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Posted by Pink (Member # 459) on :
A thread for those little rants that dont really merit their own topic but still require one to vent.



PS: Reason for hot milk is that I cant sleep due to excitment over new car that i collected today. It rocks :-)

Posted by froopyscot (Member # 178) on :
Congrats on the new car. Am in need of one myself. Details? Pics?
Posted by dang65 (Member # 102) on :
Originally posted by Pink:
I cant sleep due to excitment over new car that i collected today. It rocks :-)

Have similar problem as my new Land Rover will finally be ready tomorrow. I'm half excited about having a lovely new motor, and half dreading a) people staring at it/me as I drive around (this model is quite unusual - haven't seen a single one elsewhere yet), b) having it deliberately scratched/stolen/dented and c) finding it's actually a fuel guzzling, uncomfortable ride, impossible to park at Tescos and miserably slow on motorways. We'll soon see.

Posted by StevieX (Member # 91) on :
My classroom is like a greenhouse - glass sides, see. But, can I open the windows and teach while the grass around the room is being cut? Can we get anything done with this noise? The hell we can.
Posted by discodamage (Member # 66) on :
im not going to amsterdam for another week!

im so excited and i somehow have to troll my way through 7 whole days before i get to leave on a jetplane.

in order to get to amsterdam i have to get on a plane!

dont like them.

[ 27 March 2003: Message edited by: discodamage ]

Posted by discodamage (Member # 66) on :
admittedly, the first half is me ranting about a good thing, which kind of doesnt make sense.

oh no i thought of something.

the media office at work lost my 2500 report on the professional practises and now i have to go to college to hand in another copy when id really much rather sit on the sofa and eat toast

Posted by Raz (Member # 449) on :
Originally posted by discodamage:
the media office at work lost my 2500 report on the professional practises and now i have to go to college to hand in another copy when id really much rather sit on the sofa and eat toast

You poor fucker.

Posted by Darryn.R (Member # 1) on :
Originally posted by discodamage:

in order to get to amsterdam i have to get on a plane!

DD, do you arrive early or late or midday ?

Do you want me to offer to pick you up at Schipol and guide you to your hotel ? Cos I will.

Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
Note - he will offer, and laugh at your grateful acceptance. He didn't say he'd actually do it.
Posted by discodamage (Member # 66) on :
Originally posted by Raz:
You poor fucker.

to be fair, raz, i think the incompetence of losing a 2500 word essay- the basis of my marks for an entire module- and noone bothering to ask me for three weeks why i hadnt handed it in, is something to rant about just a little bit. maybe i gave superfluous importance to the eating toast bit.

darryn- seeing as this is my first time ever arriving in a foreign city on my own im kinda digging the idea of getting the train and taxis and stuff actually, in a proper lone backpacker kind of way. but thank you for the offer of offering.

Posted by Raz (Member # 449) on :
Originally posted by discodamage:
maybe i gave superfluous importance to the eating toast bit.

It's true. I didn't get any toast.

Posted by Londie (Member # 179) on :
email snippet:

"Jule and I had a talk about 'the boys'. Because 'the boys' are not doing any housework. No cleaning. None. They'll do the dishwasher but to the bare minimum. Very little emptying of bin, instead the commencement of a second bag beside the bin. Minimal taking of bottles to the recycling box. No sweeping of floor. No mopping. No dusting. No hoovering of carpeted areas. No cleaning of bathrooms. Apparently Richard pees all over the floor in the bathroom downstairs, and then leaves it there, where Jule treads in it, and then it bleaches the colour out of the red vinyl flooring. NICE! And Mark does not pick his hair out of the drain, clean the glass in the shower or clean the sink.

So! Before it goes ANY FURTHER we have to have house meeting, because we want it to be clean, and nice, not scraggly and dirty and studenty, but we do not want the girls to do all the cleaning, because it is the TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY and things should have moved on. I bet they don't though. i bet this is a problem FOREVER.

The question is: do boys not notice the mess? Do they not know that if you clean things, they become nice? Do they know, but not care? Do they know, care, rub their hands with glee, and say 'mua ha HAAA! Those stupid girls are doing EVERYTHING!' or what? What? Why? what should we say? How can we approach this without sounding like nagging housewives from hell?"

That is my mini-rant. I was going to turn it into a thread... but I can't be arsed.

Posted by Stefanos (Member # 53) on :
Originally posted by Londie:
Do they know, but not care? Do they know, care, rub their hands with glee, and say 'mua ha HAAA! Those stupid girls are doing EVERYTHING!'

Nope. It probably genuinely doesn't occur to them. It's thoughlessness, not a premediated evil plan...but yes, on average men are happier living in mess than women....on average...

Posted by Sidney (Member # 399) on :
No. It is an evil plan. It is, it is, it is.

Living with men is like living in a black and white Hitchcock style movie where the male character slowly drives the female character insane by making her believe that it is all in her imagination!

"Don't be silly, darling. The toilet bowl is perfectly clean. That pebble dash effect is all in your sweet, little head."

"Now, now, my angel. I haven't piled dirty dishes in the sink - see how empty it is? Oh, you must be feeling tired today."

"Sssssh, my love. There are no dirty underpants and socks all over the floor. You know I always put my dirty smalls in the laundry basket, darling. Are you sure you weren't simply having a bad dream?"


Posted by d666 (Member # 18) on :
i particularly like the "what? what do you mean? i did unfold the socks before washing them....oh damn the heisenberg uncertainty principle. thats the only way the socks are in a ball now. and not my sheer laziness. and now i know it pisses you off you can guarantee i won't be making an effort there again you deranged manic pyscho. you weren't like this when we moved in. it was on tap sex and easy living. we managed to tidy the house to a respectful level and not look like tramps and eat well and still have sex. but no. not now. 8 months down the line and its like living with my mother. only i had sex more frequently with her"
or is that just me?
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :

Lots of dream sequences and somebody falls down the stairs.

Posted by Londie (Member # 179) on :
Originally posted by Sidney:
No. It is an evil plan. It is, it is, it is.

Living with men is like living in a black and white Hitchcock style movie where the male character slowly drives the female character insane by making her believe that it is all in her imagination!

Sidney. Yes. ExACTly. Here are some choice quotes from my best mnine FMM, who is girlfriend of one of the boy-flatmates:

"I had e-words with Mark and he was all 'rrarr rarr nonsense raarr
raar! hrmph! i have cleaned bathroom (a couple of times). i not paying
for cleaner!' [...] Boys, ew. I think you will find it hard to persuade them to clean to your standards. Like Mark is a bit deluded; he says: 'I'm pretty good in the kitchen too, tidying up after I use it. ' Um. right."

They don't get it. Is not about putting Marmite in cupboard. Is about mopping floor, cleaning glass screens in shower (he has NEVER DONE THIS NEVER NEVER NEVER, he let it grow like stalegmites or whatever is called), is about scrubbing toilet and scrubbing sink and scrubbing and sweeping all the time! To make nice! I'm not even a tidy person normally, but I want it nice, because it is SO nice, our beautiful new home, and they are going to piss all over it and never hoover the stairs, the ugly smelly stinky c*nts. I wish I was a lesbian (with other pretty girl lesbians with Veronica Lake hair, not butch dykes, I don't wanna be fisted.)

Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
Live with a Virgo. It's the only way. Sadly I failed to remember this when marrying a Scorpio.
Posted by Vogon Poetess (Member # 164) on :
Have you ever seen a man washing up? It would be funny, if you didn't have to do it again afterwards so things are safe to eat off.

Idly holding a plate under a lukewarm running tap does not constitute "washing". And if you poured water into the saucepan straight after using it, it wouldn't need so much scrubbing anyhow!

I still laugh at the way Thron hangs his washing up on the clothes horse; shirts all scrunched up and flung on anyhow. And then he wonders why they take 4 days to dry!

I hate nagging though, what if I end up like my mum, pointing out that the skirting boards needed dusting? I like cleanliness, but I kinda draw the line at obsessive dusting....

Edit to reduce the blanket generalisation and say that my grandad always did the washing up after big family meals, and was most particular about it. He also washed, peeled and chopped all the veg beforehand. Mind you, my nan did have 59 years of marriage in which to train him.

[ 27 March 2003: Message edited by: Vogon Poetess ]

Posted by d666 (Member # 18) on :
Originally posted by Vogon Poetess:
Have you ever seen a man washing up? It would be funny, if you didn't have to do it again afterwards so things are safe to eat off.

i say arse.
i wash up properly. with hot hot water and soapy soapy tits. oops. sorry bubbles.

and still i get told off.
for not rinsing.
fucks sake.
i now no longer eat at home so i don't wash up.

Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
an address to ladies:

come on, this is sooooo tired. men are shit at this and that. Ladies, You're not so critical when you're bending over in bed, are you? Oh no, it's all sweetness then. Anyway, women are just as crappy as men at tidying up, and if they're stuck with some guy who wants you to be his mother, then perhaps they shouldn't have pampered his ass into complacency.

I'm going to email Jonesy now and find out about his Respect the Cock, tame the **** gentleman friend.

[ 27 March 2003: Message edited by: Dr. Benway ]

Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
I am very clean and tidy around the house, more so than a girl. This will surprise you I'm sure. I am so clean and tidy you will begin to appreciate the benefits of normal, messy guys who allow you to leave a book in the kitchen (obviously the wrong place for a book!) or a hairband with hair all spidered around it sluttily loose on the bathroom shelf rather than in a nice tray, drawer, box or wicker basket bought for the purpose.
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
Ick-face to hairbrushes all full of hair. all straggly across the dressing-table.
Posted by Londie (Member # 179) on :
I'm not generalising about all guys. I'm talking about Mark and Richard. Jake was always supa-tidy, supa-clean. He used to teach me. 'Put things away when you're done!' It never sunk in until I left him and had to fend for myself.
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
Originally posted by Vogon Poetess:
Mind you, my nan did have 59 years of marriage in which to train him.
See, it takes that long. The mythical power of dangling greasy plates under a cold tap. It's a whole system of belief. I bet that's what Jedi believe you know.
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
Originally posted by Octavia:
The mythical power of dangling greasy plates under a cold tap.

Grease... is good

Posted by Sidney (Member # 399) on :
However, I am bitter and rancid and am spewing my bile in the direction of all men. Hahahahahahahahaha!

Actually, the only tidy man I have ever lived with is my son and I think that is because I have taught him to be this way.

[kate thornton]lol, yes, I remember when he was 2 years old and I taught him the 'dusting game'. We had a duster each and went around the house making everything shiny. He loved that game, he did, lol[/kate thornton]

Posted by Gemini (Member # 428) on :
Originally posted by Londie:

The question is: do boys not notice the mess? Do they not know that if you clean things, they become nice? Do they know, but not care? Do they know, care, rub their hands with glee, and say 'mua ha HAAA! Those stupid girls are doing EVERYTHING!' or what? What? Why? what should we say? How can we approach this without sounding like nagging housewives from hell?"

Its not just boys unfortunatly:

Gemini: Olivia (Geminis old flatmate) why don't you ever dust or hoover?
Olivia: My mum doesn't dust or hoover
Gemini: But your mother has a cleaner.

Posted by missgolightly (Member # 34) on :
Originally posted by Londie:
They don't get it. Is not about putting Marmite in cupboard. Is about mopping floor, cleaning glass screens in shower (he has NEVER DONE THIS NEVER NEVER NEVER, he let it grow like stalegmites or whatever is called), is about scrubbing toilet and scrubbing sink and scrubbing and sweeping all the time!

I can normally only really be bothered to do a major, obsessive compulsive style cleaning attack in the bathroom when Pink goes away for a couple of days, so he's never really seen me do it. He gets really proud of himself for pouring bleach down the loo twice a year and has actually admitted that he thought pixies or something kept the room from looking a tip. Pah.

Posted by Sidney (Member # 399) on : NOT the word.

Look at him. That's hardly the stance of a man acquainted with the long lasting properties of Fairy Liquid. I bet he's never washed up once in his entire life. Too busy trying to find socks to match his pink shirt and practising his harlem shuffle. Or something.

Posted by d666 (Member # 18) on :
Originally posted by Sidney:
Look at him. That's hardly the stance of a man acquainted with the long lasting properties of Fairy Liquid. I bet he's never washed up once in his entire life. Too busy trying to find socks to match his pink shirt and practising his harlem shuffle. Or something.[/QB]

and thats why you all wanted him to fuck you. not for his washing up prowess.

Posted by Sidney (Member # 399) on :
I didn't. He was far too greasy looking. I imagine that his cock would taste like saveloy. Yack.
Posted by d666 (Member # 18) on :
i think i'd eat cock if you could guarantee it would taste that nice.......
Posted by Londie (Member # 179) on :
Well, Wolfie's cock tastes of...
Posted by Sidney (Member # 399) on :
...and I'd get into the Veronica Lake lesbians Londie described, if only minges tasted like sherry trifle.
Posted by Londie (Member # 179) on :
If we just get Wolfie to fuck the lesbians, then everyone's sex-parts will taste of ambrosia, and the world will be a brighter place.
Posted by froopyscot (Member # 178) on :
Originally posted by Vogon Poetess:
Have you ever seen a man washing up? It would be funny, if you didn't have to do it again afterwards so things are safe to eat off.

I'm actually quite thorough when it comes to washing up in the kitchen - though I'll admit it's a skillset that didn't develop until I was past age 26 or so. The same for laundry - and while I'm now proficient with the ironing, I still consider the day I discovered wrinkle-resistant shirts to be a great day indeed. But my suspicion is that girls subconsciously want a guy who's a bit of a mess, that way you get to "fix him up a bit." I mean, why else could I possibly be still single, except for the fact that I'm already neat and tidy and perfect and all?

Posted by chocolatebuns (Member # 362) on :
Originally posted by Octavia:
Live with a Virgo. It's the only way.

What if you are said Virgo but have an allergy to anything domestic?

Mr Buns seems to think that when I finish work we'll have a spick and span home, of course he's right though, as I'll have the time to finally get round to employing a cleaner. I can't honestly think of a better thing to spend the child benefit on each month.

Posted by Amy (Member # 11) on :
Originally posted by Benwah, I think...but I've forgotten, so if it's not Benwah, sorry:
Anyway, women are just as crappy as men at tidying up

This is so true. My apartment currently looks like a bomb hit it (ok, maybe not the whole apartment, but certainly the bedroom), and it's pretty much both of our fault. This weekend will be spring cleaning weekend, I can't take it anymore...

Posted by SilverGinger5 (Member # 49) on :
This doesn't deserve its own thread either, but i'm stuck on the last clue of the Guardian quick crossword, and it's doing my head in.

Clue - (in) confusion (6,6).

H_G_E_ M_G_E_

I'm 95% sure that all the ones we have in already are correct, and i'm sure it should be easy but i just can't get it.


Posted by Bamba (Member # 330) on :
Well, seeing as SG5's taking this off topic, I'm gonna throw something in as well. I was having a fag outside work today when some really drunk and distraght looking ned fucker staggers up and asks for one. I wasn't going to give him anything until he explained why he was so worried. Apparently he'd come from the pub where he'd been drinking with his girlfriend. Halfway down his most recent pint he'd coughed, then spontaneously vomited all over her. Apparently she'd "gone apeshit and run off" oblivious to his shouts of how he "hadn't meant to do it on her". I thought this story and the look on his gormless face was worth a fag.
Posted by Stefanos (Member # 53) on :
Originally posted by Vogon Poetess:
Have you ever seen a man washing up? It would be funny, if you didn't have to do it again afterwards so things are safe to eat off.

Hang on a mo, this is a bit of a generalisation! I live alone in the house and Mrs Stefanos and myself bought last year and erm, do everything. The whole thing. Because if I don't, it doesn't get done.

I've had male and female housemates, as a student and since then. Overall, I would say that men are a little less fussy when it comes to cleaning, but there's not much in it!

I can even make a wicked loaf of bread by hand in a couple of hours, gut and fillet fish, wash Mrs Stefanos' clothes without ruining them and cook a R***n meal over a wood fire....!

[ 27 March 2003: Message edited by: Stefanos ]

Posted by mart (Member # 32) on :
SG5, I know what it is (because I cheated). Your letters are right. It's not a commonly used expression (as far as I'm concerned). It rhymes.

Here are some clues for you:

First part: someone who embraces
Second part: someone who attacks people (for money)

Posted by Gail (Member # 21) on :

Edit to say I worked it out without cheating.

Edit again to say I worked it out before I saw Mart's clues, too.

[ 27 March 2003: Message edited by: Gail ]

Posted by mart (Member # 32) on :
Bang on the money, Gail.
Posted by SilverGinger5 (Member # 49) on :
Originally posted by Gail:

Thanks VERY much Gail and Mart

I've never heard that phrase before, but at least now the crossword is complete. Now on to the hard crossword.

[ 27 March 2003: Message edited by: SilverGinger5 ]

Posted by missgolightly (Member # 34) on :
Originally posted by froopyscot:
while I'm now proficient with the ironing, I still consider the day I discovered wrinkle-resistant shirts to be a great day indeed.

Originally posted by Stefanos:I can even make a wicked loaf of bread by hand in a couple of hours

I was too harsh on Pink earlier in the thread, as on the whole we are about as tidy as each other.
However, he is a lot better at ironing than me, can make bread and makes the best yorkshire puddings ever (I've never attempted to do either, and probably never will).

Posted by Doctor Agamemnon When (Member # 189) on :
Originally posted by Vogon Poetess:
Have you ever seen a man washing up?

Hey, tar-brush lady.

I learnt to wash up in a Greek Takeaway during my tender tiny teen years. MY washing up is clinical, like a well organised militatry operation. Things are stacked by size, cutlery gets sorted, and debris disposed of. Glasses get done first. The water is painfully hot. Everything gets rinsed in painfully hot clean water, so gravity and thermal radiation does the drying up for me.

My washing up rocks.

However, I try and avoid doing it wherever possible. Those greasy kebab drip-trays left me scarred for life.

Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
OK. With the exception of men who've actually been laboriously trained to do it properly (for the rest, I blame the mothers), Men Cannot Wash Up. Nor can they dust. They don't even think about the dust on the light-fittings.
Posted by Londie (Member # 179) on :
Yeah but it's more insidious than that. Take last night. Frances is round at ours visiting boyfriend Mark. Frances and Mark are supposed to be cooking dinner together, but Frances wants a quick game first, so we take up the controls for a vicous head-to-head bout of Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance.
Mark comes out of the kitchen and huffs, then offers to do the cooking. Frances jumps to her feet. 'No – I'll – ' but Mark has gone. She sits down. We start to fight.
'I really should cook' she says. 'I mean, he can't do it. He's useless.'
(This is after a day of debating 'the boys' and their lack of housework – not to mention the fact that she doesn't even live there. Why go round your boyfriend's house and then you do the cooking, when you do it whenever he comes to yours?)
'Nao!' I whisper. 'Let him chop!'
'But he can't chop!' she says. 'He does it all wrong!'
'Frances,' I replied, 'every fucker can chop. This is what they DO. They pretend ineptitude so that WE do it all, and it works!'
And it did. He'd hacked the veg into giant belligerent chunks and formed them into letters which said 'By Pretending To Be Feeble, Many Males Evade Housework'. We were impressed at the handiwork, but Frances had to chop the veg all over again.
Posted by Londie (Member # 179) on :
N.B. Does anyone else think this thread should be retitled 'Do Men Suck At Housework (Or What)?'
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
I have tried the tactic of "well, you'll just have to do it a Lot More until you get it right", but have always been out-stubborned. 17 wineglasses (no joke), most of a dinner service and assorted other breakages later, I have given up.
Posted by Pink (Member # 459) on :
Originally posted by Londie:
N.B. Does anyone else think this thread should be retitled [b]'Do Men Suck At Housework (Or What)?'

Nah, doesnt deserve its own thread still covers it.


Posted by Londie (Member # 179) on :
B-but Pink, this is the best thread you've ever started!
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
lol. Poor li'l pinkie. BTW it's boiled over, not overboiled. Overtake, but boil over.
Posted by Samuelnorton (Member # 48) on :
Funny how this thread should start with Pink's rant about his hot milk (Ooh err, Matron!) and turn into a thread of the inability of males when performing domestic tasks.

I am not bad myself. I can do toast, Sainsbury's £2.49 pasta carbonara (waiting for the microwave to go "ping" is a bit of a bind though) and can pour milk over breakfast cereal.


Seriously, Nightowl and I share chores, though she does carp on occasion about my inability to get things up to her standard. usual fare includes straightening the duvet on the bed, folding a jumper, or removing that nagging orange juicy bit from the bottom of a glass. I do my bit. What's more, she broke a wine glass a few nights ago, and blamed the sink! Grr.

I also make a mean spag bol. So there!

[btw: Pink, you haven't told us what your new car is? Not Ringo's mini, I hope...]

Posted by schism (Member # 198) on :
Originally posted by Octavia:
Live with a Virgo. It's the only way. Sadly I failed to remember this when marrying a Scorpio.

How true this is.
I'm a Virgo. I live with two of my best mates, (we're all male), and they fucking hate it when I nag them to clean the fucking flat when they turn it into a tip.

I hate myself for doing it but I can't help it. I'm pretty anal when it comes to having a clean home. I even do ms schisms head in with my constant tidying up.

Posted by Pink (Member # 459) on :
This is getting a bit ironic now, I have been distracted from Operation Get The Flat Immaculate to reply to my thread. When it comes to who does what, just before we moved in together MissGL informed me that hovering made her feel ill, also her ironing speead leaves something to be desired. On the flip side however there is that female ability she has to give the place those final special touches.

A quote from a book I read but cant remember the title sums it up best.

From untitled boke:
A woman can make a bedsit into a home, it takes a man to turn a three bedroom house into a bedsit.

As for new car, it is a major step up from a death trap, petrol leaking, rusted floors, illegal tyres Polo. Is a silver L – Reg 1.8 litre Mondeo LX, with electric windows, power steering, alloy wheels and Sony CD player. The difference is quite stunning, the best thing is that one doesn’t feel as vulnerable on the road, and long drives are no longer as tiring.


Posted by Bamba (Member # 330) on :
So how does this work when I'm a Scorpio but am driven absolutely nuts by both my flatmates' inability to make even the slightest of pretence at being clean and tidy? Oh wait, I remember, it's cos Astrology's a pile of toss isn't it? Jesus Christ, the cream of London's media elite? Superstitious peasants the lot of you.
Posted by Samuelnorton (Member # 48) on :
Originally posted by Pink:
Mondeo LX

Pink as a "Mondeo Man"? *Shudder*

MissGL informed me that hovering made her feel ill

Personally, I have never tried levitating, though I have heard that it can be an exhilarating experience.

(I also feel slightly ill when hoovering - it's that strange smell I can't stand - it destroys my entire being.)

Posted by Pink (Member # 459) on :
Lol I thought it a bit odd that Word didn't complain about that word.

As for being Mondeo Man, remember that I am a telegraph reading tory as well.


Posted by herbs (Member # 101) on :
When it comes to housework and general domestication I am a hypocritical bitch.

My own mess is fine, but other people's coffee cups, slippers or books left around are a crime punishable by death by a thousand cut(ting remark)s.

When boyf, at his own gaff even, leaves wet towels heaped on the floor so they don't dry, or at my place leaves vile shavings in the sink, or fails to dispense toothpast neatly, it makes me :madface:

Yet when he is being the picture of domesticity, washing up a pan EVEN BEFORE HE'S EATEN ITS CONTENTS, I think 'for heavens sake, just LEAVE IT you utter gaylord'.

I am indeed a dream girlfriend.

Posted by Teflon (Member # 55) on :
I have to say, i find the Fembot ranting on this thread a bit Peeving. (err. dunno if that is a word but I got Peeved reading it, therefore it is peeving)

last night the luvverly and sumptous (sp?)Banana had to work late, so i went home early and....

Emptied the drier (folded the clothes so they would not need a mega ironing) took the clothes out of the washing machine and put them in the drier and re-filled the machine. Hoovered the lounge, took the rubbish out and put the dinner on so it was merrily cooking away when she came in so we could both hit the sofa and snuggle.

Why did I do this. Simply so she wouldn't have to after a hard day.

I know she does the same when I am having an epic workday or have Hockey training or some other life consuming activity. I think a point is being missed here. Housework should not be divided up based on gender but on each persons ability to do the tasks in the time they have available.

If there is a man and a woman in the house and the man was busy I would expect the woman to do the chores, just because she could and vice versa if the woman was busy etc. etc. but if either party came home after two or three busy days at a strech to a shit-hole that had not been tidied by the other party just because 'they did it last time' I think man or woman would have more than sufficient grounds to go postal and kill everyone in sight.

or summink. I know what I mean, I hope you get it from the incoherant babbling above.

Posted by Keef (Member # 27) on :
As it happens, I'm a very tidy person, in my flat, at work, in my car, you name it. I think withe the exception of Mrs Keef, all of my previous girlfriends, housemates have been much more untidy than me. One Ex would even sometimes not let me in to her bedroom as she was so embarrassed by how untidy it was.

I am a Virgo.

Posted by Stefanos (Member # 53) on :
As I said in a previous post, I do the whole fucking lot as I live on my own most of the time.

I am a Scorpio, if anyone is interested...

[ 28 March 2003: Message edited by: Stefanos ]

Posted by Londie (Member # 179) on :
Originally posted by Teflon:
I think a point is being missed here. Housework should not be divided up based on gender but on each persons ability to do the tasks in the time they have available.

I am entirely down with this, and if you observe my posts you'll see that I'm talking about a specific situation, to do with the house I am currently living in. Three of us work fulltime – two girls and one boy, while the other boy works from home. I'm at home least because i work so far away. And yet the one who is in least plus the other full-time worker girl have done all the stuff. It doesn't occur to the boys to do it, neither the full-time or the from-home worker. My questions were attempting to discover why the girls were noticing /attending to the dirt of day-to-day life, while the boys were not. I can't comment on such things as astrology since I think it is hokum: but studies (for example one published by the TUC in March 2003) show that this is not just a problem that occurs in my house: 'Women are still underpaid and overburdened with household duties...women spend more than three times as long on household chores as men: 18.5 hours a week compared with just six.' While I've yet to meet anyone my age of either sex who spends even as much as six hours per week, the fact remains that men do less housework than women, and that this is a national problem, and dismissing this, as you and (off top of head) Benway have done in this thread as 'fembot ranting' is tiresome, myopic and (dare I say) sexist.

[ 28 March 2003: Message edited by: Londie ]

Posted by mart (Member # 32) on :
I'm a Gemini. I don't know what star sign my cleaner is, though.
Posted by Sidney (Member # 399) on :
Originally posted by Teflon:

Why did I do this. Simply so she wouldn't have to after a hard day.

Not because it's your house/mess too?

By the way, I am also a Scorpio.

Posted by Dudley (Member # 447) on :
Originally posted by Keef:
One Ex would even sometimes not let me in to her bedroom as she was so embarrassed by how untidy it was.

Keef - that was me, I'm sure of it!

Posted by Carter (Member # 426) on :
Originally posted by Sidney:
[QB]Not because it's your house/mess too?[QB]

Now you see this is where the Fembot reaction derives from.

Woman does housework - kill all men, make THEM do housework for next 2000 years or until parity is achieved, financial reparations at inner London hourly rates.

Man does housework - what, so I'm supposed to be impressed?

Posted by Londie (Member # 179) on :
This 'fembot' word is really getting on my Agent Provocateur-clad (not) tits. Not to get all Rebecca West on yo' asses, but really, this word is slung around on here whenever forumites-who-happen-to-be-female start to examine any kind of gendered behaviour or, indeed, show any anger at all, and, as far as I can tell, its meaning appears to be 'hysterical, nagging, ranting woman'. Which is a stereotype which has been applied to vocal females since the dawn of time, and should surely be outmoded in this lovely modern 50/50 gendersplit everybody-has-a-voice medium we inhabit called TMO. But no. Women make comments that 'differentiate them from a doormat'? Call 'em fembots! Yeah! Maybe we could bust out some virtual scolds' bridles or summat, what d'ya reckon?!? Yeah!


Posted by froopyscot (Member # 178) on :
Originally posted by Londie:
my ... tits ... [are not] ... clad.

Sorry, this is as far as I got. Was there something after this?


Posted by d666 (Member # 18) on :
A woman can make a bedsit into a home, it takes a man to turn a three bedroom house into a bedsit.

white merc with fins i think

[ 28 March 2003: Message edited by: d666 ]

Posted by Teflon (Member # 55) on :
Originally posted by Londie:
dismissing this, as you and (off top of head) Benway have done in this thread as 'fembot ranting' is tiresome, myopic and (dare I say) sexist.

Erm...Please point out to me where in my post I say that wimmins should do all of the work. The point i was trying to make was that if the mens are at home and doing fuck all then they deserve to be ranted at. Not because they are (tsk) Typical men, but they are lazy bastards.The point that frustrates me is the attitude that started to permeate through this thread of 'they are men, men are dirty by nature' Some men are, all are not. Please don't tar me with that brush. I know that there are wimmin in the world that sell their mimsy for money, but if I called you a whore on this bases I would expect to be killed on site. I was agreeing with you, if you could remove you 'pink' tinted shades for a mo and read the post as an honest point of view rather than taking the wider held cliterati popularist view that all men are evil slobs, you might get my point(BTW i did note the smiley but dunno what it means, joking smiley, sarcastic smiley?? so in the spirit of consistancy )

Originally posted by Sidney:
Not because it's your house/mess too?

Erm Sidney, you have so massively missed the point of what I was trying to say I think you should duck in case my point messes up your hair as it whooshes overhead. Also your response is excessively argumentative. I would be so impressed if after a hard day you came in looking knackered and I said 'Sidders you look knackered, stick your feet up and I will take care of everything tonight' and you countered with 'I should fucking well think so, half of it is your mess anyway' Play this scenario in your mind and see if it sounds as selfish and ungrateful as it does in mine. What do I do only tidy up my half and leave a knackered spouse to do their half, cos that is what it sounds like you would favour.

The point I am trying to make is that cleaning?washing/etc. should be gender independant it should fall to the person most equipped to do it. But as a man I am obviously ingherently..

A) lazy...
c) Not in possession of any views worth listening too.

Which is odd, because in your esponse you demonstrated that you are all of these things yourself (or at least that is how it comes accross)

Manbot rant over.

Posted by discodamage (Member # 66) on :
and anyway youre all using the word 'fembot' wrong.

While Mary Daly certainly has all the rhetorical flair with which her disciples credit her, this gift of the gab is too often used to justify an essentially close-minded viciousness which leaves any attempt at actually useful philosophy in the dust. It's strange that Daly so consistently castigates the rhetorical abuses of the patriarchy (which are, I absolutely agree, often horrifying) while failing to perform any better in this, her answer to male-determined language. Worse, while she claims to represent all *true* feminists, her argument for this claim is to simply recategorize any feminist who dares to disagree with her as a 'fembot', a brainless casualty of patriarchy.

i would love to know what mary daly would say if she knew that her pejorative term for fake feminists has been co-opted by the kind of person who tells a woman to duck in case his flying point messes up her hairdo. from what i know of mary, mad old goat that she is withal, i think it would tickle her pink.

[ 28 March 2003: Message edited by: discodamage ]

Posted by Teflon (Member # 55) on :
Originally posted by discodamage:
and anyway youre all using the word 'fembot' wrong.

the kind of person who tells a woman to duck in case his flying point messes up her hairdo. .

What Type of person is that then DD. no, please I really wanna know.

is it anything like..ermmm they Type of person who rather than coming up with a reason to offer a counterpoint to an argument, picks a single phrase and attempts to deride said point make because of it, while presuming to know what that person is like because of their use of that one phrase??

Would it be like that type of person?. would it?. Cos that type of person would either be incredibly clever or ignorant to the point of self destruction.

I may have misused the word but your post Exactly demonstrated my point about the attitude certain people seem to have.

Thanks very much.

if I sound mad about your childish non point making post then hey, guess what

[ 28 March 2003: Message edited by: Teflon ]

Posted by mart (Member # 32) on :
Teflon, I think Bamba has stolen your password.
Posted by Teflon (Member # 55) on :
Originally posted by mart:
Teflon, I think Bamba has stolen your password.




Posted by Sidney (Member # 399) on :
Originally posted by Teflon:
Erm Sidney, you have so massively missed the point of what I was trying to say I think you should duck in case my point messes up your hair as it whooshes overhead.

No, Teflon. I did not miss your point (nor do I take to the condescending tone used here). My question was genuine: in my house, the housework and childcare responsibilities are divided as equally as possible. When my partner does his share of the work, it's not as a favour to me but because it is his responsibility too. Your previous post detailed how you had come home and carried out a range of domestic tasks. You then made a point along the lines of "Why did I do this? So that my partner wouldn't have to when she got home." To me, this sounded as though you had carried out these tasks as a special and out of the ordinary favour to your partner rather than because it is something you regularly do. Of course, I may have misinterpreted this - hence the question "Not because it's your house/mess too?"

Also your response is excessively argumentative. I would be so impressed if after a hard day you came in looking knackered and I said 'Sidders you look knackered, stick your feet up and I will take care of everything tonight' and you countered with 'I should fucking well think so, half of it is your mess anyway' Play this scenario in your mind and see if it sounds as selfish and ungrateful as it does in mine. What do I do only tidy up my half and leave a knackered spouse to do their half, cos that is what it sounds like you would favour.

My response was not argumentative. It was a one line question, as explained above. Your reaction to it however, has been highly aggressive. You have also seen fit to make huge assumptions about what my reaction would be in the situation you describe. I am happy to enlighten you - in my home, we share out responsibilites as much as possible. I am also fortunate to have a caring and considerate partner who, if I do come home tired after a hard day, will happily take on more than his fair share out of love and regard for me. He doesn't feel the need to point this out to me though or feel that he deserves some sort of special recognition, as to him it is the normal, done thing. I, in return, extend the same consideration to him. This is why I love him and have done so for 13 years. So don't ever make assumptions about my reaction to anything (as you don't know me, it will only ever be an assumption on your part) nor use the words 'selfish' and 'ungrateful'.

The point I am trying to make is that cleaning?washing/etc. should be gender independant it should fall to the person most equipped to do it. But as a man I am obviously ingherently..

A) lazy...
c) Not in possession of any views worth listening too.

Which is odd, because in your esponse you demonstrated that you are all of these things yourself (or at least that is how it comes accross)

I really must put you right here, Teffers. I totally agree with your point that domestic duties should be gender independant. I have not accused you of being lazy or dismissive nor have I dismissed your views as worthless. This is a gross misinterpretation on your part. I am also insulted that you feel it is fair to brand me as lazy, dismissive and as having worthless views on the basis of a one line question.

In fact, I think the whole tone of your post has been rude, aggressive and somewhat pompous. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think that personal insults have any place in a discussion about housework. You're bang out of order.

[ 28 March 2003: Message edited by: Sidney ]

Posted by Londie (Member # 179) on :
Originally posted by Teflon:
Erm...Please point out to me where in my post I say that wimmins should do all of the work.

I never accused you of that. The main drift of my post was pointing out that I personally was talking about a specific situation in my house rather than generalising about all men and women. Other women on this thread have suggested that *all* men are dirty – I was pointing out that I, London, had not done so. I was 'covering' my 'ass'.

Originally posted by Teflon:
. I was agreeing with you, if you could remove you 'pink' tinted shades for a mo and read the post as an honest point of view rather than taking the wider held cliterati popularist view that all men are evil slobs, you might get my point

And I was agreeing with you – that's why I wrote 'I am entirely down with this' after your quote about housework being divided according to who had the most time available. 'I am entirely down with this' means 'I agree' – hope the contemporary argot wasn't too befuddling.

However, I then went on to cite some statistics that seem to support the arguments of those in this thread who have suggested that, as a general rule, men do less housework than women. If statistics show that women do more housework than men, then it is logical to assume that men as a gender are less bothered by dust on the lightbulbs or whatever.

This isn't a deliberate attack on you personally, or any other man that posts here or walks the earth. There are plenty of tidy men out there – my ex among them. But on the other hand to dismiss the experiental evidence of several respected posters as 'fembot ranting', when statistics would seem to suggest that they have a point seems insulting and reductive. Ya get me? That's what wound me up – not your comments about the housework or who should do it, which seem entirely sensible to me, but terms like 'fembot ranting' and now 'cliterati' and 'pink tinted shades'.

Posted by Londie (Member # 179) on :
Wow, this thread's doing my *own* head in now. Sweeeet!

[ 28 March 2003: Message edited by: Londie ]

Posted by d666 (Member # 18) on :
<hakan libdo> bad girls go to hell bad go to hell bad goes to hell</hakan libdo>

sorry its not what i think i'm just listening to it at the moment.
and i think its just class and i should rant about the excellent production on this top top house track. from a fat norwegian.

Posted by Londie (Member # 179) on :
Got that Client single. Thought it was a bit Ladytron. Didja like Adult.?
Posted by Vogon Poetess (Member # 164) on :
I've just remembered the flat I in which I spent my first 6 months in Poland. We didn't have a hoover so the big rug on the lounge floor was inch deep in hairs and Pringles crumbs. We never swept or mopped the floor, although it did get a bit of a rinse when the archaic Soviet washing machine flooded. It didn't really bother us at the time, although I am normally a very clean and tidy type.

Don't know if this helps the gender divide argument at all.

edit to remove spelin n gramer retardation

[ 28 March 2003: Message edited by: Vogon Poetess ]

Posted by d666 (Member # 18) on :
Originally posted by Londie:
Got that Client single. Thought it was a bit Ladytron. Didja like Adult.?

yeah. didn't realise magus is adults mate though....

ladytron. pah. its hardwork when they're mates of mates.

anyway what did you think of carl craig. i have a feeling it wasn't really what you were after.

Posted by Londie (Member # 179) on :
I used to be the messiest girl alive, with a pile of clothes next to the bed as high as the bed iteslf. If I was ever drunk and fell out of bed, it never hurt, although I would sometimes wake up with button-shapes imprinted on my face. Now I crave cleanliness and space, and have a subscription to Elle Deco. I have no idea what happened. I think it's called 'getting old.'

Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
Apologies for being the one who was generalising wildly. Having recently had an escalating series of rows about him getting home at 6.30, and me getting home at 10.30, vis-a-vis who should be doing more of the work, 'tis a topic particularly close to my heart at the moment. One particular Saturday morning when I'd spent three hours cleaning a room, only to discover mud-tracks across the clean carpet half an hour later, sticks in my mind.

Perhaps I shouldn't have gone from the particular to the general - it just struck me in the last few weeks (admittedly not for the first time) that what I call "clean" is not what he calls clean. This is a gender difference reflected among most of my friends - although I am happy to accept that there are men out there who believe that cleaning a bath involves more than rinsing it down with the shower head, I have yet to meet any. It's not a feminist foot-stamping thing - pure observation, with which you are quite welcome to disagree.

Posted by Londie (Member # 179) on :
Originally posted by d666:
yeah. didn't realise magus is adults mate though....

ladytron. pah. its hardwork when they're mates of mates.

anyway what did you think of carl craig. i have a feeling it wasn't really what you were after.

I have to admit it sort of wasn't, but thank you for doing them for me. Wasn't so into that Arpanet stuff either. Too... dry for me. Did you like Magas? I really didn't. Ladytron: why are they so annoying? They're like Kia-Ora when all you want to do is grab a fruit off a tree and tear it open into your mouth.

edit: but then the album that's pumping my nads the mostest right now is the new Mis-Teeq record 'Eye Candy', so what do I know.

[ 28 March 2003: Message edited by: Londie ]

Posted by Teflon (Member # 55) on :
Originally posted by Sidney:
In fact, I think the whole tone of your post has been rude, aggressive and somewhat pompous....You're bang out of order.

This is exactly my feeling when I read you 'one liner' So it seems we have some common ground in that we feel equally as offended as one another.

In your one liner there is an implication that I expressed a distaste for in my post, namely the implication that I am obliged to tidy up as I am partly responsible for the mess. No-one (as you asserted in your full response) should feel obliged to do the housework, they should do it beacause it needs to be done. I apologise if you were unable to understand what I meant in my first post but I also find your assumption that I only tidy up as a 'special favour' as vulgar as any assumtion you mention I made in your post.

Also there is an extremely 'pompous and hurtful implication in the description of your domestic scene that I will comment no further on, I hope you re-read your post and see what I mean. I also apologise if you are offended and feel personally insulted by my generalisation, any feelings you might have are shared by me every time I read a post by a female board member that makes sweeping generalisations about the way men behave. I don't know why, but reading that kind of thing (in which you were participating) makes my blood boil. Maybe because I deliberately try to avoid living up to that stereotype. It sounds like you have a man that does too, more power to you both.

I am 'happy' to accept that I have offended you and apologies for that, but I still feel that if anyone was behaving in a sexist way on this thread it was you and Londie. (in my opinion) I feel you should re-read your one liner and think about how ungratefull it Does sound and also realise who offensive it could be and accept where youmay have caused offence.

I think we should stop here, as we are both trying to passionately debate a topic that we both feel strongly about in a medium that is condusive to continued misunderstanding, I have nothing against anyone on the board (I know I do not know you, but hopefully those who do will attest to my lack of spite) and do not want to give you the (further) impression that I am some hateful shithead.

That said if you are prepared to accept any unintended potentially offensive misunderstandings then I shall too so we can continue to discuss this issue. Or we can agree to disagree. your choice.

Posted by discodamage (Member # 66) on :
edit for irrelevance.

[ 28 March 2003: Message edited by: discodamage ]

Posted by Londie (Member # 179) on :
How is it sexist to try and find out why Richard and Mark don't do as much housework as myself and Jule?
Posted by herbs (Member # 101) on :
Originally posted by Teflon:
last night the luvverly and sumptous (sp?)Banana had to work late, so i went home early and....

Emptied the drier (folded the clothes so they would not need a mega ironing) took the clothes out of the washing machine and put them in the drier and re-filled the machine. Hoovered the lounge, took the rubbish out and put the dinner on so it was merrily cooking away when she came in so we could both hit the sofa and snuggle.

Why did I do this. Simply so she wouldn't have to after a hard day.

Sorry Teflon, but the above does sound rather like you want a medal.

Posted by Teflon (Member # 55) on :
Originally posted by discodamage:
edit for irrelevance.

[ 28 March 2003: Message edited by: discodamage ]

Extremely relevant and extremely wrong.

I manage to offend everyone regardless of meduim.


Posted by Teflon (Member # 55) on :
Originally posted by herbs:
Sorry Teflon, but the above does sound rather like you want a medal.

Then Should I add 'no, I don't want a medal' because it is the norm. I was trying to illustrate that one person should tidy not because they have to, but because it needs doing and they are better placed to do it.

I guess it would have made more sense for me to say how unhappy Banana would have been if she got home and I was up to my armpits in PS2 and the house was a mess.

But hopefully you know what I mean.

thanks also for the reasonable reponse Herbs.

Posted by Londie (Member # 179) on :
Ahem. I've been entirely reasonable.
Posted by Uber Trick (Member # 456) on :
Originally posted by Londie:
Horrendous housework situation

Babe, you have to get a cleaner, its the only way. It won't be much, its approx £5 per hour and there's four of you so £5 pw for 4 hours should be more than enough. Then you just have to work out the day to day stuff, but that doesn't sound like so much of a problem.

Do it. Make Mark do it. For all your sakes. I've had cleaners in quite a few flats that I've lived in - and they ROCK. I refuse to spend anymore of my life arguing over housework. If the housework is not being fairly split then get a cleaner. Life's too short to argue over dirty dishes. (And as a plus, one of our cleaners used to do ironing as well and change the bedsheets. Mm Mmmmm. I should have married her really. Don't think her husband would have approved though...)

Posted by Teflon (Member # 55) on :
Originally posted by Londie:
Ahem. I've been entirely reasonable.

Never said you weren't


Posted by Londie (Member # 179) on :
Mark says he's perfectly tidy and he's not paying for a cleaner. He is rich, but tight.
Posted by d666 (Member # 18) on :
Originally posted by Londie:
I have to admit it sort of wasn't, but thank you for doing them for me. Wasn't so into that Arpanet stuff either. Too... dry for me. Did you like Magas? I really didn't. Ladytron: why are they so annoying? They're like Kia-Ora when all you want to do is grab a fruit off a tree and tear it open into your mouth.

edit: but then the album that's pumping my nads the mostest right now is the new Mis-Teeq record 'Eye Candy', so what do I know.

[ 28 March 2003: Message edited by: Londie ]

yeah what do you know.
mis-teew. good for oops oh my. as remixed on the 1xtra cd i got. otherwise timbaaland can shove that production up his butt.

magus. yeah its ok.
see thing is you asked for techno. so i gave you some techno like arpanet and some proper detroit shake your booty tech and tech house. sorry.
anyway my beats is fat and i don't care.

ladytron. they is ok. i don't know 'em i just know they're mates of my bessie mates. so i cant see them as popstars.

Posted by Londie (Member # 179) on :
I know nothing about music.
Posted by Bamba (Member # 330) on :
Originally posted by mart:
Teflon, I think Bamba has stolen your password.

Screw you and all who sail in you ya ginger fucker!


Posted by Amy (Member # 11) on :
I'd just like to say that I understand what Teffers was saying.

I think everyone misunderstood what he meant. Which was that they look out for each other. They share the responsibilities and yeah.

I bet you Banana came home, was well pleased, ate dinner, they cuddled on the sofa and because she was so pleased they got it on. Betcha a dollar.

Posted by Stefanos (Member # 53) on :
Originally posted by herbs:
Sorry Teflon, but the above does sound rather like you want a medal.

That's not fair, Herbs. It's turned into a `men don't do housework' thing, whatever it started out as, or intended to be.

The way I read it was that Teffers was refuting this...but if no one had said anything, it would have been a tacit admission that this is truth...

Fuck it, it's Friday....I've got several bottles of Adnam's Broadside to drink tonight and no housework to do, so what the hell, eh?

[ 28 March 2003: Message edited by: Stefanos ]

Posted by Londie (Member # 179) on :
It started out as why don't Mark and Richard do housework, and various theories were suggested. Thatisal.
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
It's too late for that now, Londie. Maybe you should have thought about it a bit more carefully before you posted?
Posted by Sidney (Member # 399) on :
Originally posted by Teflon:
the implication that I am obliged to tidy up as I am partly responsible for the mess. No-one (as you asserted in your full response) should feel obliged to do the housework, they should do it beacause it needs to be done. I apologise if you were unable to understand what I meant in my first post.

Teflon - my earlier point about sharing responsibilities stands. I think we agree on this. As I also explained earlier, the point of my one line question was to establish whether my assumption was correct and not to attack you. Similarly, you could have responded to my post with "What do you mean by that?" or perhaps "I think that there are some unpleasant connotations here. Please explain." Sadly, you didn't. Once again, I am able to understand your point. Please do not patronise me any further.

Also there is an extremely 'pompous and hurtful implication in the description of your domestic scene that I will comment no further on, I hope you re-read your post and see what I mean.

Actually, no - I don't know what you mean. I described my domestic situation to counter your claim that I am generalising negatively about men. I have not done that at all as I know from experience that that would be incorrect. I have used my situation with my partner as an example of how 'How Some Men Do The Housework, Too".

every time I read a post by a female board member that makes sweeping generalisations about the way men behave. I don't know why, but reading that kind of thing (in which you were participating) makes my blood boil.

Again, I have not made any sweeping generalisations about the way men behave at all. See my point above for elaboration. Unless you are refering to my post about Hitchcock style movies - I'm seriously hoping that you do not require the insertion of a 'winkywanky' to make the point of that post clear.

I still feel that if anyone was behaving in a sexist way on this thread it was you and Londie. (in my opinion) I feel you should re-read your one liner and think about how ungratefull it Does sound and also realise who offensive it could be and accept where youmay have caused offence.

Again, I am at a loss to see how myself and Londie have behaved in a sexist way. I also do not think that my post sounded 'ungrateful' - you have attributed inferences to it that are not there/intended. Please refer to my previous post for an explanation.

That said if you are prepared to accept any unintended potentially offensive misunderstandings then I shall too so we can continue to discuss this issue. Or we can agree to disagree. your choice.

Of course, Teflon. Should I post something that offends you, or you think has negative connotations, please just ask me to explain. Similarly, whenever I direct a post at you, I shall be careful to elaborate and avoid any tones/phrases that could be misinterpreted.

Posted by scrawny (Member # 113) on :
Originally posted by d666:
ladytron. they is ok. i don't know 'em i just know they're mates of my bessie mates. so i cant see them as popstars.

D'you know Reuben Wu then? I used to play in a string quqrtet with him. Shit-hot violinist. Weird.

Posted by jnhoj (Member # 286) on :
In italy I got asked what I was doing in the kitchen when I was cutting cheese by my girlfriends dad, I thought he'd asked how I was so I just said good, then my gf explained and I felt silly

And her mum gets positively angry when I offer to do the washing up, and my girlfriend won't me do much housework, I am not sure she is down with my nambybamby liberal lifestyle.

Posted by Amy (Member # 11) on :
The violinist in Godspeed! You Black Emperor kicks ass. (Yay! I'm going to see them again in a week.)

Does anyone want to clean my apartment this weekend? I really don't feel like doing it.

Posted by Londie (Member # 179) on :
Originally posted by scrawny:
D'you know Reuben Wu then? I used to play in a string quqrtet with him. Shit-hot violinist. Weird.

Really? Lol. I wrote a lascivious thing about him for a style mag called Marmalade. The piece was called 'Band Candy' and was subtitled 'forget the music, show us your bum'. It listed him as one of my many 'hott picks' along with Gonzales, Nelly etc, and went something like this: 'Ladies! Don't let that racist small penis stereotype put you off! Japanese boys are go – a rich seam of immense hottness in London society! Such is the intellectual levels of my music criticism. Is he actually fit then? I just wanted a Japanese boy in my lineup, to pay back all the indie boys for their jap-girl yellow fever.

Posted by Pink (Member # 459) on :
jap-girl yellow fever

Eek, I think Andrew Dice Clay as stolen Londies password.


Posted by Uber Trick (Member # 456) on :
edit: I'll take it away because you've moved on now. I'll put it in its own thread and lets see if it lives or dies. Mwah ha ha haaa!

[ 28 March 2003: Message edited by: Uber Trick ]

Posted by Stefanos (Member # 53) on :
Originally posted by Amy:

Does anyone want to clean my apartment this weekend? I really don't feel like doing it.

No worries, Amy. I've booked a flight. I'll do it wearing nowt but my chainmail.

Is that OK?

[ 28 March 2003: Message edited by: Stefanos ]

Posted by scrawny (Member # 113) on :
Yeah, he is. Very...ethereal though. Impossibly cool in an untouchable sort of way. He was a couple of years older than me, and I was only about 16 and just getting into the whole skinny indie boy thing, so he was a little bit too individual for me just then. But now, I'm comfortable with my sexuality, I love skinny indie boys and he's an utter honey.

Also a brilliant musician, which is always attractive.

Posted by d666 (Member # 18) on :
Originally posted by scrawny:
D'you know Reuben Wu then? I used to play in a string quqrtet with him. Shit-hot violinist. Weird.

nah ,my mates are mates (ex band mates etc) with danny.

Posted by Amy (Member # 11) on :
Is that OK?

Yeah, ok...might be interesting to see.

Posted by Amy (Member # 11) on :
This doesn't deserve it's own thread either...but I found it on another site and thought we could use it here:

This thread has been hijacked.

Please remain calm; stay seated and keep your tray tables in their upright position.

Posted by jonesy999 (Member # 5) on :

Returning home (knackered) to a thread like this is brilliant.

Lurking must be the shit.

[ 28 March 2003: Message edited by: jonesy999 ]

Posted by AgeingGrace (Member # 342) on :
I don't do housework.

There is equality in slobbery as in other matters.
Posted by fish (Member # 22) on :
We just got back from a weekend away. The flat is a tip. El started to clean when we got in last night but I made her go to bed so I could sex her.

She's now at work and will probably be home late. I have the day off work, a cupboard full of cleaning products and a washing machine raring to go.

But it's sunny...

I'm having one of those moral dilemma thingies.

Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
Do it. And don't expect to be noticed, or thanked.
Posted by herbs (Member # 101) on :
Do it, as fast as you can which makes it more fun, and reward yourself with a guilt-free frolic in the sun.

Ooh, Octavia. Do I detect a jaded air?

Posted by fish (Member # 22) on :

She just called me from work and I informed her of my dilemma. sunshine or cleaning?

Me: "I've put the bedding in the washing machine, but now I'm not sure whether I can be bothered to clean up. It's so sunny outside."

Her: "Do whatever you want" [future guilt implied through clever womanly reverse psychological mind trick]

Me: "Well, I want to tidy up. The flat is a mess..." [tries telepathic pleading hoping for a sympathitic opt-out clause]

Her: "Well what have you been doing all morning?" [implies if I hadn't been such a lazy arse I could have done all the cleaning hours ago and have the rest of the day to play in the park]

Me: "I woke up late and then read my book" [realises mistake...]

Her: "And what are you doing now?"

Me: "M'n C'm'ter" [looks at feet]

Her: "Pardon?" [I KNOW she really heard me]

Me: "I'm on computer" [realises flawed argument]

Her: "I thought the problem was between going out in the sun and housework?"

Me: "Mnnn"

Her: "Well, I'm on my lunchbreak now, I'm just going to go and run to the bank to do that errand for you" [cruelly twists the knife]

Me: "f'koo"

Her: "Well honey, why don't you go out to the park for a few hours, then come back and we can clean together tonight?" [You see what she did there? Now I know I have to clean before she gets in. I have to.]

Feminisn-scheminism, I just hate the fact that women are so damned CLEVER with these eeevil mind games. Now I feel guilty not just for not tidying up but also for not wasting time being outside in the sun! Dammit - why is doing the wrong thins so appealing!?

[ 31 March 2003: Message edited by: fish ]

Posted by Londie (Member # 179) on :

Posted by d666 (Member # 18) on :
do the cleaning fish.
you might find all sorts of stuff.
Posted by Amy (Member # 11) on :
I love peanut butter.

Just thought I'd share.

Posted by AgeingGrace (Member # 342) on :
Smooth, crunchy, or very very crunchy?
Posted by Amy (Member # 11) on :
Smooth just like me, yo. Yeah right. Every once in a blue moon I'll go for crunchy.

I only thought of it, cause I was eating a Girl Scout's a cookie, with peanut butter on top and then covered in chocolate. Not a cookie made out of little girl scouts.

I really need to go and buy peanut butter and raspberry jam, and make pbandj's.

Damn. I'm really hungry now.

What about you, smooth, crunchy or supa crunchy?

Posted by missgolightly (Member # 34) on :
I'm a crunchy girl myself - smooth is a bit boring, and extra crunchy is too teeth endangering.
Posted by victoria (Member # 103) on :
Originally posted by missgolightly:
I'm a crunchy girl myself - smooth is a bit boring, and extra crunchy is too teeth endangering.
I'm completely with you on this one MissGL, though I only really like the organic stuff - because it tastes better not for any healthier reasons.
Posted by AgeingGrace (Member # 342) on :
Hmm, tasty!

Thought I might just lick the crumbs & stuff off the worktop. They're mostly organic.
Well, they are by now.

Posted by Stefanos (Member # 53) on :
I like crunchy, Mrs Stefanos likes smooth.

While we're at it - pickled onions:

Silver skin types in a sweet vinegar or big ones in malt vinegar which make your eyes water when you bite into them?

Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
Big crunchy take-the-top off your head ones.

lol herbs. No, not jaded - just (generalisation alert) men tend to want their cleaning efforts to be noticed and appreciated, where they would find it bizarre to say "thank you for cleaning the bathroom, darling" to their female housepersons.

Posted by d666 (Member # 18) on :
yeah big nasty ones that sting and hurt. only way for pickled onions.

smooth peanut butter for combination sandwiches (pb and banananananaa). but for on toast has to be crusty.
reeces pieces? reeces peanut butter cups? damn straight.

pickled chili peppers? way to start the day. after a hangover.

Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
Originally posted by Octavia:
they would find it bizarre to say "thank you for cleaning the bathroom, darling" to their female housepersons.

I wouldn't find this at all bizarre. I spoke exactly those words this weekend.

Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
Oh, alright then. Perhaps it's just my own dear specimen.
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
I don't want to make out I'm a saint though. I just really appreciate having things clean.
Posted by d666 (Member # 18) on :
Originally posted by kovacs:
I just really appreciate having things clean.

i have strange images of white paper suits and hats (like surgery teams) and forceps for picking everything up as being necessary items of clothing in chez kovacs.......

mind you i'm just jealous i've only just stopped living in the building site from hell....

Posted by Londie (Member # 179) on :
I love having things clean. It is the closest we can get to godliness down in Dalston. I have also started wearing a silver cross around my neck. I don't know if these two things are related.
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
Possibly you are The Chosen One?
Posted by d666 (Member # 18) on :
Originally posted by Octavia:
Possibly you are The Chosen One?

is this like highlander chosen one or jesus christ chosen one?

Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
ummmm....the Vampire Slayer chosen one?
Posted by Londie (Member # 179) on :
All who wish to be blessed, gather round.

*folds hands, commences pious rendition of Amazing Grace*

Posted by d666 (Member # 18) on :
bollocks i was hoping for highlander chosen one.
swords and hacking.
not fecking religious zealots.
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
If Londie is the chosen one then,

"I'm daaaamned! Like no other maaaan!


Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
Sorry, didn't we know that already?

BTW your pants are showing.

Posted by Physic (Member # 195) on :
I regularly do the cleaning without expecting to be thanked by myself, instead I like to just survey the finished article and walk away without comment, leaving my silence to convey my obvious disappointment at myself for the half-assed job I've just done...
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
So you don't sigh loudly, whip the cleaning products from yourself and re-do it all while muttering loudly about having to do everything yourself?
Posted by Physic (Member # 195) on :
I prefer to just treat myself to a withering silence for the remainder of the day to see if I get the message and redo it properly, unfortunately I'm always oblivious to such a subtle approach and never do..
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
Do you withold sex from yourself until you do it properly?
Posted by Physic (Member # 195) on :
Nah I've tried that but I can never resist my come-to-bed eyes and cheeky grin
Posted by Octavia (Member # 398) on :
Well it's good that you don't allow those niggling domestic issues to spoil your lovelife. Never let the sun go down on you, I say.

[ 01 April 2003: Message edited by: Octavia ]

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