I managed to shoot 150 photos the other night just of friends on the Leidseplein drinking beer (maybe a coupe of which I will post over the weekend) - The one thing I love about the Digital Technology, is that you can afford to experiment, and get a rough idea of your results more or less straight away.
Also any thoughts on the TMO Gallery - I have a nice PHP thing we can use for posting up our images and some space - want me to set something up?
TMO Members and their respective galleries?
Top 10 photos?
Photo of the week, month. No, its not like Mc Donalds, employee of the week, this is serious.
Caught in the act, bordering on Priceless??
Perhaps there can be online voting for their favourites, but then we don't want to put everybody off who may want some general encouragement to show off their creative sides. Which I believe everybody has, they just have to find it.
Any more ideas TMO'ers?
Any ideas for a URL - TMOcamerclub.com? themoonimages.com ? I dunno - any ideas?
btw Colenski don't exepct to many answers from the rest of them - 4 day weekend in blighty aint it?
My meagre attempts with a tool that I, as a bad workman can blame:
The Damon Wells Chapel in college
Outside the Halls of Residence
Random oxford canal
" ... and what is lighter than wood?"
My nephew.
Edit to add what the hell they are.
[ 18 April 2003: Message edited by: Put This In Your Pipe and Smoke It ]
can you see the rainbows? Cool.
Not technical marvels, but I like them...
Sabian, Flo is growing so fast! She's adorable, how old is she now...4?
quote:Just turned 4 and is the average height and weight of a 5-6 year old... And the strength of this 26 year old...
Originally posted by Amy:
Sabian, Flo is growing so fast! She's adorable, how old is she now...4?
[ 27 April 2003: Message edited by: Amy ]
I have been to Blackheath today.
These pics were on 3 mp so they were massive and so detailed you could zoom in to discover stuff in the background like Rick Deckard on his Esper...but obviously I have had to reduce and crop them to fit. So the quality is less sharp than it should be.
Kovacs... Was this picture taken:
For the titters or the young girl in the background?
Isn't the bloke in the background of the last picture that ginger bloke from the last big brother? Looks like they are rolling one up too!
She does have a very admirable figure, I think, esp. with no bra.
I find this pic quite interesting in social terms -- are these girls "pikeys", esp. the one in the fawn cardigan with her beret, hoop earring and I presume fake designer bag? Or are they doing a kind of teen-budget SaTC SJP look, which should be commended?
That would be me.
Still a sad sight...
Is normal pikey waer not still branded tracksuits and bright white trainers? Or has pikey fashion taken a step forward?
If you want to go ahead Waynster then by all means but Misc does get all this free and seems to want to push the 'unlimitedness' so it's up to you matey.
Originally posted by Astromariner:
I love it. Tits-and-arse shots in the guise of trenchant social commentary. Post-modern-tastic, pop pickers!
It's post that: you don't even do the commentary, just say you're "not sure" and let others offer some commentary. Add I would suggest a couple of times for added wank.
Originally posted by Kellifer:
plus I think he was going to work on the PHP for one too.
If he wants to try this one, it's the one I'm playing around with.
Dead easy to set up and allows user uploads as well.
Originally posted by sabian:
If he wants to try this one, it's the one I'm playing around with.Dead easy to set up and allows user uploads as well.
The one I use at waynster is free and also allows full user uploads - you can try signing on using the userid 'amnas' and the password 'ihatemanutd' and have a play if you like - make a test gallery called TMO or something and feel free (all of you) to post for test and say what you think
Not so sure about the pikeys though!
Originally posted by Waynster:
The one I use at waynster is free and also allows full user uploads - you can try signing on using the userid 'amnas' and the password 'ihatemanutd' and have a play if you like - make a test gallery called TMO or something and feel free (all of you) to post for test and say what you think
Oh, so you wanna play my gallery is better than yours eh?
Well, here's mine... It allows uploads, user comments for each photo, AND you can send pictures as 'e-cards'! So, neener!
[ 19 April 2003: Message edited by: sabian ]
Originally posted by Waynster:Any ideas for a URL - TMOcamerclub.com? themoonimages.com ? I dunno - any ideas?
themoonimages.com is quite nice
I also thought to start:
[ 19 April 2003: Message edited by: Colenski ]
Originally posted by Colenski:
themoonimages.com is quite nice
I also thought to start:galleryonthemoon.com
Originally posted by Put This In Your Pipe and Smoke It:
My nephew.
Ahh, how sweet. Is he teething ?
[ 20 April 2003: Message edited by: Darryn.R ]
Anyway I'm sure you computer geniuses can work it out amongst you.
There are some lovely photos on here, I'm just gutted that I don't have enough time to go out shooting stuff.
I'm not sure about the pikey tits myself. The kid on the roundabout had more style. I have a cracking, terrible parenting photo somewhere but I'd be too ashamed to post it as I don't believe in that sort of thing and it was a moment of weakness.
Originally posted by sabian:
Or, TMOuncovered?
Sounds a little bit like MTV Unplugged or TMF Music Awards.
Already there Col.. Already exists..
Can't remember the URL right now, but AJ put it all together, I have a very nice Bio there by all accounts..
So, NL based forumite, when do I get to meet you ? Perchance the photo day if I'm not to busy ?
I've already did a check and all tmouncovered domains are available.
It's in Misc's sig
[ 19 April 2003: Message edited by: sabian ]
Hopefully I can get some time from work next week. they just called me 30 minutes ago to do some work this evening and on Monday. No peace over Easter.
Originally posted by Darryn.R:
TMOuncovered..Already there Col.. Already exists..
Can't remember the URL right now, but AJ put it all together, I have a very nice Bio there by all accounts..
So, NL based forumite, when do I get to meet you ? Perchance the photo day if I'm not to busy ?
Yeah I'll bring Colenski down to say hello - maybe dependant on your schedule you can come along as well to the shoot - might be fun!
Originally posted by sabian:
Oh, so you wanna play my gallery is better than yours eh?Well, here's mine... It allows uploads, user comments for each photo, AND you can send pictures as 'e-cards'! So, neener!
[ 19 April 2003: Message edited by: sabian ]
Naah wouldn't want to have a go at one-upmanship with your good self - you'd win too easy!
I just suggested my one as I want to do something to put something back into TMO - though I am sure a little joint effort we can knock something up between us.
I'll mail you offlist sab as there are a couple of things with your recommmendation I'd like to check with you - I'll mail you after the washing up is done (which will probably be tomorrow now )
Originally posted by Put This In Your Pipe and Smoke It:
Actually, Darryn, do you mind taking that picture down? He's the first kid of our family, and he's pretty special. I don't think that Sabian, for example, would like seeing Flo defaced.
nah, s'cool mate..
I do it to my kids pictures all the time, mind of a photoshopper I guess..
No offence.
I took this on Sunday, I think it's nifty.
(hope it's not giant...pc died, haven't been able to reinstall photoshop yet.)
Originally posted by Colenski:
themoonimages.com is quite nice
Darkroom Side Of The Moon ??
This is my monster phone at work:
(I think the resolution was off a bit though. oh well)
Edit: MF, why are the last two photos being cut off? Do you know?
[ 22 April 2003: Message edited by: Amy ]
Originally posted by Amy:
This is my monster phone at work:
Er, you know you don't actually need a separate button for every single phone number don't you?
Originally posted by Amy:
And this is where we go to happy hour every Friday:
...and how did they get planning permission for that loft extension?
[ 22 April 2003: Message edited by: dang65 ]
edit: loft extension?
[ 22 April 2003: Message edited by: Amy ]
I've installed Sabian's PHP script on my server as far as I can. I'm currently negotiating with my hosting company to get a mySQL database up and running - we're nearly there. Then I guess it will be a case of customising to fit the TMOuncovered L&F and we should be good to go.
I had thought about purchasing a domain name, but I decided not to bother, as it is all linked direct from TMOTalk and is probably of little interest to anyone else (at the moment). Presumably we could add a domain name to point to TMOuncovered in the future if required / desired.
Thanks for your help, guys. I think this could be a goer.
Now.. Where did I leave that charger ?
[ 23 April 2003: Message edited by: Black Mask ]
The steps on the left used to be part of someone's back garden
A Norfolk windmill
Gentleman's Walk - Norwich
The Easter Fair
I doubt any of those others are yours!
Originally posted by sabian:
Blackie, this isn't a place just to bung some pictures up
THAT'S why this thread is rAcIsT1!!11
[ 23 April 2003: Message edited by: Keef ]
Jnr Buns - Summer 2001
Feeding time, Saro Zoo, Sweden
'The Viking' Hotel, Gothenburg Harbour
[ 23 April 2003: Message edited by: chocolatebuns ]
[ 23 April 2003: Message edited by: Octavia ]
[ 23 April 2003: Message edited by: vikram ]
Originally posted by Frank:
Why can't we have a rubbish amateurish photos thread as well as this one?
Yes, then I would r00l. However, the donkey might die. I think I can hear it gasping already.
Probably my favourite bass player - for more than one reason
(Sorry for the copyright info but it went to the official AP list, so needed to protect it)
[ 24 April 2003: Message edited by: Waynster ]
Originally posted by Ringo:
Frank, what the hell are you burning in that fireplace? Phosphur?
Burning my youth, my hopes for the future. Burning a young man's dreams.
(It's really just the combination of a gas-fire and a bad camera, but the first thing sounds better)
I lurve it. Fo' real. I've taken 345 photos in the last week. Granted probably half of them have been deleted, but that's the joy of it.
Yes, indeed there is a 3100 (I've just looked it up).
Here's mine:
Go here to see it's features:
Originally posted by Waynster:
Probably my favourite bass player - for more than one reason[ 24 April 2003: Message edited by: Waynster ]
What a cool photo!!! The lighting is so intense. Is this your girlfriend? I sussed she might be since she's your favorite for "more than one reason"! Are you a photographer by trade?
[ 25 April 2003: Message edited by: Colenski ]
Originally posted by drowning-not-waving:
Is this your girlfriend?
I wish! Though she did wake up in my bed the other day (unfortunately I was on the sofa at the time)
Are you a photographer by trade?
I'm working on it - got a hell of a long way to go but I would love to make it my proffession (though Kovacs is a much better photographer).
But thank you for the encouragement
Originally posted by Waynster:
I'm working on it - got a hell of a long way to go but I would love to make it my proffession (though Kovacs is a much better photographer).But thank you for the encouragement
Wait..I am confused now! She woke up in your bed but she isn't your girlfriend? So what did your girlfriend think about that or was she on the couch with you too?
That is seriously a great photo; especially if photography isn't your profession. It looks like something from a magazine or cd cover! What kind of profession are you in?
Originally posted by drowning-not-waving:
Wait..I am confused now! She woke up in your bed but she isn't your girlfriend? So what did your girlfriend think about that or was she on the couch with you too?That is seriously a great photo; especially if photography isn't your profession. It looks like something from a magazine or cd cover! What kind of profession are you in?
Okay I'll explain - the band were touring here in Holland last week, and as I am good friends with them, some of them crashed at my gaff. Next week I am in London and am crashing at their gaff, so cool.
As for work, been in IT for more years than I would care to remember but I lost my job in January, but plans are afoot for a new venture.
Originally posted by Waynster:
Okay I'll explain - the band were touring here in Holland last week, and as I am good friends with them, some of them crashed at my gaff. Next week I am in London and am crashing at their gaff, so cool.As for work, been in IT for more years than I would care to remember but I lost my job in January, but plans are afoot for a new venture.
Oh, I see, it was beginning to sound a bit "exotic". I'm still wondering what your girlfriend thought of all this, or was she in bed with the guitarist too?! Now THAT sounds exotic! I remember reading a post of yours about the Proposal subject and you said that you and your girlfriend of 2 years had an "un-orthodox" relationship...does that mean you have an open realtionship? If that's the case then you are living most men's dreams...especially if she WAS in bed with the guitarist...sounds like you live an intersting life! I don't know many girlfriends who would let another woman sleep in their boyfriend's bed. You're lucky to have such an open-minded woman in your life...hold on to that one...she's a rariety!
Originally posted by drowning-not-waving:
Oh, I see, it was beginning to sound a bit "exotic". I'm still wondering what your girlfriend thought of all this, or was she in bed with the guitarist too?! Now THAT sounds exotic! I remember reading a post of yours about the Proposal subject and you said that you and your girlfriend of 2 years had an "un-orthodox" relationship...does that mean you have an open realtionship? If that's the case then you are living most men's dreams...especially if she WAS in bed with the guitarist...sounds like you live an intersting life! I don't know many girlfriends who would let another woman sleep in their boyfriend's bed. You're lucky to have such an open-minded woman in your life...hold on to that one...she's a rariety!
Should this not be in the "Sex & Relationships section" or "the idiots guide to Marital advise for the new millenium"????
Originally posted by mart:
I just bought one of these:
I was thinking about buying one of these as a cheap entry into the medium format world - be interesting to see what the results are like Mart - when are you taking it for its first test drive?
I have two other MF cameras: the Holga 120 (disappointing so far, though I'm willing to give it another chance) and an old Ilford Sporti, which my folks used when they were youngsters and I pinched in March. I'm still on the first roll of film.
What do you reckon Waynster, should we take some of the same shots using both the D100 and the Zenit and compare?
[ 24 April 2003: Message edited by: Colenski ]
Originally posted by Colenski:
What do you reckon Waynster, should we take some of the same shots using both the D100 and the Zenit and compare?
Could do - my first camera was a Practica MTL 5GB which was also completely manual - still it taught me the basics of Photography.
I saw a girl using a Zenit on the Leidseplein reventley actually now you come to mention it.
Oh and if anyone wants to take a look, I stuck up a few more pictures I took of the band at the weekend - you can find them at my gallery here
[ 24 April 2003: Message edited by: Waynster ]
Originally posted by Amy:
I took this on Sunday, I think it's nifty.
This is another cool photo! Was this one of those soap bubbles or something more organic?
Originally posted by Amy:
And this is where we go to happy hour every Friday:
[ 22 April 2003: Message edited by: Amy ]
What city was this photo taken in? I love that old building. Good to know it's still being put to good use!
Originally posted by Waynster:I saw a girl using a Zenit on the Leidseplein reventley actually now you come to mention it.
The great thing is with the Zenit is its built like a tank and has a certain highly identifiable shutter clunk! I would have no problems in carrying it around the leidseplein, quite simply because if somebody tried to snatch it, you could always use it as a weapon of self defense and still take more pictures for the next 30 years. Sounds like she was a smart girl, or a poor student.
BTW Checked out your gallery, in some of the shots I think the flash has worked well. It captures a different side. Especially later in the evening, shimmering sweat and all that . Don't give up on the flash, I think its more of a case of technique than anything. Practice makes perfect and of course a little theory helps no end. I will see if I can find any Flash Technique books as well.
Nice pics, odd conversation but nice pics.
One day I will take a photo of some worth and show...
Originally posted by Colenski:
Sorry. proved too hard to resist......
Originally posted by Teflon:
Sorry. proved too hard to resist......
Oh if we are playing that game!
Originally posted by Colenski:
Oh if we are playing that game!
I was going to use this picture....
But figured it may be too obscure for some of our younger viewers...
The picture of the bar is in Philadelhia.
Evidence in favour:
-Harley-esque wide-eyed wow writing style
-Deliberate misinterpretation of Waynster's comments (no-one is that stupid, surely?)
-Starting an "I'm new, look at me!" thread
Evidence against:
.....erm, striking a blank here....
I think someone has got frustrated with the boards over the past little while and is trying to itch us up some (i.e. cause some irritation) - it's working for me, anyway.
So who is it? Own up, please. Or I will ask Amy to stab you.
Not my house but Elvis' gaff...
Wouldn't it be good if, every year, a randomly chosen recently-deceased normal person's house was, by law, donated to the National Trust. After about 50 years we'd have this weird heritage of time capsules all over the country. Wouldn't you like to pop into a house in your town that had been preserved exactly as it was when its owner died in 1967 or something. I know I would. Just to get some cool interior design ideas, if nothing else.
I'm going to write to my MP. Tomorrow.
For some reason I can't find the USB port on it, so I guess I'm going to have to scan the prints and post them up later. I have to say I'm surprised and impressed though - considering the fact that the camera is fully manual, I've not done a bad job.
The trick is to focus, then push down the clunky shutter button smoothly, leaving it down for the right length of time before releasing smoothly - and not shaking the camera. Not easy for someone who's far too used to point - click - done.
I did enjoy the excitement of opening a fresh packet of photos and finding the odd-format black and white prints within to be of reasonable quality.
Originally posted by Hippychick:
Oh come on. DNW must be a troll, surely?.
I'm glad somebody else noticed! I thought I was just being suspicious
rotary club
digby on ice
tried to do something interesting here but don't think it worked...
on reflection
and finally, another ski shot...
[ 25 April 2003: Message edited by: MiscellaneousFiles ]
Originally posted by MiscellaneousFiles:
Practise makes perfect...
The pics remind me of the Blair Witch Project.
Hippy, I like the way you see through your lens.
[ 26 April 2003: Message edited by: Amy ]
Originally posted by Hippychick:
Oh come on. DNW must be a troll, surely?
Actually, I am a full-size, fairly normal looking person and live in a house rather than under a bridge.
Originally posted by Hippychick:
-Harley-esque wide-eyed wow writing style
-Deliberate misinterpretation of Waynster's comments (no-one is that stupid, surely?)
-Starting an "I'm new, look at me!" thread
My, aren't you critical for a "hippy-chick". Most of the hippy chicks I know are much more accepting, less bitter and not so easily irritated. I could try to be less "wide-eyed and wow" with my writing style and be more grumpy like you
but what's wrong with "wide-eyed and wow"? Actually, that's a compliment to me since most say I am jaded. I have no idea what Harley-esque means but as you so kindly pointed out, I am obviously stupid.
As for starting a new thread to introduce myself I thought that was the appropriate thing to do when joining a new chat group before starting in on discusssions. Now, I'm off to get those stab wounds sewn up...
Originally posted by Gail:
hello turtle
Please God, say it ain't so.
I have to ask... in the top right pic, what IS that above your top lip? Looked like you'd been playing with porno pics, until I realise that that is actually your mouth!!
[ 27 April 2003: Message edited by: chocolatebuns ]
Originally posted by drowning-not-waving:
My, aren't you critical for a "hippy-chick".
If you are a genuine newbie, I apologise.
and this one tickled my fancy from a walk earlier today...
show me the way to go home
Originally posted by Bamba:
Please God, say it ain't so.
nah, if it was turtle at least wed have the prospect of her going batshit. thatd liven this morgue up a little bit.
Originally posted by discodamage:
nah, if it was turtle at least wed have the prospect of her going batshit. thatd liven this morgue up a little bit.
True. At least he/she/it was entertainingly insane and amusingly fucked up.
Originally posted by Sidney:
Could someone enlighten me? What was the story with 'turtle'?
Turtle (or Housewife as he/she/it) was originally know as brought an interesting perspective to the boards as first. Think late-thirties/early-forties housewife trying desperately to understand 'the kids'. It was mostly fascinated by our use of irony and sarcasm and seemed to think that it was some kind of destructive shield we all used to protect ourselves from harm while 'doing unto others before they could do unto you'. This was all fine except for the constant anlaysing which pissed everyone off, even the smallest comment would be taken apart in detail by housewife's desire to get under everyone's skin. I can't remember at what point housewife became turtle or what prompted the changeover but things started to go downhill when turtle started posting really vicious shit at night when drunk, always apologising the next day. Ko in particular came in for some really nasty and uncalled for shit near the end as I remember. In a last thread, turtle admitted that she had a drinking problem along with a whole host of other serious 'issues' and that using TMO as part of her self-therapy obviously wasn't working so she would leave. Her relationship with other posters had broken down irrepairably by this tim and few were sorry to see the back of her. During this she also admitted that the houswife persona had begun as a sort of experiment between herself and an anonymous other but she'd decided (for whatever reason) to carry on herself. She may also have posted as Caretta but I'm not sure about that and apologise to Caretta if I'm wrong. Also, the change from housewife to turtle may have been due to her leaving TMO under a cloud then later sneaking back in under the new name but being instantly found out due to her posting style. The invasive analysis of other people lives is why Gail drew the comparison with WND. If any of the above is wrong then I'm sure others will correct me.
So, she was ok by me
Straat met bomen
[ 28 April 2003: Message edited by: Waynster ]
Originally posted by Waynster:
Some typically Dutch images taken today:Tulpen
Straat met bomen
I think we have missed; Cheese, Clogs, Whores and Coffee Shops! Misschien volgende keer!
Originally posted by Londie:
And then Turtle begat Aging Grace, who turned up at a meet and all was forgiven. Or did I make that bit up?
Nah, AG is an ex-handbagger and completely separate from turtle AFAIK.
Originally posted by kovacs:
tasty word "chelonian" regularly.
And there'e good eating on one of them things...
Originally posted by Hippychick:
Some new shots from this evening, cos the light was nice on the view from the back of my house
Ooh, talking of which, got this shot out the front window on Saturday evening as the sun went down. Looked better in RL as the trees were a lot brighter green, but hasn't come out too bad.
Plus, I can't stop taking pics of my Landy. I even feel the need to take it out on a photo shoot, like a supermodel. This may be a passing obsession though.
Originally posted by Stefanos:
And there'e good eating on one of them things...
Originally posted by MiscellaneousFiles:
That's chelonian, not chameleon...
Waynster, that tree lined street looks like something out of Sleepy Hollow.
Nice photos.
Your banner made me chuckle, Sabian. Good job.
Here's a project for everyone: take photos of things you see in your daily life. Then on Friday, post those images. Whaddya think?
Originally posted by Amy:
Here's a project for everyone: take photos of things you see in your daily life. Then on Friday, post those images. Whaddya think?
Sounds like a nice idea Amy, but I think I need to go digital for response times like that. Hopefully by the end of June I will be playing around in the digital world.
Originally posted by Amy:
Here's a project for everyone: take photos of things you see in your daily life. Then on Friday, post those images. Whaddya think?
They would have to be photos of things that nobody else has in their daily life, as I can't imagine Darryn pays the bandwidth bill for pages of desk and toilet roll pix.
Also, those of us without access to scanners are disadvantaged, nay, actively discriminated against. I have books of inventive, stunning and completely original photos (absolutely NOT pages of drunken Polish parties, blurred Rocky mountains, out of shot portraits and fucked angled landscapes) that the world just needs to see.
Originally posted by Vogon Poetess:
They would have to be photos of things that nobody else has in their daily life, as I can't imagine Darryn pays the bandwidth bill for pages of desk and toilet roll pix.
Darren's not paying the bandwidth bills for these pics though cos none of them are hosted on TMO, Misc is more than likely picking up the tab for this stuff. Fair point about no boring pics though.
Originally posted by Bamba:
Darren's not paying the bandwidth bills for these pics though cos none of them are hosted on TMO, Misc is more than likely picking up the tab for this stuff. Fair point about no boring pics though.
Use my bandwidth and abuse it.
My web hosts charge me £40 a year including domain fees for what they claim to be unlimited space and bandwith...
Don't worry about space.
Originally posted by Vogon Poetess:
What would be like really clever would be if daily life pix were somehow anonymously scanned onto the TMO Gallery, and we had to guess whose life it was. It would be like Catch Phrase or something.
I think VP might be onto something here.
Originally posted by Dr. Benway:
mmm. This'll be fun for everybody without digital cameras.
But you'd still be able to hazard guesses at who's stuff was who's, which is the main object of the game. Anyone with eyes could partake in it. Or, are you suggesting that people are now so totally self centred that they could only possible enjoy a thread/ game if it was directly related to them?
Anyhow, I thought you had a camera phone thing?
If you send me the URL's I'll bung 'em into the side bar of TMO Talk for ease of use and picture finding shenanigans..
That goes for uncovered too..
Originally posted by Darryn.R:
Misc..If you send me the URL's I'll bung 'em into the side bar of TMO Talk for ease of use and picture finding shenanigans..
That goes for uncovered too..
Thanks, Guvner.
TMOuncovered : www.anthonypaynter.com/tmo
TMO Image Upload : www.anthonypaynter.com/tmo/uploads
But it seems I can't host the gallery script...
[ 28 April 2003: Message edited by: MiscellaneousFiles ]
How about I take thorn's digitle camera on a night out and take pix of all the available men, and you could judge who I should snog or not? It'd be like Blind Date or something.
PAH ! - I can't take pictures, but I can PHOO 'em
[ 28 April 2003: Message edited by: Darryn.R ]
And once again, I start out with the intention of contributing something of value and end up rambling incoherently.
Why don't you just buy a scanner?
The cost about £30*
And for everyone else that doesn't have a digital camera and is going blah blah blah blah bitch bitch bitch.....
>> Yeah you can get them for about £30, you work, you could spend that on a tuesday down the pub
* goto >>
Originally posted by Vogon Poetess:
Because looking at other people's holiday pics is soooooo much fun!
This is that thing you call sarcasm, is it?
quote:Thing is, if the photo is posted in here, it also uses Darryn's bandwidth.
Originally posted by MiscellaneousFiles:
Use my bandwidth and abuse it.
As each page is created on the fly, even of the image is hotlinked, it still 'streams' through Darryn's webhost, counting against his bandwidth usage...
I don't know if I can do it or not (haven't played with it much), but if I can, I'll sort out a gallery for everymember that wants one and they can just post a link to view it. Your upload feature could still be used as individual images for those that don't have alot need for a full gallery, but for those that want to upload lots and post links to them, I can provide that until you get your sql sorted...
Just a thought.
Originally posted by sabian:
As each page is created on the fly, even of the image is hotlinked, it still 'streams' through Darryn's webhost, counting against his bandwidth usage...
Really? That sucks. I just assumed that when your browser requested the image it would request it from the actual host such that only the text and images particular to TMO were counting against Darryn's bandwidth usage. That really bites but at least I now know more than I did before. I assume that the bandwidth usage for serving the pic counts against the actual host as well as counting against Darryn?
Originally posted by Bamba:
I assume that the bandwidth usage for serving the pic counts against the actual host as well as counting against Darryn?
Originally posted by MiscellaneousFiles:
Where in the hell did we get this internet thing anyway? Have we still got the receipt? Can't we take it back and exchange it for beer and crisps?
Originally posted by mart:
Ahhh but what flavour crisps?
I don't mind so long as it's not salt & vinegar.....
[ 28 April 2003: Message edited by: mart ]
Originally posted by mart:
Ahhh but what flavour crisps?
Ah, who cares. The crisps are just a 'nice to have' the important bit is the beer. In fact we can forego the crisps entirely and just get more beer if that'll cause less hassle.
Originally posted by Bamba:
Ah, who cares. The crisps are just a 'nice to have' the important bit is the beer. In fact we can forego the crisps entirely and just get more beer if that'll cause less hassle.
I for one vote for the crisps. I'm not bothered by choice of flavour, so long as Beef, Barbeque and Steak are off the cards. Can we really go wrong with the classic Ready Salted?
And how shall the beer be chosen? No lager for me thanks...
Beggars, Varanassi
(Of all the photos I took of the places I have visited, it's the ones of people I now like the best)
Unknown woman, City of the Dead
Taj Mahal, Agra
(I know this isn't the most conventional angle from which to photograph the Taj - but I loved the quality of the sunrise reflected in the white marble)
[ 29 April 2003: Message edited by: fish ]
Originally posted by sabian:
As each page is created on the fly, even of the image is hotlinked, it still 'streams' through Darryn's webhost, counting against his bandwidth usage...
Are you sure about this, guv? It's the client browser that requests the HTML page from the server, and then any component objects - images, css, js includes etc - are requested by the client from their host servers when the page is loaded, surely???
Why would remote images pass through the HTML host's server first? The HTML is static and not read by the server.
Flow chart needed I think.
The reason that you may get a slight degradation in performance is because the UBB is made up of table cells and, unfortunately, most browsers will not display a table until all of it's contents (cells, text, images) have been downloaded.
Originally posted by dang65:
Are you sure about this, guv? It's the client browser that requests the HTML page from the server, and then any component objects - images, css, js includes etc - are requested by the client from their host servers when the page is loaded, surely???
I agree,From my limited knowledge, I have been wondering for a while, why everybody has been freaking out about Darrens bandwith. The performance will all be relative to the local clients connection and the servers that are providing the images.
[ 29 April 2003: Message edited by: Colenski ]
Originally posted by Colenski:
The performance will all be relative to the local clients connection and the servers that are providing the images.
Well I'm shifting an average of 111.662 megabytes per day, if that's anything to go by...
i think both of them are pretty good. and your nose is cute as well....
smart ass.
Actually...maybe you two should make out now.
that'd be hott.
Originally posted by Bandy:
The images aren't parsed through the host server. Only the HTML <img> tag is rendered on this server - the image is downloaded from it's own server.
The reason that you may get a slight degradation in performance is because the UBB is made up of table cells and, unfortunately, most browsers will not display a table until all of it's contents (cells, text, images) have been downloaded.
The image download has no effect on this. The browser starts rendering the page as the HTML is loaded. It may not render tables till it has all the table code and closing tags, but it won't wait for the actual image file to be downloaded. If that was the case then you would see no page at all until all the images were ready, which doesn't happen.
The issue of hotlinking to images is fairly contentious, and quite a lot of big sites have found ways around it, quite reasonably. But a rolling forum like this one isn't likely to cause anyone any grief as the hotlinked image will only be loaded a few times before the thread fades away. It's when people create whole websites using images from other people's servers that there's likely to be problems.
Not that that justifies hotlinking of course, but to me it's just reasonable share-and-share-alike, seeing as I host a site which people hotlink from all the time. Don't suppose that would stand up in court though. You can't go and nick your neighbour's car just because your own car's been nicked by the bloke two streets away. Just borrow it maybe.
Originally posted by MiscellaneousFiles:
Well I'm shifting an average of 111.662 megabytes per day, if that's anything to go by...
Sorry Misc, being kind of recently promoted from Newbie I don't know the roles of everybody, their connections and what they do for TMO and all that. I do know that if I leave all my MP3's and Mpg's open for sharing on Kazaa that I would reach 111.662 Mbs within an hour let alone a day although my connection handles it, no problem.
Originally posted by Colenski:
Sorry Misc, being kind of recently promoted from Newbie I don't know the roles of everybody, their connections and what they do for TMO and all that. I do know that if I leave all my MP3's and Mpg's open for sharing on Kazaa that I would reach 111.662 Mbs within an hour let alone a day although my connection handles it, no problem.
I meant that's the amount my server is shifting - the majority of which is probably due to hosting images for TMO.
Originally posted by MiscellaneousFiles:
I meant that's the amount my server is shifting - the majority of which is probably due to hosting images for TMO.
Thx, I thought it was something like that, I was not sure if you were making a statement about hosting images or hosting the forum.
Here are a couple of images taken and manipulated by clever phoo by a new friend of NW and I by the name of John Kaiine (who is more goth than a hansom cab full of vampire bats going to a graveyard):
We think they're ace.
Originally posted by mart:
Alright Nurse When?
She certainly looks it to me Mart
It's, like, y'know, bizarre.
Originally posted by mart:
It's, like, y'know, bizarre.
Which is nice.
Shouldn't it be "When is nice" though?
[ 29 April 2003: Message edited by: AgeingGrace ]
[ 29 April 2003: Message edited by: Colenski ]
Originally posted by AgeingGrace:
I'm cheating
Does not matter, wow! that first pictures cool!
I tried taking some pics with my £80 webcam-but-you-can-take-it-out-using-batteries.
They're all pixellated, with funny colours. Mind you, they look OK once I've phooed around with them a bit - but not like photos! So maybe I'll try that for my personal effort.
Originally posted by mart:
I've just noticed that Dr When is the third person, along with Lowlevel and Vikram, to have been given the tag "Which was nice".It's, like, y'know, bizarre.
I wanted "Moistened with the tears of angels" but was too scared to ask.
Perhaps now "The Third Person" would be a more appropriate tag? I quite like that one. A sort of PS2=advert play-on-words, or "pun".
Originally posted by AgeingGrace:
[fan club]Cor, yours are good, aren't they???![/fan club]
Is this thread turning into the TMO Mutual Appreciation Society? Sounds good to me.
Originally posted by Colenski:
Is this thread turning into the TMO Mutual Appreciation Society? Sounds good to me.
The generic term i think is clusterfuck
You working on Queens Day Colenski?
[ 30 April 2003: Message edited by: Waynster ]
Originally posted by Waynster:
The generic term i think is clusterfuckYou working on Queens Day Colenski?
[ 30 April 2003: Message edited by: Waynster ]
ClusterFuck sounds quite Dynamic.
Nope not working, out on the water today, although it looks like its going to rain and thunder later....NICE!, NOT.
quote:It's an auto-tag - happens when you hit a certain number of posts...like boner thwacker...
Originally posted by Doctor Agamemnon When:
I wanted "Moistened with the tears of angels" but was too scared to ask.
Originally posted by fish:
Beggars, Varanassi
(Of all the photos I took of the places I have visited, it's the ones of people I now like the best)
lolololol - Fish trumps Bandy conclusively in the Nathan Barley stakes.