It's frighteningly easy to be here you know. I mean, shouldn't there be some kind of stringent public school initiation ceremony involving humiliation or something?
Posted by Carter (Member # 426) on :
I hope you like biscuits.
Posted by Honeybaby (Member # 543) on :
So, I've signed up and think I should probably introduce myself.
Seemed a civilised idea, although having read some of the threads already, I'm not convinced.
Hi, I'm HB, I like walks in the park, dogs moonlight.... heave
Recognise some names out there, actually registered in 2003 but lost the link.
Posted by jonesy999 (Member # 5) on :
Alright Honeybaby?
[ 11.10.2005, 03:28: Message edited by: jonesy999 ]
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
Following from Ben's suggestion that Rick actually role-played the character of a Giant Auk, I think our newbies should try to stretch the limits of internet identity. You know, that stuff London used to talk about in "the year 2001". Making the most of this democratic cyberspace arena, and so on. Escaping the boundaries of meatspace.
I think Honeybaby should actually post in the persona of what she sounds like: A Golden Retriever.
Posted by jonesy999 (Member # 5) on :
Oh no! You've done it now Kovacs. Honeybaby first posted in 2003, when her/his book was immediately judged by its 'Honeybaby' cover. Honeybaby wasn't at all happy about TMO drawing such conclusions about Honeybaby from the name, Honeybaby.
Now it's like 2003 all over again. You have unleashed a recurring nightmare for poor Honeybaby (the name is, I believe, an 'ironic' moniker mocking some kind of rich loverman - like a 'Heybaby')
Posted by Honeybaby (Member # 543) on :
Hi. No biscuits for me, thanks. Dog or otherwise.
[ 11.10.2005, 04:09: Message edited by: Honeybaby ]
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
Oh right. Posted by Gods Plumber (Member # 791) on :
Hi I'm new!
I like all sorts of hobbies, I looooove choccy...and Bambi is a fucking shitfilled piece of motherfucking **** .
Posted by Gods Plumber (Member # 791) on :
You guys need sweet.
Bambi is a C.U.N.T...see if that works, eh?
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
wha' happen to cheapredwine then? The Listening Nun? Do you remember a while back there was a newbie thread, and all these newbies appeared and then went again? And, can we confirm that Fifichan was Holy Ghost? Like Spangle, it disappeared when the word was mentioned.
anyway, hallo Honeybaby and CheapRedWine.
God's Plumber---> ???? Does anybody know what you're talking about?
Posted by saltrock (Member # 622) on :
I think God's Plumber might be a bit broken or something.
Posted by herbs (Member # 101) on :
quote:Originally posted by Dr. Benway: God's Plumber---> ???? Does anybody know what you're talking about?
And does anybody care?
Posted by Darryn.R (Member # 1) on :
Does anybody care ? Is the real question Benway, does anybody really care ?
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
quote:Originally posted by Gods Plumber: You guys need sweet.
Bambi is a C.U.N.T...see if that works, eh?
"Who are you calling a cunt?" Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
quote:Originally posted by herbs:
quote:Originally posted by Dr. Benway: God's Plumber---> ???? Does anybody know what you're talking about?
And does anybody care?
I'm interested to know, in a nosey kind of way. Not interested to see this constant low level abuse, but I don't know anything about inter-board politics, of which plumber seems to be a one trick product. The plumber is obviously a bitter and sad individual, but there must be some kind of issue here.
[ 11.10.2005, 05:21: Message edited by: Dr. Benway ]
Posted by herbs (Member # 101) on :
I want to know too, but wanted to portray an air of indifference, just to annoy GP. Though he does seem a bit mental, and may now come after me with his adjustable spanner.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
If you're going to hurt someone, then an adjustable spanner would be both brutal and precise depending on which way you work it. It's all so complicated this board malarkey.
Posted by Gods Plumber (Member # 791) on :
Come on guys look on the bright side...look how many quality posts you've don't normally get this many in a year.
I'm here cos Bambi made me come here. The snivelling piece of shit likes to wind people up...problem is he pisses his pants when he gets it back.
I am here because The Cuban Lounge and Bambi want me here. Their wish is my command.
Do you have a Reality TV forum please?
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
quote:Originally posted by Gods Plumber: Come on guys look on the bright side...look how many quality posts you've don't normally get this many in a year.
I'm here cos Bambi made me come here. The snivelling piece of shit likes to wind people up...problem is he pisses his pants when he gets it back.
I am here because The Cuban Lounge and Bambi want me here. Their wish is my command.
Do you have a Reality TV forum please?
This is no kind of explanation. Why not try again?
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
Did he say something horrible to you GP? did he call you a bad name? Did you get upset and make some sad and empty threats over the internet? Is your penis very small and as impotent as your posts?
It's ok, you can tell us, we wont judge. We might laugh, but we wont judge.
Posted by jonesy999 (Member # 5) on :
My favourite bit is this "I'm saving your boards" routine.
"You've never had it so good, TMO. Thanks to fucking Bamble, the Scortish cnut who I can 'have', you're getting more words per minute than you've ever had. Anyone want a typing competition...hey? Didn't think so. How does he move so fast....ooh yeah!"
Posted by squeegy (Member # 136) on :
I like GPs clever use of Bamba's username.
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
Yeah: he says Bambi, even though he knows this is wrong! LOL! Bambi is actually a stag, not a poster. What could be more humiliating than being compared to a stag?
Posted by Gods Plumber (Member # 791) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ringo: Did he say something horrible to you GP? did he call you a bad name? Did you get upset and make some sad and empty threats over the internet? Is your penis very small and as impotent as your posts?
It's ok, you can tell us, we wont judge. We might laugh, but we wont judge.
Well you've got fuck else to laugh at here, so I thought I'd oblige.
Bambi didn't call me anything. Do I need a reason to assume he's a fucking C.U.N.T...have any of you ever seen him??? I mean for fucks sake. Nerd ain't the word.
No wonder Lucretia ignored his pathetic little come on's. The boy plays Unreal with his joystick too much.
I really fail to understand what your problem ius with me?
Bambi used this bored to call 'pricks' and use personal info...therefore I do the same to least I had the balls to do it here.
Anyway, I suspect Bambi may be dealing with a few 'problems' over at TCL, so he may not be around much today Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
call who pricks? Balls to what? He plays too much Unreal?
Honestly. You're still not making sense.
[ 11.10.2005, 05:47: Message edited by: Dr. Benway ]
Posted by jonesy999 (Member # 5) on :
quote:Originally posted by Gods Plumber:
Anyway, I suspect Bambi may be dealing with a few 'problems' over at TCL, so he may not be around much today
Ah ha, I get you. These 'problems' are your doing, aren't they? You arch devil. Nice one! Posted by Vogon Poetess (Member # 164) on :
Is Gods Plumber actually (a rather misjudged) troll by Bamba to make us all realise how much we like him?
If so, Thorn describes Bamba as "one of the few posters who's never pissed me off".
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
Any other newbies lurking? This might be a good time to materialise, eh?
[ 11.10.2005, 05:53: Message edited by: Dr. Benway ]
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Yes. It would an ideal time. Something like 'hello boreds. I'm very quiet. I had a speccy [i]and[i/] commodore 6 an 4' and you'd be in quicker than a cock made of WD40.
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
I don't know if you folk are pretending your naivety but my impression is that God's Plumber is a regular on The Cuban Lounge, where Bamba posts as Medulla, and that God's Plumber also posts as Electric Ghecko on The Mock Turtle, where Bamba posts as Vertigo.
Apparently God's Plumber was a pain in the collective arse of TCL, and this week he's been getting into insane, near-incoherent slagging of Bamba on TMT... apparently Bamba is a coward because he won't actually meet God's Plumber face to face and call him a c*nt.
Posted by Jack Vincennes (Member # 814) on :
Are we still saying why we like kovacs in 20 words, or do I just sit here in quiet awe of his ability to keep up with this stuff?
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
I don't read other boards, so I had no idea. It still sounds like there is something going on.
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
I suppose it's sadly true... I do seem to be able to keep track of the interboard relationships. It's like following five soaps at once, with characters moving between them.
Posted by jonesy999 (Member # 5) on :
I think it's obvious that Endemic and Bamba have a lot to answer for. I couldn't be as specific as Kovacs, though.
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
Apparently God's Plumber also believes he tricked Bamba by getting Bamba to help him with tech problems on Handbag, where Bamba posts as Azura and was occasionally thought to be a woman.
Posted by Carter (Member # 426) on :
What's the etiquette on rebrandees? If we call them by their original names is it like forgetting that Paul in accounts has saved up enough now, and you're to call him Sophie? Is it a big blunder, or just insensitive? I can't even read "Endemic" without giggling, so posting it is quite awkward.
Posted by mart (Member # 32) on :
Who are the other few posters that have never pissed Thorn off?
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Isn't it important to say why you are aggrieved though? That's the best bit isn't it? Letting everyone know how it is you've been wronged sir?
Posted by Carter (Member # 426) on :
quote:Originally posted by kovacs: Apparently God's Plumber also believes he tricked Bamba by getting Bamba to help him with tech problems on Handbag, where Bamba posts as Azura and was occasionally thought to be a woman.
From a brief read of Electric Gecko's stuff on TMT, it would also seem that using different screen-names across different boards, but acknowledging this quite calmly when asked (Bamba) is "cowardly...fucking spineless...little shit" E. Gecko, 2005 - whereas doing the same but only telling people via PM (Gods Plumber) is somehow the act of a brave champion, stout of heart and tumescent with righteous fervour.
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
I tend to call Astromariner by that name even when she posts on another board under another monicker. Many people call Samuelnorton "Rick". I think it's understandable if you prefer to stick with the name you were comfortable calling them by. People still called me Kovacs in that baffling period when I posted as "Terrier" -- which now strikes me as akin to wearing eyeliner as a male teenager or dyeing your hair orange, except that I was 32 when I did it.
The truth is, I actually didn't know what kind of dog a terrier was. I thought it was some kind of fierce, loyal yapper. It seems a terrier is actually something like an old lady's dinky pet.
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by kovacs: my impression is that God's Plumber is a regular on The Cuban Lounge
Gods Plumber was a regular on TCL until he was banned.
quote:Originally posted by kovacs: Apparently God's Plumber was a pain in the collective arse of TCL
Not everyone thought he was a pain in the ass. I kind of like the guy. Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
ralph, what are you doing? Posted by jonesy999 (Member # 5) on :
Was he much better value on TCL then?
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Dr. Benway: ralph, what are you doing?
What am I doing? What am I doing? I'm expressing gratitude to a poster for keeping me amused. Is that a crime?
What are you doing?
[ 11.10.2005, 07:51: Message edited by: ralph ]
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by jonesy999: Was he much better value on TCL then?
Eqaul value I'd say, although a few posters there got a lot more pissed off at him than here at TMO. You all must simply try harder.
Posted by jonesy999 (Member # 5) on :
We've had some fucking awful posters over the years. Some have posted gibberish, some have been overly aggressive, others have wrongly believed they were delivering cutting replies to anyone who dared challenge them. There have been posters with a hard-on for regulars - strange lonely individuals who couldn't stop stalking them. Trolls are common, particularly those who post prolifically for a day or two then run out of noise to gradually fade away like an echo of the word "lame". We've had posters from other boards, ranting like madmen in a pub full of strangers about people nobody knows or perhaps someone who used to drink there years earlier. We've had unhinged idiots; the worst kind of armchair psychologists; posters who claim to be adults yet post sub Grange Hill insults; bad boys, giggly girls, one trick ponies, panto villains, self-proclaimed studs, one-dimensional transvestite road accidents, researchers who treat the place as a homework experiment - some real fucking morons, you know? Gods plumber seems to have snacked on their various routines, digested the lot and shit the whole thing back out of his fingers to type the most embarrassing pile of wordcrap to ever get stuck to the boards.
Apart from the stuff that flowed out of that teenager from Price Waterhouse. He was even worse. You missed a treat there ralph.
Posted by herbs (Member # 101) on :
Has anyone magicked a copy of that thread? It was the best ever. All those gardening double ententres... *wipes eyes*.
Posted by OJ (Member # 752) on :
quote:Originally posted by Dr. Benway: I don't read other boards, so I had no idea. It still sounds like there is something going on.
Yeah, nor me. Well occasionally but it does feel like accidentally overhearing your neighbours having sex and then being unable to tune out of that frequency as they doggedly thump away at it.
It's not thrilling voyeurism and it makes you want to never have sex again.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
I liked the double-act who got waaaay out of their depth with the homophobia. That was a fun day.
Posted by herbs (Member # 101) on :
I think that was the one Joan C was talking about. When everyone started talking about ploughing Alan Titchmarsh's furrow, etc...
Posted by Pearlie (Member # 853) on :
Morning! I've come to have a noodle about over here.
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
Hello Pearlie! Hey everyone - this is Pearlie from Handbag, and The Mock Turtle (if indeed, you are the same person)! Contrary to the receieved wisdom about HB posters being "shit" Pearli's actually really funny, and sort of intelligent, in a backward kind of way. Anyway! She's a great poster and I've no qualms about sticking my neck out and saying she's going to produce some amazing work on here. She's probably cooking something brilliant up right now. I'm really excited about this! I'm willing to stake my reputation on it. She's a fucking great poster - just watch!
Posted by Pearlie (Member # 853) on :
I'm blushing.
Posted by Skalski (Member # 852) on :
Dang. I need to get me a sponsor...
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pearlie: I'm blushing.
Pearlie, mate, I'm putting my reputation on the line here. Can't you manage something a bit better than this?
Posted by Pearlie (Member # 853) on :
Eeeesh. I don't handle pressure well. Let me settle in and find a picture of autumn or somink.
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
ALright Pearlie. I post on Hnadbag sometimes too.
Posted by Pearlie (Member # 853) on :
Oooh I haven't posted on the old bag for many moons.
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
OK, this is just embarrassing. Sorry everyone.
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
Yeah well I don't very often, and I don't use this name, and I can only vaguely ever remember seeing your name on there so probably we've never really interracted. Unless you called me a shit or something, that's happened before.
None of this is of any consequence, obviously.
Posted by saltrock (Member # 622) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pearlie: Morning! I've come to have a noodle about over here.
Hi Pearlie. Nice to see you. Another ex-bagger here [HH].
quote: Originally posted by Kovacs: where Bamba posts as Azura and was occasionally thought to be a woman.
Well, I never knew that! I knew it was someone from here but I actually did always think it was someone of female persuasion.
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
Sorry TMO, this is a little off-board as Pearlie has just come across from The Mock Turtle, where I am not inclined to post.
Pearlie, I tend to like your no-nonsense commentaries on TMT, and often found I agreed with you, but why are you being so horrible to Nineseven at the moment?
It's not that off-board as Thorn once went on a date with Nineseven and I'm sure he's pretty furious about it Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
About what? The date itself or the fact that someone I've never met is being horrible to someone I met once?
Posted by Pearlie (Member # 853) on :
She just gets on my wick and has done all the years of my internet life. Plus, I'm right and the rest are wrong.
I didn't know Thorn went on a date with her.
[ 18.10.2005, 07:13: Message edited by: Pearlie ]
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
I've been trying to get a date out of thorn for years. Every six months, a friendly email or phone call, and then.... Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
You're not missing a whole bunch
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
For a moment, I thought Thorn had two women fighting over him. Perhaps he should have been the next Bond.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
I was thinking of trying on a new name. How about Whispering Ted Moult? What do you think?
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
I'm sorry that my post above was misleading. It could even be called "stirring" Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by kovacs: It's not that off-board as Thorn once went on a date with Nineseven and I'm sure he's pretty furious about it
Ah. Is this the kind of post people refer to when they talk about you as some kind of troll? Is Thorn's or Nineseven's off-board activities really any of your business?
ETA: Damn. Posted after your retraction.
[ 18.10.2005, 07:25: Message edited by: ralph ]
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
quote:Originally posted by ralph: Is Thorn's or Nineseven's off-board activities really any of your business?
In fairness there was a thread about it on handbag, and one on here and both were a direct result of me dropping mention of the fact into a conversation because it was a Friday, I was bored and frankly I wanted the attention, which was very forthcoming and which I enjoyed.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
quote:Originally posted by ralph: Is Thorn's or Nineseven's off-board activities really any of your business?
I love Ralph. He's like Major Misunderstanding in Viz. Kovacs is referring to when Thorn went on a date with n1n3s373n and then she posted about what a rubbish cock he had and everything. It was incredibly rude if I recall. If I was Thorn, I'd have got someone to punch her in the face on her next date. Just to you know, show her how to treat people with a bit of fucking respect.
[ 18.10.2005, 07:35: Message edited by: New Way Of Decay ]
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Thorn Davis: In fairness there was a thread about it on handbag, and one on here and both were a direct result of me dropping mention of the fact into a conversation because it was a Friday, I was bored and frankly I wanted the attention, which was very forthcoming and which I enjoyed.
See, I didn't know that. My apologies to Kovacs.
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
I've had my cock slagged off online too. I didn't feel angry, just deflated.
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
She never got to see my cock. If she had, I reckon that would have changed everything.
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
Because it is handsome and mighty, like a pillar of marble rising up to honour the glory of an ancient God.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
quote:Originally posted by Thorn Davis: She never got to see my cock. If she had, I reckon that would have changed everything.
I'm sorry. I was just exagerating. She was basically just really petty about Thorns general appearance in a way that was just distinctly nasty. It was like when you get ostracised at school for owning a Skid Row T-shirt. It didn't even need to get mentioned. Unless she lays diamond encrusted stools and has tits that lactate liquid gold I think she'd have been wise to just shut it really.
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
wow, I bet chicks really dig that! Mine's like 'a sausage', according to it's unoffical biographer.
[ 18.10.2005, 07:49: Message edited by: Dr. Benway ]
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
quote:Originally posted by Thorn Davis: Because it is handsome and mighty, like a pillar of marble rising up to honour the glory of an ancient God.
Have you been reading Fanny Hill again?
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
quote:Originally posted by Dr. Benway: wow, I bet chicks really dig that! Mine's like 'a sausage', according to it's unoffical biographer.
Fucks sake. I just phooed an image of a sausage next to a massive 1p coin and it won't host.
[ 18.10.2005, 07:53: Message edited by: New Way Of Decay ]
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
quote:Originally posted by ralph:
Is this the kind of post people refer to when they talk about you as some kind of troll?
I don't think that would be a troll anyway. Doesn't a troll have to post under a fake name, not as a regular whom everyone knows?
[ 18.10.2005, 08:53: Message edited by: kovacs ]
Posted by Pearlie (Member # 853) on :
I do remember now.
I'm having a flood of internet memories.
Posted by Pearlie (Member # 853) on :
Newbie questions even though I have read the FAQs.
Do I have to not be a newbie anymore to be able to put a picture under my name? How many posts before I stop being a newbie?
[ 18.10.2005, 11:44: Message edited by: Pearlie ]
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
Newbie status is lost at 50 posts, and you can't have apicture under your name. No-one can.
Posted by Pearlie (Member # 853) on :
Thank you. Just as long as I know.
[ 18.10.2005, 11:51: Message edited by: Pearlie ]
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
I thought it was 30 posts. As for having a picture under your name, you have to ask Darryn, who runs the site. But he might ask you to post for some time and/or contribute a donation.
I know this is a tediously straight answer.
[ 18.10.2005, 11:54: Message edited by: kovacs ]
Posted by Pearlie (Member # 853) on :
Ok, thanks. I'll either earn or buy my avatar then?!
Posted by Gods Plumber (Member # 791) on :
I'm still waiting for my title. Pearlie might have some ideas, eh?
Please ensure it is abusive. Maybe something about me being the most tedious thing on the internet?
I have a strong sub side.
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
No, it doesn't work any more. It only worked when the site was first set up. For instance, thorn no longer considers himself queen of the boards, but there's nothing that Darryn can do.
Posted by Gods Plumber (Member # 791) on : lied to aren't gay at all. You tease.
Posted by rooster (Member # 738) on :
I'd be careful about asking about tags/ could end up with one that's, um...undesirable.
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
I've just been around some other boards, and just now TMO is as bad as The Mock Turtle, The Cuban Loungue and Handbag. And I think it's partly my fault.
Back in the day I would have been all over the top three threads on TMO right now, condemning them for threadrot and brainless chat. What went wrong. Maybe it was a "if you can't beat them" scenario.
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
I wouldn't have spelled "Lounge" wrong either.
Posted by Kira (Member # 826) on :
Not *every* post can be literary gold though surely?
You gotta have the rough to appreciate the smooth...
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
I know, but look at the effort Black Mask made with a decent thread called The Pitch, and it was just too much work for (almost) anyone to take his challenge. The general energy level around the forum gets lazy. Nobody will bother spending any length of time on a post if the norm at the moment is quippy one-liners -- it'll just get lost.
Maybe it goes through cycles and you get lazy, throwaway days, then slower days with slightly more crafted contributions.
Anyway, it's my fault too.
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
I tried
Posted by Pearlie (Member # 853) on :
So this is more than your average board? Only I've never typed much more than two sentences per post in my internet career and, seldom have any of those two sentences been particularly considered.
Am I out of my depth here?
[ 18.10.2005, 12:19: Message edited by: Pearlie ]
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
And I failed!
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pearlie: Am I out of my depth here?
I hope not. Most of my posts are of the twenty-words-or-less variety. I belong to the Roy school of posting. Quantity.
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
I think Ralph and I have really lowered the standard
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Roy: I think Ralph and I have really lowered the standard
I concur.
ETA: It's ralph.
[ 18.10.2005, 12:19: Message edited by: ralph ]
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pearlie: So this is more than your average board? Only I've never typed much more than two sentences prt post in my internet career and, seldom have any of those two sentences been particularly considered.
Am I out of my depth here?
Definitely. We put hours of thought into our posts. A simple TMO benchmark is as follows:
If you post something which can be read without using the scroll wheel, then you know you're out of your league.
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Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pearlie: Am I out of my depth here?
No, but if you want to feel more at home, complain about something and do nothing about it except bitch. You can put the effort in. Remember to stamp your feet afterwards if no-one cares too much though. Be as apathetic as you like. Slate how shit the boards are and come back when someone puts loads of effort in. Whatever you do, make it as hard as possible for anyone else to join, then fuck the regulars in the arse about how bollocks they must be when no-one new arrives.
[ 18.10.2005, 12:24: Message edited by: New Way Of Decay ]
Posted by Kira (Member # 826) on :
My only defence is that I work in a call centre and can only quickly post inbetween calls, quite often I get interruped by a call and by the time I post what I'd written before the call the thread has moved on...
or I have to go back and edit with quotes so people realise what/who I'm actually referring to!
sorry TMO Posted by Pearlie (Member # 853) on :
quote:Originally posted by New Way Of Decay:
No, but if you want to feel more at home, complain about something and do nothing about it except bitch. You can put the effort in. Remember to stamp your feet afterwards if no-one cares too much though. Be as apathetic as you like. Slate how shit the boards are and come back when someone put's loads of effort in. Whatever you do, make it as hard as possible for anyone else to join, then fuck the regulars in the arse about how bollocks they must be when no-one new arrives. [/QUOTE]
I can do that. In fact it's why I am leaving TMT - they just don't appreciate the negativity I bring to the place.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pearlie: I can do that. In fact it's why I am leaving TMT - they just don't appreciate the negativity I bring to the place.
You're leaving TMT? Have you told them? How'd they take it?
Posted by Pearlie (Member # 853) on :
I've slunk off. No one will give a shiney shoite.
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
What qualities from TMT are you going to "bring to the table"?
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
Really? You seemed well-liked there.
Posted by Pearlie (Member # 853) on :
By about 4 people I reckon. Ignored by the rest and dispised as a total **** who somehow has a boyfriend by the remaining.
kovacs, I'll think on that question in the Black Writing class I'm about to sit through. For sho, I won't have anything to contribute.
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
Gods Plumber is well-liked there, strangely enough. If he's Electric Gecko, which I thought was the case.
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
I can do black writing. Look.
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pearlie: By about 4 people I reckon.
Interesting. I lurk there, rarely post, and I don't recall anyone ever saying a bad word about you. I was considering leaving my main board to post here at TMO full-time, but I thought I'd spare all of you that level of commitment. Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by kovacs: Gods Plumber is well-liked there, strangely enough. If he's Electric Gecko, which I thought was the case.
He is, and it strikes me as odd that he fits in there so well, whereas he's loathed on every other board I've shared with him.
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
It is strange, given the charm he shows
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
quote:Originally posted by kovacs: I can do black writing. Look.
Looks grey to me.
Posted by CheapRedWine (Member # 849) on :
I'm just waiting for 'someone' to post a link to this thread on TMT so we can watch the Pearlie saga unfold..
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
Yeah, I would but it would be a bit low, and perhaps more importantly I don't think it would even cause a ruckus.
Posted by CheapRedWine (Member # 849) on :
Far more important than dealing a low blow. I mean, what's the point otherwise?
Posted by Gods Plumber (Member # 791) on :
quote:Originally posted by ralph:
quote:Originally posted by kovacs: Gods Plumber is well-liked there, strangely enough. If he's Electric Gecko, which I thought was the case.
He is, and it strikes me as odd that he fits in there so well, whereas he's loathed on every other board I've shared with him.
Shucks. You made me blush ralph.
I don't think I am well liked at TMT at all. I am slightly less vitriolic there, but that is because the company doesn't bring out the worst in me. Unfortunately, in Cuba this was not the case...thus my vitriol spurted forth. Unfortunately, my spurt also splashed onto TMO.
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
quote:Originally posted by CheapRedWine: Far more important than dealing a low blow. I mean, what's the point otherwise?
Yes. Also I linked to TMT last week and it would be overkill.
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Gods Plumber: Shucks. You made me blush ralph.
That wasn't my intent GP. I'm actually quite proud of you for your precense on TMT. {{{HUGS}}}
Posted by froopyscot (Member # 178) on :
Oh great, it's a boardhopping love-in.
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
*signs petition for chat thread*
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by froopyscot: Oh great, it's a boardhopping love-in.
I see your point. Sorry. Won't happen again.
Posted by froopyscot (Member # 178) on :
Oh, that's all right. I guess I forgot to add the requisite spattering of smileys.
Though I seriously feel we're one half step away from LOLMAOROFL!!1! a/s/l? Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by froopyscot: a/s/l?
42/male/Springfield, MA, USA
Sorry. Posted by CheapRedWine (Member # 849) on :
quote:Originally posted by froopyscot: Though I seriously feel we're one half step away from LOLMAOROFL!!1! a/s/l?
17, m, Bolton. You? LOL.
Posted by CheapRedWine (Member # 849) on :
Shit ralph.
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by CheapRedWine: Shit ralph.
Shit what?
Posted by CheapRedWine (Member # 849) on :
You beat me to it.
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
ralph's 42? I thought you were younger that that. Don't ask me how young.
What do you for a living, ralph?
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Roy: What do you for a living, ralph?
Web developer.
Posted by CheapRedWine (Member # 849) on :
quote:Originally posted by Roy: ralph's 42? I thought you were younger that that. Don't ask me how young.
What do you for a living, ralph?
ralph's actually a 53 year old joiner from Burnley.
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
Are you at work now? If you are, describe a) Your immediate environment and b) The person nearest to you.
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
Who wants to go on that fun TMO chatroom. I just watched the first episode of 24 episode 3.1 and it's so corny I've just saved the 23 hours I would have spent watching the rest of it.
Posted by Kira (Member # 826) on :
[ 18.10.2005, 16:04: Message edited by: Kira ]
Posted by CheapRedWine (Member # 849) on :
What did you post that was so bad Kira?
Posted by rooster (Member # 738) on :
I bet it was the info for their secret chat room Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
really? that's a rude name - I'm not clicking on that and being led to some porky porn site. Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
On Friday there was a TMO virtual pub, and people were pissed and posting. Then a chatroom was set up, which was like going to a club after the pub, where it got messy.
It was a right laugh.
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
Right I'm in there. Alone. The internet is a sad place for me today.
Posted by rooster (Member # 738) on :
I think I need to be approved or something first.
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
I'm there, dude.
Posted by Kira (Member # 826) on :
I kind of misunderstood Kovacs original comment...wasnt sure if people were going in or not, i missed all the fun on friday lol
Posted by froopyscot (Member # 178) on :
I didn't realize you had to be approved. I felt somewhat strange putting in a message that said Hi, I'd like to get in to The Fat Ladies Arms please.
Posted by rooster (Member # 738) on :
Reminds me of those naughty ads in the back of porn mags..."Find a fold and..."
Posted by froopyscot (Member # 178) on :
I never read those sorts of things, I don't know what you're talking about. I'm all innocent, you see. Right.
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
Come on. Pile in.
Posted by rooster (Member # 738) on :
geesh it makes you install a lot of crap, doesn't it?
Posted by Physic (Member # 195) on :
Can I come in? I'll get a round in and everything..
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
Of course!
Posted by Physic (Member # 195) on :
Says members only you ultra-exclusive bastards Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
You've got to ask to join or something.
Fuck, this is like a club, when you get texts from somebody who can't in.
Stay there, pys.
Posted by Benny the Ball (Member # 694) on :
I've just applied to join. Just so the manager knows, like
Posted by froopyscot (Member # 178) on :
It lets me log on but I can't run the chat function for whatever reason - firewall issue at work perhaps? - but it's probably just as well, as I really should finish up some actual work this afternoon.
Oh, lookie there. Means I'll have to come up with something different (read: good) for my next post, doesn't it. I'll be back once I have an idea. Don't wait up.
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
People should be auto approved. What message are you getting?
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
Your names are on the guestlist now
Posted by Physic (Member # 195) on :
still says I'm not a member and I need to ask nicely..
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
Have you gone to the right club. It says that nobody pending..
Posted by Physic (Member # 195) on :
I've just emailed a request apparently, jesus all I want is to talk some bollocks..
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
On the case, dude
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
You're in
Posted by Benny the Ball (Member # 694) on :
I'm on Safari, so couldn't get the necessary. Too tired/lazy to sort out now - but at least I know it's there now
Posted by Endemic (Member # 821) on :
quote:Originally posted by CheapRedWine: 17, m, Bolton. You? LOL.
Posted by CheapRedWine (Member # 849) on :
quote:Originally posted by Endemic:
quote:Originally posted by CheapRedWine: 17, m, Bolton. You? LOL.
Posted by CheapRedWine (Member # 849) on :
quote:Originally posted by Endemic:
quote:Originally posted by CheapRedWine: 17, m, Bolton. You? LOL.
Posted by Endemic (Member # 821) on :
Posted by CheapRedWine (Member # 849) on :
Is that you Sheila?
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Roy: Are you at work now? If you are, describe a) Your immediate environment and b) The person nearest to you.
I am now. I'm seated in a cubical, approximately 8 feet by 6 feet. It contains a computer, a whiteboard, and a filing cabinet. The gentleman nearest to me, one of my team members, is about 5' 5" tall, thin, and he apperas to be much older than his years.
ETA: I should add that there are literally hundreds of these cubicles on my floor. Most days I feel like I'm working on a Borg ship.
[ 19.10.2005, 07:30: Message edited by: ralph ]
Posted by Pearlie (Member # 853) on :
I quite li'erally just crushed a grape. It was under my chair.
Posted by Skalski (Member # 852) on :
quote:Originally posted by ralph:It contains a whiteboard
What is on your whiteboard?
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Skalski: What is on your whiteboard?
Nothing. We have no projects going on at the moment.
Posted by Skalski (Member # 852) on :
Perhaps drawing a picture on it might boost morale?
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Skalski: Perhaps drawing a picture on it might boost morale?
This isn't the kind of place where that kind of expression is appreciated. It's the kind of place where people come to have their souls crushed for 40 years or so. It does pay well though.
Posted by Skalski (Member # 852) on :
That accounts for some things, I guess. How long have you been there?
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Skalski: That accounts for some things, I guess. How long have you been there?
I've only been here 16 months. I'm a consultant, but I suspect they'll make me an offer eventually to come on full time. It's a large (10,000+ employees) multi-national, straight-laced, old-white-man, ultra-conservative corporation. I've never worked in an environment like this before. I come from a dotcom background.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
God ralph! You should be interviewing the newbie. Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by New Way Of Decay: God ralph! You should be interviewing the newbie.
Why would I ask a newbie questions? What do I have to gain from that? I don't really care about the n00b, but I'd gladly discuss all things ralph until the cows come home.
ETA: I'm still a newbie, NWOD. What the hell are you doing talking to me?
[ 19.10.2005, 08:05: Message edited by: ralph ]
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Well, for one, there's a massive probability factor to take into account that Skalski will be much more interesting than ralph.
Posted by Skalski (Member # 852) on :
Why should ralph be the one interviewing me, anyway? Do you use him to break all new faces in?
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
quote:Originally posted by Skalski: Why should ralph be the one interviewing me, anyway?
Well, it was kind of a joke loosely based on ralphs twenty questions into 'how one becomes accepted' which are usually answered by making up all kinds of imagined rules and then here you are, fresh as a daisy, just kind of easily prompting a response from ralph. I was making out he was a soft touch because you were 'pushing him around' It's not so much fun when I have to explain
But hallo.
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by New Way Of Decay: Well, for one, there's a massive probability factor to take into account that Skalski will be much more interesting than ralph.
I think it's a sure thing.
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Skalski: Why should ralph be the one interviewing me, anyway? Do you use him to break all new faces in?
I'm not sure where he was going with this. I'm not used to break newbies in to my knowledge. Generally people post stuff, and I post stuff. And so on.
Posted by Skalski (Member # 852) on :
quote:Originally posted by New Way Of Decay: Well, it was kind of a joke loosely based on ralphs twenty questions into 'how one becomes accepted'
I imagine I'll pick up on the in-jokes later rather than sooner - I'd prefer to get to know posters by new contributions rather than wading through the old. Spending days poring through archives and then acting like I know you seems both obtrusive and inappropriate, so I may be a little slow on the uptake.
But hallo.
Posted by Pearlie (Member # 853) on :
Break me in. Please.
Posted by Skalski (Member # 852) on :
You already have someone on the inside...
A Daddy, if you will.
[ 19.10.2005, 08:37: Message edited by: Skalski ]
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
quote:Originally posted by Skalski: I imagine I'll pick up on the in-jokes later rather than sooner
If it helps, it was an in-joke for pretty much just me. I think I imagined it would make sense to anyone else.
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Skalski: A Daddy, if you will.
Who's her daddy?
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pearlie: Break me in. Please.
You should know that ralph kills dogs. This may change the urgency of your request.
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Roy: You should know that ralph kills dogs.
You should know that Roy lies. A lot. And that he has a huge gay crush on me.
Posted by Pearlie (Member # 853) on :
Posted by Skalski (Member # 852) on :
quote:Originally posted by ralph: Who's her daddy?
Sheesh, ralph, it's on this thread. Don't you read anything?
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Skalski: Sheesh, ralph, it's on this thread. Don't you read anything?
I read everything. I also forget it almost immediately. Stupid long-term drug habit. Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
Heroin? That would explain a lot, to be honest.
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Roy: Heroin? That would explain a lot, to be honest.
No, heroin was never my drug of choice. I dabbled in it, but never took it up full time.
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
Really? That's kind of cool, in a street way.
(Don't do drugs, kids. You'll end up like ralph)
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Roy: Really? That's kind of cool, in a street way.
(Don't do drugs, kids. You'll end up like ralph)
Like ralph? You mean married with two kids (and a third on the way!), fairly well-off financially, but lacking the ability to write meaningful posts?
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
[ 19.10.2005, 09:43: Message edited by: Roy ]
Posted by rooster (Member # 738) on :
There are rich people in Western Massachusetts?
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by rooster: There are rich people in Western Massachusetts?
Not rich. Comfortable. There are seven of us I believe.
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
All living in the same room, though
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Roy: All living in the same room, though
Yes Roy. The same room. Ha.
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
Wasn't that good, was it?
Posted by Abby (Member # 582) on :
That whole cubicle thing sounds bleak. I have been thinking of getting a whiteboard though. I would like that.
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Abby: That whole cubicle thing sounds bleak.
Unless you've been there, you can't possibly imagine.
Posted by herbs (Member # 101) on :
I thought the whole cubicle thing only existed in Dilbert strips. They seem a peculiarly American invention, rather at odds with freedom, home of the brave, etc. Us Brits prefer to be able to see our colleagues, rather than just hear their mutterings and ticks, to really build up a good head of steam about the annoying way they sit on their chairs, etc.
What was that film, American, about cubicle life, funny, *dies*
[ 19.10.2005, 10:43: Message edited by: herbs ]
Posted by rooster (Member # 738) on :
Office Space?
We have cubes at my job too: a huge city of cubicles surrounded by an outer wing of boss offices. Just to add to the inmate feel, you know.
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by rooster: Office Space?
We have cubes at my job too: a huge city of cubicles surrounded by an outer wing of boss offices. Just to add to the inmate feel, you know.
It was Office Space. I have not yet seen the film, but have been told by numerous co-workers that I should.
rooster -- my office is set up in the same manner, with management sitting in their offices on the perimeter.
Posted by rooster (Member # 738) on :
I guess that's common, but froopy's offices aren't that way. But he's management, so he gets walls and a door and windows.
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by rooster: I guess that's common, but froopy's offices aren't that way. But he's management, so he gets walls and a door and windows.
I have a window; it's not mine, but I'm still permitted to gaze dreamily out of it from time to time.
I'd kill for a door.
[ 19.10.2005, 12:30: Message edited by: ralph ]
Posted by Deep Freeze (Member # 841) on :
Think yourselves lucky. I have to share a computer terminal with five people. I would kill for a cubicle.
Posted by rooster (Member # 738) on :
I can't complain. While working from home I have a door and TWO windows and a sofa (and a baby in a cage).
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by rooster: (and a baby in a cage).
Mine are both free range.
Posted by Deep Freeze (Member # 841) on :
Does that mean their eggs are orange?
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Deep Freeze: Does that mean their eggs are orange?
I have two sons. They don't lay eggs.
ETA: Was it ever determined who you are, Deep Freeze?
[ 19.10.2005, 12:38: Message edited by: ralph ]
Posted by Deep Freeze (Member # 841) on :
Sorry, was a poor attempt at a joke.
[ 19.10.2005, 12:38: Message edited by: Deep Freeze ]
Posted by Deep Freeze (Member # 841) on :
"Was it ever determined who you are Deep Freeze"
I don't think so. I am a nobody, hoping possibly to become a somebody, or at least a piece of the funriture here.
I think poeple stopped asking who I was and just asked if I eat penguins or have lightsabre fights with my collegues with shafts of frozen wee
Posted by rooster (Member # 738) on :
[ 19.10.2005, 12:43: Message edited by: rooster ]
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Deep Freeze: I think poeple stopped asking who I was and just asked if I eat penguins or have lightsabre fights with my collegues with shafts of frozen wee
This is precisely why I asked; you just saved me the trouble of going back and reading that crap.
[ 19.10.2005, 12:42: Message edited by: ralph ]
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by rooster: She is only caged occasionally, and she likes it.
I should mention the cage is a "Superyard XT," so it isn't like she is cramped (I really just like saying Superyard XT, it sounds cool).
I will probably edit all this out because this approaches "baby talk" which I believe is forbidden on tmo.
Must. Save. rooster. Quote.
She likes it? How can you tell, really? Or do you just say that to make yourself feel better?
Posted by rooster (Member # 738) on :
Fine, keep it, but now you are responsible. Like = doesn't cry (and sometimes squeeks with delight).
Posted by Deep Freeze (Member # 841) on :
"This is precisely why I asked; you just saved me the trouble of going back and reading that crap."
Yeah. Happy to save you the time.
We had to stop the lightsabre fights anyway because the guy playing Vader got ill trying to make a red sword.
Or maybe that was an excuse to take all our cherrys (In pies in case you wondered)
[ 19.10.2005, 12:53: Message edited by: Deep Freeze ]
Posted by Stefanos (Member # 53) on :
I've got a cubicle. It's just high enough so you can't make eye contact with anyone else. The only consolation is the fact I am next to the window and I'm on the fourth floor so I can see the rolling hills of Hertfordshire over the tops of the buildings.
Even this would drive me mad if I thought I would be doing it much longer. Anyone want to book me for educational school visits? R*mans, Saxons and now Victorians. Roll up, roll up...
[ 19.10.2005, 12:53: Message edited by: Stefanos ]
Posted by Deep Freeze (Member # 841) on :
quote:Originally posted by Stefanos: I've got a cubicle.
Show off.
[Mod edit - Are you trying to do the UBB yourself ? Or are you using the shortcuts, and if so have they malfunctioned ? I've seen a lot of UBB 'fuckups' in the past couple of days and wonder if I need to reset the forum software]
[ 19.10.2005, 12:59: Message edited by: Darryn.R ]
Posted by Deep Freeze (Member # 841) on :
Posted by Deep Freeze (Member # 841) on :
Oh I understand now. You have rewritten my post to make it work. I feel like a fve year old being corrected by a teacher. I have just been using the quote button. It doesn't seem to work the same way as other websites.
It's the qb thing which is confusing me. Isn't it normally just a b?
[ 19.10.2005, 13:08: Message edited by: Deep Freeze ]
Posted by Darryn.R (Member # 1) on :
Just me testing stuff, ignore it newbie
QB is for Quotes and B is for bold, though like HTML to end something it's /B or /QB whereas what came out in your post was B/
I need to know if it's the forum code of human error, I think I know now.
As you were.
So many newbies, what happened ?
Oh, and hello and welcome.
[ 19.10.2005, 13:04: Message edited by: Darryn.R ]
Posted by Deep Freeze (Member # 841) on :
quote:Originally posted by Darryn.R: Just me testing stuff, ignore it newbie
Got it. Piece of piss when you engage your brain.
[ 19.10.2005, 13:04: Message edited by: Deep Freeze ]
Posted by Deep Freeze (Member # 841) on :
quote:Originally posted by Darryn.R:
Oh, and hello and welcome.
Thank you.
[ 19.10.2005, 13:05: Message edited by: Deep Freeze ]
Posted by MonkeySusan (Member # 569) on :
quote:Originally posted by Darryn.R: So many newbies, what happened ?
Oh, and hello and welcome.
Isn't Darryn R a nice man? Well done Darryn.
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by MonkeySusan: Isn't Darryn R a nice man? Well done Darryn.
No. I've found him to be pure concentrated evil. My opinion of course. Posted by SilverGinger5 (Member # 49) on :
You now have to decide whether to trust your own opinion or that of a convicted dog killer MonkeySusan. It's a tough decision, and one that could well shape the rest of your life Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
The clock is ticking, Monkey
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
quote:Originally posted by Deep Freeze:
We had to stop the lightsabre fights anyway because the guy playing Vader got ill trying to make a red sword.
I found this pretty funny and actually I have had really bad haematuria because of my deadly kidney disease. So, you know, it's like a cripple laughing at your "spastic" joke -- a vote that really means something.
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by SilverGinger5: convicted dog killer
Accused dog killer.
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
I think you were kind of tried in your absence, ralph.
It was revenge for your lot not paying the congestion charge
Posted by Deep Freeze (Member # 841) on :
quote:Originally posted by kovacs:
quote:Originally posted by Deep Freeze:
We had to stop the lightsabre fights anyway because the guy playing Vader got ill trying to make a red sword.
I found this pretty funny and actually I have had really bad haematuria because of my deadly kidney disease. So, you know, it's like a cripple laughing at your "spastic" joke -- a vote that really means something.
Sorry. It wasn't meant to be a "spastic" joke. And it wasn't meant to offend anyone.
This posting thing is harder than it looks.
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Roy: It was revenge for your lot not paying the congestion charge
You're speaking in riddles again, Roy. Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
quote:Originally posted by Deep Freeze: Sorry. It wasn't meant to be a "spastic" joke. And it wasn't meant to offend anyone.
This posting thing is harder than it looks.
No, I meant it nicely I thought it was funny. I just added the bit about how I piss blood to get a bit of illness-celebrity on here.
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
[ 19.10.2005, 14:29: Message edited by: Dr. Benway ]
Posted by jonesy999 (Member # 5) on :
Deep Freeze, according do London's premier racist newspaper, The Evening Standard, Londoners should brace themselves for the coldest winter since "the great freeze of 63" (sometime in the 60s anyway). Unlagged children are expected burst and people have been told to check on aged neighbours, in case they have climbed into the fridge in search of warmth.
Can you beat that?
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Roy: We'd get help. From, er, France?
France, Roy? France? You know how we feel about them, Roy. That would just make us angrier.
Posted by jonesy999 (Member # 5) on :
Say something Roy!
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
China. We buy knickers off them and I'm sure they would want to protect their investment
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
China. lol.
[ 19.10.2005, 14:30: Message edited by: ralph ]
Posted by SilverGinger5 (Member # 49) on :
We'll win that one.
Posted by Deep Freeze (Member # 841) on :
No but it would be a good irony if I get back home in spring to find my pipes have burst through freezing.
That was to jonesey.
[ 19.10.2005, 14:33: Message edited by: Deep Freeze ]
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
I'm eating me dinner at the moment. This ain't over, oh no. THIS AIN'T OVER
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by SilverGinger5: War is an outdated way of settling disputes.
Says the "man" from the country who's ass would get kicked in a war.
Posted by jonesy999 (Member # 5) on :
Will anyone ever spell my name right?
I can't believe I am about to move from a modern, toasty-warm flat to a property designed by Victorians to punish those who commit the sin of Wanting the beginning of the coldest winter in the history of cold ever. The newspapers are right about this every year.
[ 19.10.2005, 14:37: Message edited by: jonesy999 ]
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
*eats quicker*
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
*pukes a bit up. Swallows again. Continues*
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
Jhonsey, where are you moving to?
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
I've just watched Saddam's trial on Realplayer. It sounds like they're talking Huttese.
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
Maybe they'll drop him in a rancor pit
Posted by jonesy999 (Member # 5) on :
quote:originally posted by Ray Jhonsey, where are you moving to?
Haha, I see what you did there.
To Finsbury Park. Not far from Benway. Apparently, if he electrocutes himself in the dead of night I will hear his scream.
Of course, as it's against the rules of Benway Towers to knock on the door EVER AT ANY TIME OF THE DAY OR NIGHT there won't be much I can do to help.
So I'll probably just roll over, go to sleep and then start a Talanted Regular will be Sorely Missed thread the next day.
[ 19.10.2005, 14:46: Message edited by: jonesy999 ]
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
Everyone, look at this page if you're wondering how Roy gained 1100+ posts within a week.
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
I saw a flash out of my window and I thought of Benway.
It was only lightning. I think.
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
How do you sleep at night, Roy?
Posted by Kira (Member # 826) on :
help me
I hate solicitors and I am
Please could someone take me somewhere quiet and discipline me?
My Motto For Today:
Always read solicitors letters at least 3 times before putting it down... that way you will be more likely to notice glaring inaccuracies straight away and not 12 hours later when the solicitor will have down all the work and probly gone home...
Posted by jonesy999 (Member # 5) on :
What's the problem Kira? TMO has a resident lurking solicitor who only decloaks when someone is in need.
True story.
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
Tell us what's up, Kira. A problem shared is a problem, er...can't remember.
Posted by Kira (Member # 826) on :
oh not much really,
long story short...
acrimonius seperation 'issues', one house sold, completed yesterday, cheques posted today to relevant parties, just received breakdown of costs and the 'opposition' solicitors have forgotten some money (well £3100) is still owed to myself and this fact has been mysteriously overlooked...
Posted by Kira (Member # 826) on :
which is shit but if I had actually read the letter properly instead of glancing over it before I went to work I would have noticed this and been able to sort it with minimum fuss...
Now I have to just wait til tomorrow and sort it out then...but if cheques have already been sent then his solicitors will have to get the £3100 off him which I cant see happening quickly
Never mind not much anyone can do, I'm just angry with myself for being such a ditz...
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
Was it amicable, Kira? I mean, would he be obstructive?
Posted by Kira (Member # 826) on :
Nah not really amicable. I just have no experience in these situations and tend to just assume everything will go ok, like i say, a bit ditzy.
Or a closet blonde...
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
surely the solicitor would cancel and reissue the cheques rather than making you pursue your ex? they might charge you a tenner or something for doing it but it'd surely be better than the alternative of you chasing him for it.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
I don't understand this...
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
The point is meant to be that people don't notice the repetition of "the".
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
ah. it's like that one with the ifs, then.
Posted by CheapRedWine (Member # 849) on :
quote:Originally posted by Deep Freeze: Think yourselves lucky. I have to share a computer terminal with five people. I would kill for a cubicle.
pah! try one cubicle between 64 and a 3 mile hike to the nearest waterhole complete with head-balancing receptacle when thirsty.
Posted by sabian (Member # 6) on :
Look everyone, it's Gordon-Tarquin coming back from some water cooler chat!
Posted by Physic (Member # 195) on :
quote:Originally posted by ralph: pluck can only get so far, Roy. Who would win the war, Roy? You know the answer, why not just say it?
Considering your track record in recent times you'd need to improve your intel some, if recent history is anything to go by your miltary "intelligence" would probably flag the Isle Of Wight as being a key military target...
just in case
Posted by Skalski (Member # 852) on :
quote:Originally posted by Roy: We'd get help.
You could always ask Poland to lend a hand: we helped you to win WWII. Aerial supremacy, you see.
Posted by sabian (Member # 6) on :
Really? I thought Poland bent over and let Hitler take it from behind, kinda like France did.
You sure you aren't confusing Poland for America?
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
what, like Hitler bummed Poland?
Posted by Skalski (Member # 852) on :
quote:Originally posted by sabian: You sure you aren't confusing Poland for America?
Brave man: exposing your own ignorance in the name of entertainment.
Following the German invasion, Poland established armed forces outside Poland, contributing substantially to the Allied effort throughout the war. Poland never made a general surrender and was the only German-occupied country that did not collaborate with the Nazis. The Polish fighter squadrons were the best the Allies had.
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
Yeah right. The Royal Air Force pwned so hard it hurt.
Posted by Skalski (Member # 852) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ringo: Yeah right. The Royal Air Force pwned so hard it hurt.
Yeah, good point.
Posted by Abby (Member # 582) on :
I went to Homebase the other night to prepare for the approaching ice age and got some double glazing inna box! You simply stretch a thin plastic film across your window frame, then blow a hair dryer on it and it shrinks to pull tight creating instant double glazing! In the process of trying to find where in the shop this stuff was the assistant showed me actual double glazing, corrugated plastic, a large roll of bubble wrap (Now, if I put that over my windows I wont be able to see out of them will I?) and a tarpaulin. We got there eventually but only after I had explained what a ‘draught’ was (small bits of wind?).
I shall be sorely disappointed if the promised icy armageddon fails to materialise.
Posted by OJ (Member # 752) on :
How does that work again? I thought that the insulating effect (sound and heat) in double glazing came from the air gap between the two panes.
How does shrink wrapping a piece of plastic to your glass insulate? Surely there's no gap? Unless of course you do use bubble wrap with air bubbles as mentioned. Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
shh! don't spoil it for her!
Posted by Darryn.R (Member # 1) on :
You'd be better off buying some really thick curtians.
[edit]Benway, do you have power back yet ?[/edit]
[ 20.10.2005, 06:13: Message edited by: Darryn.R ]
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
yeah, it was a thing to do with my extensions, not my mains. Although one socket now doesn't work, but I'm just ignoring that.
Posted by sabian (Member # 6) on :
quote:Originally posted by Skalski: Brave man: exposing your own ignorance in the name of entertainment.
quote:Originally posted by OJ: How does that work again? I thought that the insulating effect (sound and heat) in double glazing came from the air gap between the two panes.
How does shrink wrapping a piece of plastic to your glass insulate? Surely there's no gap?
I've used this in the past in my appartments in the states and I can confirm it works.
You put the shrink wrap on the window frame leaving a gap between the plastic and the window. You attach it (atleast when I did it) with little planks of wood (kinda like that 'gripper' stuff they use to carpets down) and nail it down. Then, using the hair dryer, it creates a kind of seal making it nearly air tight.
Thus creating the requisit (sp?) gap to make the insulation... It also helps by preventing draughts. It looks a little naff and is a pain if you forget it's there and put your finger through it (you have to redo the whole lot if the seal is broken)... But, a few dollars (again, my experience, no idea what it costs here) is a hell of a lot better than shucking out thousands for proper double glazing.
Posted by Abby (Member # 582) on :
Hullo energy saving fans!
The plastic sheeting is applied to the edge of the window frame not the glass itself, so there will be a gap between glass and plastic. Although no vacuum of course! I see this primarily as a draught prevention measure as I have rickety old sash windows. This does mean you can't open the windows so you have to wait until winter proper has set in before application...
I also have thick curtains, but my flat is excessively chilly so I am taking all measures possible!
Posted by Abby (Member # 582) on :
Curses, too slow!
Not sure about the little bits of wood...I think my boxes contain 'special tape'. I will report back after the weekend when I plan to seal the bedroom windows as we cant open them anyway because it would let the pikeys in.
Cost for 6 sq foot of plastic £5.99 I think.
Posted by sabian (Member # 6) on :
Ahh, the tape is a bitch...
Make sure you wipe the wood down with white spirit or similar to get all the oil/dirt off else the tape comes down after a couple days...
I've had the tape and the wood ones... I ended up going to the lumber yard and getting the wood to hammer over the tape, which actually made a better seal than either of the other two by themselves
Posted by jonesy999 (Member # 5) on :
Other things you can do with your plastic sheet:
Press your face up against it then grimace and pretend you actually are the Big Brother title sequence.
Fill the area behind the plastic with water and put a fetching carp in it. Then you can pretend your window is a giant fairground prize, won by throwing medicine balls at mutant coconuts. You will need a large stock of carp, though, as they don't live very long once the water has poured out onto the floor.
Cut a flap in it with a sharp knife, creating the illusion that you have a glasscutter and are actually a famous cat burglar. Better still, put an old woman's missing tabey behind the 'pane'' first: steal the cat then fuck Grace Kelly, Sean Connery, Michael Douglas.
Poo on it and pretend you're the brown goldfish.
[ 20.10.2005, 07:34: Message edited by: jonesy999 ]
Posted by jonesy999 (Member # 5) on :
Hurrah! Absolute shit!
Posted by OJ (Member # 752) on :
Oh I see, it makes perfect sense if you're attaching it to the frame, not the window.
LOL @ Jonesy. I didn't quite get the cat reference but it occurs to me that this method would be of no use to people with sharp-clawed and inquisitve pets. Or ones who like to sit in windows displaying themselves to their adoring public.
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
Jonesy, Jonesy Jonesy! did you watch the stand up clip! Didf it make you wince? Did you find yourself imagining the same thing happening to Kurve, and then burst out laughing uncontrollably for 10 minutes?
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
I wasn't going to post today but I have to lol Joynzy
Posted by jonesy999 (Member # 5) on :
The cat reference is to one of TMO's most famous and controversial threads. I believe you are a cat lover, OJ, (and a good person) so I better not tell you about it.
It wouldn't reflect well on some of us.
[ 20.10.2005, 07:29: Message edited by: jonesy999 ]
Posted by jonesy999 (Member # 5) on :
quote:Originally posted by Thorn Davis: Jonesy, Jonesy Jonesy! did you watch the stand up clip! Didf it make you wince? Did you find yourself imagining the same thing happening to Kurve, and then burst out laughing uncontrollably for 10 minutes?
I still haven't watched it. I only had access to a Mac last night. I think I should save it up for when someone dies and I want to feel cheery.
Also, as you know, I have seen Kurve's stand-up (terrifying real life/internet crossover moment). It was surprisingly watchable.
I'm so sorry. I feel like I've just struck you, Thorn.
[ 20.10.2005, 07:34: Message edited by: jonesy999 ]
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Roy: I wasn't going to post today
Posted by jonesy999 (Member # 5) on :
Roy's keyboard is calling to him like a loaded crack pipe.
Posted by squeegy (Member # 136) on :
Ralph! Here are your last 3 posts:
'lol' '...' ' '
Have a go at typing more than 3 characters. You could even start a thread. It could be about anything you want. Biscuits is a popular topic. Maybe you could branch it out to include cheese.
Just a thought...
ETA for a bit of clarity
[ 20.10.2005, 07:59: Message edited by: squeegy ]
Posted by sabian (Member # 6) on :
quote:Originally posted by squeegy: Ralph! Here are your last 3 posts:
'lol' '...' ' '
Have a go at typing more than 3 characters. You could even start a thread. It could be about anything you want. Biscuits is popular. Maybe you could branch it out to include cheese.
Just a thought...
He can't help it... He's a yank
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by squeegy: Ralph! Here are your last 3 posts:
'lol' '...' ' '
Have a go at typing more than 3 characters. ETA for a bit of clarity
In all fairness to me, the ... post originally contained more than 3 characters prior to me editing it out. Should I go back and add another .?
Posted by OJ (Member # 752) on :
quote:Originally posted by jonesy999: The cat reference is to one of TMO's most famous and controversial threads. I believe you are a cat lover, OJ, (and a good person) so I better not tell you about it.
It wouldn't reflect well on some of us.
No, you'd better not tell me. Having fluffy pets has the same effect on a sense of humour as having children. But without stretch marks, haemorrhoids or one of those wanky, all terrain buggies and an SUV.
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
quote:Originally posted by OJ: No, you'd better not tell me. Having fluffy pets has the same effect on a sense of humour as having children.
I've just been looking for the thread in question, and it's gone. That's a damn shame. It was one of my favourites. At least two people admitted to crying because of it (one of them was herbs, I believe. Can't remember the other one). It was good though - had some proper laugh out loud moments on it. It basically hinged on a poster for a lost cat. Kovacs posted the poorly spelt flyer on here, complete with phoen number, as I recall. Hilarity ensued.
Posted by Gods Plumber (Member # 791) on :
quote:Originally posted by Thorn Davis: [QUOTE] Hilarity ensued.
Oh how spiffing! Did you have lashings of ginger pop and some of Aunt Bessies rock cakes? Do tell.
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
Yeah, that was cruel. Thorn actually phoned the number and pretended to have found the cat, more than once.
Wasn't it something about the cat being "timide"?
Posted by squeegy (Member # 136) on :
quote:Originally posted by kovacs: Wasn't it something about the cat being "timide"?
And wasn't somebody really pissed with you for posting someone else's number on the internet?
Posted by not... (Member # 25) on :
quote:Originally posted by OJ:
quote:Originally posted by jonesy999: The cat reference is to one of TMO's most famous and controversial threads. I believe you are a cat lover, OJ, (and a good person) so I better not tell you about it.
It wouldn't reflect well on some of us.
No, you'd better not tell me. Having fluffy pets has the same effect on a sense of humour as having children. But without stretch marks, haemorrhoids or one of those wanky, all terrain buggies and an SUV.
Hey i have child and I have none of those things. Not even haemorrhoids! *touches wood* Go ME!
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
quote:Originally posted by Gods Plumber:
quote:Originally posted by Thorn Davis: [QUOTE] Hilarity ensued.
Oh how spiffing! Did you have lashings of ginger pop and some of Aunt Bessies rock cakes? Do tell.
No, see, you've fucked it up. The phrase "Hilarity Ensued" is most visible in copy advertising for comedy films and TV shows. Maybe you've seen sentences containing phrases like "With hilarious consquences!", "The ensuing Hilarity!", etc. In this case, thorn is using it in both a genuine and sarcastic manner, because the incident in question brought about mixed reactions. For some it was funny, but for others, upsetting. He is also riffing on the idea that this incident represented an "episode", thereby reflecting on the way in which a bulletin board often takes cues from a TV show, with characters, plot lines, etc. Do you see, Gods Plumber? If you do, you can probably see how your following comment just makes it look like you didn't understand - oh dear!
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
quote:Originally posted by squeegy:
quote:Originally posted by kovacs: Wasn't it something about the cat being "timide"?
And wasn't somebody really pissed with you for posting someone else's number on the internet?
Wasn't that when I pretended to be a young girl on a chatroom and then pasted in the transcript of a chat I endured with some predatory nonce, including his phone number and address, with the suggestion that it would make a good t-shirt.
Posted by squeegy (Member # 136) on :
quote:Originally posted by kovacs: Wasn't that when I pretended to be a young girl on a chatroom and then pasted in the transcript of a chat I endured with some predatory nonce, including his phone number and address, with the suggestion that it would make a good t-shirt.
I dont remember that. It probably would have made a good t-shirt. Thorn will remember.
Posted by Gods Plumber (Member # 791) on :
quote:Originally posted by Dr. Benway: Do you see, Gods Plumber? If you do, you can probably see how your following comment just makes it look like you didn't understand - oh dear!
No I don't see. What was there not to understand? What do you thnk my communication was intended to do? And why should it be "oh, dear"?
That my prose doesn't meet the TMO standards? That you might no like me? No. I just thought that post was shit. Crap. Utter bollox. And I though I'd let you know...don't get soooo excited dear. me, I hit bullseye every time. Or your money back.
Posted by Skalski (Member # 852) on :
quote:Originally posted by Gods Plumber: That you might no like me?
I no like you.
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
Never mind, GP - keep up the good work!
Posted by Gods Plumber (Member # 791) on :
quote:Originally posted by Skalski:
quote:Originally posted by Gods Plumber: That you might no like me?
I no like you.
Top banana.
I hate every body. Even the voices Posted by Gods Plumber (Member # 791) on :
quote:Originally posted by Dr. Benway: Never mind, GP - keep up the good work!
Hell yeah. Next they'll be telling me that Bambi hates me...why not kick a guy when he's down, eh.
Posted by OJ (Member # 752) on :
quote:Originally posted by not...:
quote:Originally posted by OJ:
quote:Originally posted by jonesy999: The cat reference is to one of TMO's most famous and controversial threads. I believe you are a cat lover, OJ, (and a good person) so I better not tell you about it.
It wouldn't reflect well on some of us.
No, you'd better not tell me. Having fluffy pets has the same effect on a sense of humour as having children. But without stretch marks, haemorrhoids or one of those wanky, all terrain buggies and an SUV.
Hey i have child and I have none of those things. Not even haemorrhoids! *touches wood* Go ME!
Yes, way to go you! Have you just changed your name from I Am Not and was that anything to do with the acronym IAN?
Just wondering?
Posted by not... (Member # 25) on :
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
can we still call you IAN?
Posted by not... (Member # 25) on :
You can but everytime you do I will maim a random animal.
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
but not.. just isn't practical.
Posted by doc d (Member # 781) on :
quote:Originally posted by Gods Plumber: Mwuhaha....mwuhaha...[/QB]
er. right.
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Gods Plumber: I hate every body.
Posted by Gods Plumber (Member # 791) on :
Wrong. Very wrong.
[ 20.10.2005, 11:55: Message edited by: Gods Plumber ]
Posted by Gods Plumber (Member # 791) on :
quote:Originally posted by ralph:
quote:Originally posted by Gods Plumber: I hate every body.
Apart from ralph, of course. Whom I love very much...mainly through the medium of mime.
I hate everybody else though.
Posted by not... (Member # 25) on :
quote:Originally posted by Dr. Benway: but not.. just isn't practical.
SHit. I didn't think about that. How about calling me N-dog?
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Gods Plumber: Apart from ralph, of course. Whom I love very much...mainly through the medium of mime.
I hate everybody else though.
Ya know, you could say it once and a while without me prompting you first.
Posted by doc d (Member # 781) on :
quote:Originally posted by not...:
quote:Originally posted by Dr. Benway: but not.. just isn't practical.
SHit. I didn't think about that. How about calling me N-dog?
surely n-dawg?
Posted by Gods Plumber (Member # 791) on :
quote:Originally posted by ralph:
quote:Originally posted by Gods Plumber: Apart from ralph, of course. Whom I love very much...mainly through the medium of mime.
I hate everybody else though.
Ya know, you could say it once and a while without me prompting you first.
Nag. Nag. Nag. That's all you do. I come in from work, tired and exhausted, and you start...I do love you, I'm always telling you I love you...what more can I do? I even put the toilet seat down for you dammit.
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Gods Plumber: Nag. Nag. Nag. That's all you do. I come in from work, tired and exhausted, and you start...I do love you, I'm always telling you I love you...what more can I do? I even put the toilet seat down for you dammit.
Ok. Now you're just freaking me out.
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :