I just hate her!
[ 25 June 2003: Message edited by: Harlequin ]
Is Merlot really so powerful and persuasive that she can turn hoardes of people against you, based on her word alone?
Are you really sure that your vehemently-voiced, marginal views and self-confessed stalkeresque methods of 'trying to get a woman' aren't the reason why people have decided not to associate with you?
It's always someone else's fault, isn't it?
Originally posted by Vogon Poetess:
Bamba, your tag is just going to have to be diluted. Where's the rage?
Um, I dunno? What am I supposed to be raging about? Yeah, Harly's being a twat but that's nothing new and he's not being a twat at me so I'm not really fussed to be honest. I was kind of pissed of at sweet this morning, but obviously that wasn't rageful enough to satisfy the fans.
You all right?
You seem a bit pre-menstrual.
Try Evening Primrose capsules. Or Budwar.
Originally posted by Bamba:
You're totally wasting your time here Bernie. No matter what happens and what people tell him, Harly continues to believe that most of the posters (and especially those that go to meets) really like him and he's only disliked by a few dedicated h8ters who stir the rest up against him. Still, some things you've got to try for yourself I know so knock yourself out.
Oh, alright then.
This is what I really wanted to type:
Harley, you are a wanker (quite literally). And an ugly one at that. Your inherent lack of social skills, coupled with your probable lack of recent association with a bar of soap are the real reason women don't like you. Your attempts to 'get off' with women are, at best, pathetic and, at worst, downright frightening.
I don't know why you bother with your self-indulgent whining - if you want to get laid just get off your lazy arse and get a job. Then go and find a prostitute.
You are a tosser of the highest order.
Originally posted by Bernie:
Then go and find a prostitute.
To be fair, he does this already.
Originally posted by AgeingGrace:
This is, quite possibly, the best beer in the world.
Originally posted by Put This In Your Pipe and Smoke It:
This is, quite possibly, the best beer in the world.
That would be Staropramen, you idiot!!
Originally posted by Vogon Poetess:
Um, Bernie, have you met Harlequin personally and actually had a RL conversation with him? Or are you just going on Handbag hysteria?
I'm speaking from the experience of several online 'conversations' with him, coupled with the things he's written, both generally and directed towards other, specific individuals.
I make my own mind up about people, irrespective of other people's opinions about them. And I act accordingly.
I don't 'do' Handbag - haven't for the past 18 months or so.
Harley, you are a wanker (quite literally).
Aren't most men and women literally wankers?
And an ugly one at that. Your inherent lack of social skills, coupled with your probable lack of recent association with a bar of soap are the real reason women don't like you
It could be argued that online interaction hardly warrants or supports this kind of abuse about someone's physical qualities. I mean, why don't you post up your picture, Bernie? Then when I get annoyed at something you write online, I can pick on some aspect of your features and guess at how you smell.
Harley himself has also, in the dim and distant past, made references to being malodorous due to the fact that (at that time, at least) he couldn't/didn't wash very often. He seemed to think it was a factor in his lack of success with women.
Re wanking - how very astute of you. Does that mean that the work 'wanker' should be stricken from the 'Big Book Of Abuse'?
VP - speak to him in RL? No thanks. Based on what he's posted and the views he airs, he's not really the type of person I'd like to spend any time with. He quite probably feels the same way about me. But that's OK, isn't it? Each to their own and all that.
[ 26 June 2003: Message edited by: Bernie ]
Originally posted by Bernie:
Re wanking - how very astute of you. Does that mean that the work 'wanker' should be stricken from the 'Big Book Of Abuse'?
No, but if you want to use it as a term of abuse, it's advisable to leave off the words 'quite literally', because in its literal sense it ceases to be a term of abuse and becomes a simple fact.
[ 26 June 2003: Message edited by: Thorn Davis ]
Will try to be more specific next time.
Although I did think that it was ok to disregard stuff like that in 'Rants'
Originally posted by Bernie:
Will try to be more specific next time.
Good girl.
Originally posted by Bernie:
IVP - speak to him in RL? No thanks. Based on what he's posted and the views he airs, he's not really the type of person I'd like to spend any time with
Sometimes people are like, not as hateful in real life. Sometimes more so. It would, however, help you realise that not everyone is as socially advantaged as you might be and that resorting to playground insults* regarding appearance doesn't make you look particularly clever.
* Guilty as charged. However, one cheap jibe in 18 months is very restrained.
Edit for bollocksing UBB
[ 26 June 2003: Message edited by: Vogon Poetess ]
quote:But if I had a job I would have less time to look for women and employers are so fussy these days that most wont take on people who don't have a home address! Prostitutes are a rip off anyway you have to a fortune just for a half an hour in bed with them which is no time at all!
Originally posted by Bernie:
if you want to get laid just get off your lazy arse and get a job. Then go to a prostitute
As for why I am having a go at that Merlot it is because it was her that turned the others against me to begin with.
Originally posted by Carter:
That would be Staropramen, you idiot!!
No, Meantime Brewery Kolsch, kicks the arse of Staro.
[ 26 June 2003: Message edited by: Boy Racer ]
Originally posted by Harlequin:
As for why I am having a go at that Merlot it is because it was her that turned the others against me to begin with.
Referring you back to my original question about just how weak-minded do you think the women on Handbag actually are.
The reason that I am so angry at that Merlot is that it was all going OK at that handbag meet until she started on me then the others started having a go at me and I thought I would get beat up or something by them!
By the way why didn't that other poster say if you want to get laid why don't you get a job then pay to go to one of those speed dater parties! He's really thick isn't he those speed dater parties are the new way to laid quickly these days. I would have gone to one but you need a credit card so that you can pay to go to them as they only take bookings online!
Originally posted by Harlequin:
I would have gone to one but you need a credit card so that you can pay to go to them as they only take bookings online!
Edit to say that speed dating may be a quick way to get laid, but I bet slipping fifty quid to a hooker is faster.
Yet another spit in the eye from that bastard, Fate, eh Harley?
[ 26 June 2003: Message edited by: Bernie ]
Originally posted by Bernie:
I bet slipping fifty quid to a hooker is faster.
Originally posted by Harlequin:
I don't want a half hour shag every few weeks I want to get a woman who will be available for me to shag when ever I feel like. I think they call them wives or girlfriends!
this is a joke, right?
[ 26 June 2003: Message edited by: Dudley ]
Originally posted by Harlequin:
I want to get a woman who will be available for me to shag when ever I feel like. I think they call them wives or girlfriends!
Oh Steely, if only that were true ...
Yeah, and Harley - you can pick gays up anywhere! You don't need to pretend to be reading books or doing your washing, you could just go wandering around a wood or, indeed, public toilet. Game on!
Originally posted by Harlequin:
But hookers don't give you enough time! And I don't want a half hour shag every few weeks I want to get a woman who will be available for me to shag when ever I feel like. I think they call them wives or girlfriends!
Yeah. get yourself one of them, Harley, and you might be able to get that half hour right down to three or four minutes once in a blue moon.
i just realised taht none of my friends are gay. none. there's a few pretend lesbians and soem of teh boys get gay after too many drinks (ie me) but no proper gays. and i was at goldsmiths, the gayest college in all of london! (except lcf obviously)
Originally posted by Boy Racer:
No, Meantime Brewery Kolsch, kicks the arse of Staro.
Kolsch? Pfft. Franziskaner Hefe.
Originally posted by Vogon Poetess:
Well, actually conversing with him in "real life" might cause you to revise your opinions somewhat.
In what way?
Originally posted by Phill:In what way?
It might inspire pity rather than blind bandwagon stomping hate? People aren't born socially awkward.
Edit for UBB, but Plih bolloxed it up first.
[ 26 June 2003: Message edited by: Vogon Poetess ]
Originally posted by Vogon Poetess:
It might inspire pity rather than blind bandwagon stomping hate? People aren't born socially awkward.
What everyone has social awkwardness thrust upon them? I'm not sure I believe that. In fact, I'm going to go out on a limb here, I definitely don't believe that.
Originally posted by Vogon Poetess:Edit for UBB, but Plih bolloxed it up first.
Yeah, damn that Plih. Hes always messing things up!
Originally posted by kovacs:
So who here is more hateful in real life than they are online?
Can we nominate other people?
quote:I wouldn't mind some gay or perhaps bisexual women friends as you can have threesomes with them!
Originally posted by Thorn Davis:
Maybe we should head out on the town and get ourselves some gay friends. There's a club in Croydon called Fire In The Hole that should sort us.
[ 26 June 2003: Message edited by: Harlequin ]
Originally posted by Vogon Poetess:
People aren't born socially awkward.
They are. Autism and Asperger's; Down's; ADD, etc. etc.
Edited to add that it seems even shyness may be inherited.
[ 26 June 2003: Message edited by: ziggy ]
Originally posted by ziggy:
They are. Autism and Asperger's; Down's; ADD, etc. etc.
Well yes, but if someone had Down's Syndrome you wouldn't simply describe them as being "socially awkward" would you? The same way as you wouldn't describe someone with no legs as having "a bit of a mobility problem". Well, I wouldn't anyway. I assumed we were talking about 'normal' people who were just socially awkward and I would say that that's just part of who you are.
There is always some reason.
Originally posted by Carter:
I think 'normal' here means "has legs but not Down's".
Hmmn. You are not like your TV personality, then?
Originally posted by ziggy:
I am not being pissy bamba, but I work with kids between 11-18, and I have to say I haven't yet worked out what 'normal' was. Seriously.
Shit, it would appear that you were disagreeing with VP as I was and yet I was about to justify myself to you as if you had taken the opposite argument. Even my last post to you doesn't make any sense as I was actualy agreeing with you while I thought I was arguing. I'm not quite sure how this has come about. Actually I do know, I obviously wasn't reading this thread properly, it's the only explanation. I was also going to Stevie my use of the word normal above but I really can't be bothered. I'd assumed it'd be understood that I was simply drawing a line between people with serious diagnosable conditions and people who were just shyer or more socially awkward than others. That's what the single quotes were for.
On a side note, I'd question what kids or you working with them has to do with anything in your post above. It's like you're saying that the fact you work with kids makes you more qualified to judge what's normal than anyone else which I don't really believe.
I meant sometimes you meet a person and you wonder about their upbringing, and what has caused their lack of ability to communicate appropriately within accepted social norms. Of course people are born with inherent disorders that physically prevent this, but the way they were raised to interact with others is what I was thinking of. So after meeting such a person, you are inclined to be more tolerant of their awkwardness, whether it be caused by a mental disability or a stunted social upbringing.
Originally posted by Bamba:
I was simply drawing a line between people with serious diagnosable conditions and people who were just shyer or more socially awkward than others
Psychologists estimate that a large percentage of people who others might perceive as being extremely socially maladroit do in fact have undiagnosed Asperger's, which is a physiological condition. I don't think there is a clearly defined demarcation point here: more a grayscale of personality types and brain physiologies, along which all of us are on slightly different points.
Originally posted by Bamba:
I'd assumed it'd be understood that I was simply drawing a line between people with serious diagnosable conditions and people who were just shyer or more socially awkward than others. That's what the single quotes were for.On a side note, I'd question what kids or you working with them has to do with anything in your post above. It's like you're saying that the fact you work with kids makes you more qualified to judge what's normal than anyone else which I don't really believe.
I have to be careful answering this as I am off work today because I am ill again, and it affects how I react to things - slow brain and excessive tiredness. So if I make some stupid statement give me a chance.
Your first point I accept and think is right.
However, I wonder how many people understand "serious diagnosable conditions"? I admit Down's IS extreme and immediately identifiable. I have a half-sister and an adopted brother with Down's. It's hard to miss!
But things like ADD and Asperger's are often not understood by many people outside of the professions who deal directly with people with these ailments (as Astromariner also poimts out). I even have a niece in NZ with a very rare genetic condition which affects her social skills. Her mother died young of it (as will she), but it is only recently that NZ has a geneticist who can help the family. When her mother was dying, the States was the only place which could offer advice.
I am saying, I guess, that some of these diagnosable conditions are still unknown to the general public and are therefore seen as just a matter of the person concerned being somehow culpable in their social inadequacies.
I am not happy with that as a response, Bamba, so come back to me if it isn't making sense to you and I will try again. I think I am agreeing with you.
Working with children - should it mean I KNOW more? Well, no, it doesn't in the sense that it makes me an expert. But it does give me some insight - on a purely personal level. I am constantly finding myself having to re-evaluate my reaction to the kids I teach because I find out they have some other, external factor, influencing what they do. (most) Adults have a degree of self-control over their lives and have to accept some culpability for what they do (medical conditions excepted, perhaps?). But with kids you have to see it from a different angle. Kids have such little control over their own lives that if they are mangled, you start to look at external factors. Then you extrapolate these factors into the lives of these same kids as adults and start to wonder just how much control adults have, after all.....
I don't feel that I am making sense. So is it OK to put this up and leave you to come back at me with it?
[ 27 June 2003: Message edited by: ziggy ]
Originally posted by Vogon Poetess:
Um, to clarify.I meant sometimes you meet a person and you wonder about their upbringing, and what has caused their lack of ability to communicate appropriately within accepted social norms. Of course people are born with inherent disorders that physically prevent this, but the way they were raised to interact with others is what I was thinking of. So after meeting such a person, you are inclined to be more tolerant of their awkwardness, whether it be caused by a mental disability or a stunted social upbringing.
Maybe I got this wrong, but I got the impression, within all this business with Harlequin (whatever 'the nature of the beast' is at the moment - and it ain't the original Harle), that you felt intolerance towards a certain portion of the 'socially awkward' because they ought to be able to somehow sort themselves.
Hence my argument that culpability is not that easy to apportion.
Originally posted by ziggy:
Maybe I got this wrong,
Yes, you got it completely bassackward like you did when you leapt on bob in society. What VP was saying is that people should be more tolerant to someone like Harlequin because there may be reasons for their inability to successfully interact.
Dude, you seem very quick to ascribe unpleasant personality traits to people and paint yourself as the sole soul sensitive guardian of all that is right and good and honest.
[ 27 June 2003: Message edited by: Bob ]
Originally posted by Vogon Poetess:
Um, to clarify.I meant sometimes you meet a person and you wonder about their upbringing, and what has caused their lack of ability to communicate appropriately within accepted social norms. Of course people are born with inherent disorders that physically prevent this, but the way they were raised to interact with others is what I was thinking of. So after meeting such a person, you are inclined to be more tolerant of their awkwardness, whether it be caused by a mental disability or a stunted social upbringing.
You've got a good point there, VP. And I feel qualified to comment as 8 years ago my eldest son was diagnosed with Asperger's (albeit to a very mild degree). The difficulties he encountered on the social skill front have been 'managed' by me and his father to the point at which they are now pretty much non-existent. Asperger sufferers tend to take things very literally so we had to teach him about irony and sarcasm. Over the years he's got faster at working out when people are being sarcastic etc.
Notwithstanding the above, I still don't want to meet Harley. He may not have received the nurturing necessary for him to develop into a fully-rounded member of society. And it's possible that he has some sort of condition which makes social interaction difficult for him. But he still holds some views which I find pretty difficult to stomach.
However, I take your earlier point about the playground thing, and you are right. It's too easy to slip from disagreeing with him into just being plain mean. So I'll stop it.
I'll let you off on the (almost) assumption you made about my social advantages, given that until yesterday morning, almost everyone* assumed that I'm a man.
*On TMO, not in RL, I hasten to add!
edit: I'm not having a go here. There's nothing wrong with opinionating. If people didn't do it, then we'd all be exchanging scientifically proven 'facts'.
[ 27 June 2003: Message edited by: Dr. Benway ]
Originally posted by Thorn Davis:
Yes, you got it completely bassackward like you did when you leapt on bob in society. What VP was saying is that people should be more tolerant to someone like Harlequin because there may be reasons for their inability to successfully interact.Dude, you seem very quick to ascribe unpleasant personality traits to people and paint yourself as the sole soul sensitive guardian of all that is right and good and honest.
Look, I posted up the last post so I could be corrected, and really I DO accept what you say.
Vogan Poetess made her point and you are telling me I am wrong. I accept that; especially since VP has posted up a clarification.
I am sorry Vogan Poetess for misunderstanding you. It's a written forum and sometimes the written word can be interpreted wrongly. I guess the real crime would be in thinking that I was right all the time. I don't, honestly. The last post was about trying to say that I would tell you what I was thinking so you could tell me otherwise. Thorn has done it for you.
And Thorn, I certainly don't think I am some sort of moral guardian, never mind the 'sole' one. There is some hyperbole there. I would have thought there are enough people on here who think me morally bankrupt [after turtle] for me not to try and play that card. But I DO think about some issues deeply and I say what I think when it matters to me. My style of posting is my own. Like everyone else that makes me open to being questioned and corrected.
I point out that I was always one of the ones who questioned the attacks of Harle in the past, so it seems that VP and I have more in common than may first have appeared.
As to the Bob thing on the other thread; of course I might be mistaken. Shall I point out that I leapt on what Bob appeared to be saying, not Bob's whole personality etc. Bob is a new poster and there is time for me to stand corrected. These things are not written in stone, you know.
[ 27 June 2003: Message edited by: ziggy ]
Originally posted by ziggy:
I DO think about some issues deeply
I think maybe then you should also apply the same level of analysis to the written word, because in both instances it was pretty evident what the posters were saying.
[ 27 June 2003: Message edited by: Thorn Davis ]
Originally posted by Thorn Davis:
I think maybe then you should also apply the seem level of analysis to the written word, because in both instances it was pretty evident what the posters were saying.
No it wasn't. I wasn't the only one who read it the other way.
But I am dropping this now because you just seem intent on attacking me. I have admitted - and apologised for - a mis-reading on the VP front; and haven't been back to the thread with Bob on so am not commenting here on that.
You want to believe I am just a wilful bitch, I can't help that.
Originally posted by Thorn Davis:
I think maybe then you should also apply the seem level of analysis to the written word, because in both instances it was pretty evident what the posters were saying.
Fucking hell! I thought that Bob's original point was slightly dubious-sounding too: he didn't make himself clear. Obviously ziggy misunderstood VP's post, but that doesn't make her some self-appointed guardian of rightness. It seems to me that VP is more able than most to stick up for herself, as she's done ably, and that you're just taking the opportunity to put the boot in because you can, which is a bit shit.
Originally posted by Astromariner:
you're just taking the opportunity to put the boot in because you can, which is a bit shit.
No, I was becoming frustrated with someone misunderstanding points that were pretty straightforward and then using that misperception to present themselves as a deep, caring thinker, despite the fact they didn't think hard enough to understand what was being said in the first place.
But, you know. So it goes.
Oh, and that wasn't really putting the boot in, by anyone's standards.
Originally posted by 69 Comeback Elvis:
Originally posted by Thorn Davis:
No, I was........
Everyone taking the moral highground, eh?
Originally posted by ziggy:
Everyone taking the moral highground, eh?
Even Keyop?
Originally posted by Bob:
This is completely sad, as Battle of the Planets is a cartoon and everything, but I think that the dude with the feather is hott. Maybe I should get out more.
I got one of those.
Originally posted by Thorn Davis:
...using that misperception to present themselves as a deep, caring thinker...
She misunderstood and went off on one. I don't think that's an unforgiveable offence; it certainly doesn't warrant the sort of casual contempt you've shown for her posts and her perceived motivation for making them - which you've ascribed to her, based on no evidence, because you've decided that's the sort of person she is.
Oh, and that wasn't really putting the boot in, by anyone's standards.
It was by mine. That's why I said it.
In TMO it seems like there's always a scapegoat: someone that everyone else tacitly acknowledges that it's perfectly acceptable to be rude to: for no reason, just because you feel like it, and everyone else will chuckle indulgently and think "good old X - they tell it like it is". If anyone else had made the post ziggy did it would have passed without comment; no doubt you'll disagree, but that's the way I see it, which is why I now find myself getting into an argument about something relatively unimportant when I should be doing bank reconciliations. Shit.
I ought to re-write my last post to more honestly read:
Originally posted by ziggy:
No it wasn't. I wasn't...........
Originally posted by Thorn Davis:
No, I was.......
And only then should I have said:
Everyone taking the moral highground, eh?
..but I was tiny when BOTP was on, and it exists to this day as my first TV watching memory. Raz knows a lot about this show - apparantly it was totally changed from the original, as it was never meant to be a kids cartoon.
[ 27 June 2003: Message edited by: Dr. Benway ]
Originally posted by Sidney:
This is completely sad, as Battle of the Planets is a cartoon and everything, but I think that the dude with the feather is hott. Maybe I should get out more.
that would be jason.
he's the coolest. he drives a car. that has a machine gun in the front. not only that but. his mum and dad died. which has made him a little fucked up. and then ontop of that, he has a brain tumour which turned him nuts and into an unthinking unfeeling killing machine.
Originally posted by Bob:
that would be jason.
not only that but. his mum and dad died. which has made him a little fucked up. and then ontop of that, he has a brain tumour which turned him nuts and into an unthinking unfeeling killing machine.
Which probably means that he's got some social skill issues, right?
Originally posted by Bernie:
Which probably means that he's got some social skill issues, right?
Beyond being an unthinking, unfeeling killing machine?
Originally posted by Dr. Benway:
as it was never meant to be a kids cartoon.
thats right. google gatchaman. it'll scare you. zoltar was like a worm. he was of both sexes.
[ 27 June 2003: Message edited by: ziggy ]
I still would like.
But she'd be well old, and past around. Considering the way rabbits fuck anyway. Or so I've been led to believe.
Originally posted by Thorn Davis:
Beyond being an unthinking, unfeeling killing machine?
Yeah, besides that.
Originally posted by Astromariner:
In TMO it seems like there's always a scapegoat: someone that everyone else tacitly acknowledges that it's perfectly acceptable to be rude to: for no reason, just because you feel like it,
Originally posted by ziggy:
Somebody did make a similar point and it passed without comment.
What the fuck? Why would I have any kind of vendetta against Ziggy? That's fucking absurd. I've never even heard of her before now, and I missed all the Turtle stuff. I'm so sick of people posting it's only cuz it's me! How many people can post 'if anyone else had said that...' before it becomes apparent that there isn't some big conspiracy against anyone.
I'm pretty sure no poster is considered off-limits by anyone, so by that rationale there's no 'safe' target on here. I think pretty much everyone has rucked with everyone at some point or another, so can people stop whingeing about being fucking victimised, it's all in your fucking head.
Originally posted by Thorn Davis:
I missed all the Turtle stuff.[/b].
I am not saying that you are victimising me, but I remember you from the turtle days - or at least posting about turtle - so what is that claim all about?
So really, you were just another poster who mysteriously vanished as far as I was concerned.
[ 27 June 2003: Message edited by: Thorn Davis ]
Originally posted by 69 Comeback Elvis:
Hey Sidney! See the big dude's trouser fanny? Betcha like that, hunh?I got one of those.
I know, Elv - I saw the photo posted by A Lady. Your trouser fanny is far more impressive - it's got grooves and everything.
Originally posted by Bernie:
Bob is the love-child of an Australian half-wit and a marsupial??
so fucking nearly right as well.
Originally posted by Sidney:
I know, Elv - I saw the photo posted by A Lady. Your trouser fanny is far more impressive - it's got grooves and everything.
Shit, I can't even remember this.
Originally posted by Thorn Davis:
I was on holiday when it all kicked off.So really, you were just another poster who mysteriously vanished as far as I was concerned.
[ 27 June 2003: Message edited by: Thorn Davis ]
No, turtle didn't just vanish, though she left the forum. turtle was a talking point for a long time and has cropped up every now and again since. People who weren't even members then know about turtle. And before you went on holiday you had plenty of time to be pissed off with turtle's posting style.
Why even pretend you have no opinions?
As to whether it influences your posts to me now to the extend you have no sympathy or tolerance for me; that is another matter. I hope it doesn't make any differences, but would be a fool if I didn't acknowledge it might to some extent or other.
Originally posted by ziggy:
No, turtle didn't just vanish, though she left the forum. turtle was a talking point for a long time and has cropped up every now and again since. People who weren't even members then know about turtle. And before you went on holiday you had plenty of time to be pissed off with turtle's posting style.
Yes but I was always slightly baffled/ uninterested when people went on about the turtle stuff. Besides, it wasn't so much a 'talking point' as it was people saying 'oh this sounds like turtle'.
As for before i went on holiday... well, I have to say I didn't really give a shit either way about you. I was going to write that before, but I changed it to "heard of you", because I thought it might sound callous. But the truth is, I really didn't have an opinion on you either way. Not in a "I hadn't made up my mind about you" kind of way, either. I didn't really give I fuck.
If anything, upon your return I think I was probably well disposed to you because Fifichan turned up and expressed some hostility. That would probably be the first time I had any emotional reaction to you whatsoever and it was a kind of mild bonding through a shared experience.
So. The long and short of it, is that I got pissed off solely on the basis I mentioned earlier. There was no influence from the past whatsoever.
Incidentally, does anyone have that picture? I lost it when my hard drive spakked up.
edit: heh, i think she's lurking, she just emailed me this...
"you're behaving in a very childish and nasty way, play nice."
[ 27 June 2003: Message edited by: Thorn Davis ]
quote:Did you take the table with you?
Originally posted by mart:
We met someone two days ago who looked quite a lot like Rose. She was hosting an exhibition of Córdoba women's art, and Ringo and Physic were practically wanking off under the table we were sat at, so we went over to talk to her. We didn't see her bra, though.
Originally posted by ziggy:
No, turtle didn't just vanish, though she left the forum. turtle was a talking point for a long time and has cropped up every now and again since.
Talking about yourself in the third person tends to be reserved for mentalists, or the Queen.
Originally posted by mart:
Ringo and Physic were practically wanking off under the table we were sat at,
Originally posted by mart:
... Ringo and Physic were practically wanking off under the table we were sat at,
Why weren't you practically wanking off under the table, too? Are you above that? Or below it? Or what?
Apologies if you are gay or have some disability which prevents you from masturbating - In addition to being nosey, I'm kind of new and haven't yet managed to work out what will offend who. Or whom. Or whatever.
Originally posted by jonesy999:
Shit, I can't even remember this.
It was the one where Elvis was holding a sheet of paper. Someone wondered what was written on it and you helped us out: it was a shopping list and the only item I can remember was something like 'Gorgonzola Bubble Gusset'. Ring any bells?
Originally posted by Bernie:
Why weren't you practically wanking off under the table, too? Are you above that? Or below it? Or what?
One gets rather blasé about the stunningly attractive women round here. That's all, really. And she was a bit young for me.
Originally posted by Thorn Davis:
So. The long and short of it, is that I got pissed off solely on the basis I mentioned earlier. There was no influence from the past whatsoever.
It would be good now to leave it at that. OK?
quote:Do we have a who-gets-the-last-word pissing contest going on here?
Originally posted by ziggy:
It would be good now to leave it at that. OK?
quote:such a good word.
Originally posted by Dr. Benway:
[ 27 June 2003: Message edited by: Octavia ]
Originally posted by mart:
One gets rather blasé about the stunningly attractive women round here. That's all, really. And she was a bit young for me.
Taking that to it's logical conclusion (in MY head, at least), you must only get it up for ugly, old women then?
I'm sorry if this is a bit too personal. You don't have to answer, obviously. It's just that my mind works in strange ways.
I'll shut up now.
Originally posted by Bernie:
Taking that to it's logical conclusion (in MY head, at least), you must only get it up for ugly, old women then?
That's not as far from the truth as you might be thinking.
Originally posted by Dr. Benway:
well, if it's any help Bernie, you can't offend mart as he's galvanised with extraordinary affability.
It's just as well, really, since I seem to be having a bit of a run on intrusive and potentially offensive questions.
I really don't mean to be rude. Like I said - I'll shut up.
Originally posted by Sidney:
It was the one where Elvis was holding a sheet of paper. Someone wondered what was written on it and you helped us out: it was a shopping list and the only item I can remember was something like 'Gorgonzola Bubble Gusset'
I heart Sindey.
I hate that we have no archives.
EDIT: Whilst I'm at it....
I heart Sindey's offal equine thread and heart Unsung Gail.
[ 27 June 2003: Message edited by: jonesy999 ]
I also heart Thorn's 'Look, some gay friends for me and Vikram' post and 69's 'Physic Cock Cam?' question.
[ 27 June 2003: Message edited by: jonesy999 ]
quote:I do think someone should go over there and tell her.
Originally posted by Vogon Poetess:
More pertinently, has anyone told Merlot from Handbag that she's a cow?
[ 27 June 2003: Message edited by: Bernie ]
Originally posted by Octavia:
I do think someone should go over there and tell her.
I'd do it but there's only be a shitstorm of links between the two threads on each forumas there always is when someone from here gets busted posting over there. I've kept my head down and no one's noticed me over there so far and I'd like to keep it that way.
quote:No, we're not doing tolerant any more, that was this morning. This afternoon we're saying what we really think. Do keep up, newbie.
Originally posted by Bernie:
B.. b... but I thought it was mean to do that. Maybe she's got a problem which causes her to be a fat, stuck-up bitch. Shouldn't we think about that before we say bad things about her?
Hmm. I typed remambrall, which may be lot more Freudian than first impressions would indic8.
Originally posted by Bamba:
I'd do it
I've done it.
Originally posted by Thorn Davis:
I've done it.
And the results are quite disappointing. Maybe Merlot herself will notice and it'll get a bit more interesting.
OK, I just just have to respond. I've tried to be the bigger person, but let's face it, I'm not so might as well just get on with it!a) OK, I will admit to lurking around Diet and Fitness channels. I could do with losing a stone but I wouldn't say I was fat. I think words like, voluptuous sound much better I've got tits, a lot of people ain't Anyway, I'm still skinnier than that tramp will ever be so it doesn't really matter. (And a lot better looking, damn, just can't help myself). At least I don't break the booth when I go for the old passport picture. Mine's quite good
b) I wouldn't class myself as stuck up. I like pubs you can, "Wipe your feet on the way out of". Give me a back street boozer with a pool table over a poncy wine bar anyday. Let's face itm he can't get into either. I went to school and college and I work. I have a house and a car and I holiday in the Caribbean. That makes me a snob does it? Nah, it makes me a DINKY. Double income no kids twatbucket! je should try it sometimes, its FUN. Oh, I forgot, he can't get a girlfriend can he! Never had no problems getting a boyfriend myself.
Note: how on earth do you spell that? It doesn't look at all right.
quote:Thats right she's a bit like that big tough woman out of prisoner cell block H aswell, that woman called Bea who was top dog in the prison.
Originally posted by Astromariner:
I feel a strange kinship with Harlequin. Merlot sounds absolutely fucking terrifying: like a Basingstoke valkyrie.
Originally posted by Harlequin:
Thats right she's a bit like that big tough woman out of prisoner cell block H aswell, that woman called Bea who was top dog in the prison.
So you resort to insults because she has half an ounce of savvy, and didn't want you or your mysoginistic ways anywhere near her.
Originally posted by Spiderwoman2002:
So you resort to insults because she has half an ounce of savvy, and didn't want you or your mysoginistic ways anywhere near her.
But I don't see that he insulted her in the post you quoted ..... unless (AHA!) you mean that Harley insulted Bea, by likening her to Merlot?
That must be what you meant.
I don't profess to be a world class debater, AG and VP. Because of course I'm not.
Originally posted by Spiderwoman2002:
So you resort to insults because she has half an ounce of savvy
That sounds about right. Half an ounce isn't much, right?
Thorn, I have that picture in my mIRC folder. If you genuinely want it, I shall mail it to you.
I would have emailed it to you discreetly under plain wrap but I realised I didn't have your address.
Is it "everlone@hotmail.com" or something? Are you going to tell me or should I keep guessing?
[ 30 June 2003: Message edited by: Harlequin ]
[ 01 July 2003: Message edited by: Harlequin ]
Originally posted by Harlequin:
Oh good she's back my lovely woman
The fact that she has relatives (admittedly not close) suffering from Downs and a "very rare genetic condition which affects social skills" seems to collude thoroughly with her rather stilted and awkward interaction with the board.
quote:That could be due to the fact that she is too tired from working too hard. Todays women are far more career minded than in the past and don't allow themselves enough time to rest and relax.
Originally posted by sweet:
The fact that she has relatives (admittedly not close) suffering from Downs and a "very rare genetic condition which affects social skills" seems to collude thoroughly with her rather stilted and awkward interaction with the board.
Originally posted by London:
Fitzrovia's nice, but a little posh. I prefer Erith. I am seriously considering this possiblilty.
Erith's in the countryside somewhere, right? Londie, you do know that if you go out too far past Zone 2 you fall off the edge of the world?
No, you should be named after somwehere more central. I could say something crass about Soho or Shepherd's Bush, but I won't. How about Mary-le-bone? That could work.
Originally posted by Harlequin:
That could be due to the fact that she is too tired from working too hard. Todays women are far more career minded than in the past and don't allow themselves enough time to rest and relax.
I feel so protective of Harley.
Originally posted by vikram:
Erith's in the countryside somewhere, right? Londie, you do know that if you go out too far past Zone 2 you fall off the edge of the world?
The Erith I'm aware of is close to Bexley, on the boarders of Greater London and Kent.
I suspect Bexley actually is the edge of the world.
I find that whole part of the world very strange, sort of quaint and villagey yet stuffed full of chavies. Although Eltham has to be the Chavy Capital of the World, and should have signs declaring as much at it's boarders.
Originally posted by London:
Clowns, probably. Gold clowns.
What the fuck is up with that?
Especially click on this link and add your name if you are Sweet.
Originally posted by London:
Erith is vile, full of Kappa Slappas and girls with horse eyes and tight yellow-blond ponytails and gold jewllery. Clowns, probably. Gold clowns.
I am going to steal you a MASSIVE gold clown with dead jewel eyes for you to wear round your neck on a chain.
Rockwell Somebody's watching me 1984
Originally posted by Harlequin:
When I'm in the shower
Originally posted by Harlequin:
I'm a fraid to wash my hair
This bit sounds right though...
Originally posted by London:
That would be sweet. They sell them in Argos, actually. I saw when I went to buy the Giant Telly.
ew ew, i forgot to tell you this londie. last time i was in dalston i was walking past the corner that the argos is on and i saw a large lady squatting down having a pee in broad daylight! in the middle of kingsland road, at 4 in the afternoon! it was well nasty.
Originally posted by sweet:
I would like to support Ziggy .............
That's very sweet of you darlin'.