It looks like a few people around here could do with a little education about mental (ill) health. Don't bother coming back telling me all about how your mum's been depressed for years and you know all about mentalism thankyou very much, it doesn't strengthen your case any.
If Ben hadn't posted this:
quote:I was laughing my ass off reading back through that. Davystoat, eh? I'm glad I drove that fucker "to the brink of suicide".
...I might have had a little more sympathy with his PTSD.
quote:Originally posted by Sabian: All I have to do is tell the authorities that I was just schtooping that 13 year old because she really knew me and understood the complexities of my life... Not because she was 13 or nuffink...
As far as I know he never made any attempt whatsoever to get off with an underage girl - 'Louise' was 17 when they got together.
Teenage girls have a tendency to be depressive, to wallow in it and think no-one understands them and that they would be better off dead - so did Neville. None of us knew him well enough to say whether he was mentally ill or not - even if the whole thing was a pretence (which I don't believe), that seems pretty fucked up to me and more worthy of sympathy than condemnation.
Yes, his behaviour towards Ben was manipulative, and his attraction to much younger girls could justify wariness, but that's all, as far as I'm concerned.
I am not going to argue with you Gail because the one thing I do know about you from your past posts is your fairness (even if your words can seem hard at times) and that you know a great deal more than I do about mental health.
I also see what you are saying about the way ben posted. Do you really see him as that cruel though? Might it not just be a harsh sort of glibness promoted by the type of posts that were going on at the time?
From that quote, you might be right to challenge what is at least a demonstrable lack of understanding, and - if he does not come back with some awareness, if not wholly new insights after this discussion - perhaps a lack of willingness to consider compassion as an alternative to self-righteous rage.
The ennui that some posters exhibit towards these sorts of debates is disappointing because it shows an unwillingness to engage on the human level when real life intrudes on the charming artificiality of the boards. I see that as their problem more than anyone else's and know who is to be respected.
Edited for clarity.
[ 06 August 2003: Message edited by: ziggy ]
-------------------- long and thanks for all the fish...
I met Neville a few times at meets. He seemed OK. We used to speak on MSN. Again, he seemed OK. Until he started going in about his requirement for young girls. I tried to steer him off the subject every time he started on it, but it was like talking to a door.
He seemed happy enough after he had "captured" Louise, but even then there was talk about his network of teenage female friends, all of whom were still at school. Unfortunately for long-term reporting purposes, my interest in this was non-existent, and it simply went in through one ear and out through the other, bypassing my brain completely.
Prior to his pairing off, he used to try and project his depressive state, but not once did I hear of any suicide plans. If this is what he said to Ben, then it is beneath contempt. And while the comments Ben made today may have appeared out of line, I can clearly understand the fury that elicted them.
We've all posted stuff on here in anger; kudos to Ben for not editing his comments, although quoting them for posterity was just a little bit mean-spirited. For one, for all the spats we have had on here, Ben would - unlike some - be one of the last people to send a post only to regret it later and replace it with an 'x'.*
It's regrettable, but when I read those old threads I did laugh pretty loudly at times.
While we are on the subject of past events, I spoke to Infinite Jones on MSN this morning. He's doing well, and doesn't miss this place much.
*Unless it was a scanned photo of his cock.
-------------------- "You ate the baby Jesus and his mother Mary!" "I thought they were animal cookies..."
quote:Originally posted by sabian: Brilliant! All I have to do is tell the authorities that I was just schtooping that 13 year old because she really knew me and understood the complexities of my life... Not because she was 13 or nuffink... Cool! If you lot excuse me, I'm off to Hamley's to see if I can pull!
Teenage girls includes girls aged 13 to 19. 19 year olds are hardly kids are they?
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quote:Originally posted by Samuelnorton: Gah. If I hadn't thrown the cock reference in I would have been accused of being unnecessarily gracious to Ben.
The heat is getting to you, Kovacs old boy.
I do think you're getting pretty nice to Ben these days actually, old fruit. It's weeeird.
quote:Originally posted by Bamba: B-but you don't work in an office, why should this bother you?
Fair point. But I used to. There used to be a woman in my office who used to take a five-minute fag break every twenty minutes or so. That made fifteen minutes for every hour.
Work out the figures for yourself. Taking away the standard break for lunch (60mins), everyone was paid for working an 8 hour day. Like anyone else, Miss Fagbreak took her lunch hour, and was paid for the full 8 hours. The difference was that while non-smokers actually worked for the full 8 hours, she had only worked for 6, given that she had spent a solid two hours lining her lungs with tar.
So there we have it. Two working hours lost per day. Ten per week. And she was being paid for it. If I had my way I would have had her manning the 'phones until for a further two and a half hours. That way one could have said that the maths was fair.
I still think of this from time to time, whenever I hear tales of lost productivity. If one person could cost a business ten hours a week, imagine how many man hours are being lost nationwide? It's staggering.
I know it doesn't affect me right here and now. But it could if I am waiting on someone else to produce stuff, which happens from time to time. It's fucking pathetic.
-------------------- "You ate the baby Jesus and his mother Mary!" "I thought they were animal cookies..."
Going the right way for a smacked bottom
Have you ever sat down and tried to compile a list of all the things that make you angry? I think it would make interesting reading.
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Carved TMO on her clit just to make you feel bad
quote:Originally posted by Samuelnorton: The difference was that while non-smokers actually worked for the full 8 hours, she had only worked for 6, given that she had spent a solid two hours lining her lungs with tar.
Yeah, but she'll be dead quite soon from a hideous disease. Apposite time to ask the question does that make you feel better?
Posts: 5776
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quote:Originally posted by Bandy: How many hours do you think she wasted per week writing on an internet message board though? I'm guessing none...
"wasted"? what if she was Black Mask?
-------------------- What I object to is the colour of some of these wheelie bins and where they are left, in some areas outside all week in the front garden.
I have one fag break in the morning and one in the afternoon, but only if I'm on the helpdesk. In my office, if you're spending all morning on something that's going to mean staring at the computer screen, you are told to take a ten minute break. I use my break to have a fag, some have coffee, it's swings and roundabouts really. If I'm out problem solving then I can just chuff one down on the way.
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