'm still upbeat about tomorrow's dinner news, and am about to turn the light off here tonight. For the second time this week, I'll be lying in the dark, grinning to myself as I imagine all of the wonderful dishes that will be enjoyed by tmo'ers later on. Mikee proudly insta'ing two pickled onions lightly dipped in hundred and thousands, CIH perfecting an MC Escher serving arrangement of impossibly stacked square plates, and Waynster, having a solid fucking man's dinner that is befitting a man who literally fights fire in his spare time while other pussified fuckpussies pussy about with pointless lives that are cast into irrelevance by his lust for an actual life.
Over the years as I've been waiting for my login to work again, I've read and re-read thorns iconic front page post, never daring to imagine that one day I'd get this chance again. The single tear of joy that will soon soak into this pillow has remained tapped for this very occasion.
What a wonderful time. I hope all of your dinners are excellent. Posted by Waynster (Member # 56) on :
quote: Waynster, having a solid fucking man's dinner that is befitting a man who literally fights fire in his spare time while other pussified fuckpussies pussy about with pointless lives that are cast into irrelevance by his lust for an actual life.
I'm having quiche actually.I feel like i am letting you down
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
Pudding News
Kellifer made apple and blackberry sponges and pies yesterday. The apples came from a local apple tree and had to be demaggotted prior to baking. I foraged the blackberries while the children were asleep in the car parked in a field in the middle of nowhere, and Kellifer was geocaching. The best ones were very high up, so I used a bungee cord from the boot of my estate car in order to pull the branches down and reach the tasty fruit. I'm pretty sure we'll survive after Trump and Kim get their game on.
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ringo: Worth mentioning - In the break I've gotten pretty heavily into hot sauces.
Doesn't everything then just taste like the hot sauce?
Posted by jnhoj (Member # 286) on :
Bolognese tonight, Misc appears to be eating grey stop signs for tea, which can't be pleasant.
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
quote:Originally posted by jnhoj: Bolognese tonight, Misc appears to be eating grey stop signs for tea, which can't be pleasant.
Originally it was nice-looking sponges and suchlike, but he seems to have broken the forum's ability to see with his mammoth pie-pics.
Posted by Cherry In Hove (Member # 49) on :
I'm a bit concerned about Kanye going vegan. I can support vegetarianism at a push but vegan is just depriving yourself of cheese which sounds a bit too self hating.
My dinner was fish of some kind. (Coley? Ling? Whiting? Who knows. Something that got delivered in my fishbox and then shoved in the freezer). With boiled potatoes, green beans, broccoli and roasted fennel. It was fine. I'm quite hungry now though and I only finished eating half an hour ago.
Posted by jnhoj (Member # 286) on :
A bit too self hating? Kanye West? That's his raisins d'etre isn't it?
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
quote:Originally posted by Cherry In Hove: It was fine. I'm quite hungry now though and I only finished eating half an hour ago.
That's fish for you.
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
quote:Originally posted by Octavia:
quote:Originally posted by Ringo: Worth mentioning - In the break I've gotten pretty heavily into hot sauces.
Doesn't everything then just taste like the hot sauce?
Very much so!
Posted by Kanye West (Member # 837) on :
I don't dare speculate around the mystery of the "fishbox", but as I lie here in bed, it fills me with unironic pleasure to learn about last night's dinners. Hope they were as satisfying to eat as they were to contemplate.
Posted by Kanye West (Member # 837) on :
quote:Originally posted by jnhoj: A bit too self hating? Kanye West? That's his raisins d'etre isn't it?
Lol fuck u pal I am a paragon of narcissism.
[ 29.08.2017, 22:50: Message edited by: Kanye West ]
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
quote:Originally posted by Octavia: chicken, stock, pasta, garlic, white wine and Cheddar
Happy to report that this was tasty. Tarragon was also in the mix. Would have been better if I'd remembered the garlic, but we muddled through. For anyone who's wondering, poaching chicken and then using both chicken and the poaching broth in a sauce is very good. I realise Benway won't be wondering, because he no longer consumes the flesh of the beasts of the field, but, y'know. Anyone else.
Posted by Kanye West (Member # 837) on :
In defiance of your assumption, I wondered about it, and it sounds like it tastes good Posted by Kanye West (Member # 837) on :
Anyways good morning all, I have been keeping the forum fires burning while you slept.
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
So, Dr B - why the veganism? Serious question.
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
quote:Originally posted by New Way Of Decay: On a scale of Tense to TSA body cavity search, a solid 7.
Work is weirdly tense here, too, today. I sit with all the techy people who spend their time designing whizzy tech products using machine learning and natural language processing. At one end of the floor is a whiteboard covered with code, to do with a project aimed at revolutionizing healthcare in the Western world. Every day the software engineers will spend an hour or two puzzling over these algorithms. I was in super-early this morning, as I stood there looking at it, sipping my morning coffee, it all started to make sense to me. I'm not a coder by trade, but like Neo in the Matrix, all these equations and numbers resolved into something I understood, and it was suddenly painfully obvious to me where the coders had been going wrong. I took a board rubber and dry marker and set about making the numbers and letters dance to my tune. This is it. I thought. This is what I'll be remembered for. I heard classical music playing in my head is I scrubbed and wrote and rearranged symbols. I pictured my colleagues filtering in in the morning, awestruck by what I'd achieved. "Who did this?" they would whisper in amazement.
After about 45 minutes of dense scribbling I stepped back and admired my work. For maybe thirty seconds I could see the beautiful tapestry of code I had woven, before the veil fell again as quickly as it had lifted, and I could no longer understand what I had created. The numbers became gibberish to me as they had been before.
I went back to my desk and waited with great anticipation to see what the coders would make of my work. Even if I couldn't recall my mastery of code, I knew that I had given something amazing to this world; something that would save lives. Soon enough, the first software engineers arrived to the office, setting up at their desks before wandering over to the Healthcare whiteboard. They did indeed start asking "who did this", but the tone wasn't quite right. They started snapping the question at each other with quite an aggressive edge, and one guy looked like he was about to start crying. They're talking about looking at CCTV footage, now, and there are quite a few of them. Coincidentally, I feel quite ill, like the time when my dad had come home to find a hole in the living room wall from when I'd fired the air rifle inside the house without really thinking about what I was doing. I think that if I carry on feeling this ill I may have to go home for the day.
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
Posted by Kanye West (Member # 837) on :
I think I made the decision after walking the England-Wales border a few years ago, following the Offa's Dyke trail. After spending a couple of weeks walking through fields of livestock, and basically animals being my main company for one of the weeks, I no longer felt comfortable supporting their slaughter, considering i viewed them as individuals with as much right to live as me.
Also read a few books on Buddhism (which I'm still doing hence DT Suzuki), meditated etc, read the book "Altruism", and it became clear that our relationships with animals - as with people - should be based on care, and application of altruistic practice is the key to coming to terms with ones relationship with oneself, and ones place in the universe.
[ 30.08.2017, 04:05: Message edited by: Kanye West ]
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
Props, say I. Doing the Thames Path and encountering enormous quantities of beef-on-the-hoof has invested me with no similar disavowal of flesh. Mostly I was just scared of them and wanted them out of the way. In general terms, though, I do make an effort to buy food that's been happy, and to eat as much of an animal as possible. Without wanting to sound too hippy-dippy I do think it's our responsibility - if we're going to eat animals - to respect them while they're alive, kill them humanely and eat every bit.
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
I was tempted to post a joke comment in response to Kanye's comment there, but it seemed like a glib response to a warm and heartfelt post, so I didn't. The joke was going to be along the lines of 'If it helps, I've always thought of you as being on the same level as livestock', so if you like that joke, remember that it was my quick and witty mind that came up with this but also that I was sensitive enough to be profoundly moved in a deep and emotional way by Benway's post and therefore to decide not to post the post.
I've thought a few times about the cognitive dissonance required to be a meat eater, which Kanye's post articulates quite well. I think my main stumbling block - I think - is that I feel like I would struggle to eat well enough to feel good if I was on a vegan diet.
[ 30.08.2017, 05:05: Message edited by: Thorn Davis ]
Posted by Kanye West (Member # 837) on :
Thorn that's a good joke, and would have offset the stomach turning earnestness. I already regret this wildly off-script, and will get things back in track.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
quote:Originally posted by Kanye West: I already regret this wildly off-script, and will get things back in track.
I suspect you'll probably be angrily tucking into steak at some point, calling previous vegan you "a duff-headed thundercuck"
If you're working on your memoirs, I'd like you call this chapter Gentle Ben(way)
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
quote:Originally posted by New Way Of Decay:
If you're working on your memoirs, I'd like you call this chapter Gentle Ben(way)
Thorn Davis liked this post. I would totally read Benway's memoirs, incidentally.
I'd heard that a vegan diet was supposed to make you feel amazing, but Kanye's description of his gastric armageddon upthread hasn't fully sold me on this idea.
[ 30.08.2017, 06:21: Message edited by: Thorn Davis ]
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
You're eating vegan tonight, so you'll be able to compare notes.
Posted by Cherry In Hove (Member # 49) on :
So, I've failed to keep track and am unsure about which timezone Kanye is in right now and when he will read this post. I have a feeling that he might be back in the present rather than living in the future and so may read this quietly on the bright screen of his mobile as he's going to sleep. His girlfriend will say "Turn that off, the light is keeping me up", but Kanye will press on. He is now unable to sleep without the sweet satisfaction of knowing what I have had for dinner.
Begrudgingly he turns the brightness down on his 5.8 inch super AMOLED capacitive touchscreen and rolls over to try to hide his guilty pleasure. She still knows, but Kanye must see this through.
I had a fish curry for supper tonight. Obviously with rice and naan and poppadoms because although you obviously don't need three carbs with a meal, which one are you going to get rid of?
Rice? Well, you can't have a curry without rice. You may as well just throw your arms up and embrace anarchy if that is how you're going to live your life.
Naan Bread? Some would argue this isn't vital, but to those people I'd ask how you are going to wipe up the last bits of sauce? With your finger? Not on my watch.
Poppadom? One would probably say this was the least important as it doesn't add much flavourwise to the dish, however what it does add it a texture that you don't get from any of the other parts of the meal. The interplay between the flaky fish, the soft rice, the pillowy naan are really lacking something with a bit of bite, some contrast to really get your mouth thinking. This is where the crunch of the poppadom really shines.
Now, everyone likes curry in one kind or another, however the problem with cooking curry for four people is that nobody is going to get their perfect curry. It's not going to be spicy enough for me, it's not going to be coconutty enough for my girlfriend, it's not going to be lasagney enough for my children, so nobody is thrilled, but everybody eats. There is the joy. Everybody eats. That is what we need from a meal and that delivered.
Obviously the solution for this is to only get takeaway curry so everyone can have what they want. I hear you Kanye, but I'm not a millionaire. I'm but a modest man, I can't afford takeaway curry every time that we want it, so sometimes, my friend, we have to make sacrifices and so overall, whilst the meal wasn't a top 5 meal of any of the participants, it was eaten by all and enjoyed to some extent by all.
5/10 (7/10 with rice).
Posted by Banana (Member # 89) on :
quote:Originally posted by Cherry In Hove: Rice? Well, you can't have a curry without rice. You may as well just throw your arms up and embrace anarchy if that is how you're going to live your life.
*throws arms in air* I love a bit of anarchy at dinner time, and I can't have 3 carbs with my curry so discard the rice as it's the most boring part
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
I agree with Banana. Ditch the rice. It brings nothing to the party. You can neither scoop nor mop with rice and you have to chase the last little bits around until you can trap them with the undertines of your fork. Rice is just the friend-of-a-friend you felt you had to invite to the wedding because it's been around forever and everyone would notice and judge you if it wasn't there. Well, screw the niceties, I say. Do what you want. FUCK RICE!
[ 31.08.2017, 02:57: Message edited by: Octavia ]
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
quote:Originally posted by Cherry In Hove: I had ... fish
Posted by Cherry In Hove (Member # 49) on :
Yeah, fish again. I would imagine that I'll have it again at some stage this week. We generally have it at least three times a week. I love fish.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
I fucking loved that dinner review Cherry. I peaked at the curry not being lasagney enough.
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
quote:Originally posted by Cherry In Hove: Yeah, fish again. I would imagine that I'll have it again at some stage this week. We generally have it at least three times a week. I love fish.
If you carry on eating that much fish you'll turn into a fish, LOL.*
*there is no scientific basis for this claim
[ 31.08.2017, 05:00: Message edited by: Thorn Davis ]
Posted by Banana (Member # 89) on :
quote:Originally posted by Cherry In Hove: Yeah, fish again. I would imagine that I'll have it again at some stage this week. We generally have it at least three times a week. I love fish.
I mostly had vodka for dinner last night. I usually have that 3 times a week. I love vodka
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
quote:Originally posted by Banana: I mostly had vodka for dinner last night. I usually have that 3 times a week. I love vodka
I never really got on board with vodka - seems functional rather than pleasant, and it seems that a 'better' vodka is one that you can't taste as much as a cheap vodka. It all really seems to point to one purpose. I like bourbon and whisky. I also really like rum. Ron Zacapa is good, but i can only afford it from the airport.
I went on a 'team-celebration' thing recently at the Bols House of Spirits place in Amsterdam and learnt to make a couple of cocktails. They do a remarkable yogurt liqueur that you can use to make a cocktail called a Cheesecake - that might make for something a bit more substantial than vodka, perhaps if you need a good hearty breakfast.
Posted by Cherry In Hove (Member # 49) on :
I don't drink whisky or bourbon as I find that drinking those makes me really argumentative, so it's generally a bad idea.
I pretty much only drink wine and gin these days. (Well, and coffee of course, but that's like saying that I breathe oxygen and is just necessary to survive a day).
I've massively reduced the amount of wine I drink but upped the cost per bottle which, whilst having the bonus of having amazing tasting wines at home does mean that I'm generally a bit disappointed by wines I have when out for a meal as there is no way I'm going to spend £40-£50 on a bottle of wine with a meal.
Posted by Banana (Member # 89) on :
I mostly drink flavoured vodka as otherwise you really don't know you're drinking anything other than a soft drink. I choose it as a good option for not much hangover!
I do love a nice spiced rum though on a weekend, or a bourbon.
quote: I went on a 'team-celebration' thing recently at the Bols House of Spirits place in Amsterdam and learnt to make a couple of cocktails. They do a remarkable yogurt liqueur that you can use to make a cocktail called a Cheesecake - that might make for something a bit more substantial than vodka, perhaps if you need a good hearty breakfast.
That sounds good and definitely a bit more nutritious than vodka
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
I can definitely recommend the Bols Cheesecake, even though it sounds a bit like something you boys might find in your pants after a long run.
Posted by Waynster (Member # 56) on :
quote:Originally posted by Octavia: I can definitely recommend the Bols Cheesecake, even though it sounds a bit like something you boys might find in your pants after a long run.
And thus my quest for my first Bols Cheesecake ended before it even started......
Posted by Waynster (Member # 56) on :
quote:Originally posted by Cherry In Hove: I pretty much only drink wine and gin these days. (Well, and coffee of course, but that's like saying that I breathe oxygen and is just necessary to survive a day).
I've always thought I like the odd cheeky G&T, but I think the last time I had one was in Hamburg 10 years ago. However I had some rather fantastic flavored gins one night that Octavia (who never ceases to astound me with her crafting talents) had concocted - I'm hoping that one day soon the children will be introduced to their mother's talent, and then exploited 8 hours a night to produce vast quantities of this elixir in the garden shed.
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
Eight hours? I would give it about eight minutes of them working in a distillery before it descended into a three way rolling fist fight followed by an explosion.
Posted by Banana (Member # 89) on :
quote:Originally posted by Waynster:
quote:Originally posted by Octavia: I can definitely recommend the Bols Cheesecake, even though it sounds a bit like something you boys might find in your pants after a long run.
And thus my quest for my first Bols Cheesecake ended before it even started......
Hey I had a mouthful of slightly sweaty cheese sandwich when I read it. Least it wasn't salty I guess Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
quote:Originally posted by Waynster: However I had some rather fantastic flavored gins one night that Octavia...had concocted
Hah! This has inspired me to bottle up some blackberry gin and sloe gin this autumn.
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
I've been thinking of doing the same. Blackberries and sloes are all looking pretty ripe at the moment.
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
Googling 'gin infusions' is also a source of good ideas. Got my eye on an apple-and-cinnamon combo at the moment that sounds v Christmassy. I came across a Clementine one too.
Posted by Banana (Member # 89) on :
Do you basically just get a bottle of gin, jam a load of fruit in it and wait a while? I tried to make elderflower vodka once and it all went very badly wrong.
Started pretty with the little flowers floating in the clear liquid loveliness that is vodka. And then over the space of a few weeks I watched the flowers and the vodka both turn a delightful shade of mouldy brown. I'm not sure that should have happened. I opened it and sniffed, cos you have to sniff things in life to see just how bad they really are, and it smelt like a cat had weed on a flower bush and jammed the whole sorry mess in a vodka bottle. My cat was clever, but not that clever.
So I'm always jealous of successful alcohol infusers, share your wisdom please
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
I've never done anything with elderflowers, at least partly because I had to do a load of corporate stuff when pregnant and the only fucking soft drink that was ever served at 'do's was elderflower cordial. I got sick to death of it. But for berry gin: get a large glass jar fill half full of berries (wash them first, or tbh frozen ones are as good) shovel in a couple of tablespoons of sugar top up with gin
Turn it every week or so for a few weeks, then decant into a nice clear glass bottle so you can see how pretty it is.
Posted by Banana (Member # 89) on :
quote:Originally posted by Octavia: I've never done anything with elderflowers, at least partly because I had to do a load of corporate stuff when pregnant and the only fucking soft drink that was ever served at 'do's was elderflower cordial. I got sick to death of it. But for berry gin: get a large glass jar fill half full of berries (wash them first, or tbh frozen ones are as good) shovel in a couple of tablespoons of sugar top up with gin
Turn it every week or so for a few weeks, then decant into a nice clear glass bottle so you can see how pretty it is.
I know what I'm doing this weekend now! Cheers
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
Last time I made sloe gin I made up some sugar syrup rather than adding raw sugar. Not sure it made much of a difference either way.
Posted by Cherry In Hove (Member # 49) on :
Kanye is going to be absolutely disgusted when he comes back to here, sees all the new replies and expects to be able to wank himself into a coma from all the dinner descriptions he is about to gorge on. Then he'll see it is people discussing infusing alcohol and his erection will drop faster than a child's shorts at Michael Jackson's house.
(I appreciate that metaphor might not be the most up to date one that could be used, but you know, some of the other posts I've been reading on here seemed quite stuck in the past as well)>
Posted by Samuelnorton (Member # 48) on :
Simple things round here this evening.
Boerewors ready for the griddle pan, beer chilling nicely in the fridge. All while watching the abject silliness that is Top of the Lake: China Girl.
[ 31.08.2017, 16:24: Message edited by: Samuelnorton ]
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
I've got a black pudding and I need some ideas about what to do with it.
Posted by Cherry In Hove (Member # 49) on :
quote:Originally posted by Octavia: I've got a black pudding and I need some ideas about what to do with it.
Two things that I regularly use black pudding for:
1) Break it up and push it under the skin on the breast of a whole chicken and then roast it. It's great.
2) This Nigel Slater Sausage, Black pudding and parsnip dish. (Although, it's a bit early for nice parsnips, so you might have to wait a few months really and then your black pudding will be off).
I've also made scotch eggs with black pudding instead of sausage meat and they are good but a bit of a faff.
Posted by herbs (Member # 101) on :
Dainty black pudding as an accompaniment to scallops was all the rage on Masterchef a few years ago. Along with a cheffy smear of cauliflower puree. But, again, bit/lot of a faff.
Posted by Samuelnorton (Member # 48) on :
Fry the black pudding lightly, and crumble it into a salad. Add some chopped bacon or lardons.
Result: a tasty meal that can be passed off as healthy.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Fucking hell, fried pigs blood is giving me a proper full-on nomboner.
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
Pub tonight. Could be another burger on the cards.
Posted by Samuelnorton (Member # 48) on :
Friday night is sushi night.
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
Lacking a chicken, and having fed Thorn vegetables two nights in a row (thus ruling out salad) I'm going to fry the black pudding with onions, garlic, chilli and tomatoes then bake it for a pasta sauce.
Posted by Waynster (Member # 56) on :
quote:Originally posted by Octavia: Lacking a chicken, and having fed Thorn vegetables two nights in a row (thus ruling out salad) I'm going to fry the black pudding with onions, garlic, chilli and tomatoes then bake it for a pasta sauce.
:inserts standard Homer Simpson drooling gif:
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
quote:Originally posted by Waynster:
quote:Originally posted by Octavia: Lacking a chicken, and having fed Thorn vegetables two nights in a row (thus ruling out salad) I'm going to fry the black pudding with onions, garlic, chilli and tomatoes then bake it for a pasta sauce.
:inserts standard Homer Simpson drooling gif:
Happy to report this was really good. Left the seeds out of the (big) chilli, and added a spoonful of red wine vinegar for sweetness. Short pasta, not spaghetti. Repeatable.
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
I had pork and beef ragu from the freezer on sourdough toast with a garnish of white truffle mayonnaise. It was very tasty.
Totally meat and dairy fest, sorry Benway.
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
quote:Originally posted by H1ppychick: white truffle mayonnaise
Pretty posh Friday night grub there. Don't think I've ever eaten truffles.
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
Goddam DP.
[ 02.09.2017, 03:16: Message edited by: Octavia ]
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
Always jiggles my finger on the Add Reply button.
Posted by Samuelnorton (Member # 48) on :
We stumbled across Truffle Hunter while at the Good Food Show a few years back. Excellent black truffle mayonnaise, if spending a shilling short of a tenner on stuff in a small jar is your thing.
Posted by Cherry In Hove (Member # 49) on :
quote:Originally posted by Samuelnorton: We stumbled across Truffle Hunter while at the Good Food Show a few years back. Excellent black truffle mayonnaise, if spending a shilling short of a tenner on stuff in a small jar is your thing.
You want to be spending a good amount on anything containing truffle as that increases the chance that it actually contains truffle rather than truffle oil which is very regularly used and is pretty repulsive.
Posted by Samuelnorton (Member # 48) on :
quote:Originally posted by Cherry In Hove: You want to be spending a good amount on anything containing truffle as that increases the chance that it actually contains truffle rather than truffle oil which is very regularly used and is pretty repulsive.
Yep. Just looked at ingredients. 2% truffle, no mention of truffle oil. Truffle flavour though, whatever that means.
I actually made my own truffle mayonnaise some years back, but it was around 10% truffle. It might have been too much for some people.
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
I never really 'got' truffle till I went on holiday to Croatia last year, to a region famed for its black truffles, and I realised how nice proper truffle can be. The mayonnaise that I had was white truffle from Harvey Nicks and was a present from a holiday-mate after we returned. I do have jars of minced truffle that I brought back from holiday with me and I've also purchased some Truffle Hunter oil.
Posted by Waynster (Member # 56) on :
H1ppy, where in Croatia did you go? Went there on my honeymoon - lovely place
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
We were in Istria, near Pula. We drank a lot of wine.
Posted by Waynster (Member # 56) on :
quote:Originally posted by H1ppychick: We were in Istria, near Pula. We drank a lot of wine.
That's the one area of coastal Croatia we didn't get to see. We got the train into Zagreb, then a flight to Dubrovnic, then hired a car and drove through the country back up to Zagreb stopping in Split, Zadar, Rijeka and back across to Zagreb. We also went into Bosnia to Mostar, and a couple of other places along the way. Lovely country
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
Someone has written up on one of the whiteboards around here "Excuses don't get results". A demonstrably untrue statement - I can think of many occasions where excuses have got me the exact result I was after.
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
It makes no sense logically. 'Results' doesn't imply good or desirable results. Everything 'gets results'. Cause and effect. When the children strip down to their pants immediately after school and run through the house screaming 'Me Tarzan King Of Jungle' as I'm on the phone it gets results. In fact they would probably prefer it if it didn't get results.
Thorn should change the whiteboard to this effect.