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Posted by dang65 (Member # 102) on :
(aka "This week's Morrison's Top 10 - stripped".)

I fancy buying a cd today, but the only source within lunchtime walking range is the local Morrison's supermarket, and that means chart only.

Their current Top 10, from their website, is:

1. KAISER CHIEFS "Yours Truly, Angry Mob"
2. TAKE THAT "Beautiful World"
3. AMY WINEHOUSE "Back to Black"
4. MIKA "Life in Cartoon Motion"
5. RUSSELL WATSON "That's Life"
6. THE KILLERS "Sam's Town"
7. ARCADE FIRE "Neon Bible"
8. SNOW PATROL "Eyes Open"
9. THE FRAY "How to Save a Life"
10.DONNY OSMOND "Love Songs of the 70s"

Be aware that I will see straight through any deliberate rigging which might leave Take That as Winner.

Which one should I get?
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
Nobody deserves Take That (death be upon them), so I'll gladly help by eradicating that option for you:

1. KAISER CHIEFS "Yours Truly, Angry Mob"
3. AMY WINEHOUSE "Back to Black"
4. MIKA "Life in Cartoon Motion"
5. RUSSELL WATSON "That's Life"
6. THE KILLERS "Sam's Town"
7. ARCADE FIRE "Neon Bible"
8. SNOW PATROL "Eyes Open"
9. THE FRAY "How to Save a Life"
10.DONNY OSMOND "Love Songs of the 70s"
Posted by dang65 (Member # 102) on :
Thanks Misc. You're a thoroughly decent sort.
Posted by Zygote (Member # 883) on :
1. KAISER CHIEFS "Yours Truly, Angry Mob"
3. AMY WINEHOUSE "Back to Black"
4. MIKA "Life in Cartoon Motion"
5. RUSSELL WATSON "That's Life"
6. THE KILLERS "Sam's Town"
7. ARCADE FIRE "Neon Bible"
8. SNOW PATROL "Eyes Open"
9. THE FRAY "How to Save a Life"
Posted by Benny the Ball (Member # 694) on :
1. KAISER CHIEFS "Yours Truly, Angry Mob"
3. AMY WINEHOUSE "Back to Black"
4. MIKA "Life in Cartoon Motion"
6. THE KILLERS "Sam's Town"
7. ARCADE FIRE "Neon Bible"
8. SNOW PATROL "Eyes Open"
9. THE FRAY "How to Save a Life"

Gosh - most of them sound the same don't they?

I've removed the following - 5. RUSSELL WATSON "That's Life" - isn't he some sort of either opera singer or reality tv person, anyway, how ever he sings, he doesn't even have the decentcy to do his own stuff - I bet it's all cover versions or operatic versions of Queen songs - he's gone.....
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
Buy Neon Bible. Listen to Black Mirror. Cry.

I've completely missed the point of the thread, haven't I? Sorry. As you were.
Posted by dang65 (Member # 102) on :
I'm sure I read that Arcade Fire one is essential listening, but I can't remember where. What sort of sound do they have? I seem to have either not heard them at all, or not have been aware it was them I'd heard.
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
Originally posted by dang65:
Thanks Misc. You're a thoroughly decent sort.

It's the least I could do.

Now how about replying to my Political Ideologies Stripped thread in Society, hmm?
Posted by dang65 (Member # 102) on :
I just did. Although only with empty words, unfortunately.
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
Originally posted by dang65:
I'm sure I read that Arcade Fire one is essential listening, but I can't remember where. What sort of sound do they have? I seem to have either not heard them at all, or not have been aware it was them I'd heard.

Your life is incomplete. The first album, Funeral, is one of the brilliantist things in the world, evah. I have no idea how to describe them, because I am not very good at this music genre thing. But there's a mournful-passionate sounding gorgeous voiced singerist and strings and guitar and soaring sounds and lyrics that make me weep. The Arcade Fire are like the best band thing to happen to me for like ever. And the new album is at least as good as the first one.

Anyway, try this. See what you reckon. I like it lots.

Also, I'm going to see them tonight! Wooo x a gigabillion.
Posted by dang65 (Member # 102) on :
Well, if no one disagrees within the next two hours then Arcade Fire it is. Unless they've sold out in Morrison's.

ETA: No YouTube access here unfortunately, so I'm relying completely on your say so here.

[ 08.03.2007, 05:32: Message edited by: dang65 ]
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
the first arcade fire album is alright. His voice is kind of whiney though.
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
Originally posted by dang65:
ETA: No YouTube access here unfortunately, so I'm relying completely on your say so here.

I remember Ben bigging up Funeral once as well. So it's Ben and me recommending here. Me and Ben. That's got to be worth something. I love Ben. Incidentally.
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
hey, I said it was alright.
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
but then I'm invisible to you, aren't I louche?
Posted by dang65 (Member # 102) on :
Originally posted by Jimmy Big Nuts:
the first arcade fire album is alright. His voice is kind of whiney though.

I can usually handle whiney ok, as long it's not combined with an American accent. Am I safe?

ETA: Hmm, Canada. Borderline. Very borderline. Neil Young = whiney but fully acceptable. Celine Dion = whiney beyond human endurance.

[ 08.03.2007, 05:45: Message edited by: dang65 ]
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
It's not gratingly yank sounding. I think he's canadian anyway.
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
bandy reckons the Amy Winehouse album is pretty good. She does a track on Ghostface's last album, and it's one of the highlights. Maybe once she's found floating in the camden canal I'll check her out.
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
It's totally not gratingly American. The woman singerist what does some of their stuff sounds a bit French, though. I don't know if that's a Dang Dealbreaker.
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
I meant to say something about liking Benway in that post, too. But I forgot. So here's a whole new post about liking Benway.
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
leave it.
Posted by wonderstarr (Member # 1158) on :
I will be buying the Arcade Fire album myself. "Funeral" was one of my best albums from whatever year it came out (05?). It was a slow "grower", though.

I'd like to know if that Kaiser Chiefs is at all worthwhile. I bought "Employment" and, you know, there are some catchy tracks on it, and Girls Aloud covered "I Predict A Riot", which was fun ~ but are they just what's being called lads-on-the-lash, boozy singalong music?
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
please stop with the ~
Posted by Waynster (Member # 56) on :
Originally posted by Jimmy Big Nuts:
bandy reckons the Amy Winehouse album is pretty good. She does a track on Ghostface's last album, and it's one of the highlights. Maybe once she's found floating in the camden canal I'll check her out.

I really like the album - bit of a deviation from my normal thrash tastes, but really quite a cracker. Imagine Roberta Flack singing about being pissed as a fart and you are half way there.
Posted by wonderstarr (Member # 1158) on :
Originally posted by Jimmy Big Nuts:
please stop with the ~

I might do actually, as it looks so ugly when people quote it in bold.
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
1. KAISER CHIEFS "Yours Truly, Angry Mob"
3. AMY WINEHOUSE "Back to Black"
4. MIKA "Life in Cartoon Motion"
6. THE KILLERS "Sam's Town"
7. ARCADE FIRE "Neon Bible"
8. SNOW PATROL "Eyes Open"

Got rid of The Fray because that single is so fucking dirgey and annoying.
Posted by Kira (Member # 826) on :
I've been meaning to get the Amy Winehouse album since I heard rehab.

Imagine Roberta Flack singing about being pissed as a fart and you are half way there.
Shes got such a great voice and I love the retro-ey sound shes got.
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
I'm still all about RA the rugged man. Check that page out, listen to the tune 'chains' and tell me it isn't the dopest shit that you ever did hear.

warning: contains bitches, motherfucker and bustin' nuts, as well as references to drug abuse and violence. Also, 'uncommon valor vietnam' on the same page is a collaboration with Jedi Mind Tricks, who I'm pretty sure were once bigged up by ben, if that counts for anything.

I know that nobody will listen to it. It's just that... it gets lonely when you don't know anybody who listens to the same music as you.

[ 08.03.2007, 06:28: Message edited by: Jimmy Big Nuts ]
Posted by Kira (Member # 826) on :
1. KAISER CHIEFS "Yours Truly, Angry Mob"
3. AMY WINEHOUSE "Back to Black"
6. THE KILLERS "Sam's Town"
7. ARCADE FIRE "Neon Bible"
8. SNOW PATROL "Eyes Open"

I have removed Mika.

That song hes got out at the moment makes me want to scratch my eyes out. Its the exact same feeling I get if I hear anything by The Scissor Sisters.
Posted by dang65 (Member # 102) on :
Originally posted by Jimmy Big Nuts:
I know that nobody will listen to it. It's just that... it gets lonely when you don't know anybody who listens to the same music as you.

If they've got it in Morrison's then I'll buy a copy. How's that?

ETA: Though I prefer the sound of "rather ugged man" to "ra the rugged man". Is he reasonably flexible on that?

[ 08.03.2007, 06:34: Message edited by: dang65 ]
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
they won't have it [Frown]
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
Bigged up by Ben isn't really a gold standard of quality, though, is it? He once bigged up that rotten Houellebecq novel that I wasted seven quid on and that no-one seems to want to buy from me on Green Metropolis.

Actually, on balance, I would say that Thorn's the best at recommending good stuff. The Thorn Gold Standard is probably a better indication than the Ben Gold Standard.
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
I'm so fickle.
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
anybody who's down with the gza, the rza, and can-o is gold standard.
Posted by dang65 (Member # 102) on :
Right, I know it's a bit early, but I'm off down the supermarket. Remaining list is:

1. KAISER CHIEFS "Yours Truly, Angry Mob"
3. AMY WINEHOUSE "Back to Black"
6. THE KILLERS "Sam's Town"
7. ARCADE FIRE "Neon Bible"
8. SNOW PATROL "Eyes Open"

I'm not keen on Winehouse or Snow Patrol, due to personal taste more than there being anything particularly wrong with them. I'm fairly sure I quite liked a Killers song I heard on the radio a few times, but I can't be sure so I probably won't take the risk. Looking like Kaiser Chiefs or Arcade Fire then, with AF currently in the lead due to curiosity value as I don't think I know them at all.
Posted by Boy Racer (Member # 498) on :
I'm in the Benway camp re-Arcade Fire. The guys voice can be a bit whiney/grating on occasion, but generally Funeral is excellent. They are probably what people call 'difficult'.

I've ummed quite a bit over the Winehose album, but keep not picking it up.

Otherwise there's not a thing there I'd buy.

Where do you stand on Jamie T Dang? I think his album is brilliant.
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
my camp is awesome.
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
Originally posted by Boy Racer:
They are probably what people call 'difficult'.

LOL, what on earth makes you say that?
Posted by Zygote (Member # 883) on :
Originally posted by Jimmy Big Nuts:
I'm still all about RA the rugged man. Check that page out, listen to the tune 'chains' and tell me it isn't the dopest shit that you ever did hear.

It's pretty good. I used to be seriously into rap and hip-hop, but the scene quickly became flooded with 'wannabees', with over-elaborate videos and limited musical inspiration, so I lost interest as the years passed by.

I still play all my old vinyl -- predominantly Public Enemy, N.W.A, Dr. Dre, Dogg Pound, Wu Tang Clan, Onyx, Rugged Child - all the older stuff. I still fucking love it. So yeah, this 'Chains' track is pretty good and I'll buy it on sight.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
I'd like to see Snow Patrol hanged, bummed and shot. You can strip them from the list too if you want. Their recent single was a grey bag of bland, hoping that an overdose of orchestra would help them out. No. No. Fucking no. The last single sounded like a dreary reworking of 'Hang on to your IQ' by Placebo.
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
nice one Zygote, you can join RAP CLUB.
Posted by Boy Racer (Member # 498) on :
Originally posted by MiscellaneousFiles:
Originally posted by Boy Racer:
They are probably what people call 'difficult'.

LOL, what on earth makes you say that?
Whiney voiced singer, cacophonous multi-layered instrumental tracks, not obviously hooky tunes, first album generally described as a grower i.e not immediately accessible?
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
Also on heavy mind-rotation at the moment is this new romantic nonsense. The music is from Friday 13th V, when Jason kills a new romantic chick called violet. She's doing this kick ass robot dance to the music in her room, and doesn't hear him come in. He then gets her from behind. Anyway, this clip isn't that scene, but it is that music.

ETA: Oh, the scene DOES appear at 1:10. And you can watch the whole thing here, but it's a bad rip.

ETA: Turns out the actress playing violet was a member of The Beverly Hills Mime Troupe. which would explain her proficiency at the robot dance.

and look! I'm not the only one who's found themselves obsessing over her character in F13th V. Although, they seem like they're all retarded.

[ 08.03.2007, 07:44: Message edited by: Jimmy Big Nuts ]
Posted by Zygote (Member # 883) on :
Originally posted by Jimmy Big Nuts:
nice one Zygote, you can join RAP CLUB.


[Edit: nevermind.]

[ 08.03.2007, 08:21: Message edited by: Zygote ]
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
Donny Osmond appears to have been removed from the list without a proper explanation as to why.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Jimmy doesn't let just any old person into the RAP CLUB, so that's an honour Zygote. I failed for not liking anything past 1979.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Donny has been removed for crimes against hairmanity.
Posted by Zygote (Member # 883) on :
Originally posted by ralph:
Donny Osmond appears to have been removed from the list without a proper explanation as to why.

Yes, I removed him immediately; for the reason outlined by NWOD and the fact that he is a complete fucking louse.
Posted by dang65 (Member # 102) on :
Right, I've got the Arcade Fire album on. That voice is so completely familiar and I can't bloody place it. Partially Robert Smith out of The Cure, but that's not who I'm thinking of. It's exactly like someone. It'll come to me in a minute.

I have to say that I'm not hearing "difficult" in any of this, but I guess you were talking about the first album you said that.
Posted by Boy Racer (Member # 498) on :
Originally posted by dang65:
I have to say that I'm not hearing "difficult" in any of this, but I guess you were talking about the first album you said that.

Yeah but you like post-OK Computer Radiohead don't you?
Posted by dang65 (Member # 102) on :
It's coming to me. Scottish guy. Floppy fringe. Lloyd Cole. Close. Not sure though. It's someone like that. Prefab Sprout, that sort of thing. I was expecting something a bit shocking but I'm hearing a bit too much late-80s-just-before-Nirvana-&-Stone-Roses-saved-us at the moment.
Posted by herbs (Member # 101) on :
Roddy Frame?
Posted by Boy Racer (Member # 498) on :
I think you might like Jamie T's album though Dang. I know lazy people keep calling him 'the new Mike Skinner' but for me the album's got PUNK written through it like a stick of rock.
Posted by dang65 (Member # 102) on :
When the boy and the girl sing together it's definitely Prefab Sprout. Also, Furniture (You must be out... of your brilliant mind) is in there, but that's another generic voice of that era. Roddy Frame? Yes, Aztec Camera, right? "Somewhere in the... something... there's a something something something"... that one? Or was that someone else?
Posted by dang65 (Member # 102) on :
Originally posted by Boy Racer:
I think you might like Jamie T's album though Dang. I know lazy people keep calling him 'the new Mike Skinner' but for me the album's got PUNK written through it like a stick of rock.

Is he the guy that plays an acoustic bass and sort of aggressively strums it whilst singing a bit like, er, Mike Skinner?

If so, yeah, I quite like what I've heard actually. Sometimes it's a real pity when someone else kind of does it first and it puts a damper on the next person, who's sometimes even better.
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
Originally posted by dang65:
"Somewhere in the... something... there's a something something something"... that one? Or was that someone else?

Is that "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"?
Posted by dang65 (Member # 102) on :
Originally posted by Jimmy Big Nuts:
Originally posted by dang65:
"Somewhere in the... something... there's a something something something"... that one? Or was that someone else?

Is that "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"?
Just before someone suggests "The Chain" by Fleetwood Mac, I meant "Somewhere In My Heart" by Aztec Camera. And this Arcade Fire bloke definitely does sound like that.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Originally posted by dang65:
Is he the guy that plays an acoustic bass and sort of aggressively strums it whilst singing a bit like, er, Mike Skinner?

Not to be confused with Just Jack either then?
Posted by dance margarita (Member # 848) on :
if i was asked which out of just jack or mika i would like to be forced to punch in the face for all perpetuity, i would have to ask for three or so hours to make the decision and an extra couple of pairs of fists.

[ 08.03.2007, 08:58: Message edited by: dance margarita ]
Posted by Boy Racer (Member # 498) on :
Originally posted by dang65:
Is he the guy that plays an acoustic bass and sort of aggressively strums it whilst singing a bit like, er, Mike Skinner?

That's him yeah. I think the album tracks are better than the singles, and more distinctly Jamie T. Do you download Dang? I'd recommend Salvador and Operation for more of a flavour.

I hate Just Jack and that fucking tune so much,I seem to have largely managed to avoid Mika.

Did anyone see the Pop World where that stick girl took Just Jack round a shopping centre asking the public questions, and one of them said he looked like an electrician. The look on his face at that still makes me smile.
Posted by missgolightly (Member # 34) on :
Originally posted by Jimmy Big Nuts:
please stop with the ~

Seconded, it's very annoying.

Originally posted by Jimmy Big Nuts:
I'm still all about RA the rugged man. Check that page out, listen to the tune 'chains' and tell me it isn't the dopest shit that you ever did hear...I know that nobody will listen to it

I listened to it, and the other ones on the page, and they're all good yeah. I'm also "down with the gza and the rza" as liquid swords is pretty damn high up on my favourite albums of all time list and I love the wu-tang clan.
Posted by Boy Racer (Member # 498) on :
Originally posted by missgolightly:
I love the wu-tang clan.

Then you could do worse than check out the last years Ghostface Killer album Fishscale.

What do you think of Clipse Benway?
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
welcome to RAP CLUB [Smile]

[ 08.03.2007, 10:20: Message edited by: Jimmy Big Nuts ]
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
I listened to the album as a result of it going mad high on the metacritic chart, and I thought it was alright, but not as good as I was expecting. I quite liked the one with the guy going "Whap Whap". As a whole though, it sounded a little bit crunky, which isn't really my thing.
Posted by Zygote (Member # 883) on :
Originally posted by missgolightly:
Originally posted by Jimmy Big Nuts:
please stop with the ~

Seconded, it's very annoying.
Thirded. Same reason as above, plus it looks very gay.

My keyboard hasn't even the option to 'do' one - not that I would ever dream of using it. Are they only available on older keyboards?

ETA: Welcome to RAP CLUB, missgolightly. Hope you enjoy the riiiide.

[ 08.03.2007, 10:26: Message edited by: Zygote ]
Posted by Nathan Bleak (Member # 1040) on :
Originally posted by Jimmy Big Nuts:
I know that nobody will listen to it. It's just that... it gets lonely when you don't know anybody who listens to the same music as you.

FTR (that's For The Record, not Fuck The Ragheads or anything), I bought actual round CDs off of Amazon by you friends The Jedi Mind Trickster, and that death rap fellow. Negro. Both based on your recommendations (and ben's I suppose). They are quite good. I like Negro best, i think.
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
Originally posted by Zygote:
My keyboard hasn't even the option to 'do' one - not that I would ever dream of using it. Are they only available on older keyboards?

It should a simple case of Shift+Hash.
Posted by Boy Racer (Member # 498) on :
Originally posted by Jimmy Big Nuts:
I listened to the album as a result of it going mad high on the metacritic chart, and I thought it was alright, but not as good as I was expecting. I quite liked the one with the guy going "Whap Whap". As a whole though, it sounded a little bit crunky, which isn't really my thing.

I can dig it.

Posted by wonderstarr (Member # 1158) on :
Barbelith doesn't call this "~" gay. Maybe you should take some time out to unpack your thinking [Mad]
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
Originally posted by wonderstarr:
Barbelith doesn't call this "~" gay.

You're not allowed to call anything gay on Barbelith, are you?
Posted by wonderstarr (Member # 1158) on :
I think if you're gay-identifying you can call yourself gay on Barbelith.
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
Originally posted by wonderstarr:

Jesus Christ...
Posted by wonderstarr (Member # 1158) on :
One member protested that you shouldn't be able to use "Jesus Christ" or variants thereof on Barbelith unless you were a Christian.

But he was banned.
Posted by wonderstarr (Member # 1158) on :
Someone on Barbelith was hauled up on Policy for enquiring about my bra size, I think. I can't remember if that was the same person, but it was an interesting episode.
Posted by missgolightly (Member # 34) on :
Originally posted by wonderstarr:
Barbelith doesn't call this "~" gay. Maybe you should take some time out to unpack your thinking [Mad]

Originally posted by wonderstarr:
On Barbelith you would have had to start a new thread for all this, way way back.

Originally posted by wonderstarr:
From my reading, TMO has become a kind of fun, fairly throwaway, anything-goes discussion board

I know where I'd rather post, definately, but if you're going to get wound up about "throwaway" comments, sod off back to Barbelith then.

[ 08.03.2007, 11:29: Message edited by: missgolightly ]
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
Originally posted by wonderstarr:
Someone on Barbelith was hauled up on Policy for enquiring about my bra size, I think. I can't remember if that was the same person, but it was an interesting episode.

I'm glad TMO's a bit more laissez-faire. I mean Darryn wouldn't mind about that sort of thing would he?

So what is it, wonderstarr? 32AA?
Posted by Nathan Bleak (Member # 1040) on :
ms golightly, I think the :madfaece: about the gay punctuation was completely unserious.
Posted by wonderstarr (Member # 1158) on :
Yeah, I was joking above with my complaints about "ooh you wouldn't get away with that on the LITH!".

I'm fully aware that Barbelith is by nature way stricter, more policed and less ... "anarchic" than TMO, and that both approaches have advantages and disadvantages.

I kind of thought the madface signalled a joke, but I can see why you took it straight, so, sorry.
Posted by missgolightly (Member # 34) on :
Yeah well, my telling you to sod off wasn't exactly serious either, I was just getting a bit wound up with the constant Barbelith comparisons.
Posted by wonderstarr (Member # 1158) on :
It's a bit frightening isn't it, when someone does that thing of quoting your own words back at you in a row!
Posted by wonderstarr (Member # 1158) on :
Originally posted by missgolightly:
Yeah well, my telling you to sod off wasn't exactly serious either, I was just getting a bit wound up with the constant Barbelith comparisons.

I meant it as a sort of ... "running gag", but it clearly fell flat.
Posted by Zygote (Member # 883) on :
Originally posted by MiscellaneousFiles:
It should a simple case of Shift+Hash.

Ah. I can see the fucker now. It's been there all along, staring at me, undressing me with its fluttery eyes. I am going to crush it. It won't be getting one over me, that's for sure.
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
Originally posted by Zygote:
Ah. I can see the fucker now. It's been there all along, staring at me, undressing me with its fluttery eyes. I am going to crush it. It won't be getting one over me, that's for sure.

Good for you, Zygote! But do watch out for its hard-nut pals, { The Brace Brothers }
Posted by Benny the Ball (Member # 694) on :

Alt+n on a mac - but look at all the greek shit -^ø????¨?¨???å?å?ƒ?¬å???ß?¬ƒ¨å?´?^?¬?????¬??
Posted by Zygote (Member # 883) on :
Ah yes - The Brace Brothers. I've known them for quite some time now. Nice lads. A bit 'scallyish' though. I mean, don't get me wrong, we have a laugh together and that, but deep down I just don't really trust them. I wouldn't leave them in my living room with my back turned. No chance.
Posted by Abby (Member # 582) on :
I kind of thought the madface signalled a joke, but I can see why you took it straight, so, sorry.
You have to say 'You idiots! [Mad] ' to make it a joke. See?

I have missed the usage of ~ which seems to be causing upset. Was it used to mean 'approximately' or just as some kind of freestylin’ punctuation?
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
Has anyone ever written a typography themed comic?
Posted by wonderstarr (Member # 1158) on :
Originally posted by Abby:

I have missed the usage of ~ which seems to be causing upset. Was it used to mean 'approximately' or just as some kind of freestylin’ punctuation?

I am in the habit of using it as a fancy substitute for (I think) an "em dash"? Something like that.

[ 08.03.2007, 12:05: Message edited by: wonderstarr ]
Posted by Benny the Ball (Member # 694) on :
Originally posted by MiscellaneousFiles:
Has anyone ever written a typography themed comic?

There was a villian in a Spider-Man comic called Typeface I think - he was crap except for a McKeever drawn issue - go to wikipedia for more on him

(it's a wiki link with parenthesis, so won't go on)
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
Originally posted by Benny the Ball:
Originally posted by MiscellaneousFiles:
Has anyone ever written a typography themed comic?

There was a villian in a Spider-Man comic called Typeface I think - he was crap except for a McKeever drawn issue - go to wikipedia for more on him

(it's a wiki link with parenthesis, so won't go on)

(and another vigilante, Spellcheck, inspired by Typeface)
That's fucking amazing! [Cool]

My comic (with credit to Zygote, natch) will feature a pretty linear hero named Slash. His main adversary is the evil Backslash who stands for everything that's wrong with society. With the dark side currently nearing victory in the eternal battle, the fate of the page falls on the deeply troubled Period, a petite yet circular girl. Her hook is that she 'finishes what's started'. Will she fight alongside Slash and defeat the bitter Backslash? Or will B.S. and the Brace Brothers - alongside their fellow members of the all-encompassing Parentheses Posse - delete Slash forever?

Future bad guys include:

The enchating temptess Miss Amper Sand whose womanly curves always ensure that one thing leads to another.

A French politican named Circum Flex who fights a constant fight to make sure 'e's on top of matters in Europe.


[ 08.03.2007, 15:46: Message edited by: MiscellaneousFiles ]
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
/.\ {}[]() & ^

[ 08.03.2007, 15:45: Message edited by: MiscellaneousFiles ]
Posted by Nathan Bleak (Member # 1040) on :
That reads like a well-meaning but dreadfully misguided attempt to 'get kids excited about grammar!' beamed in from the Seventies.
Posted by Benny the Ball (Member # 694) on :
"Not so fast, Infinitive - you should know better than trying to get infront of a runaway Verb!" - that sort of thing?
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
Originally posted by Benny the Ball:
"Not so fast, Infinitive - you should know better than trying to get infront of a runaway Verb!"

"Stop now, before I'm forced to quickly split you!"
Posted by Nathan Bleak (Member # 1040) on :
Yeah, except that an infinitive is a verb, so that wouldn't make any sense.

"Men, you should never leave a preposition bringing up the rear of a sentence - they're tiny - they'll never cope. Get him in here and surround him"
Posted by Benny the Ball (Member # 694) on :
damn - I knew my lack of grammatical education would stuff me up one day! Infinitive is to + verb? so a split infinitive places a, what adverb? adjective? between the to and the verb?
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
one of the most famous split infinitives is the v/o in the opening Star Trek credits: "to boldly go".

[ 09.03.2007, 07:19: Message edited by: H1ppychick ]
Posted by Zygote (Member # 883) on :
Originally posted by MiscellaneousFiles:

My comic (with credit to Zygote, natch) will feature a pretty linear hero named Slash. His main adversary is the evil Backslash who stands for everything that's wrong with society. With the dark side currently nearing victory in the eternal battle, the fate of the page falls on the deeply troubled Period, a petite yet circular girl. Her hook is that she 'finishes what's started'. Will she fight alongside Slash and defeat the bitter Backslash? Or will B.S. and the Brace Brothers - alongside their fellow members of the all-encompassing Parentheses Posse - delete Slash forever?

Future bad guys include:

The enchating temptess Miss Amper Sand whose womanly curves always ensure that one thing leads to another.

A French politican named Circum Flex who fights a constant fight to make sure 'e's on top of matters in Europe.


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