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Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
A classic thread, yours to keep with this elegant mounting frame, and if you post within two weeks, we'll also send you this limited edition print entitled "Scotty Dog Love"

Like Kylie Minogue, I'm illin'. I've gone for what I call "Grad Flash", designed to evoke memories of a first suit, as you tentatively step out of the dressing room, only to have your mother tug at your trousers and suggest that she take them up a bit. You look like a man, but you know that you're still a scared boy.

Okay team, let's do it for bun.
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
Grey flannel dressing gown
navy blue Donnay joggers
thick black socks
Several days' stubble
sore red nose

[ 14.10.2005, 10:11: Message edited by: Ringo ]
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
I know! I know! Ringo, are you Kate Moss? Lololol, topical, see. Red nose? As in, snorting coke. Come on! Jesus.
Posted by dance margarita (Member # 848) on :
reddish brown boots
moto jeans with the stain of a dribble of stew on the leg
purple hennes tshirt
grey chardigan
brand new soft contact lenses
Posted by dance margarita (Member # 848) on :
in case you are wondering, the chard that my chardigan is made of is organic and grown on an alottment in st werburghs by spastics.
Posted by jonesy999 (Member # 5) on :

Pink metrosexual T Shirt - bought from a shop near Oxford Circus.
Jeans by Next
Kung fu barefoot.

[ 14.10.2005, 10:12: Message edited by: jonesy999 ]
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
Deep red shirt (deep red colour - not deep like a well, or profound) from Austin Reed, I believe part of their 'Sportsman' collection from about 1968 or 9 or something. All I know is that the shirt is older than I am. I stole it from my parents' place a few years ago.

Red tie with green patterning - slightly frayed at the edges. Again, stolen from my parents' place. I don't erally like buying work clothes - I prefer to forage for them, like a tramp going through bin bags outside Oxfam at 7.00 on a Monday morning. The tie doesn't quite match the shirt, and the result is kind of eyefucking. It's like a magic eye picture and if you stare at it long enough it resolves into a picture of a defeated Londoner with an expanding gut and no future.

Black moleskin trousers - from M&S. I wear these every single working day, without exception. They are my work trousers. They're a bit grubby at the moment as it's the end of the week - a few splashes of food, and traces of semen crudding around the zipper area.

Black Wrangler boots - because I couldn't find my 'work shoes'.

[ 14.10.2005, 10:15: Message edited by: Thorn Davis ]
Posted by Darryn.R (Member # 1) on :
Mid to light blue Levis engineered jeans with 'distressing' (also, just plain old)

Black longsleeve tshirt.

Black adidas trainers

My hair today is pushed back off my face for once and held in place with a thin black headband so I look like a rejet from a bad football team.
Posted by Vogon Poetess (Member # 164) on :
Long black skirt.
Red top.
Black cardie.
Black tights.
Black "work shoes"
Hair in plaits with red bands.

Not quite sure what look I'm going for here. The fashionistas from Handbag would no doubt wince.

PS Thorn: your "work shoes" are behind the lounge door. If you ever put the ironing board back in its home behind the lounge door, you might stumble across them.
Posted by Kira (Member # 826) on :
Green long sleeve, scoop-necked, t-shirty type thing that looks like two tops (brown long sleeve peeping out from cuffs and collar)

Long leg flared blue jeans with knee length black boots.

Black Bra

Black Thong

Black socks

and a stupid headset cos I work in a call centre!
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
I've started wearing a stupid headset in my leisure time.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :

Posted by saltrock (Member # 622) on :
I feel like a real grown up today. Actually, that's not true. I feel like a kid wearing her mother's shoes and someone is going to walk in and shout FRAUD!!! you're not really a grown up!

I have on a charcoal grey Country Casuals trouser suit with a black shirt [unbuttoned just one too low - important meeting this morning [Wink] !] black brogue-ey type shoes and I even took the trouble to straighten my hair so I don't look like Crystaltips out of Crystaltips and Alistair.

Posted by I am not... (Member # 25) on :
Jeans - gap

shirt - sky blue check, a bit tooo tight, bought from charity
shop for £3.00

Lightweight leather boots - a bit like desert boots but better becaues they were bough from a really expensive shop but were in the sale for £10.00 - total wick purchase

Pants - Jeff banks trunks

Socks - mismatched Black

Blazer - Black M&S 50% sale item, a bit of a worn look on this one, nice black and white lining.

Hair: growing but still at that love/hate stage

Face: Shaven for the first time this week.

Overall look: Think geek chic meets overgrown skater trash. Skinny white boy going to seed. Slightly self concious and awkward in either very casual company or smart suits. A no mans land of GAP fashion ideals.
Posted by doc d (Member # 781) on :
white nike air jordan air ivs (reissue)
fucked jeans
white t
long sleeved burgundy (?) aem kei top with "planet of the aem kei" print and a still from planet of the apes

silver ring
bling seiko
black frame glasses


[ 14.10.2005, 10:39: Message edited by: doc d ]
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Psoriasis under the skinhead? Nice look. My butcher's got that.
Posted by Waynster (Member # 56) on :
Same shit as the last time I wrote in this thread (though they have been washed since)

Therapy? Shirt (Backprint Hey Satan You Rock)
Black 501's
Black Socks
Black DM's

And a look of spite and hatred.
Posted by Boy Racer (Member # 498) on :
Black Tesco underwears
Deep green Marharishi combats
Pale grey X-large dripping logo-T
Dark grey lace-up DCShoeUSA skate shoes with red detailing.
Black canvas Boxfresh jacket - Faded and in great need of a wash.
Hair in need of a cut. I would go the skinheed route but I have a:too think a neck, b: a slightly pointy skull, c: too many little shock patches. Hmmm.

[ 14.10.2005, 10:48: Message edited by: Boy Racer ]
Posted by mimolette (Member # 478) on :
Blue thick cotton M&S shirt (kind of like a Polo but without the horse, rider or cachet)
Sand GAP "worker" cords
Various pieces of underwear
Clarks trendy trainer-type things
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :

I have opted for the pinstripes today, as much as all this week. A bit like Thorn (except I never miss the bullseye with my cockjank) I've had them all week. There is a bit of a design flaw though. Around the crotch area. The chairs that I sit on ride the trousers up into the oblivion. If I stride more than one step whilst going upstairs they pinch each bollock like a sex starved sadist with each step once you've crossed over into the knacker zone. I like these trousers, but they don't like me.

The shirt is a standard M&S affair, made out of a handful of purple, mauve and white stripes. Ironic regarding that last line because all of the buttons on this shirt must be competing for the hardest button to button because there's a few missing through abuse and if I'm not careful to tuck the shirt in, you get an eyeful of grapevine.

Tie is purple and looks red if it's turned in the light. I imagine if you view it at the right angle, you could stare in a miriad of images from my past. Like the time I got so drunk I shit myself and burst into tears on a Jack Daniels bender.

Speaking of benders, my hair has had a hard days night.
It's been working like a dog.
And when I look at this do,
I ashamed to tell you,
that supercuts are
rilly shite.

My hair is having a party like its 1965. I might go into the barbers and ask them to make one cut and drag my finger across my throat whilst sticking my tongue out to the side. That way, they won't fuck it up for the umpteenth time.
Posted by Endemic (Member # 821) on :
Unrelieved black and an expression of total weariness. I look like a cheap, aging pseudo-goth.
Posted by Benny the Ball (Member # 694) on :
White socks with blue and orange bands from Urban Outfitters

Red stripey pants from Gap

Jeans from Gap (dark blue easy fit or something)

T-shirt - green with a picture of a little freaky-haired guitarist on it and RYC written at the top.

Posted by doc d (Member # 781) on :
Originally posted by Black Mask:
Psoriasis under the skinhead? Nice look. My butcher's got that.

its not huge patches or 'owt. but i'm afflicted.
and keeping it short means i can get my potions on it.
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
Originally posted by Endemic:
I look like a cheap, aging pseudo-goth.

I was under the impression that you are a cheap, aging pseudo-goth.
Posted by I am not... (Member # 25) on :
Originally posted by Waynster:
Same shit as the last time I wrote in this thread (though they have been washed since)

Therapy? Shirt (Backprint Hey Satan You Rock)
Black 501's
Black Socks
Black DM's

And a look of spite and hatred.

Waynster I'm not sure all that black would suit you. You are strawberry blonde/ginger are you not? I'm sure you are quite pale skinned and the contrast created may be a bit harsh. Have you tried experimenting with colours. Maybe a pastel shirt coupled with brown cordroys and casual white trainers perhaps?
Posted by saltrock (Member # 622) on :
Originally posted by New Way Of Decay:

I have opted for the pinstripes today,
The shirt is a standard M&S affair, made out of a handful of purple, mauve and white stripes.
Tie is purple and looks red if it's turned in the light.

Hey, that's what you were wearing the last time I saw you! Oh, and get your hair cut you scruffy git.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Originally posted by doc d:
and keeping it short means i can get my potions on it.

What the fuck? Where did you do your chemistry lessons? Gaul, 50BC?
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
I'm not so sure, I Am Not. Like me, Waynster doesn't have any tits to speak of, and black is a very flattering colour for this situation. Also, cords won't work with those hips. It's a myth that cords can be worn with a classic 'L' shape figure. Far better to go for some moleskin trousers, maybe from Next or M&S. Then, you've got more versitility with the feet. Honestly, I am Not, we haven't all got boobs as big as yours!
Posted by doc d (Member # 781) on :
Originally posted by New Way Of Decay:
Originally posted by doc d:
and keeping it short means i can get my potions on it.

What the fuck? Where did you do your chemistry lessons? Gaul, 50BC?
from this dude, yes.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Originally posted by saltrock:
Hey, that's what you were wearing the last time I saw you!

Yes. Don't you remember you gave me a hug goodbye. I couldn't bear to take them off after that.
Posted by saltrock (Member # 622) on :
Originally posted by New Way Of Decay:
Originally posted by saltrock:
Hey, that's what you were wearing the last time I saw you!

Yes. Don't you remember you gave me a hug goodbye. I couldn't bear to take them off after that.
You smell. Fact.
Posted by London (Member # 29) on :
er, no

[ 14.10.2005, 11:03: Message edited by: London ]
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
food for thought there, London.
Posted by I am not... (Member # 25) on :
Originally posted by Boy Racer:
Black Tesco underwears
Deep green Marharishi combats
Pale grey X-large dripping logo-T
Dark grey lace-up DCShoeUSA skate shoes with red detailing.
Black canvas Boxfresh jacket - Faded and in great need of a wash.
Hair in need of a cut. I would go the skinheed route but I have a:too think a neck, b: a slightly pointy skull, c: too many little shock patches. Hmmm.

OK Mrs skinny nipples, what should we do with this specimen eh?. Clearly it's fell into some sort of horrid mid 90s time hole and has never managed to clamber it's way out. I mean Christ Almighty *grabs BR's chest" look at this tee-shirt, hardly flattering on the figure is it?... and...wait a minute..*lifts top over BR's head* AAH HAA! just as I suspected!! you're hiding a fine cleavage under there arn't you love? eh eh? Why,,,, WHY!! WHY ARN'T THESE PROUDLY ON DISPLAY *jiggles them* HUH? HUH? ANSWER ME YOU WITCH?
Posted by Abby (Member # 582) on :
Comedy nurses costume!
Posted by herbs (Member # 101) on :
Oh dear. I am clad almost entirely in Gap - black cord skirt, 'winter white' top, green leather jacket. But as they were all heavily reduced in the sale I think you'll agree I'm 'sticking it to the man'.

The remaining garments: M&S pants and tights (shrunken, gusset rapidly sinks towards knees on exertion), Knickerbox bra (too small, as my barclays are heading towards DD proportions), Hudson shoes (black, multi-coloured spots).
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Originally posted by Abby:
Comedy nurses costume!

Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
Originally posted by I am not...:
*grabs BR's chest"

For once, I'm totally in agreement with you, IAN. Honestly BR - what were you thinking when you got dressed this morning? Did you dress with the lights off? This really isn't acceptable, because do you know what I see when I look at you, BR? Do you know, IAN? I see a lovely pair of bright bosoms just bursting to be seen, and I think it's criminal to cover them up like that. People are going to look at you, BR, and think to themselves, 'now there goes a woman with a body image problem'. And, you know what, that's not really sexy, is it BR? Is it IAN? It's okay to have big boobs - I'd kill to go up just one cup size! I'm honestly shocked that you aren't swanning around with a wonderbra saying 'hello boys!'. I would be!

[ 14.10.2005, 11:23: Message edited by: Dr. Benway ]
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Originally posted by herbs:
'sticking it to the man'.

Herbs, did you just say 'sticking it to the man'?
Posted by OJ (Member # 752) on :
Having a definite 8.5/10 outfit day today. For once I may actually look better than I feel.

In fashion terms, for the must always be an inspiration... I'm Marlene Dietrich from the waist up, Puss in Boots from the waist down and Sergeant Pepper crossed with the Little Drummer Boy when I've got my outdoor gear on.

[ 14.10.2005, 12:23: Message edited by: OJ ]
Posted by I am not... (Member # 25) on :
Nice, that's a good look on you OJ
Posted by London (Member # 29) on :
I think OJ wins look of the day with that one. I wish she'd do a photograph.
Posted by OJ (Member # 752) on :
Putting my coat on and heading to the dingily lit disabled loo with a cameraphone would so be a bad look, so that's a no, sorry.
Posted by I am not... (Member # 25) on :
Disabled loo's ooh eh? London eh?
Posted by London (Member # 29) on :
Don't you just hate it when you write something retarded like 'heeheee' and then nobody posts on the thread after you do and you're left giggling like a spastic on Today's Active Topics.

[ 14.10.2005, 14:20: Message edited by: London ]
Posted by Poshlust (Member # 850) on :
M&S granny knickers, beautiful tiara and half a glass of merlot.
Posted by Samuelnorton (Member # 48) on :
Originally posted by Black Mask:
German army shirt (the sort of thing Snorton might wear on a dress-down Friday)

Meh. Every day is a dress-down day where I am. The German army shirt is worn on rally days, complete with armband.

Right now:

- plain, grey boxers
- battered black 501s
- black Wasps RFC shirt, which I wear more or less every other day. It's more grey than black these days.
- under the rugby shirt, white t-shirt from the Zeppelin Museum, Friedrichshafen.
- Homer Simpson slippers

I need a new wardrobe, but frankly cannot be arsed. Most recent purchases are a Foreign Legion kepi and a t-shirt with a Lego Hitler on it. I kid you not.
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
Originally posted by Poshlust:
M&S granny knickers, beautiful tiara and half a glass of merlot.

Poshlust! Come to the pub!

And you, Norton.
Posted by I am not... (Member # 25) on :
Originally posted by London:
Don't you just hate it when you write something retarded like 'heeheee' and then nobody posts on the thread after you do and you're left giggling like a spastic on Today's Active Topics.

Yeh sorry about that L. It was the only valid response to my totally crap thing about the toilets, I was going to say something but then I just realised how stupid what I just posted was and I was just standing there, silent, and just going all red, like, ya know. All embarrassed and shit. [Frown]
Posted by Sidney (Member # 399) on :
man, i used to love these threads!

Posted by Honeybaby (Member # 543) on :

[ 13.04.2006, 06:59: Message edited by: Honeybaby ]
Posted by Carter (Member # 426) on :
Hmm. Post-natal paternal depression manifest as gender confusion. Index event - everyone else changing usernames.

Alright ben?
Posted by Waynster (Member # 56) on :
Originally posted by I am not...:
Waynster I'm not sure all that black would suit you. You are strawberry blonde/ginger are you not? I'm sure you are quite pale skinned and the contrast created may be a bit harsh. Have you tried experimenting with colours. Maybe a pastel shirt coupled with brown cordroys and casual white trainers perhaps?

I was only blonde in those photographs due to the bottle - I have since returned to my natural brown. I do have whit trainers actually, and today have ventured with a claret with blue text sports shirt, and some white socks. Its as adventurous as I'll get matey.
Posted by not... (Member # 25) on :
Nice, good to see you're embracing you're feminine side finally. But.. white socks... that's a fash-on-no-no-bay-be.
Posted by Waynster (Member # 56) on :
They are under my Docs so hidden
Posted by MonkeySusan (Member # 569) on :

Like Kylie Minogue, I'm illin'. I've gone for what I call "Grad Flash", designed to evoke memories of a first suit, as you tentatively step out of the dressing room, only to have your mother tug at your trousers and suggest that she take them up a bit. You look like a man, but you know that you're still a scared boy.

Okay team, let's do it for bun. [/QB]

Don't want to be a kiss-ass but that is brilliant
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
Lol. I missed that one. But I have vivid memories of my first suit (not to mention the terror of the price-tag) and feeling like I was wearing someone else's clothes.
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
It's really not cool to say things like that.

But, you know. You've clearly got taste.
Posted by Fionnula the Cooler (Member # 453) on :
Yesterday the downfall of my life began: I bought my first shirt and tie. I'm happy to report I didn't know how to tie the tie. I had to use an internet tutorial. Pathetic, I know, but I don't really mind being incompetent at corporate stuff. I don't know how to wear the shirt either. Do you tuck it into your belt? Do you pull it out a little bit so there's a slight overhang all round your waist? I just don't know. My legs look about three times the size of my upper body. My face looks about twelve. The whole corporate look feels faintly ridiculous. Is this normal? I don't know how I'm going to get any employers to take me seriously.
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
Sounds like you're going in the right direction.

Tuck the shirt into your trousers, then raise your arms above your head. When you lower your arms, the shirt should be hanging slightly over the stop of the trousers, but not too much
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Originally posted by Ringo:
but not too much

No, you don't want to look like a paedophile matador.
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
When you get a bit of insulation round the middle, you don't have to worry about this, because it kind of hangs over anyway.
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
Godd only a fucking Scottish would need advice on how to wear normal clothes that a human being wears everyday of their lives.
Posted by OJ (Member # 752) on :
Fionnula I can't guide you through wearing a tie as the only times that I've done it in adult life, it's been accompanied by too much makeup in an overcompensating sort of way.

However, for empathy, I reckon you should watch Claire rock a number about "pantyhose" in the current season of Six Feet Under. It's in Episode 57 "The Rainbow of Her Reasons".


[ 18.10.2005, 09:55: Message edited by: OJ ]
Posted by London (Member # 29) on :
Also Macandrew: picture!

Boys in ties is good.

Also: I owe you an email. Sorry.
Posted by Pearlie (Member # 853) on :
Shirt under pink longsleeve round neck
Loose fit jeans
Timberland boots
Black socks
Black thong
NUDE bra (yuck)
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
Black V-necked jumper (isn't it weird wearing a jumper without anything under it?)
Dark blue baggy jeans
DC trainers

I guess my look is kinda urban casual
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
Blue Shirt with company logo on and covered in dust and crap



I'm so 'White Van', I've even turned my collar up, Eric Cantona style
Posted by MonkeySusan (Member # 569) on :
Originally posted by Ringo:
Black V-necked jumper (isn't it weird wearing a jumper without anything under it?)
Dark blue baggy jeans
DC trainers

I guess my look is kinda urban casual

Is that Rab C Nesbit?
Posted by London (Member # 29) on :
Green and black striped stiff fabric A-line skirt
Silas top pale grey/black with fluted sleeves small crescent moons and blacker spots on it and it has two layers
i have been wearing these two since friday, on and off
bare feet
unpainted toenails
unpainted face
wrapped in a blanket
rocking gently back and forth
wriggling tongue in bottom of old stale glass of red wine
if i wriggle enough i'll moisten the dry crust
everything be ok
good things will come
bad things go away

would you like to hear the soundtrack to the above text:
Posted by herbs (Member # 101) on :
Roy, you sound like a delicious bit of rough.

*pulls collar from neck with finger*
Posted by Vogon Poetess (Member # 164) on :
Originally posted by Fionnula the Cooler:
I'm happy to report I didn't know how to tie the tie.... corporate stuff.

Did you not have to wear a shirt and tie at school? I distinctly remember my dad showing my how to tie my new black-and-gold striped neckwear at the age of 9.

Oh. Were you one of those mouthbreathers who had to wear a pre-tied tie fastened with velcro?
Posted by Darryn.R (Member # 1) on :
What the fuck is that noise Londie ?
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
Sounded like somebody doing the hoovering.
Posted by Benny the Ball (Member # 694) on :
White Adidas with very dark blue stripes
dark blue GAP jeans
Was wearing a nice white shirt, but changed it to a grey/blue tee-shirt with and orange, yellow and white thin stipe thing underlining a blue plam tree design across the chest.
A watch (Victorinox swiss army thing that was a gift from an ex, she got it from a Black Hawk Down freebie promotion work thing).
Posted by Waynster (Member # 56) on :
Originally posted by Darryn.R:
What the fuck is that noise Londie ?

Sounds like someone with a belt sander to me.

Edit: Maybe its Roy?

[ 18.10.2005, 10:20: Message edited by: Waynster ]
Posted by London (Member # 29) on :
It's these men in brightly coloured jackets who are doing things to the road which makes them switch off the water all the time. It's highly conducive to writing articles on subjects you know nothing about and trying to conjure keyboards out of thin air. BRILLIANT!

Macandrew L@@K-

Lets face it, one of the first things people notice is your necktie knot. If sloppy and lifeless, it makes a bad first impression. If neatly dimpled, it makes a powerful first impression and sends an important message to others: You care about your personal appearance, show attention to detail, and have a positive self image! It's one of those little things that makes a big difference!

[ 18.10.2005, 10:26: Message edited by: London ]
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
Originally posted by herbs:
Roy, you sound like a delicious bit of rough.

*pulls collar from neck with finger*

You should see me when I'm on the refinery in my 'fireman' clothes.
Posted by OJ (Member # 752) on :
Do we have to do this every day now?

-Black flat front wool crepe trousers
-Black camisole under..
-Moss green vintage crocheted fitted jumper with short sleeves, cream-painted buttons at the neck and sort of semi-seethrough crisscross knit pattern.
-Green leather woven flat shoes (not ballet slippers) with fine black socks inside
-Newly shorn hair with very grown up makeup. Matt skin, proper cheekbones, flicky eyeliner, matt lipstick.
- Chunky plastic glasses looking all the more severe with the very short hair
- A serious expression as befits the new(ish) week.

No giggling at the back there TMO.
Posted by herbs (Member # 101) on :
Phwoar OJ. You sound tasty, and I'm no lez.

Once more I'm top to (nearly) toe Gap. Brown paisley patterned shirt with velvet 'details' and pin tucks, green t-shirt, ancient brown trousers (the ones I wont replace as it means buying a size 14), chintz patterned Birkenstocks, green leather jacket. Pinched, anxious expression due to existential angst at getting old and having no career.
Posted by Darryn.R (Member # 1) on :
OJ - Do you have a pic ? Herbs is right [Wink]

[ 18.10.2005, 10:50: Message edited by: Darryn.R ]
Posted by Physic (Member # 195) on :

Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
It's true, herbs is no lez.

I'm wearing the same charcoal grey suit
the same firetrap shoes
black m&s pants (maybe the same - I don't know)
black M&s socks
black M&s shirt, with Next cufflinks

I call this "bouncer lite", and it can often be seen being worn by young asian men milling around Leicester Square on a Saturday night. The black shirt teamed with the grey suit is severe and joyless, suggesting somebody who takes their leisure time seriously. As worn on me, it suggests a man who is either gutless when it comes to fashion, or think he's hard.

The truth is, that this is an easy iron shirt, and I woke up late.

[ 18.10.2005, 10:51: Message edited by: Dr. Benway ]
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
I have that picture of your cock now!

Posted by London (Member # 29) on :
Dudes, hands off OJ. I totally asked her for a picture on Friday, and she totally said she was going to go to the disabled toilets and think about me. IAN was a witness and everything. So I think you'll find I have first dibs.

jesus, nwod! thanks for raping my eyeholes with benway's tiny penis!

[ 18.10.2005, 10:54: Message edited by: London ]
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
hooray! Thanks NWOD. If there was one thing I - and probably the rest of TMO - was missing this afternoon, it was a diagram that proves beyond doubt that my cock is smaller than an old penny. Thank goodness you stepped in, and rose to the challenge - which is more than I could do!
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
Originally posted by London:
jesus, nwod! thanks for raping my eyeholes with benway's tiny penis!

Posted by froopyscot (Member # 178) on :
Yeah, but do you have the picture taken inside the disabled toilets?

The alternate approach, OJ, is to hand a camera phone to a colleague, get gussied up in the full outfit, and say 'oh, it's just for this interweb site'. Therefore you will spark weeks or months of speculation regarding on which dating site you have posted a profile. It's just what you need to add that little extra spark, excitement and intrigue to the drab office environment.
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
I think its cute
Posted by Darryn.R (Member # 1) on :
Old penny though, which is nice as they're larger than your usual penny
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
that sausage looks like a dog cock.
Posted by froopyscot (Member # 178) on :
Originally posted by Dr. Benway:
that sausage looks like a dog cock.

For some reason I read this post in an old man voice:

"i've seen lots of dog cock in my day, and..."
Posted by Kira (Member # 826) on :
Today I am wearing:

Black pinstripe suit trousers

Lime colour 'skinny' T

Black long sleeve shirt

Black boots

and a tired let-me-go-home look
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
Froopy, you're a freakshow.
Posted by Fionnula the Cooler (Member # 453) on :
Originally posted by London:
Also Macandrew: picture!

Boys in ties is good.

Also: I owe you an email. Sorry.

It's ok! I think it was a just-reply-if-there's-anything-worth-replying-to email.

Originally posted by OJ:
However, for empathy, I reckon you should watch Claire rock a number about "pantyhose" in the current season of Six Feet Under. It's in Episode 57 "The Rainbow of Her Reasons".

I always did love Claire. But I gave up on Six Feet Under some time during the fourth season when Ruth married the tall rabbi from ER, Claire had an abortion then went to visit her dead foetus-baby in heaven (wtf?), and all Nate ever seemed to do was cry into pillows and hug babies. I might download the new/final season though. If you think it's worth it.
Posted by squeegy (Member # 136) on :
Originally posted by Dr. Benway:
that sausage looks like a dog cock.

Yes it does. But I'd probably still eat it. Puzzling.
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
I'll let you go home, Kira.
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
Surely half the point of these threads is to talk with mild flirtation & titillation about what underwear you have on. (The other half is to show off your fashion taste or make self-deprecating comedy of it.)

It surprises me that Modge is the only one I've seen on this thread who was slapper enough to mention what type of underthings she had on.
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
kovacs quite obviously can't read.
Posted by squeegy (Member # 136) on :
Originally posted by kovacs:
It surprises me that Modge is the only one I've seen on this thread who was slapper enough to mention what type of underthings she had on.

Loads of people did. Err some at least. I'd prove it but my connection is running sloooooooooow today.
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
hey, I was looking at pictures of you last night, h1ppy. They are three on the uploads archive. I really love that archive. It's a pictoral history of TMO.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Originally posted by Dr. Benway:
hooray! Thanks NWOD. If there was one thing I - and probably the rest of TMO - was missing this afternoon

Alright you joyless turd:

Posted by Kira (Member # 826) on :
It surprises me that Modge is the only one I've seen on this thread who was slapper enough to mention what type of underthings she had on.
I think I ought to point out that is not strictly true Kovacs...

*edited for freudian slip

[ 18.10.2005, 11:21: Message edited by: Kira ]
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
Originally posted by Kira:
I think I ought to put out

I wish more women thought like this
Posted by Kira (Member # 826) on :
goddamn it too slow...
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
Oh, Kovacs
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
nice one, NWOD, but nobody is going to believe that my cock is as big as Godzilla.
Posted by Benny the Ball (Member # 694) on :
I mentioned my pants in my first post, Kovacs - maybe I'm not wearing any today...
Posted by OJ (Member # 752) on :
Bloody hell Herbs, Darryn, London (& Froopyscot) - I'm not going to be nipping anywhere to take pictures. An air of mystery is far more alluring than the pixellated truth...

Hmm, I think she just about gets away with flat shoes but she's hardly giraffe-like is she? Not sure about the colour though....etc. etc.

Furthermore (furthermore!), I suspect it's my powers of sartorial description that are attractive rather than the outfit. You too can hone your attention to descriptive detail by practicing regularly in the Handbag fashion forum.

If you must, there's a photo of me looking quite severe in my moblog. Not in this outfit.

Kovacs, I beg to differ about the underwear question. I can't comment on the male viewpoint but I'm sure there have been a couple of mentions of undies - Kira's thong, someone else wearing a nude bra (sorry for forgetting your name someone else) - already and they do nothing for me. Unlike Herbs, I am a lez.

The look is far more interesting than the foundation garments. Especially if they involve the words "thong" or "nude". I'd maybe concede the point for French Knickers or anything involving the word "chemise".
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
That's kovacs jointly and severally told off then.

Benway, how might one "uncover" *ahem* the URL for the upload gallery?
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
I maintain that the girls posting on this thread could have made the effort to describe their underwear in a sexy way.
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
Originally posted by H1ppychick:
That's kovacs jointly and severally told off then.

Benway, how might one "uncover" *ahem* the URL for the upload gallery?

try the url for that picture of Fish. Or, search for the word "uploaded" across all forii, and the thread turns up in the results. Or wait until Misc helps me out here.

[ 18.10.2005, 11:31: Message edited by: Dr. Benway ]
Posted by Pearlie (Member # 853) on :
I thought to but quickly realised that it was impossible. Black socks, black thong and nude (full cup no frills) bra just isn't aesthetically pleasing.I could've lied I spose.
Posted by Darryn.R (Member # 1) on :
OJ - How YOU doin' ? [Roll Eyes]

Foxy. (IMO)

What's with the piles of pigs ?
Posted by Kira (Member # 826) on :
Posted by Kovacs
I maintain that the girls posting on this thread could have made the effort to describe their underwear in a sexy way.

Maybe... just maybe ...its your imagination thats at fault... [Razz]

[ 18.10.2005, 11:35: Message edited by: Kira ]
Posted by OJ (Member # 752) on :
Darryn, the pigs were being shovelled out of the back of a van, which struck me as a vaguely amusing picture at the time. Obviously a slow picture day...

Or so I thought until various other mobloggers revealed themselves to be mad for 'em.

They also rhyme with figs, which I do like photographing.
Posted by froopyscot (Member # 178) on :
Originally posted by Dr. Benway:
Froopy, you're a freakshow.

Hey, it keeps things lively in the afternoons.
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
Well, maybe I'm wrong, but the only reason I read this kind of thread is to skim down the names on the left until I find a girl I fancy, then look at her post to see what scanties she's wearing today.

Maybe it's not meant to be titillation for me. Who knows. I have been wrong before.
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
I'm so bored. I've been moving documents around on our fileserver for 3 hours. I think my brain has atrophied.
Posted by Darryn.R (Member # 1) on :
Why/where do they shovel pigs ?
Posted by OJ (Member # 752) on :
They were squeezy promotional pigs with a URL on the back, being shovelled out of the back of a van for students to hand out for the pleasure of the minimum wage* and wearing a stupid T-shirt

*Fact alert: conjecture.
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
man,I tells ya, I could sure squeeze a pig right now.
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
Oh, Roy. [Frown]
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
Sorry, mate
Posted by OJ (Member # 752) on :
Thanks for badgering me into doing a picture last night. It was quite fun. But I'm not doing it again for every outfit - I'd be bound to get sidetracked anyway.

Fionnula, sorry I didn't reply to what you said about Six Feet Under. I would recommend this series, yes. I was a little unsure at the beginning as there was a heavy-handed use of dream sequences (IMHO). But it's matured and they're dealing with some Big Themes. Sounds funny to say about a series that has at least one death per episode, but anyway. Don't start watching now though, it's nearly the end of the series. Wait for the inevitable repeat.

Today, I am mostly wearing nothing very interesting at all.
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
OJ you have very cute hair.
Posted by jonesy999 (Member # 5) on :
And you appear to be gorgeous.
Posted by Darryn.R (Member # 1) on :
Originally posted by jonesy999:
And you appear to be gorgeous.

Isn't she just [Eek!]
Posted by Doctor Agamemnon When (Member # 189) on :
My wardrobe is currently groaning under the weight of all my recent eBay purchases (and now covers about 800 years). I've just bought 3 original 1950's shirts for no real reason apart from they looked nice and were my size. I'm currently looking for or bidding on a white tuxedo, some Victorian tails, and a bowler hat. I want one of those big shaggy white fur pimp coats, but suspect I'll need to make one... and I recently purchased (for a forthcoming "Dirty Vegas" evening:
All I need is some leopardskin brothel creepers and I'm ready.
Should be a good night, that.

However, today is dress down day at the end of a week of "having no time to do any ironing", so we see:

Guess which supermarket is in a direct line between my work and home?
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
fucking hell, When - how are ya?
Posted by Doctor Agamemnon When (Member # 189) on :
Just floaty, Benway old chap. Floaty.

[ 21.10.2005, 10:43: Message edited by: Doctor Agamemnon When ]
Posted by jonesy999 (Member # 5) on :
Doctor When, I bigged you up not two weeks ago on a thread about bread. ----> here. and now you appear. It's uncanny.

Also: hello.

[ 21.10.2005, 10:52: Message edited by: jonesy999 ]
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
It's good to have another fake doctor in the house, in the face of all these real doctors.
Posted by Doctor Agamemnon When (Member # 189) on :
Aww, that's lovely. I feel both humbled and mildly aroused, which hasn't happened before. It's uncannily true about Robot Wars... I wonder if there's a link there?

Looking at them photos of "The Old Days" makes me wish I'd been to a meet or two. Sniff.

[ 21.10.2005, 10:56: Message edited by: Doctor Agamemnon When ]
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
Originally posted by Doctor Agamemnon When:
Looking at them photos of "The Old Days" makes me wish I'd been to a meet or two. Sniff.

It's not too late! There's one tonight.
Posted by Doctor Agamemnon When (Member # 189) on :
Originally posted by Thorn Davis:
It's not too late! There's one tonight.

If it's in Lichfield, I'll there.

Hmm... I've been going to a charmingly amateur Burlesque evening of late called the Diamond Rendezvous. It's a monthly thing and we seem to have settled on a fixed venue now - The Windsor in B'ham.

I reckon that'd be a great place for Midlander TMOnites. Just like this board it's quirky, dresses funny and is mildly pretentious.

There's acts, drinking, and some superb DJs for the "aftershow". I love it me, 'cos I get to dress up and get wankered.

The next theme is "Dirty Vegas" and it's on the 19th. Fancy it, anyone?

[ 21.10.2005, 11:46: Message edited by: Doctor Agamemnon When ]
Posted by Sidney (Member # 399) on :
That looks very intriguing! An excellent excuse to dress up too.
Posted by Doctor Agamemnon When (Member # 189) on :
I've had some awesome evenings, I can assure you. I even compéred it once. Dressing Up is definitely encouraged... since I started going, I have bought a tonne of stuff on eBay to support my Vintage Clothing habit - and it's so nice to have somewhere to wear it in like-minded company.

Come along and say hello, Sidney. I'll be the one in Gold Lame.

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