Benemies among you will no doubt be delighted to hear that I crashed my car, the week before last. Involved in an eight-car pile up, no less. So! So much for me being able to pontificate about safe drinving ever again.
Anyway. That no one was hurt is, I suppose, the most important thing. But. I just heard from my insurer the 'market value' of my written-off car is around a third of what I'd reasonably hoped for. What galls the most is that there's no way in this God's hell that I'll find a car remotely as good as my poor little deceased thing for anywhere like as little as this utterly spurious 'market value'.
Also: having flogged my innards out to get decent(BBC online frontpage! The Times! The Independent! Reuters!) coverage for a story last week I spoke to the internal client today and did I get so much as a thankyou for any of that? Well - you would have hoped so, but you would have hoped in vain, I'm afraid.
So. Feeling at a bit of a grotty ebb, I'm sorry to say.
Anyone got anything to cheer us all up with, of a Monday afternoon? Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
I'm going to be entering my 27th year next month, homeless, in debt, and single! If that doesn't bring a smile to people's faces then the world is a sadder place than I'd given it credit for.
Posted by Samuelnorton (Member # 48) on :
Not keeping your distance eh Benny?
Fuck cheering you up old chap. This story has certainly brought a smile to my face - a welcome relief after a particularly irritating couple of days.
Seriously, I am glad you are OK. Erm, yeah. I am. Honest.
[ 13.09.2004, 07:59: Message edited by: Samuelnorton ]
Posted by Samuelnorton (Member # 48) on :
quote:Originally posted by Thorn Davis: I'm going to be entering my 27th year next month, homeless, in debt, and single! If that doesn't bring a smile to people's faces then the world is a sadder place than I'd given it credit for.
Oh, happy days. Two for the price of none.
Posted by omikin (Member # 37) on :
i was up at my mum's this weekend for her birthday, and there was a huge porken pie left over after the buffet, so i took it home.
it is 10.5" in diameter and has a lattice top and is the best porken pie in the world.
i predict i will get 4 meals out of it.
thank you, appleton's of ripon.
Posted by Boy Racer (Member # 498) on :
Sorry to hear about your crash and the writing off of your motor Ben, very pleased to hear no one was hurt.
I don't know if it'll cheer people up, but the play I have been actor-directing went very well over it's three night run, and I'm still suffering from the after party where I met officially nice South Africans.
[ 13.09.2004, 08:07: Message edited by: Boy Racer ]
Posted by mart (Member # 32) on :
Well, Ben, now, I'm very sorry to hear about your accident and subsequent rubbish-value-of-car thing. To cheer you up, you'll be pleased to hear about the revolution that's happening in the world of Scalextric: you can now race up to six cars on one slot, and change lanes at the flick of a switch!
Quite exciting, isn't it? In other news, I applied for a job with a New York Hispanic advertising agency yesterday. I bet they play Scalextric all the time.
[ 13.09.2004, 08:19: Message edited by: mart ]
Posted by omikin (Member # 37) on :
nice one sam!
you're a funny guy!
Posted by StevieX (Member # 91) on :
Ben - the advice I was given on here when the insurance company tried to skank me following my crash was good; getting an independent valuation of your vehicle from a suitably reputable car person. Even threatening this caused my insurance company to up their settlement by £300 (they had already offered me a £100 increase, which I declined). £300 was worth an extra 10%, so definitely better than a poke in the nuts with a knitting needle.
As for cheery, well, I feel that I may just be the chirpiest geezer in the whole of Yorkshire right now. So much so, that I'm off to do some gardening. That's not really going to cheer anyone up though is it, rather it will make me the annoying chirpy bastard that everyone wants to lamp just for being so damn happy.
Posted by I am not... (Member # 25) on :
He's dead, and so's his dog - although I can't find out where Snorbitz(sp) is buried.
You're still alive... Hurrah! Posted by Boy Racer (Member # 498) on :
Editing incompetence.
[ 13.09.2004, 08:11: Message edited by: Boy Racer ]
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
Ben the car crash thing is pants. Dealing with insurance companies is only slightly less humanity-crushing than being in the centre of a crowd of Rangers fans on a good day out at Ibrox.
Edited to remove small whine.
[ 13.09.2004, 08:20: Message edited by: Louche ]
Posted by Uber Trick (Member # 456) on :
I filed my divorce papers today.
blank. blank. blank.
Sorry, was looking, but am fresh out of cheer. I have however got some empathy for you Ben, and some left over if anyone would like it? Thorn? Louche?
Posted by omikin (Member # 37) on :
i am moving out of luton at the end of the week!
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
Ben, if you'd like some car buying advice on your newly crippled budget* just let me know. I'm sure we can find you a decent Escort RS Turbo.
*lord be praised that's the only thing that's crippled
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
I watched a man in a suit run for the bus. He was glaring around to see if anyone would see him run and to avoid looking embarrassed, ran without bending his knees and elbows. His limbs were like ice lolly sticks as he tried to chase the bus, not quite fast enough. Then as it sailed away from his rag doll flailing apparent non-embarrasment style, he shook his arms and head with frustration and held one arm up almost as if the bus would see him and reverse 50 foot to pick him up.
While I was amused by this, I walked back into the building to see a lady crying out that she couldn't use her legs. A doctor ran over and as if he was the messiah, held both hands and she stood up, with ease and looked at him as if his very touch bore magical powers. Her children were sat, unimpressed, perhaps use to this behaviour and they reminded me of the scene in Full metal Jacket where the soldiers are crouched in cover as all these things go on around them.
wha evry buddy talk about the bud/the bird bubububba bubba bud is thu wud
If the image of this didn't amuse one iota, than big at car shiz.
Posted by Sidney (Member # 399) on :
I'm sorry to hear about the car crash and subsequent cocking from your insurance company, Ben. Stevie's suggestion seems a good one and worth a try.
In terms of cheering up potential, J swears by tuning in to an episode of Knightrider. He is a naturally morose person but seeing The Hass getting up to adventures in his leather blouson always puts a smile on his little face.
For example, the most recently watched episode featured Michael trying to fix a broken down Kit in the middle of the desert. This followed on from the previous episode in which Michael got into scrapes with his evil twin Garth Knight (played by The Hass sporting a false goatee beard). Out of a sense of loyalty, Kit decided to take on Garth's evil vehicle - a monster truck called Goliath. Hence, Kit's current predicament in the desert.
Anyway. Michael is scratching his head, trying to figure out how to mend Kit when he remembers the EDS (Emergency Design Schematics) kept under the driver's seat (where else?) He fishes them out, ponders them and then shrugs saying "It's all Greek to me!!" Which makes him a big idiot stuck in the desert whilst wearing a leather blouson.
I know that this features cars and that but I hope it still makes you smile a little bit. If not, there are many other humourous episodes of Knightrider to be enjoyed on Bravo, or wherever it is they are screened.
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
Thanks for your kind words, people - especially Stevie's useful-sounding advice. I feel like a bit of a fraud whining about something so trivial when I 'escaped without a scratch' but, you know, sometimes these things get to you. It was a great little car - Seat Ibiza, never had a single problem with it, even though it was ten years old and had 120k on the clock. Last MOT it barely cost me £40 to get it through.
I suspect I'll have to 'upgrade' to some sort of Volvo or spacewagon given impending arrival of you-know-what.
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
quote:Originally posted by ben: I suspect I'll have to 'upgrade' to some sort of Volvo or spacewagon given impending arrival of you-know-what.
What, your fifties?
There are plenty of cars out there which are both fun and practical. Unless you're planning on popping a few more out, just about anything with a full compliment of doors is going to be practical enough and most cars made within the last few years are safe enough too.
An Ibiza with 120k, though. You're talking between £800 and £1500?
Posted by herbs (Member # 101) on :
Insurance companies are cock-knockers. When my dear old lady Saab got nicked, AdmiArse wouldn't pay me anything, saying it wasn't worth any more than the excess of a princely £150. And THEY wonder why there are so many uninsured drivers around.
As for cheering strategies, how about a quick squiz at the Tommy Vance-hosted Dumb and Dumber. The clips of people blowing themselves up/falling down holes, etc, are standard fare, but his commentary causes R to crease with mirth. 'The name's Vance. Pronounced Vance.' aaaah *wipes eye*
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
I'd get every penny I could out of the insurance company. After all, it's exactly what they've been doing to you for the past X years
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ringo: An Ibiza with 120k, though. You're talking between £800 and £1500?
Yes - my insurers were talking £500 which, given its condition, FSH etc is, I think, taking the fucking piss.
I don't know. D had a company car and I doubt the company will let her keep it for the six months she's planning off. I think we'll have to talk about what's practical. I would be inclined to go with Seat again (good car to have a crash in, fwiw) but recommendations for others that'd be particularly good would be very welcome.
[ 13.09.2004, 08:53: Message edited by: ben ]
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
quote:Originally posted by Samuelnorton: Oh, happy days. Two for the price of none.
Sadly (for you - happily for me), my recently married friends are taking me in for four months. I think they're viewing it as an opportunity to decide whether or not they're ready to look after a child.
So - and this may cheer ben up or he may not give a fuck - on Friday when news of my immeninent expulsion from my current flat broke, I was inundated with offers of help, support and housing as my friends flocked to help me out. It was a genuinely touching moment and I realised how much of a truly special thing it is to be surrounded by friends and family willing to put themselves at an inconvenience just to help me out. None of this "o - well we've just moved in and we really need to get settled. Under other circumstances it'd be different". It was more like "You're coming to live with us and that's that." I felt loved!
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
It depresses me that you're only 26, Thorn. I was 26 when I started on SeeMO - which seems like a lifetime ago. I would look upon your new start with these - almost! - surrogate parents as a chance to start again and get that book written. Yes?
Posted by Vogon Poetess (Member # 164) on :
According to a conversation whilst driving Greenwich----->Wimborne on Friday night, the best things on the internet are pictures of sharks:
and space:
Also, I read on the internet that an immense ant colony is going to engulf Australia.
These things should all cheer you up. Also, the fact that you are not Samuelnorton or his girlfriend.
[ 13.09.2004, 09:14: Message edited by: Vogon Poetess ]
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
Posted by saltrock (Member # 622) on :
Bummer Ben.
A joke to cheer you up:
What's black and shiny and sails the seven seas?
Binbag the sailor.
Posted by discodamage (Member # 66) on :
shall i tell The Tiger Shark fact again? when a female tiger shark is ready to give birth the baby tiger sharks have a fight in her fishwomb, and the baby that wins- ie, KILLS ALL THE OTHER BABIES- is the one that gets born! FUCKING HELL!
i am struggling with a black dog akin to something out of American Werewolf at the moment and even i cant hold back a smile at The Tiger Shark Fact.
[ 13.09.2004, 09:20: Message edited by: discodamage ]
Posted by Hendo (Member # 617) on :
quote:These things should all cheer you up. Also, the fact that you are not Samuelnorton or his girlfriend.
I think I missed bash Sammy day, where are the re-runs on this channel
(Edited cause I suck, sorry)
[ 13.09.2004, 09:22: Message edited by: Hendo ]
Posted by damo (Member # 722) on :
ben you could take great comfort in the fact that you did not wander disappointed around memphis and gracelands. just two weeks ago. memphis is ok. but gracelands is very disappointing. especially with a hangover and two parents in tow. or should that be toe? i don't know i didn't do too well on the bbc quiz.
so gracelands, quite disappointing in that you join the end of the snaking queue of people, and at some point around the jungle lounge area you realise you're now in the middle of the snaking queue and you thought that your claustrophobia had been dealt with but you're starting to get little panicky attacks. and you'r not sure if thats because of the hangover, the fact that your parents don't seem to be able to cope with the audio guide provided, the huge throbbing mass of fat americana all around you, or a combination of all of these plus the fact you've got a 200 mile drive to face when you get out of this place.
Posted by mart (Member # 32) on :
fucking hell disco!
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
quote:Originally posted by saltrock: Bummer Ben.
A joke to cheer you up:
What's black and shiny and sails the seven seas?
Binbag the sailor.
lol - oh dear. Thanks Saltrock. Sidney, Mart and Vogon also cheered me up.
Snorton made me smile when I imagined him trapped in a burning vehicle, the charred leather palms of his string-backed driving gloves skidding around the inside of the blackened windshield as he struggles vainly to force his way out.
Posted by scrawny (Member # 113) on :
Hey Ben. Sorry about your crash - I know the feeling of being grateful to be alive subsides very quickly when you see the damage to your car...
In other news, the thing that is cheering me up this week - apart from the tiger shark fact - is that this week I am being paid to go clubbing on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, to wherever I want, with guestlist and expenses covered, in order to look at what trainers people are wearing and what drinks they like.
This is just ridiculous/hilarious. I am currently going through Time Out with a red pen, and then giving it to my bosses PA from where she will organise me VIP passes for myself and one lucky person.
I even get Friday morning off to do it
Posted by omikin (Member # 37) on :
did the porken not cheer you up?
Posted by damo (Member # 722) on :
quote:Originally posted by scrawny: I am being paid to go clubbing on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, to wherever I want, with guestlist and expenses covered, in order to look at what trainers people are wearing and what drinks they like.
i'll tell you what i'm wearing
Posted by scrawny (Member # 113) on :
Shit, I thought we were meant to be saying what cheered us up.
Ben - you are about to be a father! This is so exciting. I didn't even make the TMO 'Who's Next?' baby sweepstake.
Maybe your offspring will have a fight in D's womb! And the victor will emerge bloody but victorious, clutching a rent placenta and chanting, 'You're not singing any-more...'.
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
quote:Originally posted by omikin: did the porken not cheer you up?
How could it when it's not in my hand. Torturer. Posted by Vogon Poetess (Member # 164) on :
Surely only pikies where trainers to go clubbing?
Posted by omikin (Member # 37) on :
i will send you a slice / chunk in the post.
Posted by scrawny (Member # 113) on :
quote:Originally posted by Vogon Poetess: Surely only pikies where trainers to go clubbing?
No, cool people from East London do too. It's everything though, clothes labels, cigarettes, accessories...
Posted by Boy Racer (Member # 498) on :
quote:Originally posted by Vogon Poetess: Surely only pikies where trainers to go clubbing?
You know that giant red cross filled with ink you mentioned...?
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
quote:Originally posted by Vogon Poetess: Surely only pikies where trainers to go clubbing?
Jesus, Vogon, what's with the wrong wear? Your previously unassailable position as TMO doyen of correct English usage has just collapsed in a rubble of wrongness.
Also: Ben-Cheer Fact: I bought Tolstoy's Sevastopol stories today and they made me think of you in Waterstones. You are now associated with Tolstoy in my mind. Only you are less Russian.
Posted by Samuelnorton (Member # 48) on :
quote:Originally posted by ben: Snorton made me smile when I imagined him trapped in a burning vehicle, the charred leather palms of his string-backed driving gloves skidding around the inside of the blackened windshield as he struggles vainly to force his way out.
But I don't wear string-backed driving gloves, Benno... You must have been imagining someone else.
Posted by Abby (Member # 582) on :
quote: Jesus, Vogon, what's with the wrong wear?
I assumed she did it on purpose - perhaps implying that pikeys who wear trainers cannot spell?
Posted by Vogon Poetess (Member # 164) on :
Fools! I was typing in pikey-esque manner, imagining what it was like to wear trainers.
Posted by scrawny (Member # 113) on :
Yeah yeah yeah. No you wherent.
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
quote:Originally posted by Vogon Poetess: Fools! I was typing in pikey-esque manner, imagining what it was like to wear trainers.
Gigantic bollocks you were.
Posted by damo (Member # 722) on :
i forgot to read that rool that wearing trainers makes you a pikey. in which case i must either be a pikey or a nathan. i'm guessing nathan.
Posted by Vogon Poetess (Member # 164) on :
Rumbled. I was prevented from typo-editing by trying to explain Fawlty Towers to two of our Swiss researchers who are just off to Torquay for a conference.
I'm having an UtterSpastick day all round really; including having to borrow money off a student in the canteen to get milk, like a total London twat who never has cash on them and spilling sugar all over the carpet in the office next door. So if I can't even manage making a cuppa today, I don't think it's wise if I attempt any real work.
Posted by Sidney (Member # 399) on :
quote:Originally posted by scrawny:
quote:Originally posted by Vogon Poetess: Surely only pikies where trainers to go clubbing?
No, cool people from East London do too. It's everything though, clothes labels, cigarettes, accessories...
Scrawny, I am wondering what would happen if you went back to your employers and told them that everyone was wearing leather blousons and skin tight jeans and bouffant, blow-dried mullets and maybe even false goatee beards because Knightrider is the epitome of retro/vintage/ironic stylishness. Please, Scrawny! It might cheer Ben up! Posted by omikin (Member # 37) on :
evelyn waugh had a crap society columnist do exactly that in one of his novels (a handful of dust?) he had people running all over london looking for green bowler hats.
Posted by squirrelandgman (Member # 201) on :
I can post this again now can't I? You can't see this too many times.
No, you can't.
Posted by saltrock (Member # 622) on :
quote:Originally posted by damo: i forgot to read that rool that wearing trainers makes you a pikey. in which case i must either be a pikey or a nathan. i'm guessing nathan.
What the hell's a nathan?
Posted by Boy Racer (Member # 498) on :
quote:Originally posted by saltrock: What the hell's a nathan?
Hello! Here is an example of my stupidity, unprompted and for free!
My bedroom is at the front of my house, on the ground floor, in what some might call a 'North London Hellhole' (they would be wrong, but, y'know, upping the drama stakes here). Many were the mornings I lay in bed, quilt pulled up tight to my chin, shivering at the strange, mysterious and downright terrifying noises coming from the (mean) streets. And there was one that repeated with ominous frequency. I thought it might be the wind building: a slow whine growing to a howl and trailing off. Great gusts of wind swooshing round the grids, I thought. Or maybe a demon. Yeah. Supernatural. I huddled. And then one morning I confided in a confidant (aptly).
'philomel, that's a milkfloat.'
<mortification> Posted by omikin (Member # 37) on :
philomel you mooncalf.
Posted by saltrock (Member # 622) on :
Philomel, I think we may be twins that were parted at birth.
Posted by scrawny (Member # 113) on :
quote:Originally posted by Sidney: Scrawny, I am wondering what would happen if you went back to your employers and told them that everyone was wearing leather blousons and skin tight jeans and bouffant, blow-dried mullets and maybe even false goatee beards because Knightrider is the epitome of retro/vintage/ironic stylishness. Please, Scrawny! It might cheer Ben up!
I am actually considering making the whole thing up, as when my boss (posh, old) gave me the assignment, he very earnestly asked me if I could find out what was "happening with the kids" "down on the street".
Posted by discodamage (Member # 66) on :
quote:Originally posted by omikin: evelyn waugh had a crap society columnist do exactly that in one of his novels (a handful of dust?) he had people running all over london looking for green bowler hats.
vile bodies. made into film by stephen fry, which is good but none of the extras can charleston, cuh. they should have ask me, i rock at the charleston.
said book and film feature a toff talking some jazz salt in a cabinte minister's library and then asking is there a piano about? i fancy playing something crimson and obscene. for that line alone the film is worth the price of rental.
Posted by vikram (Member # 98) on :
you do understand the hoff look is totally cool right now? he's been in town for ages and obviously a man of his legend is gonna have a massive effect on lil old london. i'm guessing the rags paraded on the catwalks of fashion week will be inspired by jealous gay cars and men named after cider counties. KITT will be the new Kylie and Jason amongst the Essex breeder set. And the hoff's upcoming hip hop album (produced by tupac or somebody) will be hyped into the centre of the sun.
Posted by vikram (Member # 98) on :
I really want to get pissed with David Hasselhoff. We can knock back whisky and discuss his vital role in winning the Cold War. Popbitch says he goes to Borough Market every Friday. I think I may have to see for myself. There's a gastropub nearby called the Southwark Tavern he may like. They do a good steak.
Posted by Waynster (Member # 56) on :
quote:Originally posted by vikram: Popbitch says he goes to Borough Market every Friday. I think I may have to see for myself. There's a gastropub nearby called the Southwark Tavern he may like. They do a good steak.
I recall he is rather fond of Elk - import one from Sweden and walk it round said market with an 'eat me' sign, and he is so your bitch!
Posted by Fionnula the Cooler (Member # 453) on :
I just got kicked out of university. Hooray! I don't know if that cheers anyone up. Maybe it causes small flickers of empathy in the tummies of those who have tried to love university and the student lifestyle but have come to realise that the compatibility required for the success of such a lifestyle is somewhat lacking. Or maybe not. Maybe I'm alone in my incompatibility (read: incompetence?).
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
Why did you get kicked out?
Posted by discodamage (Member # 66) on :
[worriedface]i hope youre not going to tell him off, ko. [/worriedface]
Posted by jnhoj (Member # 286) on :
being as i am mcandrews spiritual bumchum and erstwhile teller off. its because he was lazy. A star, yet lazy! No one sees the stars that dont bother fucking getting hardons of light more than two modules a year. mark me!
Posted by Fionnula the Cooler (Member # 453) on :
For not going. Which was silly of me. And is a fair reason for kicking me out. Fair on their part; mundane on mine. Wasn't quite so simple as me waking up in the morning and thinking, Oh I am really quite tired I think I'll sleep in I don't think I'll bother going to university today. But I suppose that must be their perception. And I knew this was going to happen.
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
Oh Macandrew
Hey this might cheer Ben up - I'm thinking of ditching the Puma of Justice and buying yet another car!
Posted by jnhoj (Member # 286) on :
my character assesments are often one dimensional and lazy.
Posted by 2@ (Member # 715) on :
quote:Originally posted by Fionnula the Cooler: I just got kicked out of university. Hooray!
Jesus, you loser.
Posted by discodamage (Member # 66) on :
and youre one of life's successes are you? gosh, who would have thought failure could ever look so tempting.
[ 14.09.2004, 08:31: Message edited by: discodamage ]
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
You've got no right to call someone a looser when you can't even spell it!
Posted by Vogon Poetess (Member # 164) on :
Hello Fiona,
Schoodunt lifestyle isn't for everyone, and if you're still interested in the subject, you can always investigate studying it through the Oh, You when you're a bit more settled and that.
Edit: if you don't really give a fuck, you may as well just get some job and get paid for not giving a fuck. They never mention this option at careers centres.
[ 14.09.2004, 08:39: Message edited by: Vogon Poetess ]
Posted by 2@ (Member # 715) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ringo: You've got no right to call someone a looser when you can't even spell it!
Eh? Nice one Ringo, you fool.
I'm calling Finonulla or whatever his/her name is a loser because being kicked out of univerity for non-attendance is completely crap. At least get ejected for doing something interesting, or have the courage of your convictions that it isn't for you and just leave. Being kicked out for being lazy is trite, cliched and fucking pathetic. Worse is being secretly proud of the fact, and not-quite-bragging in a totally arse 'hey I'm so cool and subversive' way
I don't fully accuse Finonuooullaa of the latter (although there is a little hint of it in the slightly smug 'I knew it was going to happen' and the 'hooray' in his/her post) - it just so happens that university ejectees I have met have occasionally been in this mindset, thinking they're interesting and non-conformist, as opposed to being crushingly dull little f*ckwits. Do you think people teaching them, or serving them, or running the infrastructure to support their apathetic, whining, pointless existence would be pleased that their erstwhile charges cared not a bit for it all, lacking even the personal dignity and commitment to leave themselves, before being asked?
F*cking total bellends.
And to the guy that posted before Ringo - yes, I am successful, and if that's your best shot, I suggest suicide. With a rusty hacksaw blade, you stupid little person.
[ 14.09.2004, 08:54: Message edited by: 2@ ]
Posted by discodamage (Member # 66) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ringo: You've got no right to call someone a looser when you can't even spell it!
fionnula i know your situation like the back of my wrinkled old lady's hand. the idea that everyone is well-suited to academia at any age, let alone 19, is a complete fallacy. there is no reason you should feel cack about not being willing or able to go through the motions when its going to cost you a squibillion of money in debt. so dont.
eat more oily fish and nuts
write like a demon creature who is threatened with the removal of his limbs and voicebox and has watched firsthand the slow dismantling of the only factory in the nation which still made those armchair/ mouthpiece/ keyboard conglomeration things.
cultivate a total disdain for the impulse to acquire material goods. possibly think about becoming a buddhist. you are probably going to be very poor for a long time, whilst your friends have more and more disposable income to spend on doodads and thingummys. youll get yours later- i cant promise you that, but i honestly believe it, which is almost as good.
avoid bitterness
im not joking about the nuts thing.
Posted by froopyscot (Member # 178) on :
There's no absolute mandate that you have to finish your university studies between the ages of 17 and 21, either. Well, sure, it's the more traditional approach. But for what it's worth, I left university after the first year, mostly because the one I was stuck attending was complete and total crap and therefore I had considerable difficulty staying interested. Getting a job as a radio DJ was a lot more exciting, and that is what I did. This led to a string of interesting jobs which unfortunately paid so well that on a good week I could both pay rent and eat, but that's not the point. The point, which I realize you all probably wish I would get to at some point, is this: there's nothing stopping you from going back to university later, if that's what you decide to do. (My BS was completed through an 'adult degree' program, which I thoroughly enjoyed.)
Posted by Samuelnorton (Member # 48) on :
quote:Originally posted by Fionnula the Cooler: For not going. Which was silly of me. And is a fair reason for kicking me out. Fair on their part; mundane on mine. Wasn't quite so simple as me waking up in the morning and thinking, Oh I am really quite tired I think I'll sleep in I don't think I'll bother going to university today. But I suppose that must be their perception. And I knew this was going to happen.
What a completely selfish, shitty attitude you have. Are you not able to think for a moment that you might have deprived someone who might have wanted to be where you are right now?
Why don't you just save us the wasted air as well by jumping from a bridge?
Posted by Abby (Member # 582) on :
I got the joke Ringo...I did a small smile.
Fionnula, an unprecidented number of my friends are returning to education at the moment after sacking it of as fickle youth. They are all sickeningly enthusiastic, and will almost certainly get more out of it than the hungover 18 year olds they will be studying with. So should you wish to return one day this is definitely possible. I however have nobody to go to the pub with because thay are all home writing essays!
Posted by vikram (Member # 98) on :
quote:Originally posted by Samuelnorton:
quote:Originally posted by Fionnula the Cooler: For not going. Which was silly of me. And is a fair reason for kicking me out. Fair on their part; mundane on mine. Wasn't quite so simple as me waking up in the morning and thinking, Oh I am really quite tired I think I'll sleep in I don't think I'll bother going to university today. But I suppose that must be their perception. And I knew this was going to happen.
What a completely selfish, shitty attitude you have. Are you not able to think for a moment that you might have deprived someone who might have wanted to be where you are right now?
Why don't you just save us the wasted air as well by jumping from a bridge?
Peopel make mistakes, Rick. Ask your Mum.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Like, what the fuck?
Nortun! Your post goes like this;
quote:DOI! I got kicked out of college. It's my own fault, which I accept heartily, but with a hint of trying not to care, because frankly...thats depressing.
Grrrrr!! It makes me so angry! To think that a ton of people who were deprived of a position are missing out and the very most you can be is ashamed with a lightly toasted coating of cool
Music for today; Happy Mondays; Lose Fit.
[ 14.09.2004, 09:25: Message edited by: New Way Of Decay ]
Posted by dang65 (Member # 102) on :
Hey, Fionnula. You've been ticked off by Twat and Samuel Norton. Could there be any stronger confirmation that you've done exactly the right thing?
Posted by Boy Racer (Member # 498) on :
I think both Twats (2@ and Snorton) have valid points (If it's not for you, have the balls to leave/Other people may have wanted what you're rejecting, etc) it's a shame they have to couch them in such an offensive manner.
It's up to you what you do with your life, you don't have to live it by other people's standards of success, find your own way. But don't expect 'success' or 'happiness' (''= whatever they mean to you) to fall into your lap.
[ 14.09.2004, 10:26: Message edited by: Boy Racer ]
Posted by Samuelnorton (Member # 48) on :
quote:Originally posted by vikram: Peopel make mistakes, Rick. Ask your Mum.
No need for that, now. Or have you nothing better say? People make mistakes, yes. I have no problem with that. However what you do is what 2@ said - accept the fact that it's not for you and leave. Don't laze about and wait to be kicked out. And don't prattle on about it afterwards like it were some major achievement.
Why don't you go and jump of a bridge too, eh? Better still, why don't you and Coolerboy go and do it together? For one, you'd rid me of this desire to slice open your head and feed your coke-addled brain to the crows.
[ 14.09.2004, 09:36: Message edited by: Samuelnorton ]
Posted by Hendo (Member # 617) on :
Fionnula just out of curiosity how much did the whole thing cost, you know loan wise. The kind of loan you have to pay back I mean, you know like you paid for it so you own it technically, so it's yours to do with as you please......technically.
(edited cause I said Load *snigger)
[ 14.09.2004, 09:36: Message edited by: Hendo ]
Posted by Astromariner (Member # 446) on :
quote:Originally posted by Samuelnorton: Why don't you just save us the wasted air as well by jumping from a bridge?
fuck off snorton.
Fionnula: I totally spacked up university education the first time round. The difference is that I wasted three more years of my life than you have, and three more years worth of my parents' and the government's money so that I could limp half-assedly through graduation with a mediocre degree in a farcically useless and irrelevant discipline and still, 4 years later, have absolutely nothing of note to show for it. If you're not suited to university, better you find out now. I hope everything works out for you, whatever you decide to do.
Posted by Samuelnorton (Member # 48) on :
quote:Originally posted by Astromariner: fuck off snorton.
lol. Even the mice are joining in now.
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
quote:Originally posted by Samuelnorton: What a completely selfish, shitty attitude you have. Are you not able to think for a moment that you might have deprived someone who might have wanted to be where you are right now?
In fairness bedblockers like you hog places at university for the whole three years.
Fionnula: think hard about what you want from the next few years of your life. If you have a change of heart, I'm sure it isn't too late to go back. If you decide you are leaving - get going on getting onto the bottom rung of wherever/whatever it is you want to be/do; don't just end up doing some shitty bar job. If you were unhappy at university you're best out but don't piss your talent up a wall like so many others, yes?
Posted by Samuelnorton (Member # 48) on :
quote:Originally posted by ben: In fairness bedblockers like you hog places at university for the whole three years.
Please elaborate.
Posted by vikram (Member # 98) on :
Posted by damo (Member # 722) on :
quote:Originally posted by Samuelnorton:
quote:Originally posted by ben: In fairness bedblockers like you hog places at university for the whole three years.
Please elaborate.
ok i'll fucking elaborate. your work of art, your three years of hard study and research. we think its fraudulent. a fake. a work of plagiarism. we also think that you as a person offer nothing but daily mail and telegraph opinions. which considering 3 years of hard scholarly research, amounts to you being a bedblocker. now fuck off.
Posted by Samuelnorton (Member # 48) on :
I wasn't talking to you.
Posted by damo (Member # 722) on :
no but unfortunately we can all hear you.
you've got nothing to say and you're saying it too loud.
Posted by My Name Is Joe (Member # 530) on :
And so begins another assault on Samuel Norton, whipping boy of The Moon Online. I get the impression that there is so much saccharin 'bestest mates' sweetness in this place now that everyone is constantly itching to cut loose on someone, and SN presents a perfect target. Everybody hates him anyway, so who cares if you call him a wanker? Attack anyone else however, and the ranks close, one for all and all for one.
It's all very well offering sympathy and 'try again later' advice to FtC, but his posts here have shown an amazing lack of maturity and a vain self obsession that strikes me as completely incompatible with taking responsibility for what has happened. Almost everything he writes is incoherent teenage drivel, and if his university work is anything like it then it's no wonder he got thrown out. Ben said 'don't waste your talent'? Jesus, what talent?
FtC would be better served if someone told him to quit whinging and start acting like an adult.
Posted by damo (Member # 722) on :
god i feel bad now. with laser guided accuracy you got me.
and there's no sarcasm in this.
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
quote:Originally posted by My Name Is Joe: Almost everything he writes is incoherent teenage drivel, and if his university work is anything like it then it's no wonder he got thrown out. Ben said 'don't waste your talent'? Jesus, what talent?
MNIJ, I think you're mixing Fionnula up with jnhoj
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
This thread is shit.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
quote:Originally posted by My Name Is Joe: It's all very well offering sympathy and 'try again later' advice to FtC, but his posts here have shown an amazing lack of maturity and a vain self obsession that strikes me as completely incompatible with taking responsibility for what has happened. Almost everything he writes is incoherent teenage drivel, and if his university work is anything like it then it's no wonder he got thrown out. Ben said 'don't waste your talent'? Jesus, what talent?
FtC would be better served if someone told him to quit whinging and start acting like an adult.
If it's all the same you can have a wanker badge as well. I mean, you've put most the groundwork in by your post.
If you're looking for a place to adorn it, think about an addition of a button too.
Posted by froopyscot (Member # 178) on :
quote:Originally posted by Black Mask: This thread is shit.
Oh, come on. Take a jab at Snorton. It'll make you feel better.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
This thread is the shit.
Posted by Hendo (Member # 617) on :
All of which are valid points however there is no need for childish belittling. This is why people dislike Sammy, not because his points aren't valid, but because his points are lost in amongst the verbal stomach bug.
Posted by vikram (Member # 98) on :
Fiona sounds like a teenager? Erm, he is a teenager. By the way, I don't actually know anyone here and don't really communicate off board at all anymore. Fiona can annoy me. He's a bit goth, a bit self-obsessed and a bit too gay { ), but he is damn good guy - unlike that odious nazi prick - and bloody talented. If he realises even just a little of his absolutely shitloads of potential he'll go very very far. Fiona - yeah you fucked up uni, which was foolish and god help us 2@ is mostly correct, but it's okay you're destined for greatness you fuck (assuming you don't jump off that bridge first).
Posted by damo (Member # 722) on :
quote:Originally posted by My Name Is Joe: And so begins another assault on Samuel Norton, whipping boy of The Moon Online. I get the impression that there is so much saccharin 'bestest mates' sweetness in this place now that everyone is constantly itching to cut loose on someone, and SN presents a perfect target. Everybody hates him anyway, so who cares if you call him a wanker? Attack anyone else however, and the ranks close, one for all and all for one.
i think this is right. and i'm willing to apologize to samuel norton. i find some/most of his viewpoints abhorrent. but jumping all over him, just because he's the whipping boy is wrong.
i've realised that i've been following the pack.
Posted by 2@ (Member # 715) on :
quote:Originally posted by dang65: Hey, Fionnula. You've been ticked off by Twat and Samuel Norton. Could there be any stronger confirmation that you've done exactly the right thing?
Good argument fuckstick. You must be really proud of such merciless logic.
Posted by 2@ (Member # 715) on :
quote:Originally posted by Boy Racer: I think both Twats (2@ and Snorton) have valid points (If it's not for you, have the balls to leave/Other people may have wanted what you're rejecting, etc) it's a shame they have to couch them in such an offensive manner.
Yeah, apologies for feeling strongly about this one, and letting off steam. Damn me for not doing it with more acerbic cool, as if, you know, I didn't really care.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
quote:Originally posted by 2@: fuckstick.
Time to roll out the big guns...
Posted by 2@ (Member # 715) on :
quote:Originally posted by Samuelnorton: However what you do is what 2@ said - accept the fact that it's not for you and leave. Don't laze about and wait to be kicked out. And don't prattle on about it afterwards like it were some major achievement.
Hang on, aren't you the guy that this lot don't like?
By agreeing with you, I must be wrong. Shame, that.
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
quote:Originally posted by My Name Is Joe: And so begins another assault on Samuel Norton, whipping boy of The Moon Online. I get the impression that there is so much saccharin 'bestest mates' sweetness in this place now that everyone is constantly itching to cut loose on someone, and SN presents a perfect target. Everybody hates him anyway, so who cares if you call him a wanker? Attack anyone else however, and the ranks close, one for all and all for one.
Well, you know, well done for giving succour to Snorton's delusional self-image as some sort of persecuted maverick. Meat and drink to him, your post is.
To address each of your points:
1. If you think tmo is all saccharine sweetness and light you clearly haven't been paying attention, MINJ. When I come down to London, if I want to meet up with folk for little intimeats there are at least three sets of people I know don't mix and wouldn't want to be in the same bar as one another. I therefore have to meet each clique individually - like some sort of character from Allo Allo or some shit like that. Peace? Harmony? You decide.
2. Just because Snorton annoys a lot of people - does that mean he should be allowed to post with impunity? No - of course not.
3. Fionnula is a fine writer, if lacking in focus. Part of his writing is the persona that comes with it - if his departure from university leads to nothing more than him piddling that talent away it'd be a tragedy. As Louche says, you're probably confusing him with JhnoJ.
Posted by Astromariner (Member # 446) on :
quote:Originally posted by My Name Is Joe: Everybody hates him anyway, so who cares if you call him a wanker? Attack anyone else however, and the ranks close, one for all and all for one.
For one thing, Fionnula wasn't whingeing. For another, people have scraps on here all the time without the pack response that you describe, to the extent that I'm struggling to recall even one example to back up your all-for-one scenario.
Snorton's jibes at Fionnula plumbed new depths in odiousness even by his own standards. I can't usually be bothered to respond to his posts; equally, I tend not to get involved in any TMO swedges nowadays. Surely though, if after no provocation whatsoever someone tells another person to jump off a bridge so as not to waste oxygen, they should expect to get told to fuck off at least once.
[ 14.09.2004, 10:53: Message edited by: Astromariner ]
Posted by 2@ (Member # 715) on :
quote:Originally posted by ben: talent
Yeah. Like fuck.
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
You are a bore.
Posted by 2@ (Member # 715) on :
quote:Originally posted by vikram: god help us 2@ is mostly correct,
Posted by dang65 (Member # 102) on :
quote:Originally posted by Black Mask:
quote:Originally posted by 2@: fuckstick.
Time to roll out the big guns...
Willy sniffer?
Posted by Boy Racer (Member # 498) on :
quote:Originally posted by 2@:
quote:Originally posted by Boy Racer: I think both Twats (2@ and Snorton) have valid points (If it's not for you, have the balls to leave/Other people may have wanted what you're rejecting, etc) it's a shame they have to couch them in such an offensive manner.
Yeah, apologies for feeling strongly about this one, and letting off steam. Damn me for not doing it with more acerbic cool, as if, you know, I didn't really care.
Oh, but I do care, and I agree with pretty much everything you said in your post.
My issue with the tone of your post is that by being so aggressive in making your points you make them that bit less likely to be either listened to or taken on board.
Posted by 2@ (Member # 715) on :
quote:Originally posted by ben: You are a bore.
And you're ugly. I don't hold it against you, fishface.
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
quote:Originally posted by Samuelnorton: Please elaborate.
Indeed I will not. It's my taxpayer's money you pissed up a wall for three years - I would say it's you who owes me an explanation as to exactly what I got for my money, in your case?
Posted by 2@ (Member # 715) on :
quote:Originally posted by Boy Racer: Oh, but I do care, and I agree with pretty much everything you said in your post.
My issue with the tone of your post is that by being so aggressive in making your points you make them that bit less likely to be either listened to or taken on board.
A fair point, but I simply saw red. I've met so many university drop outs who think that their complete failure (and it is complete failure, be it behavioral or academic) is somehow either a) not their fault, or, b) (and this is worse) somehow an achievement. Sorry for getting so cross about it.
Actually, I'm not sorry at all. These people are fucking scum.
[ 14.09.2004, 11:05: Message edited by: 2@ ]
Posted by My Name Is Joe (Member # 530) on :
Snorton has some extremely dubious views, no-one is denying that, and he can be needlessly cruel and thoughtless.
That's not really the point, however. I think people say things to him that they wouldn't say to anyone else who posts. I think they feel free to be crassly insulting because they believe no-one will call them on it, except SN himself, and who cares about that? I don't think that's healthy.
As for FtC, I'm not mixing him up with JohnJ. I find his 'stream of consciousness angst' style to be meandering, overly introspective and 'whinging' (which is what I meant Astro, not that he was whinging specifically on this thread.) I think people act like he's a great writer because they think he's trying to be a great writer, and they want to encourage him.
Finally, I am intrigued to know who these people who won't be in the same bar as each other are...they don't talk about their problems on the board, you see.
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
quote:Originally posted by My Name Is Joe: That's not really the point, however. I think people say things to him that they wouldn't say to anyone else who posts. I think they feel free to be crassly insulting because they believe no-one will call them on it, except SN himself, and who cares about that? I don't think that's healthy.
Or... maybe no one else is as much as a twat as Snorton?
In fairness, Kovacs gets it in the neck whenever he has one of his fits. Practically everyone jumps on him. Except for suckers like me who are loyal to him through thick and thin.
[ 14.09.2004, 11:10: Message edited by: ben ]
Posted by Physic (Member # 195) on :
I can understand why some people are affronted by Fionnula's admission that he got kicked out of uni for simply not attending, but I can also understand that university isn't for everyone, and we all make mistakes, especially when young and still trying to figure what to do with our lives.
Purely out of interest 2@, how is that you think you have any idea whether Fionnula is talented or not? He posts on here almost as infrequently as me, and someone's posts on a bulletin board hardly constitute a rounded example of their abilities do they? Labelling someone as talentless when you don't know them from Adam is hollow, mean-spirited and frankly rather pathetic.
Telling someone to jump off a bridge, or stop being an oxygen thief on the other hand, just makes the teller a prize c*nt who'd do the world a great service simply by following their own advice.
Posted by Uber Trick (Member # 456) on :
This thread hasn't cheered me up at all
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
quote:Originally posted by ben: Kovacs gets it in the neck whenever he has one of his fits. Practically everyone jumps on him. Except for suckers like me who are loyal to him through thick and thin.
And that's why we love you, you big dribbling moron you.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
quote:Originally posted by Uber Trick: This thread hasn't cheered me up at all
Willy sniffer.
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
In actual FACT to countermand rumour, the baby-pikey-baby thread involved Snorton getting a fair hearing and a fair response and Darryn and Ringo getting a bit jumped on. Therefore thoroughly and in a single fell swoop dispelling all the 'poor snorton' arguments and making a case for a Ringo-support club. Which is not hotornot.
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
quote:Originally posted by ben: In fairness, Kovacs gets it in the neck whenever he has one of his fits.
And me, don't forget me, I get loads of stick.
Posted by My Name Is Joe (Member # 530) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ringo:
quote:Originally posted by ben: In fairness, Kovacs gets it in the neck whenever he has one of his fits.
And me, don't forget me, I get loads of stick.
People argue with you Ringo, they never tell you just fuck off and never come back. They never call you an idiot, wanker or imply that you're a 'mistake'.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ringo: I get loads of stick.
Yeah, but your new choice of car might attract women this time.
Posted by Uber Trick (Member # 456) on :
quote:Originally posted by Black Mask: Willy sniffer.
That's not true anymore, I went on a Louche-funded programme and they helped me to give up. Now I've only got the Tippex left to help me through the dark days.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
My Name Is Jew
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
quote:Originally posted by My Name Is Joe: People argue with you Ringo, they never tell you just fuck off and never come back. They never call you an idiot, wanker or imply that you're a 'mistake'.
That's true. TMO = nicer to me than my parents
Posted by dang65 (Member # 102) on :
I certainly don't want to be seen as biased in any way or form and will endeavour to have a pop at a fair and balanced selection of other people in the near future. And can I just say thanks to those who have had a go at me recently as well. You're obviously very fair minded and even handed types as well as being raving cheese-tasters. And anyone that's been nice to me recently... fuck off you fascists!
Posted by 2@ (Member # 715) on :
quote:Originally posted by Physic: Purely out of interest 2@, how is that you think you have any idea whether Fionnula is talented or not? He posts on here almost as infrequently as me, and someone's posts on a bulletin board hardly constitute a rounded example of their abilities do they? Labelling someone as talentless when you don't know them from Adam is hollow, mean-spirited and frankly rather pathetic.
Just because I rarely post, don't mean I can't read, Physic. I think Finonoooh-la's prose (such as he's posted) is self-indulgent, self-conscious, pretentious and meandering, frankly.
It's the only measure by which to evaluate him - those weak-minded fools on here proclaiming him as the next Jack Kerouac or similar have as little evidence of his 'skillz' as I do to go on when I say that my dribbling cock could write better copy than this chancer.
[ 14.09.2004, 11:33: Message edited by: 2@ ]
Posted by Astromariner (Member # 446) on :
quote:Originally posted by My Name Is Joe: That's not really the point, however. I think people say things to him that they wouldn't say to anyone else who posts. I think they feel free to be crassly insulting because they believe no-one will call them on it, except SN himself, and who cares about that? I don't think that's healthy.
If it helps, I've been just as rude to at least two or three other TMO forites as I have to snorton.
Posted by Vogon Poetess (Member # 164) on :
quote:Originally posted by My Name Is Joe: People argue with you Ringo, they never tell you just fuck off and never come back. They never call you an idiot, wanker or imply that you're a 'mistake'.
Samuelnorton has proved he is all three of these things on numerous occasions.
Why are we even talking about him? Every post mentioning his name is like giving a spoilt, hyperactive, attenion-seeking child extra encouragement to show off at a family party.
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
quote:Originally posted by My Name Is Joe: They never call you an idiot, wanker or imply that you're a 'mistake'.
It's probably worth pointing out that I don't recall anyone ever (not in jest) being called an idiot, wanker or a mistake by Ringo. Snorton does make these kinds of comments. He told Fionnula to jump off a bridge. I realise 'an eye for an eye' is one of the most dubious pieces of argumentative ground a left leaning wet woolly liberal can be on, but there's an element of 'if you can dish it out you ought to be able to take it' on here which I don't think is usually a bad thing.
Dish it out and expect similar in return. Be wet and woolly and get Scrawny defending you to the death if you're attacked. Seems to have been the case so far.
[ 14.09.2004, 11:36: Message edited by: Louche ]
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
quote:Originally posted by New Way Of Decay: Yeah, but your new choice of car might attract women this time.
It's all about the Yaris, man.
Posted by 2@ (Member # 715) on :
I'm sure Norton can take care of himself, without needing you bunch of net nannies protecting his interests. If he dishes it out, I'm fairly sure he can take it.
I mean Jesus. Look at you. Squabbling like a bunch of old women over whether you should be nice or not. It would be tragic if it weren't so laughable.
[ 14.09.2004, 11:37: Message edited by: 2@ ]
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ringo: It's all about Y' ars(e), man.
What has that Puma done to you?
Posted by vikram (Member # 98) on :
quote:Originally posted by My Name Is Joe: They never call you an idiot, wanker or imply that you're a 'mistake'.
Should I be ashamed of myself?
I get loads of shit too. Later this month I'm gonna resurrect my book the thread and really piss off gail. but so what? if you are gonna say or do things to get a rise out of people, you can't really complain. although of course he will, in his own smug self-fulfilling prophesy way. are you smiling, rick? look what you made! marytrboy did a little poop!
Posted by 2@ (Member # 715) on :
quote:Originally posted by Astromariner: If it helps, I've been just as rude to at least two or three other TMO forites as I have to snorton.
And I'm sure they were so distraught, they needed counselling afterwards, dear.
Posted by Astromariner (Member # 446) on :
snorton made that joke 2 pages ago, and better, 'dear'.
Posted by Vogon Poetess (Member # 164) on :
Is 2@'s objective to be rude to everyone on the boards? I wish I had the time and energy to devote myself wholeheartedly to a project like that.
Posted by Physic (Member # 195) on :
quote:Originally posted by 2@: Just because I rarely post, don't mean I can't read, Physic. I think Finonoooh-la's prose (such as he's posted) is self-indulgent, self-conscious, pretentious and meandering, frankly.
Where exactly did I say you can't read? My whole point was that Fionnula only posts occasionally, and that in any case to judge him purely on the merits or otherwise of his posts is at best tenuous, and at worst downright pathetic.
quote:It's the only measure by which to evaluate him - those weak-minded fools on here proclaiming him as the next Jack Kerouac or similar have as little evidence of his 'skillz' as I do to go on when I say that my dribbling cock could write better copy than this chancer.
It's the only measure you have to go on, which would surely suggest that you aren't really in a position to make a judgement call about whether he has any talent, many of the people supporting him are people who know him off-board, and as such are far better placed to judge him than you, or do you think that based on the content of your posts on TMO so far any member of the forum with the ability to read should be able to make a full assessment of your worth? Only I doubt the results would be too complementary..
[ 14.09.2004, 11:42: Message edited by: Physic ]
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
quote:Originally posted by vikram: Should I be ashamed of myself?
Yes. Go and stand in the corner, with your naked back facing the rest of TMO, and self-flagellate gently with a knotted top mini whip until small curls of crimson move inexorably slowly down your sweat dotted as the whole of TMO look on, lip licking and wriggling.
Go on Vikram. Do it.
Posted by dang65 (Member # 102) on :
quote:Originally posted by 2@:
quote:Originally posted by Astromariner: If it helps, I've been just as rude to at least two or three other TMO forites as I have to snorton.
And I'm sure they were so distraught, they needed counselling afterwards, dear.
Twat, try and avoid the humour stuff, mate. It's just not working. That's brotherly advice, not a criticism or anything. Just carry on being a Twat, and not posting very much at all. It's what we love you for most.
Posted by Sidney (Member # 399) on :
quote:Originally posted by Vogon Poetess: Why are we even talking about him? Every post mentioning his name is like giving a spoilt, hyperactive, attenion-seeking child extra encouragement to show off at a family party.
Exactly. How many times do I have to tell you all? The best way to deal with snoreton (or anyone else you develop a distaste for) is to simply ignore them!
Posted by Sidney (Member # 399) on :
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
quote:Originally posted by Vogon Poetess: Why are we even talking about him? Every post mentioning his name is like giving a spoilt, hyperactive, attenion-seeking child extra encouragement to show off at a family party.
Exactly. How many times do I have to tell you all? The best way to deal with snoreton (or anyone else you develop a distaste for) is to simply ignore them!
Posted by 2@ (Member # 715) on :
quote:Originally posted by Vogon Poetess: Is 2@'s objective to be rude to everyone on the boards? I wish I had the time and energy to devote myself wholeheartedly to a project like that.
Fuck off, knob-end.
Posted by Sidney (Member # 399) on :
quote:Originally posted by vikram: marytrboy did a little poop!
Posted by 2@ (Member # 715) on :
quote:Originally posted by Physic: Some self-important shit.
Yeah. Thanks Dad.
Posted by Sidney (Member # 399) on :
lollus Barry but I beat you to it!
Posted by vikram (Member # 98) on :
quote:Originally posted by Louche:
quote:Originally posted by vikram: Should I be ashamed of myself?
Yes. Go and stand in the corner, with your naked back facing the rest of TMO, and self-flagellate gently with a knotted top mini whip until small curls of crimson move inexorably slowly down your sweat dotted as the whole of TMO look on, lip licking and wriggling.
Go on Vikram. Do it.
This gave me a funny feeling. Hmm. Also, my bestest girlie friend broke her shoulder recently and has to wear a sling. I find her so adorable now, but also kinda... alluring. Wonder what else turns me on?
Posted by Hendo (Member # 617) on :
quote:Originally posted by 2@:
quote:Originally posted by Vogon Poetess: Is 2@'s objective to be rude to everyone on the boards? I wish I had the time and energy to devote myself wholeheartedly to a project like that.
Fuck off, knob-end.
I feel so left out.
Posted by Uber Trick (Member # 456) on :
This fight's all getting a little bit confused now. We need Omikin here to update the list so we know who we can have a go at.
Posted by 2@ (Member # 715) on :
quote:Originally posted by dang65: Twat, try and avoid the humour stuff, mate. It's just not working. That's brotherly advice, not a criticism or anything. Just carry on being a Twat, and not posting very much at all. It's what we love you for most.
To be fair, I should never have poked fun at Astromariner. She's nice, sane, and posts good stuff on a wide range of topics.
You, on the other hand, are a worthless prick.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
quote:Originally posted by vikram: Also, my bestest girlie friend broke her shoulder recently and has to wear a sling. I find her so adorable now, but also kinda... alluring.
But, is she dappy?
Posted by Uber Trick (Member # 456) on :
quote:Originally posted by Hendo: I feel so left out.
I said hello to you on another thread Hendo, but I could perhaps be mean to you if you would prefer?
[ 14.09.2004, 11:52: Message edited by: Uber Trick ]
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
quote:Originally posted by vikram: This gave me a funny feeling. Hmm. Also, my bestest girlie friend broke her shoulder recently and has to wear a sling. I find her so adorable now, but also kinda... alluring. Wonder what else turns me on?
I can beat that, Vikram. I left work yesterday feeling sorry for Astro and Sidney's breasts, for pity's sake.
Posted by 2@ (Member # 715) on :
quote:Originally posted by Black Mask:
quote:Originally posted by vikram: Also, my bestest girlie friend broke her shoulder recently and has to wear a sling. I find her so adorable now, but also kinda... alluring.
But, is she dappy?
She likes her sling signed in warm man-fat, if that's what you mean.
Posted by Hendo (Member # 617) on :
quote:Originally posted by Uber Trick: I said hello to you on another thread Hendo, but I could perhaps be mean to you if you would prefer?
Don't be mean Uber, I don't want to dislike you, cause I like you..... and stuff.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Hello, kovacs.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
quote:Originally posted by ben: I can beat that, Vikram. I left work yesterday feeling sorry for Astro and Sidney's breasts, for pity's sake.
But I think they are striving towards an emotional/mental/physical perfection? If they were blowing them up with fire-crackers then you could feel bad about it.
Posted by Physic (Member # 195) on :
quote:Originally posted by 2@:
quote:Originally posted by Physic: Some self-important shit.
Yeah. Thanks Dad.
All the venom and 'look at me aren't I clever being rude' attitude of Rillion with none of the originality or creativity, can't you at least make an effort to dress your insults up into barely readable faux poetry like he did so as to make them vaguely entertaining?
Posted by My Name Is Joe (Member # 530) on :
quote:Originally posted by Louche: It's probably worth pointing out that I don't recall anyone ever (not in jest) being called an idiot, wanker or a mistake by Ringo.
Well...a quick flick back at this thread reveals many insulting words thrown by our man Ringo...
Feast your eyes:
quote:Originally posted by Ringo: For fucks sake. What am I meant to say to that sort of idiocy?
I've never met you but I'm willing to bet you're a pure twat
quote:Originally posted by Ringo: Well fine, whatever, fuck you anyways. I'm tired of this shit now...
...It really does make me wonder why I even bother posting to this fucking site.
quote:Originally posted by Ringo: I really couldn't give a fuck what you have to say, Bamba. You've already made it very clear that you're not worth my time.
quote:Originally posted by Ringo: This is getting really boring now so please fuck off.
quote:Originally posted by Ringo: ...girl/ignorant/retarded/scottish...
However it should be pointed out that Ringo did endure terrible torment before he snapped...
Posted by Uber Trick (Member # 456) on :
quote:Originally posted by Hendo: Don't be mean Uber, I don't want to dislike you, cause I like you..... and stuff.
Ok, it was only if you didn't want to be left out that I was going to be mean, not for any other reason. That's how nice I am you see.
[ 14.09.2004, 11:58: Message edited by: Uber Trick ]
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Ban Physic Now!
Posted by Astromariner (Member # 446) on :
quote:Originally posted by ben: I left work yesterday feeling sorry for Astro and Sidney's breasts, for pity's sake.
Don't waste your pity on them! I've given mine umpteen chances to behave more like normal breasts: they have defied me at every turn. It's time to show them who's boss.
Posted by Sidney (Member # 399) on :
Cheer up, Ben! Soon D will have Delightfully Enlarged By Pregnancy breasts! Just wait until the middle stages of the pregnancy when her 'fruity hormones' kick in.
Posted by Physic (Member # 195) on :
quote:Originally posted by Black Mask: Ban Physic Now!
I thought you'd already banned me Barry?
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ringo: [qb]I've never met you but I'm willing to bet you're a pure twat
That was my favourite quote from the bag!
Posted by 2@ (Member # 715) on :
quote:Originally posted by Physic: [QUOTE]
All the venom and 'look at me aren't I clever being rude' attitude of Rillion with none of the originality or creativity, can't you at least make an effort to dress your insults up into barely readable faux poetry like he did so as to make them vaguely entertaining?
Er, no?
Just objecting (pithily) to your condescending 'been around, young man, and you're just making me tired' brand of criticism. Come on - take a good look at your posts on this thread.
So very, very, governess.
Undeniably effective, of course. But, your powers are weak, old man.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Say 'fuckstick' again.
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
Hooray! This thread has finally cheered me up!
Posted by vikram (Member # 98) on :
quote:Originally posted by Black Mask: But, is she dappy?
Yeah she is, as it happens. They all are. The lost love in my Paris thread is the dappybitch you refer to
quote:Originally posted by ben: I can beat that, Vikram. I left work yesterday feeling sorry for Astro and Sidney's breasts, for pity's sake.
Posted by StevieX (Member # 91) on :
Posted by 2@ (Member # 715) on :
quote:Originally posted by Black Mask: Say 'fuckstick' again.
I will, as soon as you take your hand off your cock, and put it back in your trousers.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Pipe down, Stevie.
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
Lol at recently dug up Ringo-Rage proving me ineluctably wrong. Anyway, didn't you read the bit of the rulebook where is says that someone must tell Bamba to fuck off at least once daily or he doesn't feel sufficiently loved?
Posted by Physic (Member # 195) on :
quote:Originally posted by 2@: Just objecting (pithily) to your condescending 'been around, young man, and you're just making me tired' brand of criticism. Come on - take a good look at your posts on this thread.
So very, very, governess.
Undeniably effective, of course. But, your powers are weak, old man.
lol, fair enough, I was trying to make a point not preach but point taken, and for the record I believe we're the same age (from what I recall you saying the other day)
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
quote:Originally posted by Physic: lol, fair enough, I was trying to make a point not preach but point taken, and for the record I believe we're the same age (from what I recall you saying the other day)
For fuck's sake! Why don't you just give him a big kiss? Bender!
Posted by 2@ (Member # 715) on :
quote:Originally posted by Physic:
quote:Originally posted by 2@: Just objecting (pithily) to your condescending 'been around, young man, and you're just making me tired' brand of criticism. Come on - take a good look at your posts on this thread.
So very, very, governess.
Undeniably effective, of course. But, your powers are weak, old man.
lol, fair enough, I was trying to make a point not preach but point taken, and for the record I believe we're the same age (from what I recall you saying the other day)
Mid-late twenties?
Oh god.
Posted by 2@ (Member # 715) on :
*edited because it was a really shit insult. For shame*
[ 14.09.2004, 12:11: Message edited by: 2@ ]
Posted by Uber Trick (Member # 456) on :
quote:Originally posted by Black Mask: For fuck's sake! Why don't you just give him a big kiss?
But you see this always happens, there is a big fight then everyone gets all sexy. Louche did it already with Vikram, and I've just sat here fighting the urge to adulterate 2@'s post to you barry, so that it read "take your hand off you cock and put it down my trousers." My = being me, not 2@
Posted by vikram (Member # 98) on :
damn, 2@ deleted his ulttrraLAME putdown.
[ 14.09.2004, 12:13: Message edited by: vikram ]
Posted by Tef-land (Member # 561) on :
I don't eben post here anymore and even I think 2@ is some kind of complete tool.
Maybe he is the ultimate tool - created by the evil tool people to devour logic and spew hate.
Oh, hello again!!!
BTW - does anyone know how I can get in touch with Amy BTW (looks at Bailey and Fish)
LOLOLOL - look up there!!! Worst grammer ever.
[ 14.09.2004, 12:13: Message edited by: Tef-land ]
Posted by Physic (Member # 195) on :
quote:Originally posted by Black Mask:
For fuck's sake! Why don't you just give him a big kiss? Bender! [/QUOTE]
Maybe I should be more like you then? Throwing hollow insults on a forum and never having the balls to turn up to a meat and speak to the same people face to face?
Posted by jnhoj (Member # 286) on :
Jesus louche (k thx for the manchester backup!) and er, ben!? Teenage drivel. Im probably the best contributor on the fucking board.morons.
Hey, Im in my third year of uni now, and I will finish! So um, ye. I dont write drivel all the time, honest.
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
quote:Originally posted by 2@: *edited because it was a really shit insult. For shame*
Talk about diminishing returns. For years we had Black Mask and his cut-price Keith Allen. Now we have a cut-price Black Mask.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Hmmm. The Congress-With-Mother Attack. Deceptively simple but impossible to counter. Your powers of Flame are truly exceptional. And not yet thirty, you say? There are prophecies about such a poster... Could you be the one? Reveal yourself to us. On your scalp, there is a mark. Is there not? I know of that mark. What does it say?
Posted by Hendo (Member # 617) on :
This is so upsetting, everybody got a diss except me and now the tone is lightening.
Posted by discodamage (Member # 66) on :
teflon and twot should fight, in a ring. shit innuendo versus shit insult. it would be like watching two toddlers having at each other with wobbly plastic swords.
Posted by Tef-land (Member # 561) on :
quote:Originally posted by Hendo: This is so upsetting, everybody got a diss except me and now the tone is lightening.
Oh shut up your snivelling you retarded fuckmonkey
Posted by Bamba (Member # 330) on :
I love Ringo-rage, it arouses me in ways I can't even begin to explain or describe.
Posted by Tef-land (Member # 561) on :
quote:Originally posted by discodamage: teflon and twot should fight, in a ring. shit innuendo versus shit insult. it would be like watching two toddlers having at each other with wobbly plastic swords.
Ummm...please fuck off.
Like you know me. Clown.
Posted by Hendo (Member # 617) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tef-land:
quote:Originally posted by Hendo: This is so upsetting, everybody got a diss except me and now the tone is lightening.
Oh shut up your snivelling you retarded fuckmonkey
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
I would like to point out that
1)This thread did not make me hot. I already was.
2) It wasn't particularly Vikram I wanted to selfflagellate, but I made the split second decision from the tone of his posts that he'd have the type of smooth, browned man-back that would look good bleeding (a la The Passion of the Christ)
3) Almost every insult thrown on this thread has been a bit silly.
Posted by Hendo (Member # 617) on :
Fuck off Bamba.........sorry just obeying the rules.
Posted by discodamage (Member # 66) on :
i cant see where the insult is in that, teffers. shit innuendo is your meme, innit? always has been. and its not like id want to you to lose.
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
quote:Originally posted by Hendo: Fuck off Bamba.........sorry just obeying the rules.
Jesus, Hendo, that's like, a butterfly kiss where a Ringo-rage fuck off is like being drilled up the ass solidly for three hours by a man with an 11 inch cock.
Posted by Uber Trick (Member # 456) on :
Is Louche hottornott? Seems like the answer is a resounding yes! Any particular reason for this honey? Is it to do with what you said on the other thread? Also, I am liking Vikram more and more. I'm not sure why this is happening, but there you go. Also lol@discotheclown
Posted by Bandy (Member # 12) on :
Perhaps we're dealing with a new Teffers. He's older. He's matured. He's hit thirty but the knob gags no longer quite hit the spot.
[ 14.09.2004, 12:22: Message edited by: Bandy ]
Posted by Tef-land (Member # 561) on :
quote:Originally posted by discodamage: i cant see where the insult is in that, teffers. shit innuendo is your meme, innit? always has been. and its not like id want to you to lose.
s'allright then.
(I was bigging myself up - not dissing)
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
quote:Originally posted by Physic: never having the balls to turn up to a meat and speak to the same people face to face?
Posted by 2@ (Member # 715) on :
quote:Originally posted by vikram: damn, 2@ deleted his ulttrraLAME putdown.
Yeah. I may lack a finely tuned sense of self-preservation, but I'm not suicidal.
Posted by vikram (Member # 98) on :
quote:Originally posted by Louche: It wasn't particularly Vikram I wanted to selfflagellate
B-but I thought we had something special. You're just like all the rest
Posted by damo (Member # 722) on :
i'm waiting for the long well written insult to somebody generic, involving insults based on their inability to do anything without weeping hot tears of bitter resentment at the passing of their life.
that or "piss up a rope fuckstick."
Posted by 2@ (Member # 715) on :
quote:Originally posted by Black Mask: Hmmm. The Congress-With-Mother Attack. Deceptively simple but impossible to counter. Your powers of Flame are truly exceptional. And not yet thirty, you say? There are prophecies about such a poster... Could you be the one? Reveal yourself to us. On your scalp, there is a mark. Is there not? I know of that mark. What does it say?
"Made in Bratislava, by the lowest bidding contractor"
Posted by discodamage (Member # 66) on :
quote:Originally posted by Bandy: He's hit thirty but the knob gags no longer quite hit the spot.
go on teffers. just for old times sake. its a matter of editing out one word and it would make an old woman very very happy.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
quote:Originally posted by damo: i'm waiting for the long well written insult to somebody generic, involving insults based on their inability to do anything without weeping hot tears of bitter resentment at the passing of their life.
that or "piss up a rope fuckstick."
You started this, you **** !
Posted by Tef-land (Member # 561) on :
quote:Originally posted by Bandy: He's hit thirty but the knob no longer quite hit the spot.
Posted by damo (Member # 722) on :
hey, don't shoot the catalyst.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
quote:Originally posted by 2@: "Made in Bratislava, by the lowest bidding contractor"
Oh. That's not what it says on my card.
quote:Originally posted by 2@: You?
"cut-price Keith Allen"
Posted by discodamage (Member # 66) on :
*tears of joy make salty tracks in this clown's chalk-white panstick*
Posted by Tef-land (Member # 561) on :
quote:Originally posted by Bandy: Perhaps we're dealing with a new Teffers. He's older. He's matured. He's hit thirty but the knob gags no longer quite hit the spot.
In all seriousness lankyboy, I am NOT thirty. (Oct 19th - mark your diaries)
and I have grown up a bit - was becoming a bit of a characature, mostly because it was easy and i'm lazy. Those good old days, fighting with the pre-novemberists have gone now - slipped away like an old man in a care home. That said you are still an object of mirth and Kovacs, by default, is always wrong.
Even when he is making a good point.
Which is never.
So there.
[ 14.09.2004, 12:33: Message edited by: Tef-land ]
Posted by damo (Member # 722) on :
watch it dd, that's almost haiku terror.tory
Posted by Tef-land (Member # 561) on :
quote:Originally posted by discodamage: salty tracks
Posted by damo (Member # 722) on :
oh yeah. well you're here tef-land. 2-1. fuck you.
Posted by mart (Member # 32) on :
[ 14.09.2004, 12:42: Message edited by: mart ]
Posted by discodamage (Member # 66) on :
soulless newbie tw@ returns his belligerence is shit-soft, impresses few
teflon is now man full grown eschews innuend... snigger, 'man fullgrown', thats rude!
mart posts picture of sad goat or kangaroo, may hap: my monitor is shit
if one man calls sam **** , yes he is such a thing but gang-bang **** -cries: NOT ON!
[ 14.09.2004, 12:50: Message edited by: discodamage ]
Posted by froopyscot (Member # 178) on :
quote:Originally posted by My Name Is Joe: However it should be pointed out that Ringo did endure terrible torment before he snapped
Yes, I remember as if it were only yesterday.
Posted by 2@ (Member # 715) on :
quote:Originally posted by discodamage: HAIKUUUUUUUUU1111
soulless newbie tw@ returns his belligerence is shit-soft, impresses few
teflon is now man full grown eschews innuend... snigger, 'fullgrown', thats quite rude!
mart posts picture of sad goat or kangaroo, may hap: my monitor is shit
if one man calls sam **** , yes he is such a thing but gang-bang **** -cries: NOT ON!
Your lack of talent is remarkable, you camp fool.
[ 15.09.2004, 06:07: Message edited by: 2@ ]
Posted by Uber Trick (Member # 456) on :
I thought it looked like the goat was laughing and sticking up a cloven hoof (the goat eqivalent of two fingers).
Posted by mart (Member # 32) on :
They're actually fainting goats; maybe they're just relaxing and fooling around between fits.
Posted by Uber Trick (Member # 456) on :
Which one's William?
Posted by Hendo (Member # 617) on :
quote:Originally posted by Uber Trick: I thought it looked like the goat was laughing and sticking up a cloven hoof (the goat eqivalent of two fingers).
That's what I thought!
Posted by Uber Trick (Member # 456) on :
That is because I am slowly infiltrating your mind Hendo until we truly are one.
Posted by discodamage (Member # 66) on :
ahhh, it called me a fool. i shall take that as a compliment, for as we all know the fool was the most favoured of the court's entertainers, called upon to bring merriment and mirth to the highest of society and well recompensed with love and coin when they did so.
Posted by Uber Trick (Member # 456) on :
I think it also thinks you a boy, DD
Posted by Hendo (Member # 617) on :
There isn't much brain to take over so it won't take too long.
Posted by mart (Member # 32) on :
quote:Originally posted by Uber Trick: Which one's William?
I don't know but it's a great site for stupid photos of people posing with goats. Whoever said sharks are the best thing on the internet was wrong; internet goats shit on internet sharks.
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
It's tenacious. Any other twat would now have been thoroughly scarpering, tail quivering between legs, at the sight of a fainting goat.
Sod the combined insulting intellectual weight of TMo, dressed in the guise of spewing hatred or remonstrative reason, let's face it, the ultimate we have to offer is The Fainting Goat.
Posted by damo (Member # 722) on :
do i have to say that the fainting goat is from tennessee? and that there's an annual festival? and that my lab is interested in fainting goats? and that they don't actually faint? and that it's myotonia? and that's due to genetics?
no? good.
Posted by mart (Member # 32) on :
Let's see what yer made of now, two at.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
I see dead people... Posted by discodamage (Member # 66) on :
quote:Originally posted by mart: Whoever said sharks are the best thing on the internet was wrong; internet goats shit on internet sharks.
again, a fight id like to see.
uber- i suspect that once i divest it of that adorable misapprehension it will just then proceed to assume that i am a lesbain, so ya know, whatthefuqevz.
Posted by Uber Trick (Member # 456) on :
I bet the ginger one on the right is William.
If you had a fainting goat wouldn't you spend all your time making it faint? I know I would. In fact I think I might get some fainting goats for my farm. You see originally I wasn't going to have goats on my farm because Jimmy Doherty said that they are chisky facks and a lot of work as they jump over fences and eat things and stuff. But surely if you had fainting goats then everytime they went to do something bad you'd just shout r e a l l y LOUDLY at them and they'd fall over, giving you time to run over and put them back in their pen.
I wish that happened with my cats, they have been so naughty recently. The past 3 mornings in a row I have been woken up by them at 5am running over my head. My first words of the day have been a very loud FUCK OFF!!! before I throw whatever is nearest at them. Usually a pillow, occasionally a shoe.
[ 14.09.2004, 13:36: Message edited by: Uber Trick ]
Posted by damo (Member # 722) on :
there are two types of fainting goat. those with big muscles. and those without.
Posted by jnhoj (Member # 286) on :
my cat keeps bringing in dead rats. im going to bum it to death.
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
Can someone please count for me how many times I've been mentioned on this thread?
Posted by Uber Trick (Member # 456) on :
Ringo = No
damo - which ones should i get for my farm?
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
quote:Originally posted by Uber Trick: Ringo = No
Do you mean that in the sense that murder = naughty?
Posted by Samuelnorton (Member # 48) on :
quote:Originally posted by ben: Indeed I will not. It's my taxpayer's money you pissed up a wall for three years - I would say it's you who owes me an explanation as to exactly what I got for my money, in your case?
It is this sort of fuck-headed bollocks that makes you such a bore, Bendo. A witless bore, at that. I would suggest you pay another visit to the doctor to check out your skull, but I'm certain you were that way before your recent automotive write-off.
I don't need any defence - hell, I am have been at this game for years now - but I am not going to say that it wasn't pleasant to see that some people on here are willing to put common sense before the usual arse-licking. Damo - your apology is accepted, btw.
I find it bizarre that my comments directed at nancyboy (oops, another insult!) generated such an explosion of collective bile, particularly when one considers the fact that my being told to fuck off and die on an almost regular basis gets the one-eyed doe treatment. I don't really give that much of a shit at being insulted, but do find the double-standards and the "just for the sake of it" approach to the delivery of these insults somewhat irksome.
The truth is, like some others on here who have been honest enough to say it, the "talented" Fionnula is tiresome, repetitive and doused in what can only be described as pseudo-philosophical angst, much of which is flavoured by fears about his appearance or his sexual deviance. He prattles on ceaselessly about his pain, so one would have thought it natural that suicide would be the ultimate high. A place to end it all, so to speak.
Posted by Uber Trick (Member # 456) on :
Norton, I think you'll find that apart from the one occasion when you attacked my sister for no good reason, and I called you a fuckwad or something equally frustrated, I have in fact stayed out of every attack on you.
People on here have made vague reference to your offensive views but I've never really noticed or paid attention as, equally, I'm sure you pay little or no attention to me.
But if I'm reading your above post correctly you call Fionnula a nancyboy and refer to his sexual deviance and suggest that he should commit suicide.
For what? For being gay? For talking about it? For not being entertaining / intelligent / whatever enough for you? Is that really what you are suggesting? Honestly?
Posted by jnhoj (Member # 286) on :
i dont think ftc mentioning in passing, once, that he has been kicked out of uni merits the amount of abuse that has been thrown his way but er. ye. I mean sure im annoyed he got kicked out when he would have got much better grades and is much cleverer than me but you know, tone it down boy your eds gettin blurred!
Posted by vikram (Member # 98) on :
So MacAndrew is a nancyboy and sexual deviant?
Better a fag drop out, than a pathetically hateful and bitter absurdity of a little man.
[ 14.09.2004, 15:48: Message edited by: vikram ]
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
quote:Originally posted by Samuelnorton: It is this sort of fuck-headed bollocks that makes you such a bore, Bendo. A witless bore, at that. I would suggest you pay another visit to the doctor to check out your skull, but I'm certain you were that way before your recent automotive write-off.
I don't need any defence - hell, I am have been at this game for years now - but I am not going to say that it wasn't pleasant to see that some people on here are willing to put common sense before the usual arse-licking. Damo - your apology is accepted, btw.
I find it bizarre that my comments directed at nancyboy (oops, another insult!) generated such an explosion of collective bile, particularly when one considers the fact that my being told to fuck off and die on an almost regular basis gets the one-eyed doe treatment. I don't really give that much of a shit at being insulted, but do find the double-standards and the "just for the sake of it" approach to the delivery of these insults somewhat irksome.
The truth is, like some others on here who have been honest enough to say it, the "talented" Fionnula is tiresome, repetitive and doused in what can only be described as pseudo-philosophical angst, much of which is flavoured by fears about his appearance or his sexual deviance. He prattles on ceaselessly about his pain, so one would have thought it natural that suicide would be the ultimate high. A place to end it all, so to speak.
Please just answer the question, please. All I want to know is what you think the net benefit to society was of the thousands of pounds of resources spent on your time at university. There's no need to get so defensive about it.
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
This thread cheered me up! Hey "gang" sorry I haven't been pulling my weight on the board but if you want to see what's been taking up my time since Sunday evening, check out this thread on another forum?
[ 14.09.2004, 14:52: Message edited by: kovacs ]
Posted by Bamba (Member # 330) on :
By a strange coincidence, I've literally just this second finished reading through a Star Wars Surgery thread and I've never seen such blatant product placement in my life, you should be fucking ashamed of yourself dude.
[ 14.09.2004, 14:59: Message edited by: Bamba ]
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
5,644 words on three internet posts about comics?
Here's what you could have written:
25% of The Picture of Dorian Grey
50% of The Dead
Two Chekovs
6 Carvers
Let this be a warning to any other budding 'writers who post too much'.
Posted by Bamba (Member # 330) on :
quote:Originally posted by ben: Let this be a warning to any other budding 'writers who post too much'.
Says the guy spending his time counting other peoples posts up.
Oh Ben! Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
The worst of it is that I was writing about a 1988-1992 superhero comic, and the other guy posting was literally making my brain ache with his explanation of what happened in a 5-dimensional spatial context, rather than according to our own linear perspective.
Well, that's not the worst of it. Spending six hours scanning images from the comic over Sunday night, then scrapbook-pasting them into a thread over three hours of Monday morning, was pretty pitiful.
Wrestling with the chronology of the superhero epic all day at work and on the train to and from work, trying to hammer out the time-twisting into something I could comprehend, was also geeky to the max.
But giving myself a headache with my own alternate version of the nerd-interpretation was probably my nadir over the last 48 hours.
Posted by Samuelnorton (Member # 48) on :
quote:Originally posted by ben: Please just answer the question, please. All I want to know is what you think the net benefit to society was of the thousands of pounds of resources spent on your time at university. There's no need to get so defensive about it.
I am not getting defensive - I was simply annoyed by your "bedblocker" comment.
I had my fees paid for me, like everybody else back in the 1990s. My parents earned too much for me to get a grant, though. Boohoo.
I have probably paid far more in tax and NI than what was spent by the state during my time at university, so in pure mathematical terms at least, I can say with some certainly that I have been a net benefit to society. I also provide services to at least a dozen businesses; the work I have done for at least two of these has led to an increased market profile, and has contributed to their expansion and employment of further tax-paying staff. I have also helped schools run work-experience programmes.
So, there we are. I'd assume that mathematically speaking you are in a similar position to me, but beyond that something tells me that there's nothing much to speak of - unless you pay people to listen to your witless preaching.
So, quid pro quo, Ben. Let's hear it. Let's see how you are a net benefit to society. Alternatively, you can be a good little boy and fuck off.
Posted by Samuelnorton (Member # 48) on :
quote:Originally posted by Uber Trick: Norton, I think you'll find that apart from the one occasion when you attacked my sister for no good reason, and I called you a fuckwad or something equally frustrated, I have in fact stayed out of every attack on you.
The difference Uber is that we sorted it out, no? I couldn't recall any real grudge back then, nor can I sense one now. I saw your "fuckwad" comment as one driven by frustration, not some inane need to join the gang and jump in.
I'd like to use this opportunity to make it clear that I don't include you in the "gang". The same applies to your sister, with whom I have got along on this board in spite of certain ideological differences, lol.
quote:But if I'm reading your above post correctly you call Fionnula a nancyboy and refer to his sexual deviance and suggest that he should commit suicide.
For what? For being gay? For talking about it? For not being entertaining / intelligent / whatever enough for you? Is that really what you are suggesting? Honestly?
Fionnula's being gay is not the reason for my viewing him with distaste. It is the fact that he make an angst-ridden issue of being gay. Every other bullshit post he writes has something or another to do with his sexuality. The mindfuck posts, the unwillingness to look in the mirror, his talk of engaging in gay sexual acts - it's all rather crass. That maybe rich from me, the king of crass in the eyes of some, but there you are. You asked for an explanation.
It was the rather languid commentary on his being thrown out of university that made me flip. If he accepted that it was not for him and made a decision to leave, fair enough. But to laze around and attempt to gain some sort of kudos for being thrown out was beneath contempt.
[ 14.09.2004, 15:30: Message edited by: Samuelnorton ]
Posted by Bamba (Member # 330) on :
quote:Originally posted by Samuelnorton: I find it bizarre that my comments directed at nancyboy (oops, another insult!) generated such an explosion of collective bile, particularly when one considers the fact that my being told to fuck off and die on an almost regular basis gets the one-eyed doe treatment. I don't really give that much of a shit at being insulted, but do find the double-standards and the "just for the sake of it" approach to the delivery of these insults somewhat irksome.
I don't know why you would find this bizarre. It must be self-evident to you that few people here actually like you and a lot of people actively dislike you hence, you get abuse. It's fairly standard human nature stuff we're talking about here. Given that, if you go out of your way to post something particularly hateful ("You've droppped out of University? You really should kill yourself.") about someone who's generally liked (or, at least, isn't much disliked) then you're going to cop an earful. Is it right? Depends on who you talk to I suppose but is it surpising or somehow inexplicable? It couldn't be further from either of those.
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
forthcoming below
+ + + + +
NB. it will make you see this thread very differently and turn your own preconceptions on their head.
* * *
quote:Originally posted by Fionnula the Cooler: I got kicked out of my job. For not going. Which was silly of me. And is a fair reason for kicking me out. Fair on their part; mundane on mine. Wasn't quite so simple as me waking up in the morning and thinking, Oh I am really quite tired I think I'll sleep in I don't think I'll bother going to work today. But I suppose that must be their perception. And I knew this was going to happen.
quote:Well-meaning TMO contributors: Fionnula, work isn't for everyone. Think hard about maybe going back to your job, or a different job, when you've sorted out your head. In the meantime, don't realised the fascism of getting up and trudging in to toil for another man isn't your thing, and you're not the first to do that. Maybe try "part time" work in future, or just concentrate on your'll be a star anyway without the banality of following the herd.
Posted by Samuelnorton (Member # 48) on :
quote:Originally posted by Bamba: It must be self-evident
Well it must be, particularly if your distilled quotes are anything to go by...
quote:"You've droppped out of University? You really should kill yourself."
Where did I say or suggest this? As far as I can remember, the suicide jibe had come hot on the heels of my chastising Fionnula for trying to make something out of his being thrown out of university for being a sloth.
Posted by Modge (Member # 64) on :
Firstly, I think Macandrew has been a bit of an eejit. To my mind it's fair enough to decide to leave university at anytime, but to simply not attend to the point of being chucked out is not great at all.
Secondly, kovacs' "clever" work comparison is not great either. Work is - again to my mind -different than being a student, largely because going to university is a choice whereas work is pretty mandatory.
Finally, I'm interested in why this:
quote:Originally posted by Samuelnorton: the unwillingness to look in the mirror,
is attributed to Macandrew's sexuality specifically.
p.s finally, I am semi-interested as to why SNorton has picked a line of Ben's for his new signature. I thought it might be because you think Ben made a typo; if so you might want to take a look at your earlier post. If that isn't the reason, then I don't "get it".
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
Perhaps my chill satire doesn't entirely work as a parallel.
That said, I am going to take the less popular side of this argument. I would put my response to Fionnula's behaviour in more measured terms than 2@ and Rick perhaps, but I think I understand some of their frustration.
I don't really feel Fionnula was being smug or boasting this event as a badge of "difference", but to prolong your situation until the university -- which I suspect does all it can to help struggling students -- finally turfs you out, is at best a sign of lethargic passivity, a refusal to take any command over your own situation and future.
Although Fionnula may not be suited to university right now, I think if you "knew [your expulsion] was going to happen" it's more responsible and admirable to quit before you're kicked. Being told to leave because you haven't been turning up enough is surely to let a dark cloud hang unnecessarily over that part of your career.
There may also be a case, although I'm not sure about the logistics of it, that you are indeed "wasting" a place on your degree course that someone more keen, more dedicated, more (to be charitable) suited to the course might have been offered had you chosen to leave earlier, at the point when you knew it wasn't going to work out for you.
None of us are as responsible or strong-minded as we could be of course, and it's all very well for me to condemn someone for not doing what I consider the best thing, when I don't really know the complexities of Fionnula's situation. Perhaps it was more difficult than his posts on this thread tell us, and not just a case of being too weak and indecisive to make a firm decision once he knew his degree wasn't going to work out.
It's a shame this is at least the second degree Fionnnula has abandoned, and maybe it does suggest a lack of effort or resolve on his part rather than the banal conclusion that "University's not for you".
If it doesn't hurt anyone but Fionnula though -- that is, unless I can be convinced that the argument about him "wasting" someone else's university place is definitely sound -- then perhaps it's not my business to judge.
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
quote:Originally posted by Modge: Secondly, kovacs' "clever" work comparison is not great either.
Hello kovacs
Posted by Bamba (Member # 330) on :
quote:Originally posted by Samuelnorton: Where did I say or suggest this?
Right about here:
quote:Originally posted by Samuelnorton: Why don't you just save us the wasted air as well by jumping from a bridge?
Anyway, I take it that you agree with everything else I said then? Good show.
Posted by rooster (Member # 738) on :
How long was he at university? Surely there aren’t students waiting to come in to class in the middle of the term should wayward students happen to drop out…
Though things might be different than here in the U.S., schools won’t take students but twice a year (and for most only once a year).
Posted by Uber Trick (Member # 456) on :
quote:Originally posted by Samuelnorton: The difference Uber is that we sorted it out, no? I couldn't recall any real grudge back then, nor can I sense one now. I saw your "fuckwad" comment as one driven by frustration, not some inane need to join the gang and jump in.
We did sort it out, yes. I was just framing my post lest anyone should think that I was jumping on a band wagon.
quote:Originally posted by Samuelnorton: Fionnula's being gay is not the reason for my viewing him with distaste. It is the fact that he make an angst-ridden issue of being gay. Every other bullshit post he writes has something or another to do with his sexuality. The mindfuck posts, the unwillingness to look in the mirror, his talk of engaging in gay sexual acts - it's all rather crass. That maybe rich from me, the king of crass in the eyes of some, but there you are. You asked for an explanation.
It was the rather languid commentary on his being thrown out of university that made me flip. If he accepted that it was not for him and made a decision to leave, fair enough. But to laze around and attempt to gain some sort of kudos for being thrown out was beneath contempt.
I did ask for an explanation, thank you. It did come across to me in that post that it was his sexuality that you were focussing on as well as the university situation and that is why I was asking for clarification.
I don't really know Fionnula all that well, I have met him once and he seemed really nice and sound. But also he is young and I think being young and gay and alternative is incredibly likely to make you "angsty" and surely it is likely to be a focus of his writing and thinking as we all write about our life experiences. And do we really need to attack / analyse / discuss his persona/lity? Is it relevant to what he originally posted? Again, horses for courses, but I enjoy Fionnula's posts and I like his writing style. We won't all like and appreciate all things about everyone but things did seem to get twisted on this thread from being angry about what he posted to having a go at Fionnula as a person.
Finally, I have to wonder if this hasn't all actually been taken out of context. Fionnula posted that he had been thrown out of university and he knew why. What you read as languid commentary and an attempt for kudos, and others also misinterpreted I believe, I read as Fionnula attempting to make light of a situation that was far from good.
I think he was downplaying it "for comedy effect" - to cheer us up, I'm also not entirely sure that his reasons for not going in to university which lead to him being kicked out were because he didn't want to / was tired / stayed in bed etc but for another reason which is hinted at but not explicit, so I'll say no more in case a) I am wrong or b) I am right.
I also wonder that if people felt as strongly about divorce as they obviously do about people dropping out of / being asked to leave university, I wonder if my little flat comment earlier on the thread may have elicited a similar reaction as it was said in the same manner, I believe.
Clarification - I appreciate that the implications of university education being paid for the taxpayer etc is different from a divorce paid for by me therefore having a less wide-reaching social effect, I just meant in terms of delivering a flip comment on a post about needing to be cheered up.
[ 14.09.2004, 17:55: Message edited by: Uber Trick ]
Posted by Samuelnorton (Member # 48) on :
quote:Originally posted by Bamba: Anyway, I take it that you agree with everything else I said then? Good show.
Did you even read what what I said? No?
To repeat. The suicide comment was delivered as a response to Fionnula's shitty attitude, not the fact that he dropped out of university. His "look at me, I was thrown out because I was lazy" act is in complete contrast to someone who might have dropped out after trying their darndest and failing.
Posted by Samuelnorton (Member # 48) on :
quote:Originally posted by Modge: Finally, I'm interested in why this:
quote:Originally posted by Samuelnorton: the unwillingness to look in the mirror,
is attributed to Macandrew's sexuality specifically.
It may be, it may not. My point was that an angst motivated by possible feelings of inadequacy and his sexuality makes up the core of his pseudo-philosophical posts.
quote:p.s finally, I am semi-interested as to why SNorton has picked a line of Ben's for his new signature. I thought it might be because you think Ben made a typo; if so you might want to take a look at your earlier post. If that isn't the reason, then I don't "get it".
It wasn't the typo in itself, but rather the fact that the typo made the sentence sound more pleading.
[ 14.09.2004, 16:40: Message edited by: Samuelnorton ]
Posted by Bamba (Member # 330) on :
quote:Originally posted by Samuelnorton: Did you even read what what I said? No?
Yes, actually. My line that you quoted was a pointed dig at the fact that, as usual, you'd begun splitting hairs on some relatively minor detail without engaging the 'meat' of my post which was: you get abuse because you're not well-liked and thus your treatment isn't as bizarre or inexplicable as you say. This isn't the first time you've complained about your treatment here and it's not the first time I've pointed out the obviousness of what's going on only to have you go off on a tangent. Undoubtedly though, if you do respond to this, you'll begin dissecting how many times I've said this in the past or suchlike although, if it helps, I've emboldened the actual relevant part of all this up there for you.
Posted by discodamage (Member # 66) on :
quote:Originally posted by Uber Trick: I think he was downplaying it "for comedy effect" - to cheer us up, I'm also not entirely sure that his reasons for not going in to university which lead to him being kicked out were because he didn't want to / was tired / stayed in bed etc but for another reason which is hinted at but not explicit, so I'll say no more in case a) I am wrong or b) I am right.
i actually reread fionullas original post in order to clear this up. lets all do the same shall we.
quote:Originally posted by Fionnula the Cooler: Wasn't quite so simple as me waking up in the morning and thinking, Oh I am really quite tired I think I'll sleep in I don't think I'll bother going to university today. But I suppose that must be their perception. And I knew this was going to happen.
(my italics) it was easy to misread, but there is context to this, as uber suggests. (can i just say that anyone who asks for clarification on that context is a **** , because if fionulla wanted to go into details, he would have.)
[ 14.09.2004, 17:13: Message edited by: discodamage ]
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
quote:Originally posted by Samuelnorton: I had my fees paid for me, like everybody else back in the 1990s. My parents earned too much for me to get a grant, though. Boohoo.
I have probably paid far more in tax and NI than what was spent by the state during my time at university, so in pure mathematical terms at least, I can say with some certainly that I have been a net benefit to society. I also provide services to at least a dozen businesses; the work I have done for at least two of these has led to an increased market profile, and has contributed to their expansion and employment of further tax-paying staff. I have also helped schools run work-experience programmes.
You didn't answer the question. So far as I can tell your degree (Modern History?) has very little to do with the 'services' you now provide (web design). Given this lack of connection between what you did for those three years and what you now do, you still have to explain what the net benefit to society was of the thousands of pounds of resources spent on your time at university.
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
quote:Originally posted by Modge: p.s finally, I am semi-interested as to why SNorton has picked a line of Ben's for his new signature. I thought it might be because you think Ben made a typo; if so you might want to take a look at your earlier post. If that isn't the reason, then I don't "get it".
I daresay it's because Snorton dug the Carver reference and was chiefing my patented 'arch but courteous' style.
Posted by Modge (Member # 64) on :
It's funny that many people on this thread have typed Fionnula wrongly. Funny and strangely irritating.
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
quote:Originally posted by Bamba:
you get abuse because you're not well-liked and thus your treatment isn't as bizarre or inexplicable as you say.
This "liked" business is a bit slippery on here though, isn't it. You say above that Fionnula is well-liked or at least not disliked, but I'm not clear as to whether people's feelings towards him -- and by extension Norton or anyone else -- are based on post content, meetings (mentioned by Uber Trick) or off-board communication (hinted at by Discodamage). We're told above on this thread (Teflon) that it's not appropriate to judge someone on their posts alone, but in many cases that's all we have. Surely people are putting forward a version of themselves they're fairly comfortable with, and so it's kosher to draw our opinions of their "personality" through it? When people condemn Norton isn't that mostly because of what he posts, rather than because anything you know of him in person, on messenger, in email?
So if, as I suspect, the dislike people express of Samuelnorton is based on what he posts to the board, isn't it fair for someone to draw conclusions about Fionnula based on what he posts? I don't see anyone ever protesting "you can't slag Norton unless you've met him in real life or really know him" -- it's considered quite enough to read his TMO contributions -- so we might ask for consistency.
As another point, if you dislike someone based on their posts, are you really disliking them? Do you feel you dislike the person, or that you feel you would dislike the person based on what they've written, or are you aware that you merely dislike a persona that may not be exactly like the real-life individual?
quote:Funny and strangely irritating.
like the name itself.
[ 14.09.2004, 17:50: Message edited by: kovacs ]
Posted by damo (Member # 722) on :
quote:Originally posted by Black Mask: You started this, you **** !
yeah i know. but. it took my name is joe (and i'm an alcoholic) to start the ball rolling for me.
[ 14.09.2004, 17:46: Message edited by: damo ]
Posted by Samuelnorton (Member # 48) on :
quote:Originally posted by ben: You didn't answer the question. So far as I can tell your degree (Modern History?) has very little to do with the 'services' you now provide (web design). Given this lack of connection between what you did for those three years and what you now do, you still have to explain what the net benefit to society was of the thousands of pounds of resources spent on your time at university.
Now you are really are getting pissy. Your question is pretty much a straw man - the issue of whether one's degree is directly relevant to one's job is one that can be directed at the vast majority of graduates, particularly those who graduated during the past fifteen years where diversification has become the norm. Just picking people that I know out of the air, I could give five further examples:
There is only one person I know from Uni (ex-g/f) who went into a field in some way relevant to her study, and she is a history teacher in Ennis. That said, she teaches Irish history but graduated doing the same stuff as me. One can take your pissiness to the extreme and ask what her dissertation on the Bolshevik Revolution has to do with teaching eleven year olds about the Potato Famine or the Spanish Armada's landing on the Irish west coast.
The days of degree leading to a "relevant" job are long gone, with the obvious exception of the academic arena itself.
So all in all it's a pretty cheap shot, to be honest.
This makes for an interesting question I guess, one we should turn to the floor. Essentially, if you went to university, what did you graduate in? And what are you doing now? Posted by damo (Member # 722) on :
quote:Originally posted by Samuelnorton: Essentially, if you went to university, what did you graduate in? And what are you doing now?
yeah but not here.
this is about your online persona and how it may or may not be an extension of your actual persona.
and why for instance, i felt that i could easily bark back at you but not at ally. who instead of sniping back at, i let someone else defend me. for fear of rocking the boat.
Posted by Uber Trick (Member # 456) on :
quote:Originally posted by Modge: It's funny that many people on this thread have typed Fionnula wrongly. Funny and strangely irritating.
I noticed I'd done it and then wondered that if I went back and edited if it would look like I'd change the content of my post somehow, and I didn't want that as I spent a fair amount of time writing it.
However, it has been irritating me too and so now I have to go and edit because I feel disrespectful.
Posted by Carter (Member # 426) on :
quote:Originally posted by Samuelnorton: The days of degree leading to a "relevant" job are long gone, with the obvious exception of the academic arena itself.
You know that 2@'s only trolling because no-one made enough fuss over him in his first incarnation. Either that or boredom. I'll have to ask.
Ooh, I feel like kovacs with a pet Rilian.
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
quote:Originally posted by Samuelnorton: Now you are really are getting pissy. Your question is pretty much a straw man - the issue of whether one's degree is directly relevant to one's job is one that can be directed at the vast majority of graduates
Stop trying to weasel your way out of this. It was you who first mentioned (as you now agree, irrelevantly) the job you now do.
It's a simple question: what has been the net benefit to society of the thousands of pounds of resources spent on your time at university?
Why do you find it so difficult to provide an answer that you must resort to denouncing smokescreens for which you yourself have lit the fuse?
Posted by Modge (Member # 64) on :
I think that kovacs and SNorton need to start new threads because they have both raised interesting points but it is going to be too confusing to try to answer both here plus Darryn is going to bring his lil' key along soon and lock this thread for being too long and weighty for poor TMO.
so there.
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
quote:Originally posted by kovacs: isn't it fair for someone to draw conclusions about Fionnula based on what he posts?
To an extent
I would say that yes, you are in a position to judge and even to comment on the side of themselves someone might choose to show on here, but it's not really acceptable to make assumptions about any other aspect of their life when they haven't actually made any real reference to it, or at least, haven't shown it in any detail. It's the reason I get annoyed when people try and say I'm a bad driver when really they have no right to that opinion having never been in a car with me. Likewise the comments that he's a talented/untalented writer aren't really any use since nobody has actually sampled any of his 'writing', confusing it with his 'posts'. I'm sure that you of all people can understand the difference.
It's like saying you can judge an artists ability by looking at a few doodles on a scrap of paper.
Posted by Fionnula the Cooler (Member # 453) on :
00 How do I reply without confirming allegations of my self-obsession?
00 Attempt #godknows.
00 Indifference and indecision, yeah, been guilty of bouts of both. More to it than that, though.
00 How do I write about the more-to-its without confirming allegations of my whining?
00 I started the year well. I studied. I passed exams. I was determined to see the year out. To see in the next. To see myself through the whole course. I did not regard the degree as a waste of time. It was not an ideal situation, no, but it would channel me through to a vantage point better suited to making lucid decisions and grabbing opportunities.
00 Things crumbled. Things do.
00 An erosion fact. "Erosion becomes a problem when human activity causes it to occur much faster than under natural conditions."
00 I continued studying at home, in libraries, in quiet parks. Could not bring myself to confront lecture theatres, tutorial rooms, examination halls. Sought help. Faltered.
00 ... ... ... pro cra sti nat ion ... ... ...
00 University recommends that my attendance on courses is discontinued.
00 My posts (all two of them) were not smug. Self-satisfied. Boastful. Aloof. Or flippant in any way.
00 ? Hooray! ?
00 OK, maybe hooray! was flippant, taken literally, but I expected hooray! to convey! a little more than joy! at having fucked up my education. Maybe, I thought, hooray! would be a funner way! of betray!ing (I'm stopping this now) my genuine disappointment in myself for managing to fuck up a second promising opportunity of a decent higher education. Never mind. I'll just churn out reams of dreary exposition instead.
00 Don't.
00 I'm trying.
00 How do I reply without confirming allegations of my tendency to refer (in the majority of my posts) to my gayness?
00 O look. Doing it again.
00 Is it really me who posts about my sexuality all the time? Or, alternatively, do I perhaps find myself written into a position (often corner-shaped) where I have to defend everything I may or may not have written about my sexuality in the past? I think it's reached a point now where everyone else posts more about my sexuality and supposed sexual deviance than I do myself. I'm not too sure about this whole marriage thing. That's cos you're gay. I fucked up my life and got kicked out of university. Shut up about being gay, Fionnula. But I - ?
00 A theory.
Boy poster writes about girls =sex not sexuality.
Boy poster writes about boys =sexuality not sex.
00 How do I reply without confirming allegations of my [lack of] writing ability?
00 .
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
That'll do.
Posted by Samuelnorton (Member # 48) on :
quote:Originally posted by Carter:
Oops. Sorry Carter.
Ben - I have answered your straw man question as far as I wish to. There are no smokescreens and there is no fuse, save what is spinning around in your clearly addled mind.
Now fuck off and get you head checked again.
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
"As far as I wish to" = not at all.
You made some irrelevant points about the job you're doing now - entirely unconnected with your actual degree - then started shrieking when I pointed out that this hardly "explained" what the net result of your three years' study was.
You could have said something along the lines of "I learnt important analytical skills that equip me both as a citizen or a voter" or, alternatively, "as well as academics it's important that serious amateurs engage in historical study, taking it beyond the purview simply of career practitioners".
That you cannot, or refuse to, articulate the ways in which you feel you - and society at large - benefitted, kind of throws into question whether the exercise was at all worthwhile.
It certainly doesn't leave you in a particularly firm position from which to lecture others.
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
Update - a deal has been reached. Anyone wanna buy a Puma?
Posted by Uber Trick (Member # 456) on :
[ 14.09.2004, 18:50: Message edited by: Uber Trick ]
Posted by Uber Trick (Member # 456) on :
[ 14.09.2004, 18:48: Message edited by: Uber Trick ]
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ringo: Likewise the comments that he's a talented/untalented writer aren't really any use since nobody has actually sampled any of his 'writing', confusing it with his 'posts'. I'm sure that you of all people can understand the difference.
I don't think there's always a distinction between "writing posts" and "writing".
You're assuming that anything anyone produced for TMO is automatically going to be substandard, dashed-off and unrepresentative, while someone's "real" creative writing will be saved for another audience. In fact, I think the opposite might often be true. Many contributors here do seem to write posts as exercises in creative style, as showcases for their descriptive skills. Maybe it is the case that they submit it thinking "this is casual rubbish compared to my proper stuff, but it's good enough for this crowd", but I suspect quite a lot of care and rewriting goes into some of the more ambitious descriptive posts we sometimes see here.
Talking of cars Ringo, do you like the Italdesign Asgard, the Cadillac Voyage, the Chevrolet Express.
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
Surely though there's more to being a "good writer" than being able to string together, what, a few thousand words at the most, showcasing your wordiness? I mean in terms of fiction, is a consistent narrative and character development just as important? I have read books by writers who have incredibly plain styles of writing but whose ability to construct an inticing world has made the book just as gripping as anything more poetic I've read. Perhaps I'm not the best critic as I'm not particularly well read, but I would find it hard to believe that, no matter how well written, you could really get a feel for a writers' ability simply from a few hundred posts, at least half of which will inevitably be written with little care and attention. Even the most devoted of posters can't maintain that level of involvement all of the time.
On the flipside, people have occasionally told me I have talent from my posts, while I'm painfully aware of the fact I couldn't write a book for shit.
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
As for the cars - anything by Italdesign is fine by me. I don't know what the other two are. They sound American and I don't 'do' American.
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
Re. the cars, a student of mine is working on Intersection magazine and they are absolutely stunning 1980s vehicles, mad stylised streamlined creations like something the Silver Surfer would drive.
When I am less tired I may scan some pix of them and also reply properly to your above, quite convincing and reasonable, post.
Posted by dervish (Member # 727) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ringo: I don't 'do' American.
Slowly the lift came to a stop. With a faint hiss the doors slid open. Ringo stared into the metallic interior; the glossy but faintly warm glow from the lift gently caressed his lightly tanned cheeks.
Inside, the vaguely pot noodle, slinky sound of leather clad thighs sussulated as Jennifer Lopez unfolded her limbs and moved from the interior of the lift.
"Whhooo," she breathed sensually in his ear as she passed. Her tongue flickered briefly across his ear. " Later?"
He drew himself up slightly.
"Sorry, " said Ringo. "I don't 'do' American."
Posted by Samuelnorton (Member # 48) on :
quote:Originally posted by ben: You could have said something along the lines of "I learnt important analytical skills that equip me both as a citizen or a voter" or, alternatively, "as well as academics it's important that serious amateurs engage in historical study, taking it beyond the purview simply of career practitioners".
I would have thought you would have seen this as a given though - along with the analytical skills one generally develops when writing essays and structuring an argument. I however was being more specific in looking in terms of the subject matter and its direct relevance to ones' present occupation.
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
ie. Refusing to answer a question I hadn't even asked. I don't know. This 'you ought to have taken this as a given' wheeze is a bit feeble - especially since you're so precious about people (especially me) "making assumptions" about you.
It doesn't look like I'm going to get a reasonable response to my fairly straightforward question so I suppose the closing observations of my previous post stand.
Posted by Vogon Poetess (Member # 164) on :
I've always found Fionnula's posts to be distinctive and usually enjoyable, and interpreted the somewhat jaunty original post as part-bravado at announcing something difficult. My younger brother failed university for various reasons and has struggled to sort himself out since then. The thought of Aborton dishing out similarly predictable and unnecessary bile in his direction makes me bristle with surprisingly fierce and protective big sisterly rage.
Posted by squirrelandgman (Member # 201) on :
Getting kicked out for not attending is a bit shit really. It is dead easy to not attend and not get kicked out. Lectures, not registered so no need to go to any of them. Tutorials, registered. Go to them. However not all of them. Having a crisis of some description helps. Perhaps someone close being taken seriously ill. This even gets sympathy from pretty boys/girls that don't know you as you hardly ever attend.
Downsides are when engaged in a lively tutorial not going to lectures means you don't know shit. However, picking vaguley relavant points from tutorial notes helps. If you have no fear of looking a bit stupid you'll be alright.
Exams can be troublesome but a little creativity goes a long way.
I pissed academia up the wall. Now I am in a job I don't like. However, I suspect if I had not pissed academia up the wall I would still be in a job I didn't like. So it goes.
I might do a masters now though and I promise to take that seriously.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
You were concerned you didn't get enough flack in yesterdays bruising free-for-all flame fest.
But, just for your pleasure, I've ressurected your first proper thread.
quote:Originally posted by squirrelandgman: Getting kicked out for not attending is a bit shit really. It is dead easy to not attend and not get kicked out. Lectures, not registered so no need to go to any of them. Tutorials, registered. Go to them. However not all of them. Having a crisis of some description helps. Perhaps someone close being taken seriously ill. This even gets sympathy from pretty boys/girls that don't know you as you hardly ever attend.
Downsides are when engaged in a lively tutorial not going to lectures means you don't know shit. However, picking vaguley relavant points from tutorial notes helps. If you have no fear of looking a bit stupid you'll be alright.
Exams can be troublesome but a little creativity goes a long way.
I pissed academia up the wall. Now I am in a job I don't like. However, I suspect if I had not pissed academia up the wall I would still be in a job I didn't like. So it goes.
I might do a masters now though and I promise to take that seriously.
There is an argument that education, especially higher education, has a purpose beyond just getting you a job -- that it's intended to encourage critical and creative thinking, that learning is invigorating and enriching whether a register is taken or not. Some would say that having three years in which to debate, to read, to realise how little you know and try to know more is a luxury you should make the most of.
I doubt this argument holds much water with you though, or indeed many people these days.
Posted by Bailey (Member # 261) on :
Isn't the problem not that Fionnula is unbothered about getting thrown out of University (whether he is or not), but more the reaction of "go and jump off a bridge"?
Maybe I'm being too fluffy, but can't people just be a little nicer to each other? Snorton you could have expressed your frustration without suggesting Fionnula kill himself, no?
[ 15.09.2004, 05:38: Message edited by: Bailey ]
Posted by mart (Member # 32) on :
quote:Originally posted by kovacs: Some would say that having three years in which to debate, to read, to realise how little you know and try to know more is a luxury you should make the most of.
It might be argued that squirrelman was expressing, in a rather skewed way, a widely held opinion that, for the very reason you state above, higher education (in this country* at least) is very often wasted on the (young) people it's aimed at.
*Edit: that's the UK, not Spain.
[ 15.09.2004, 05:20: Message edited by: mart ]
Posted by squirrelandgman (Member # 201) on :
quote:Originally posted by kovacs: There is an argument that education, especially higher education, has a purpose beyond just getting you a job -- that it's intended to encourage critical and creative thinking, that learning is invigorating and enriching whether a register is taken or not. Some would say that having three years in which to debate, to read, to realise how little you know and try to know more is a luxury you should make the most of.
I doubt this argument holds much water with you though, or indeed many people these days.
You are absolutely right Kovacs. I agree. Try telling that to me when I was 18 though. I was a twat when I was 18. I am moderately better now. Which is why I am considering a masters. I did waste my time at university and I do, to an extent, regret it.
However, I was exceptionaly good at blagging it. Something which took a degree of critical and creative thinking. I discovered quite a lot about getting away with it so my time wasn't entirely wasted.
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
quote:Originally posted by mart:
quote:Originally posted by kovacs: Some would say that having three years in which to debate, to read, to realise how little you know and try to know more is a luxury you should make the most of.
It might be argued that squirrelman was expressing, in a rather skewed way, a widely held opinion that, for the very reason you state above, higher education (in this country* at least) is very often wasted on the (young) people it's aimed at.
*Edit: that's the UK, not Spain.
I'd say he wasn't expressing this idea, but was demonstrating why it might be true.
And in fairness, I took the above attitude far more when I was paying for an MA part-time, or when I was against my expectations given funding to do a full-time PhD. Doing a BA was more of a matter of course, partly a social/life-experience thing, an initiation into adulthood. But while I did skip lectures, as I've always found it more profitable to learn thru reading on my own rather than listening to someone else reading, I did also take some pleasure in feeling myself critically challenged and my boundaries of knowledge expanded.
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
quote:Originally posted by squirrelandgman: I agree. Try telling that to me when I was 18 though. I was a twat when I was 18. I am moderately better now. Which is why I am considering a masters. I did waste my time at university and I do, to an extent, regret it.
However, I was exceptionaly good at blagging it. Something which took a degree of critical and creative thinking. I discovered quite a lot about getting away with it so my time wasn't entirely wasted.
Fair's fair, as I said I didn't really make the most of higher education until I was paying for it myself and doing it after work, as a slightly older young man of 24. I think I should have applied myself a little better too, but maybe the "undergraduate experience" is inevitably not just about academia, but also about learning who you are as a young adult, how you relate to your peers and authority... &c.
Posted by Samuelnorton (Member # 48) on :
quote:Originally posted by ben: ie. Refusing to answer a question I hadn't even asked. I don't know. This 'you ought to have taken this as a given' wheeze is a bit feeble - especially since you're so precious about people (especially me) "making assumptions" about you.
Oh come off it. I think most people who've been through University would say that on a general level it gave them the opportunity to fine-tune their skills in analysis, argumentation and essay-writing skills; some would also talk of non-academic benefits, such as self-sufficiency, financial management (or not, in some cases), and expanding their social horizons.
I think we got our wires crossed somewhat: When you said the following
quote:So far as I can tell your degree (Modern History?) has very little to do with the 'services' you now provide (web design). Given this lack of connection between what you did for those three years and what you now do...
I was under the impression that you were asking me how relevant my degree was to what I am doing today. I felt that you were leading me into a trap, prosecution lawyer stylee, knowing that ultimately I would have to end up answering "my degree has no relevance to what I am doing right now, m'lud". I countered this by arguing that this charge could be levelled at the vast majority of graduates today, given that many are working in fields not particularly related to their degree subject.
Had you worded the question you were actually asking accurately - essentially, "what did studying for your degree provide you with generally?" - you would have got the answer you wanted.
quote:It doesn't look like I'm going to get a reasonable response to my fairly straightforward question so I suppose the closing observations of my previous post stand.
My response above is pretty reasonable, I think.
As a footnote, things may well change in the next year or so. Two of my military history websites (all done for love and no money) are starting to prove rather popular, and I am planning to write a book on at least one of the subjects (in cahoots with another fellow enthusiast). I have also been contacted by researchers from two major terrestrial television networks about future documentary programmes. So by next year I could be both a published author and historical consultant, which would constitute my coming back into the fold, so to speak.
[ 15.09.2004, 06:01: Message edited by: Samuelnorton ]
Posted by 2@ (Member # 715) on :
quote:Originally posted by Carter:
quote:Originally posted by Samuelnorton: The days of degree leading to a "relevant" job are long gone, with the obvious exception of the academic arena itself.
You know that 2@'s only trolling because no-one made enough fuss over him in his first incarnation. Either that or boredom. I'll have to ask.
Ooh, I feel like kovacs with a pet Rilian.
I really hope you're not the best that this board has to offer. And what's a 'Rilian'?
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
The Puma really is for sale by the way. If anyone's interested they should drop me an email.
Posted by 2@ (Member # 715) on :
Ringers - good luck selling it. I'd remove the neon lamps , chrome spinners and blue foglights first, though.
They're a little bit, well, gay.
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
The car is completely standard
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ringo: The car is completely standard
Unlike the driver eh?
Posted by 2@ (Member # 715) on :
quote:Originally posted by New Way Of Decay:
quote:Originally posted by Ringo: The car is completely standard
Unlike the driver eh?
True. You have to admit that Ringers looks blingin' on his 20 inch chrome rims. Let's not talk about his fat exhaust pipe, though.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
quote:Originally posted by 2@: Let's not talk about his fat exhaust pipe, though.
You'll have to do your homework, its usually referred to as a 'spoiler'
Posted by discodamage (Member # 66) on :
i got a job today even though i was convinced i had said so many twatty things in the interview they would use my cv as the twisty for a ceremonial bonfire, and i got the volunteer position i was asking advice about two weeks ago! and, i reminded the deputy editor of the not-for-profit magazine i worked on last year of my existence, and hopefully how very worth the £120 a day they paid me i actually am, yay!
Posted by froopyscot (Member # 178) on :