This is topic I am currently... in forum The Library at TMO Talk.

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Posted by Benny the Ball (Member # 694) on :
Watching the second disk of the four disk Firefly series on DVD. So far it's been good fun - I got it because I enjoyed Serinity the film. Some of the episodes seem rushed, but for the most part the characters are great fun, especially the Captain.

Reading the first Sherlock Holmes story, A Study In Scarlet. I've read a couple of the shorter Holmes tales, but never in order. Very funny story, and Holmes as a character is supurb, lazy, cocky, louchey.

Also reading old X-Men comics collected in those black and white showcase collections. Up to the late 100's, where Magneto becomes a good guy. Chris Claremont gets a lot of stick now days, but they are good stories (a little verbose and melodramatic, but we're talking about people with special powers here, robots from the future and space travellers, so melodrama is acceptable I think.

Listening to a mix of Goldfrapp, Josh Rouse, Rachel Stephens and ELO, until i get my new Temptations album.

Spending a lot of time with the fiancee, work is very quiet.

And you?
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
playing: Silent Hill 2 + Battle Raper 2
watching: Ghost in the Shell : Standalone Complex
reading: Just given up on Ghostwritten (sorry saltrock), just bought Kafka on the Shore
listening: See sig.
Posted by Esmeralda (Member # 527) on :

[ 04.11.2005, 10:08: Message edited by: Esmeralda ]
Posted by Esmeralda (Member # 527) on :
Originally posted by Esmeralda:
Just finished watching the Godfather trilogy for no other reason than it was there when I was bored.

Not reading anything presently as can't find anything to fire my imagination. I'm going through a can't be arsed phase in everything it seems.

Mainly I'm fixing my house that I've just moved in to. I also lost my lovely cat in the move - she's been missing 2 weeks so will spend this weekend roaming the area shouting for Lucy.

Work is shite as usual so let's skip over that.

Edited because I can't even rite proper


Posted by Esmeralda (Member # 527) on :
Fuck, not only can't I write, I can't even edit. I quoted by mistake....fuck, fuck, fuck..... [Frown]
Posted by Waynster (Member # 56) on :
Watching: various BBC comedies (Big Train, LB, Fast Show) which arrived on DVD.

Reading: Hundreds of websites with conflicting information of the true value of some of my more rarer CDs for resale purposes.

Listening: Green Day (American Idiot, one of the greatest Albums ever), Bjork's Debut and Supersuckers Motherfuckers be trippin'.

Writing: Complaint emails about Accentures' persistance in sending no work through during the week, and then at 4pm on a Friday expecting me to work like an idiot because of their laziness and incapability of doing anything in reasonable time.

And spending all of my time trying to work out how to raise some money for some new camera kit.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Poor Esmerelda. [Frown]

Watching Lost back to back. It's been a real struggle trying to avoid spoilers so far, but I wanted to sit down and enjoy it in my own time. Annoyingly I seem to guess the plot really easily, which is frustrating as hell.

I've been listening to nowt and reading absoloutely buggerall recently. I'm trying to generate material to write music and I want to see what I can create from scratch. It's tough as I feel influenced by so much that it's tough to feel you are not just regurgitating out what you've seen previously. I guess nothing is new really, but I would at least prefer my influences to be a little more subtle.
Posted by Vanilla Online Persona (Member # 301) on :
Getting annoyed at the slowness of Filth, Felch & Flahn, Solicitors.

Wondering if I'm supposed to post a picture, but also wondering why.

Rescheduling some crons.

Begining to write a draft speech for a wedding thats coming up soon.

Avoiding one particular phone caller who keeps trying to sell me drugs.
Posted by dance margarita (Member # 848) on :
playing: nothing much really. sometimes i play noughts and crosses with myself whilst i am pretending to listen to the person on the other end of the phone telling me about their stupid cocking broadband connection, under the entirely unfortunate misapprehension that i could give One Half Of A Fucking Shit. sometimes i play squares. often i play squiggles, where you make a big biro squiggle on the page and then you have to turn it into a funny picture, like 'squeaky the mouse and woofy the hound go to war with knives and spears, wearing moonboots. their mothers wave them goodbye'that was a good one. 'the kkk love pies' was another.

reading: love in a cold climate by nancy mitford. and the sexual life of catherine m. one of them features the heroine being penetrated in three orifices. the other mostly doesnt.

listening to: sufjan, mostly.

watching: not any of the last series of 6fu. strictly come dancing. strictly come dancing = crack. also, the edukators, which was not only excellent but features daniel bruhl who i fancy in the wurst way. if he should ever want someone to schnitzel his weiner, all he has to do is ask.

[ 04.11.2005, 10:23: Message edited by: dance margarita ]
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
Catherine M is a slut. I found that book kind of boring, in a De Sade way. It's like "check all this boning out", and we're just like "oh yeah, you really boned".
Posted by dance margarita (Member # 848) on :
yeah. you cant wank to it either.
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
that's true enough [Frown]
Posted by rooster (Member # 738) on :
Watching a backlog of brain numbing programs recorded by the DVR.

Reading parents' mags and way too many bulletin boards.

Listening to squeaks and squeals and cries emitted by my 16 pound noise machine. (Though the other day it was sunny and pleasant and on a drive turned on the radio - music washed over me like an old friend and I wan instantly in a trance (shame for the other drivers)...I really need to put some tunes on more often).

Spending a lot of time obsessing about photography and the rest of it obsessing about home improvement or baby care. Occasionally spend time doing 'things' with husband.
Posted by rooster (Member # 738) on :
Originally posted by dance margarita:
often i play squiggles, where you make a big biro squiggle on the page and then you have to turn it into a funny picture

I did this alot while young! My mother wanted me to be a cartoonist so took me to meet w/professional cartoonists who told me this would be good way to hone my craft.

[ 04.11.2005, 10:24: Message edited by: rooster ]
Posted by dance margarita (Member # 848) on :
my sister and her friend have bene playing it for like, 20 years. they are much better at it than i am. i cant draw, for a start.

when you bold it, that ubb is really embarrassing.

lol. thankyou, rooster!

[ 04.11.2005, 10:25: Message edited by: dance margarita ]
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Posted by dance margarita (Member # 848) on :
how do you find out if a german film was ever released in the UK?
Posted by doc d (Member # 781) on :
to this.

wrong url first. soz.spacks.

[ 04.11.2005, 10:40: Message edited by: doc d ]
Posted by vikram (Member # 98) on :
i've been trying to find out where the elec meter is. also, where the fuck are the mailbox keys? the next door neighbour is lovely too and very fit and - of course - lives with her boyfriend.
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :





Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
Originally posted by dance margarita:
how do you find out if a german film was ever released in the UK?

Look it up on the BBFC website. If it was released in the UK, they'll have a record of it.
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
you can also use the BBFC to see what they cut out of porn movies. Imagine having to rate porn moveis. All day watching porn movies, and writing it down every time a women being choked goes a bit goggle-eyed, or a little bit of wee comes out. Man. That would be fucking awful.
Posted by doc d (Member # 781) on :
it'd be like a peek inside the world of thorn and benway.

bdm tish.
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
You knwo, they should employ those slobbering 'more of a fanboy than you' types to work at the BBFC. They'd love it, man. You know the kind of person who when you say you've read Watchmen, they go "Oh yeah, oh yeah. I've read it two, I've read it eight times, and Alan Moore signed my face and I used it as a stencil for a tattoo, and I read my mates copy with all the deleted stuff where Rorschach goes nuts in a nunnery!"

Imagine their little faces every time a discussion about film came up and they could go "Geoff Budgeon's Wrongface IV? Yeah I've seen it - man, I love the bit where Wrongface breaks into a cheerleading college nd rapes all the cheerleaders with a hammer! Yeah? YEah? Remember that? No because I saw it in the uncut version at work! And then I had it cut out of the film and put in a box and set fire to it, so no one but me can possibly have seen it! AHA!" They'd be so happy.
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
lol, yeah.

I applied for a job at the BBFC. They didn't even send me a fuck off letter.

[ 04.11.2005, 11:14: Message edited by: Dr. Benway ]
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
by the way Benway - I got hold of that Pirates! film you linked too. The girls look lovely in their pirate get up. I wanted to marry them all, and take them to Dorset and meet my parents. Can't wait to see it. Also that BRII game you mentioned should be downloaded by the time I get home, so I'm looking forward to having a bash at that, too.
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
for maximum effect, play BRII whilst PiratesXXX plays on the TV behind you. Crane round every now and again whenever you can hear that there is sex going on. Then you're so recreating the full benway experience.

I'm flattered that you've taken up my recommendations, thorn.
Posted by Samuelnorton (Member # 48) on :




I noticed the series one image Black Mask - what do you think? Most people are slightly surprised when I tell them I am a fan of LD. My usual answer is 'well if I like him, then he must be funny.' How many episodes have you seen? My favourite is "The Doll" from series two.

Just Purchased:






Well not all the time. I wouldn't be able to do any work.

[ 04.11.2005, 11:42: Message edited by: Samuelnorton ]
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :


Bleak House

I am well-known and widely-respected for not watching telly, but as I was staying with my people during the week I had to make some social effort and found myself sitting with Pee and Em watching this classic-serial in soap-format. And it was surprisingly great! Full of crunchy, meaty period details -- cluttered interiors, crowded grubby streets -- and those pale, sallow, podgy, smeary cartoons of people who seem to populate Dickens.

We then watched Spooks, which was corny as hell but my dad liked it... almost touchingly.



Amis, The Rachel Papers
Actually I've just finished it, and will continue my rediscovery of the early Amis (fils -- though I've also just bought Lucky Jim, ironically) with Success. My views on this book can be found on some inappropriate thread about porn, I think. The narrator's voice in this novel may be colouring the way I currently write.

Of course I always have a mini-library of books on the go! I have to have some excuse and justification for never reading a newspaper from month to month. Other stuff I'm peering at this week: Morrison's Bulleteer comic, Moore's Top Ten The Forty-Niners graphic novel, Sherlock Holmes (Red-Headed League, Scandal in Bohemia etc), Chesterton's Father Brown stories, an excellent novel called Mailman, Nuts magazine, a few chapters of Lodge's dreadful The British Museum is Falling Down.



Adam and the Ants

Although of course having an Ipod on shuffle juxtaposes this with (today) Falco, U2, Underworld, Suede and the theme from Commodore 64 game Shadowfire.



Tekken 5, as soon as it's delivered. That is, unless someone wants to warn me off buying it very quickly. I loved Tekken 4, and it's the only game I still boot up regularly, while grand epics like XIII, Metal Gear and Splinter Cell gather dust on my shelf. Apparently Tekken 5 has a big panda in it, and twin sisters.
Posted by squeegy (Member # 136) on :
Originally posted by kovacs:
Apparently Tekken 5 has a big panda in it, and twin sisters.

But Tekken 4 had a big panda. No change there. [Confused]
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
Well, maybe, but you have to "unlock" the panda I suppose, by being good at the story-mission part of the game as opposed to just fighting another person. So I have never seen any panda. If there are cheats for getting the panda, tell me.
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
The Tekken series is inferior to the Soul Caliber series in pretty much every respect.

The last good Tekken game was Tekken Tag Tournament.

I am currently totally hooked on Tony Hawk's American Wasteland, and can imagine this will be the case until I complete it (I predict Monday or Wednesday) at which point it will end up on my shelf, forever to collect dust.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Originally posted by kovacs:
Well, maybe, but you have to "unlock" the panda I suppose, by being good at the story-mission part of the game as opposed to just fighting another person. So I have never seen any panda. If there are cheats for getting the panda, tell me.

Sadly there are no real 'cheats' for Tekken and you are forced to unlock them all yourself. So this morning, I give you The How To Unlock Kuma/Panda strategy guide.

Step 1: Beat Story, Battle or Time Attack mode 5 times

Step 2: Enjoy panda related violence
Posted by Roy (Member # 705) on :
Pandas can't even shag properly, let alone fight.
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
Originally posted by New Way Of Decay:
Step 1: Beat Story, Battle or Time Attack mode 5 times

So that's winning against all the original opponents in a row, right? 5 times. Is that 5 times in a row?

I've probably done it 5 times already but not in the same session ... I don't remember there being any save facility in this game.

This is a wretched post on my behalf... a total mess.
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
my new "avatar" this will be appearing in all my posts

Posted by squeegy (Member # 136) on :
It auto-saved on my version. And I thought you just select the bear character and press triangle to choose the alternate. But I agree with Ringo. Tekken 4 was a bit of a let down for me.

I am at work at 5:30pm on a Sunday. And still posting on TMO. [Frown]
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
Yeah you do, but you have to win as Ling-Xiaou (sp? sp?) to get "Kuma", to access "Panda". Previously* I'd never realised there were bonuses from completing the story mode.

* during the 18 months I've owned this game. Maybe I should have read some instructions or something
Posted by Kira (Member # 826) on :
I am currently...


The Little Friend by Donna Tartt



The Corpse Bride

Batman Begins

Listening to


and also...

reflecting on what a great weekend I've had...

[ 06.11.2005, 12:48: Message edited by: Kira ]
Posted by Darryn.R (Member # 1) on :
Originally posted by kovacs:
my new "avatar" this will be appearing in all my posts


Isn't that the wide faced one from Girls Aloud ?

Is there one of those for the small faced hippy one ?
Posted by Kira (Member # 826) on :
Thanks for the tag Darryn [Razz]
Posted by Darryn.R (Member # 1) on :
You're welcome hun..
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
I don a dolly for you too Darryn [Smile]


Nicola is wearing a burgundy jacket thing, cheeky bra showig, white trousers

if only OJ was here to describe fashions properly [Frown]
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
Then I got into more ambitious digital manipulation with this dolly for my friend "Bailey". She's a secret fan of Kirsten and it looks like the feeling's mutual!


Here's how I faked that convincing "signature".

1. I opened a new "layer" in paint shop pro. (Photoshop is great for amateur use, but as the name suggests, this is the professional choice.)
That's Open ---> Layer ---> OK.

2. The "text" box (Use --> Text) works like a normal word processor. Adding colour was done by clicking a colour box, and selecting R=255, G=125, B=125, for that shade of pink to match the flesh tone. It took a few tries but it's worth a bit of care here, to achieve the right effect.

3. A handwritten font gives a convincing touch. I used the special "truetype" add-on, CurlzMT, to most closely approximate Kirsten's real handwriting.

3. Then it was "merge layers" (Try it... Merge ---> Layers) to combine those two elements, text and image. Saving as a "jpg" (machine code for j-peg file) meant it was easy to upload onto a website, and then use http-type code to insert it on this page.

4. Just an edit or two corrects and typos or gremlins that may have crept into this post... and we're done!

[ 06.11.2005, 16:39: Message edited by: kovacs ]
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
Posted by not... (Member # 25) on :
Is it my imagination or can I see her nipples?
Posted by squeegy (Member # 136) on :
And a bit of camel toe?
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Nipples? NIPPLES? Are you not afraid of the boning on her pubis?

Jesus - you should type in 'washboard' into google.
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
she's done a little wee.
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Imagine the noise you'd get if you ran Linda's chin over Anthea's washboard poonplate.
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
That reminds me of that old joke: What's the difference between a lesbian and a trampoline?

You take your shoes off to jump on a trampoline.
Posted by Tom Boy (Member # 765) on :
Originally posted by Kira:
I am currently...


The Little Friend by Donna Tartt

This is a cool book, just finished it the other week. The descriptions of a childs guilt, and subjects of paranoia are great, I found many parts of it to remind me distictly of thought processes I followed in childhood.

Originally posted by Kira:



The Corpse Bride

Poor, piss poor, 2 humerous remarks in an 1.5 hours, and I paid £6 for that toss.

Batman Begins

Listening to


and also...

reflecting on what a great weekend I've had...

I played a football match for this guy I work with on Sunday, the first time I play for them I play in goal and we loose 5-4. Its a shit game anyway.

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