This is topic Is it Friday already? We're screwed! in forum The Dead at TMO Talk.

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Posted by Benny the Ball (Member # 694) on :
It's early, I slept badly and had weird dreams about ex girlfriends and tube lines, and London keeps banging on about wanting to bang someone.

So, my question is;

You find out through medical study/an angel appearing at night to declare/just plain old intuition or something that you are only going to have sex three more times in your life - so do you go out in style? Do you mix it up and try something new? Or do you just bang the loved one three more times?
Posted by herbs (Member # 101) on :
Friday. Thank Kryste. I'm about to die.

Soppily, I think if I could only do the jiggy three more times, I'd do it with my dear heart. Unless Brad Pitt was part of the deal, in which case I'd do him second.
Posted by London (Member # 29) on :
One shag with an ex who was the best sex in the whole life. One in which I try the thing I've always wanted to try but have never managed to do. And one with 'that guy'. Simple!
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
I'd bang your mum, benny. Thrice.
Posted by Dedalus (Member # 892) on :
I'd bang Olufsen from the other thread. I bet she'd do a really good "I wish you wouldn't do that" face.
Posted by Benny the Ball (Member # 694) on :
Originally posted by Jimmy Big Nuts:
I'd bang your mum, benny. Thrice.

She's a big girl, Jimmy, do you have a big girl disorder?
Posted by Boy Racer (Member # 498) on :
Are you saying it's a disorder to like big girls Benny?
Posted by Abby (Member # 582) on :
One in which I try the thing I've always wanted to try but have never managed to do.
You should say what this is, or we will just make stuff up.

I am having really awsome sex these days, just so you know. I would probably have some more of that, incorporating Johnny Depp into some of it.
Posted by Dedalus (Member # 892) on :
I think he's just talking about chaotic big girls. Hence "disorder".
Posted by Benny the Ball (Member # 694) on :
Originally posted by Boy Racer:
Are you saying it's a disorder to like big girls Benny?

Big girls need love too
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
Maybe only once then. No offence to you though benny. Then I'd probably try and get sex from a stranger by picking them up on the bus, or in a supermarket or something and nailing them then and there. Perhaps she could be Japanese so I can see if it really does go sideways. Then I'd try and bang a black chick, maybe a hugely expensive hooker, and get very very fucking high while doing so.
Posted by London (Member # 29) on :
Originally posted by Abby:
You should say what this is, or we will just make stuff up.

It's just two guys at once. Quite normal.
Posted by Kira (Member # 826) on :
Only another 3 times? ever?

God what a thought...

I think I'd definately have to proposition the guy in Corporate Accounts that I have been admiring from afar...
Posted by mart (Member # 32) on :
Would two guys at once only leave you one more go, or is that not how it works.
Posted by Dedalus (Member # 892) on :

[ 27.10.2006, 06:04: Message edited by: Dedalus ]
Posted by London (Member # 29) on :
BTB said we could try something new. I'm totally only counting that as one, even if technically it's two. And I'm in a bad mood today, so I really ought to be allowed to say two is one if I want. Also, black = white, good = bad, sky = green and my life = great.
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
if you're a guy and you're with another guy and a chick, there's a good chance you might touch his bone. Think about that.
Posted by London (Member # 29) on :
Originally posted by Dedalus:
Originally posted by London:
It's just two guys at once. Quite normal.

Normal in Utah maybe.
Who are you? Are you VOP? Are you The Truth? You're too familiar with everyone to be new.
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
it's frikkin KOVACS
Posted by London (Member # 29) on :
It's NOT.
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
i think Dedalus is Nomad, yes?
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
Posted by Dedalus (Member # 892) on :

[ 27.10.2006, 06:02: Message edited by: Dedalus ]
Posted by Dedalus (Member # 892) on :

[ 27.10.2006, 06:03: Message edited by: Dedalus ]
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
oh, how fucking exciting. A game of guess the poster.

[ 27.10.2006, 06:01: Message edited by: Jimmy Big Nuts ]
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
That question is too difficult. It has mashed my brain.
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
get a fucking good mood for once, bennuts.
Posted by Benny the Ball (Member # 694) on :
ooooh Dedalus! Look at them going back and editing posts, the sneaky.........
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
fuck off
Posted by London (Member # 29) on :
I missed it because my internet died. Anyway it's IJ right? The chaotic / disorder joke gave it away... that's the kind of pun he used to adore. Ok, we can get back to talking about threesomes, guy-on-guy action and Benway shagging BTB's mum now.
Posted by sam (Member # 884) on :
Originally posted by Benny the Ball:
you are only going to have sex three more times in your life

Is that three more acts or three more sessions, by which could I count a session as 12 hours?

This is an important distinction and would radically affect my answer.
Posted by Dedalus (Member # 892) on :
Don't waste one of your goes on Ralph, Sam. It would only lead to disappointment.
Posted by Boy Racer (Member # 498) on :
Originally posted by Jimmy Big Nuts:
if you're a guy and you're with another guy and a chick, there's a good chance you might touch his bone. Think about that.

Touching another man's cock doesn't make you gay Benway...

Does it?

[ 27.10.2006, 06:22: Message edited by: Boy Racer ]
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
No, but you don't really want to be poking a dude's bone while you're trying to find a place to slot your cock do you?

[ 27.10.2006, 06:24: Message edited by: Jimmy Big Nuts ]
Posted by sam (Member # 884) on :
Originally posted by Dedalus:
Don't waste one of your goes on Ralph, Sam. It would only lead to disappointment.

Ah, but if it was a a [i]session[i] I could arrange to be at a tmo meet. [Big Grin]

My next session would be the entire male cast of Troy between the ages of 15 and 40, in costume.

I can't decide for my final session whether to have one last stand with an ex who was rather spectaculor, save it for the person I am with now, who is also pretty hot and very sweet as well, or just save it and go on the prowl.
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
Maybe one of them should be with a dude actually.
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
Originally posted by sam:
I can't decide for my final session whether to have one last stand with an ex who was rather spectaculor, save it for the person I am with now, who is also pretty hot and very sweet as well, or just save it and go on the prowl.

See, that last is a pretty shit idea, actually. You’d be there, all dolled up, with your dangly earrings on, smelling of your best perfume, stalking the bars, looking for The One. And it’d be there, in the back of your mind, the knowledge that that was it, this was the last time ever you were going to get laid. This is it. The biggie. The best and the last. And it’s already mammoth importance would assume gargantuan proportions until you were looking round wildly, finding fault with every candidate. Him, over there, nice, but the hair’s a bit long. Him, nice shirt, good forearms, bit of muscle. But small hands and we all know what small hands means. Him, the grungy indie kid, god he looks hot, god he’s hotter than a hot think in a molten thing. But he looks like he might not be quite clean enough. And it is the Big One. The best and last. Can’t have any knobcheese spoiling that. And eventually, you’ll drive yourself more and more frantic, more panicked, more hysterical, until you dive for the solution into a jug of sweet and sticky Sex on the Beach and then it all goes blurry and the next thing you know you’re in a strange and uncomfortable bed with a burly, hairy back in your face and you’ve had your last fuck and you don’t remember any of it.

So. Probably not a good idea.
Posted by dang65 (Member # 102) on :
Difficult to know which order to do this in without offending the servicees, but assuming this angel is fixing everything up and making sure there's no consequences, as opposed to just deliverying bad news (which would make it a bit of a failure as an angel), then I would proceed as follows:

1. 'Er indoors. Without straying into too much information territory, I think it's safe to say we know what to do for each other.

2. An old flame I'm still in touch with. Still remember quite a few of our adventures and wouldn't want to miss the chance to refresh those memories one last time.

3. A German girl. I fall in love with every German girl I see and I'd really like to confirm that they do it like I'm pretty sure they must do.

See, the order is really difficult. All three at once could work though. Or an arrangement with a shower room with three bedrooms leading off it, and a week's supply of viagra. This could require a bit of thought.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
I'd have three wanks and hurl myself off a cliff.
Posted by sam (Member # 884) on :
Originally posted by Louche:
Originally posted by sam:
I can't decide for my final session whether to have one last stand with an ex who was rather spectaculor, save it for the person I am with now, who is also pretty hot and very sweet as well, or just save it and go on the prowl.

See, that last is a pretty shit idea, actually. You’d be there, all dolled up, with your dangly earrings on, smelling of your best perfume, stalking the bars, looking for The One. And it’d be there, in the back of your mind, the knowledge that that was it, this was the last time ever you were going to get laid. This is it. The biggie. The best and the last. And it’s already mammoth importance would assume gargantuan proportions until you were looking round wildly, finding fault with every candidate. Him, over there, nice, but the hair’s a bit long. Him, nice shirt, good forearms, bit of muscle. But small hands and we all know what small hands means. Him, the grungy indie kid, god he looks hot, god he’s hotter than a hot think in a molten thing. But he looks like he might not be quite clean enough. And it is the Big One. The best and last. Can’t have any knobcheese spoiling that. And eventually, you’ll drive yourself more and more frantic, more panicked, more hysterical, until you dive for the solution into a jug of sweet and sticky Sex on the Beach and then it all goes blurry and the next thing you know you’re in a strange and uncomfortable bed with a burly, hairy back in your face and you’ve had your last fuck and you don’t remember any of it.

So. Probably not a good idea.

I can see I haven't thought this through. Interesting that you can paint such a realistic picture, eh? [Wink]


Please don't slap me for that. I put a winky.
Posted by Abby (Member # 582) on :
... an ex who was rather spectaculor, save it for the person I am with now, who is also pretty hot and very sweet as well...
You had better hope he doesn't see this! I would rather be described as 'spectacular' than 'pretty hot' or 'sweet'.

Is he nice as well?

Am I being too harsh...I am a bit hungover - it makes me sarky.
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
Originally posted by New Way Of Decay:
I'd have three wanks and hurl myself off a cliff.

I think the final stage of the last wank should wait until after the cliff jump. It'd be an exciting race to see if you could finish before you hit the bottom.

TAE: If you were successful, I wonder if the ejaculatory spasms would continue after death.

[ 27.10.2006, 07:21: Message edited by: MiscellaneousFiles ]
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
you'd go *splat* in more than one way...
Posted by Boy Racer (Member # 498) on :
Originally posted by Abby:
Am I being too harsh...

I don't think so.

Although, you know sex isn't the be and end all of relationships.

The sooner you ladies work that out the better for all of us eh? (looks round at forum males for support, forum males look at feet/floor/Australia).

[ 27.10.2006, 07:40: Message edited by: Boy Racer ]
Posted by squeegy (Member # 136) on :
Can I just confirm, there is a magical fairy sorting it all out, right? I mean, can I just say "Claire Danes but not the current model. I want her something like the Romeo and Juliet version.

I am also quite worried about what happens after the third session. Will it just, you know, fall off?
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Originally posted by H1ppychick:
you'd go *splat* in more than one way...

I've been reading up on my sound effects and jism doesn't go *splat* it goes *jitjitjit* like when you stick your thumb under the tap and build up a little jet of pressure. If your cock was capable of going *splat* then it would also be able to ejaculate your balls inside-out of the end.
Posted by sam (Member # 884) on :
Originally posted by Abby:
... an ex who was rather spectaculor, save it for the person I am with now, who is also pretty hot and very sweet as well...
You had better hope he doesn't see this! I would rather be described as 'spectacular' than 'pretty hot' or 'sweet'.

Is he nice as well?

Am I being too harsh...I am a bit hungover - it makes me sarky.

Made me smile.
Posted by sam (Member # 884) on :
Originally posted by New Way Of Decay:
I'd have three wanks .....

The last sex of your life? [Confused] What the hell's your sex life been like so far?
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
way to stevie my pathetic pun, there, nwod. cheers m6.
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
also: *splat* is the sound you/it makes when hitting the ground. not on departure from the bellend. duh.
Posted by sam (Member # 884) on :
It goes splat when it lands on bare skin is some porn movies.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Originally posted by sam:
Originally posted by New Way Of Decay:
I'd have three wanks .....

The last sex of your life? [Confused] What the hell's your sex life been like so far?
Preety good, Amigo.
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
I suppose if you were falling backwards, and ejaculated before hitting the ground, your jizz might splatter onto you after you hit the ground as it catches you up. Wouldn't it be a kind of sad final irony if, in your dying seconds, life draining away from your broken body, you receive a mouthful of your own lumpy man-milk. That'd be an awful way to die.
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
Originally posted by New Way Of Decay:
Preety good, Amigo.

Of course it has been, dear.
pats nwod on head condescendingly

[ 27.10.2006, 08:04: Message edited by: ralph ]
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
@ringo: smothered lol and strange look from guy on next desk

[ 27.10.2006, 08:04: Message edited by: H1ppychick ]
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
who, apart from David Copperfield, could be described as spectacular?
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Originally posted by ralph:

pats nwod on head

jit jit jit
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Originally posted by Jimmy Big Nuts:
who, apart from David Copperfield, could be described as spectacular?

I'd like to see. Do you think sams ex could pull a rabbit out of her

[ 27.10.2006, 08:19: Message edited by: New Way Of Decay ]
Posted by sam (Member # 884) on :
Originally posted by New Way Of Decay:
Originally posted by Jimmy Big Nuts:
who, apart from David Copperfield, could be described as spectacular?

I'd like to see. Do you think sams ex could pull a rabbit out of her
Oh dear, I have allowed myself to get a reputation, haven't I?

Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
i was going to say 'depends what sort of rabbit' and link to the ann summers website but unfortunately

Access Denied: Category Pornography

Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Nice stevie, hippy.
Posted by sam (Member # 884) on :
I can see what a stevie means. but why a stevie?
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
because of Stevie. He was great. Lucid killed him.
Posted by Dedalus (Member # 892) on :
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
turn and turnabout, babycakes. you stevie me, and i stevie you. it's only fair.
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
Originally posted by Dedalus:

Who are you?
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
StevieX explains it all
Posted by sam (Member # 884) on :
Originally posted by Jimmy Big Nuts:
because of Stevie. He was great. Lucid killed him.

tmo sounds dangerous. You killed roy too. ralph is still sad about that.
Posted by sam (Member # 884) on :
Originally posted by Jimmy Big Nuts:
StevieX explains it all

as clear as ever. [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
Originally posted by sam:
Originally posted by Jimmy Big Nuts:
because of Stevie. He was great. Lucid killed him.

tmo sounds dangerous. You killed roy too. ralph is still sad about that.
kovacs killed roy by forcing us to stage a witchburning ceremony. He got dunked, didn't float, and was burned at the stake. I regret it now, but at the time it seemed so exciting. Even Ralph joined in.
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
Originally posted by Jimmy Big Nuts:
Even Ralph joined in.

I did. It was very Lord of the Flies. Fun at the time, but now I'm filled with regret.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
I thought I'd upset Stevie when he showed up at the Pop Will Eat Itself gig and said 'allo Mikee' with a really happy look on his face and he had shaggy straight black hair instead of his long curly blonde hair and I quipped 'sorry mate I didn't recognise you at first, I thought you were steelgate' and he looked well narked. Actually I don't think that did it as he bought a pint for me straight after, but I wonder if he woke up in the middle of the night later on and yelled 'you bastard' [Mad]

Nah, Stevie had a little X with his girlfriend didn't he? Probably raising the poor think to fend for himself in feral York.
Posted by sam (Member # 884) on :
Originally posted by Jimmy Big Nuts:
Originally posted by sam:
Originally posted by Jimmy Big Nuts:
because of Stevie. He was great. Lucid killed him.

tmo sounds dangerous. You killed roy too. ralph is still sad about that.
kovacs killed roy by forcing us to stage a witchburning ceremony. He got dunked, didn't float, and was burned at the stake. I regret it now, but at the time it seemed so exciting. Even Ralph joined in.
when i said 'you' I ddidn't mean you personally. I meant the forum in general. I do remember reading it just before I joined but I didn't really understand it. It had a lot of history in it that meant nothing to me and was well weird.

out off curiosity how did lucid make this stevie leave? I'm a bit of a nosy cow aren't I?
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
I don't know, I wasn't there, and the whole sordid incident still hasn't been properly documented.
Posted by Abby (Member # 582) on :
Didn't Lucid try to sex everyone? That would make this back on topic! A bit...

I have been invited to a swinging party. I don't think I will go...perhaps I am repressed?
Posted by Dedalus (Member # 892) on :
You really don't want to do a google image search for "gimp" with safe search switched off.
Posted by sam (Member # 884) on :
Originally posted by Abby:
Didn't Lucid try to sex everyone? That would make this back on topic! A bit...

I have noticed that tmo livens up whenever sex becomes the topic. [Big Grin]

Of course, it is the only topic I can join in with because otherwise it is technical computer stuff I know nowt about. oddly enough you don't seem a particularly geeky bunch.
Posted by not... (Member # 25) on :
hit me as hard as you can
lol are you sure?
ok then..
ow ow ow that hurt
sorry I'm proper buzzing
you better leave
ok bye
babes can you take me down the hospital?
WTF! not again, you silly boyz
hi, it's me sorry about the other night
hey never mind it's mending now
cool mind if I do this? *snort*
no probs
what you looking at me like that for?
You winking at me?
no, it's my eye it's just bruised shut
Yeh right, you're winking, you got prob?
no, no, no calm down?
What you think I've got a problem?
*door opens* what are you boys doing? I think you should leave
OK OK I'm going ****
*slams door*
Posted by London (Member # 29) on :
lol. what other forum or meat incidents can we recount in script or rhyme format?
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
See, the amusing part is that I never knew anything about the darker moments of Manchester Meat. I found the whole event to be quite pleasant really, overall. Which I think makes me look like some kind of unobservant spack.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Sex chair, sex chair
There's a sex chair
Don't get seduced by Louche
When she ain't got no underwear

Sex chair, sex chair
There's a sex chair
I know the bed is big
You can fit 6 chicks on there
Posted by not... (Member # 25) on :
Posted by sam (Member # 884) on :

Will you lot stop teasing and diss each other in sufficient detail to satisfy my pruRrient nature please.
Posted by Benny the Ball (Member # 694) on :
I thought stevie x was a man when I first came here, then for some reason I thought he was a woman, and now you tell me he's a man again? Wow, you could use all of your sex on just him, if you wanted to, or something, errrr [Confused]
Posted by dang65 (Member # 102) on :
There was a meat in Manchester. Several Southernists came along because they'd been offered free accomodation by two very kind and popular married board members. All went well and we had a pleasant evening in a bar. Then I went home. Later I heard there was some kind of frenzied bloodbath at the married couples' house triggered by drugs and sexual perversion, but no one has ever spoken about it since so I don't know the true story. Suffice to say, no one who was there ever posted again. Except for some of them.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
I dunno Sam. What do you want to know?
Posted by sam (Member # 884) on :
Well, if no-one is going to talk about sex any more and seeing how I've finished what I was working on and ralph is being very quiet today, I guess I am going to have to go and do some real life stuff instead. Have a good weekend every one.
Posted by sam (Member # 884) on :
OO, someone posted! I see, the kovacs thing was the Manchester thing as well. I thought it was something else. I thought it was hanky panky, as my dear old dad calls it. I do like a bit of hanky panky. Never mind. Save the hanky panky stories until next week. [Smile]
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
I think someone touched Ringo's arsehole with a stick while he was asleep. That was one of the more fucked up moments. I can't remember who held his arse cheeks apart though.
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
Woo, 500!
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
You know the bit in The Thing when they heat up the metal and stick it into the blood? Everyone was really nervous and it like a game of buckaroo except you could lose your life.

[ 27.10.2006, 10:22: Message edited by: New Way Of Decay ]
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
did his ass sprout tentacles and crawl away across the floor?
Posted by Dedalus (Member # 892) on :
If it's going to be that kinda party I'ma stick my dick in the mashed potato!
Posted by not... (Member # 25) on :
What's that from? tell me or it will bother me the whole weekend
Posted by Benny the Ball (Member # 694) on :
it's in the middle of a Beastie Boys song - a quote from Jim Norton, a comedian
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
Mikee: the first person from TMO to see my tits.
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
what are they like?
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
I'm sure they're okay.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Balm for the eyes, certainly.
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
Thorn once said something nice about them.
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
great. I've seen London's tits.
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
Originally posted by Louche:
Thorn once said something nice about them.

what was that then?
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
I can't remember, it was ages ago. After the Glasgow meet pictures were aired.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Originally posted by Jimmy Big Nuts:
I've seen London's tits.

Are they ok?
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Are they safe?
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
nothing wrong with them.
Posted by London (Member # 29) on :
I've seen Thorn's pants!
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Originally posted by London:
I've seen Thorn's pants!

A...are they ...ok?
Posted by London (Member # 29) on :
Nothing wrong with them.

Well, there was a thread sort of hanging off them, but it was barely noticable.
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
you get that sometimes though.
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
That was a while ago. I've completely revamped my underwear drawer since then. Not because of that or anything. It wasn't like I was all like "Omigod! Unclean! Unclean!" and napalmed all my pants and then scrubbed myself with wirewool til I bled. I just bought lots of new pants, like a years or so later.
Posted by not... (Member # 25) on :
Sounds like my advice has filtered through to a few people on here. Thorn's life seems to have changed for the better because of it. Anyone else?

[ 30.10.2006, 04:38: Message edited by: not... ]
Posted by jnhoj (Member # 286) on :
london, if you do ever find yourself in a situation where you need that thing you`ve never managed fulfilling, and me and mccandrew are handy, I`m sure we could do that. Admittedly he`d have to look at ME while I was sexing you, and I`d have to look at YOU while sexin him, so it might get confusing, but I`m sure we`d get there one way the other.

That wasn`t creepy was it.
Posted by London (Member # 29) on :
Originally posted by jnhoj:
london, if you do ever find yourself in a situation where you need that thing you`ve never managed fulfilling, and me and mccandrew are handy, I`m sure we could do that. Admittedly he`d have to look at ME while I was sexing you, and I`d have to look at YOU while sexin him, so it might get confusing, but I`m sure we`d get there one way the other.

That wasn`t creepy was it.

Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :

god, it's only ten to ten (and it's Crackerjack!)

and I'm already bored to hell and back.
Posted by London (Member # 29) on :
Can we get this thread onto four pages? Soon? That would be ace.
Posted by not... (Member # 25) on :
We slept in my old room at my parents house. There wasn't any sex, at least I don't think there was, I didn't see any details. We were close though - we slept next to each other on the tiny floor. In the morning I was downstairs in the extension, you were in the bathroom upstairs. You came down, my mum said "good morning Anne-Marie" I said "oh you've met", my mum said "what do you want for breakfast?" you said "cake". I raised my eyebrows. I wondered whether my mum thought we had had sex, I thought about my wife and wondered why I hadn't gone home and how I was going to explain this. There was a small moment of panic. I segued into a scene with a couple of black guys gently antagonising me about my lack of jewellery. I talked to them about my watch and my wedding ring. He showed me his collection of womens watches on his arm worth £10,050 even though the Gucci was a fake. I tried to joke but it came out aggressive, he said to calm down, I apologised and asked them where they were going tonight, a girl with black hair sitting on a table opposite answered "petal vagina". I said I wasn't talking to them and blanked them off jokingly. It was a good neg but I didn't know what to do next. *awake*

[ 03.11.2006, 05:27: Message edited by: not... ]
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Weird! I had exactly the same dream.
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
i never remember my dreams, but if i did, i'm sure i'd have had that dream too.
Posted by Dedalus (Member # 892) on :
I dreamt I had that dream, but when I woke up (in my dream) it turned out I'd just had the fish dream. Again.
Posted by mart (Member # 32) on :
I had that dream last year, funnily enough.
Posted by Grianagh (Member # 583) on :
of course the first thread i ever fully read would be about sex

before i answer, i need to know what counts as a 'time'
Posted by Benny the Ball (Member # 694) on :
I hate when I'm starting a job and the night before I keep having dreams about messing every aspect of the job up and being a spastic, and then waking up, and falling back to sleep and repeating, or alternating with one where I wake up late and the alarm hasn't gone off, and then I wake up really and it's four in the morning, and I have to get up in two hours, and so on - so that when I actually start the job, I feel like I've been working for a month and have been absolutely shit at it.

Here's a question - you know in hospital dramas when they say 'we need a ... stat!' what does the stat stand for?
Posted by Dedalus (Member # 892) on :
"Stat" is a common name for hospital workers. Over the years they have got used to being ordered around and told to fetch things.
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
Until Grianagh mentioned it, I had forgotten that a lot of this thread was about sex. It's too early for sex and I forgot to put my makeup on anyway. Which obviously prevents me from having any sex.
Posted by not... (Member # 25) on :
I went off topic there sorry. I also forgot what this thread was about. I thought it was a general friday chit chat type thread.
Posted by Grianagh (Member # 583) on :
(stat) adv. immediately. [abbreviation of the Latin term statim "immediately."]
Posted by Grianagh (Member # 583) on :
it's never too early for sex

eta: but never early enough for me to learn to spell

[ 03.11.2006, 05:46: Message edited by: Grianagh ]
Posted by Boy Racer (Member # 498) on :
Maybe it's a side effect of her clit carving Gree?

I also would like a clearer definition of the rules of this thread's question.
Posted by Boy Racer (Member # 498) on :
Posted by herbs (Member # 101) on :
Oof. It quite often is too early for sex, in my book. Can't do a thing until I've had a cup of tea.

Talking of dreaming, maybe we could try a TMO lucid dream (by which I don't mean a Manchester-based adult-play dungeon). Apparently, with practice you can direct your dreams, and go to a pre-arranged place and do pre-arranged stuff. Let's all meet in the cock!
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
you should all come to bristol, it is ace. bristol meat. come on. you know you want to.

dm/elvo, back me up here.
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
Originally posted by herbs:
Talking of dreaming, maybe we could try a TMO lucid dream (by which I don't mean a Manchester-based adult-play dungeon). Apparently, with practice you can direct your dreams, and go to a pre-arranged place and do pre-arranged stuff. Let's all meet in the cock!

B-but I don't know how to get there so you'd all be lucid dreaming yourselves in the pub and I would be out in thye cold, roaming the city, lost and alone. And naive and northern. I'd get mugged.
And it would all be your fault, Herbs.
Posted by Benny the Ball (Member # 694) on :
Doesn't that involve training with some sub sonic and light device that kicks in when you reach REM, and basically brings you to consciousness while ensuring that you remain in a dream state - or can you do it through Denis Quaid breathing techniques, and save the president from Snake Men and the baddy from Warriors?

As for what is a definition of a sex in this thread - you are going to achieve a hard or wide-on and take it to climax three more times in your life - and then it'll just be like a Sega Saturn or Betamax video - some people will bang on about how great they are, you'll never find anything fun to do with it.

It can be mass Romanesque orgies, or Sting-like trantric sessions - but it's three more times - so do you try something new, do you go for that special person, do you go out in romantic/bloody/filthy/trigic style?

Posted by Grianagh (Member # 583) on :
i'm not sure i'm adult enough to share a dream with any of you
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :
Originally posted by H1ppychick:
dm/elvo, back me up here.

I've been to Bristol, three times. It's a lovely city and I even thought about moving there, a few years back. Never happened, though. Nothing ever does.
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
and now you're moving to crack central. how you've fallen in the world.
Posted by not... (Member # 25) on :
oh cmon, dreams are great
Posted by Benny the Ball (Member # 694) on :
Originally posted by Thorn Davis:
Originally posted by H1ppychick:
dm/elvo, back me up here.

I've been to Bristol, three times. It's a lovely city and I even thought about moving there, a few years back. Never happened, though. Nothing ever does.
Yeah but it has a massive heroine problem....

I'll get my etc
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
i'm trying to lucid-dream you all down the m4. it's quite an effort. i think my ears are going to pop.
Posted by Grianagh (Member # 583) on :
'lucid-dream-you' sounds kinky
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
in my mind it is. but then, i have been feeling quite fruity recently.
Posted by Grianagh (Member # 583) on :
is that what bristol does to a person?
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Bristol fruits you up Gri, it's true.
Posted by Dedalus (Member # 892) on :

H1ppychick, earlier today.
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
It's proximity to Elvis. And he's in Bristol. Hence Bristol fruiting you up. If Elvis moved, Bristol would lose it's up-fruiting abilities.
Posted by Grianagh (Member # 583) on :
if elvis moves everyone in bristol will stop having sex?
Posted by mart (Member # 32) on :
with bananas
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
Originally posted by Grianagh:
if elvis moves everyone in bristol will stop having sex?

Yes. In fact, everyone in the south west will stop having sex, such is the power of the Elvis.
Posted by Boy Racer (Member # 498) on :
There's loads of crack in Bristol.

But it is lovely.

Bristol, not the crack.

I wouldn't know about that.

I only take middleclass drugs these days.

Like Echinacea.
Posted by Grianagh (Member # 583) on :
i didn't think southerns had sex anyway
Posted by Boy Racer (Member # 498) on :
Boringly vanilla.

Best ever Ex.
Threesome with two girls.
Current squeeze.

I think I'd like to be pretty heavily intoxicated for all of them, possibly just hungover for the last one.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Originally posted by Benny the Ball:

You find out through medical study/an angel appearing at night to declare/just plain old intuition or something that you are only going to have sex three more times in your life

Twice more with the Missus and then live forever, wanking.
Posted by Grianagh (Member # 583) on :
this is a really difficult question....
because if it's someone you have never had sex with it could really be horrible

but why waste your last three times with someone you have already had sex with?

thinking, thinking...
Posted by dance margarita (Member # 848) on :
black mask are you not concerned that you might wear yourself down to a nub? youd end up like a ken doll down there.

i think grianiagh brings up a very valid point. what if you threw away two of your times on fumbly, slightly arrhytmic starter sex and then the third time was almost brilliant but not quite, and the person you had the Last Sex with fell asleep leaving you lying there thinking, that was the last sex i will ever have, and i didnt even come, and now theyre asleep and im going to have to have a wank or my head will explode, and so there you are rummaging away with tears in your eyes at the waste and the cruelty of it all of sex and life OH I CANT BEAR IT.

[ 03.11.2006, 08:22: Message edited by: dance margarita ]
Posted by not... (Member # 25) on :

[ 03.11.2006, 08:19: Message edited by: not... ]
Posted by Boy Racer (Member # 498) on :

You want snu-snu not...?
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Originally posted by not...:

Two words... Wizard's. Sleeve.
Posted by dance margarita (Member # 848) on :
she can practically fit the watercooler up there.
Posted by Darryn.R (Member # 1) on :
one of the pussycat dolls reminds me of the snu snu women out of futurama...
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Wouldn't that be a trick? To saucily seduct a young chap by running her finger up her leg, lifting up her skirt, then scootching the guy in the face with the cooler tap.
Posted by dance margarita (Member # 848) on :
it would be better if with the squeeze of a nipple she ejected plastic cups.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Just imagine if she could shoot water-cooler bottles across the room like ping pong balls...
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Originally posted by dance margarita:
it would be better if with the squeeze of a nipple she ejected plastic cups.

Posted by Boy Racer (Member # 498) on :
Originally posted by Darryn.R:
one of the pussycat dolls reminds me of the snu snu women out of futurama...

Is it that horrible redhead one Darryn?


My housemate has met her, but they didn't snu-snu.
Posted by dance margarita (Member # 848) on :
Originally posted by Black Mask:
Just imagine if she could shoot water-cooler bottles across the room like ping pong balls...

imagine if they hit the wall with such force that they XPl00DeD! leaving massive action painting style waterstains on the artex. that would be AWESOME.
Posted by dance margarita (Member # 848) on :
'gnuuuhhh...' KA BAM! SPLAAAAAAASSSHHH. awesome.
Posted by Zygote (Member # 883) on :
Some friends of mine were watching a Steve-O on Tour dvd the other night and there was one scene where some gorgeous, topless women were squirting breast milk into guys' mouths as a dare. I'd definitely be up for some of that.
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
@dm splooshage: that's not so much a pelvic floor as a pelvic storey

[ 03.11.2006, 08:48: Message edited by: H1ppychick ]
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
I had some fairly sexy dreams this morning. They didn't make any sense, but they were quite charged. Also, bluebottle flies the sie of rats (sickening), and I discovered that a friend from university was in prison, but apparently in an 'L Block', which were easy to break out from. And I was in a pub that sold really expensive and shoddy television memorabilia, like a photocopied picture of the old girl/clown test card for £120. Then the barmaid poured me a double scotch that I didn't order, and when I said I hadn't ordered it she went apeshit.

[ 03.11.2006, 09:03: Message edited by: Jimmy Big Nuts ]
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
err at Line 20 (type mismatch)

[ 03.11.2006, 09:02: Message edited by: Jimmy Big Nuts ]
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Some people are a bit thick here. My colleague was just logging a request for an application to be installed and when he asked for the womens IP address she said 'I haven't got one. Can I give you my mates?'
Posted by dance margarita (Member # 848) on :
if not knowing what your ip address is means you are thick then i am a t'icky t'icky duhbrain and have been for the duration of my time on the internet, which is coing up for 11 years now.

i do know what an ip address is, though. its where the Big Computer knows to send all the internet pages to.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
These people work in IT though Dance. It's pretty much their job to know what the IP address of their pc is. And if they don't know what it is, it's in the top right hand corner of every PC, prefixed with IP ADDRESS:
Posted by dance margarita (Member # 848) on :
yeah okay thats pretty thick. wait a minute, if i know what an ip address is, and could tell you what my ip address is if it was written on the top of my monitor next to a sticker saying 'ip address', and these people work in it but know/ could tell you neither, does it then logically follow that i could work in it?
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Dude, you could fill one of these jobs with a string of sausages around your neck, bashing the keys randomly with the ends and drooling lots. There's a position going on my team.

To show you how easy this job is, I'm going to casually draw a picture of Harold Shipman with a melon on his head.


This job is a cinch!
Posted by Abby (Member # 582) on :
nice picture.
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
Mikee, do you do requests?
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Thanks Abby. I think the world would be a better place if we had the freedom in our job roles to draw pictures of serial killers with fruit on their heads. Up later, Maxine Carr and a banana.

Originally posted by Louche:
Mikee, do you do requests?

I'll do anything to make the last two hours of work go by quickly.

[ 03.11.2006, 11:03: Message edited by: New Way Of Decay ]
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Martin Bryant with strawberry

[ 03.11.2006, 11:05: Message edited by: Black Mask ]
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
I was trying to do a Myra Hindley with coconut combination in a very small window of my desktop but started to get some odd looks from colleagues, so I gave up :pathetic:
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
That's the spirit Mask and Hippy. Come on forumites! Draw a serial/mass murderer with an item of edible goodness on their heads!
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
Originally posted by H1ppychick:
I was trying to do a Myra Hindley with coconut combination in a very small window of my desktop but started to get some odd looks from colleagues, so I gave up :pathetic:

My new bit of the office is an excellent and not overlooked spec. But I am shit at Paint. I would like Aileen Wournos with chips.
Posted by turbo (Member # 593) on :
I'm suffering from so much apathy, I can't even think of any serial killers, let alone edible goodness. It really is time for the weekend.

Back on topic: if I could have 3 more sex sessions, I would want to have them with the man I wed but not here. I would want to be somewhere fabulous and hot and exotic and beautiful. Surely I'm allowed fabulous, hot, exotic and beautiful for my last 3 shags? That's not an unreasonable request.
Posted by Thorn Davis (Member # 65) on :

Charlie Manson w/ Banana art. Thorn Davis. Microsoft Paint on Work PC w. caffeine shakes.
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :

Son of Sam + lime.
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
Nutway: nice.

Thorn: very emo.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
This has really made my day, this thread.

Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
my office version of paint doesn't give me any nice pinks :mad mad mad:
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
I don't think we should allow your Maxine/banana. Since she's not actually a serial killer and all.

tae: excellent with the JWG there Masky. it is him isn't it?

[ 03.11.2006, 11:28: Message edited by: H1ppychick ]
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :

Dennis Nilsen + leek
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
Who is bearing Black Mask's pear?
Posted by dance margarita (Member # 848) on :
i am not very proficient with the ms paint yet, i admit this. thnak gosh for the ellipse tool. but i dont think its bad for a first go.


hannibal lecter, lychee.

[ 03.11.2006, 11:33: Message edited by: dance margarita ]
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
louche: i think it's john wayne gacy.
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
Thanks, H1pster. This thread fucking rocks.
Posted by dance margarita (Member # 848) on :
thorn havent you forgotten something?

Posted by dance margarita (Member # 848) on :
sorry thats wrong, its a cross not a swastika isnt it.
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :

ed gein with lemons (two)
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :

Rose West (pictured with Fred) + kiwi fruit

[ 03.11.2006, 11:47: Message edited by: Jimmy Big Nuts ]
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
there's no competition is there really. Nutway'N'WOD have got it taped.
Posted by Bandy (Member # 12) on :
Osama Bin Laden and a turnip


(I realise he isn't a serial killer but you did say mass murderers were okay too)
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
You're right in this case of course. I'll try harder.
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
Originally posted by H1ppychick:
there's no competition is there really. Nutway'N'WOD have got it taped.

And Bandy.
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
Which is kind of to say, jolly well done boys!
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
It was indeed Gacy.
With pear.

Hitler with grapefruit.
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
yeah, it's all about the outlining.
Posted by herbs (Member # 101) on :
I haven't got paint on this PC, otherwise I'd be in like Flynn with Peter Sutcliffe and kumquat.
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
Originally posted by herbs:

I want to say this out loud now.
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
I like that lego hitler.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Originally posted by herbs:
I haven't got paint on this PC, otherwise I'd be in like Flynn with Peter Sutcliffe and kumquat.

By a bizarre coincidence this is what the Yorkshire Ripper used to scream out just as he was taking a hammer to his victim's fragile skulls. "KUMQUAT!"
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
if he was south african it would have been
"kumquat'lee, uhhh ill kill you".

Sorry tmo, world.
Posted by Bandy (Member # 12) on :
Peter Sutcliffe and a (dried) prune:

Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :

As you requested Louche: Aileen Wournos /w chips

Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
prunes are by definition dried, otherwise they're plums. a bit of a schoolboy error there bandy.
Posted by dance margarita (Member # 848) on :
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
I'm quite enjoying a repeating lol at the wests.
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
i could go home now but i don't want to leave this thread.
Posted by Bandy (Member # 12) on :
Originally posted by H1ppychick:
prunes are by definition dried, otherwise they're plums. a bit of a schoolboy error there bandy.

Peter Sutcliffe wouldn't stand for this shit [Mad]
Posted by Bandy (Member # 12) on :
I particularly like the Wests. Something about Fred West reminds me of Roger Mellie.
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
it's the eyebrows, isn't it.
Posted by Bandy (Member # 12) on :
Yes. Yes it is.
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
Thank you for my serial killer with chips. I feel like I've done something bad and wrong now, because everyone else has done fruit. I feel like a child with brown bread sandwiches and an apple surrounded by all her twizzler guzzling mates, feeling different.
Posted by London (Member # 29) on :
This is the best thread in the world! What's the Mac equivalent of Paint?
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :

As can be seen in the screenshot, MacPaint included a "Goodies" menu that included the FatBits tool. This menu was named the "Aids" menu in prerelease versions, but was renamed "Goodies" as public awareness of the AIDS epidemic grew in the summer of 1983.

[ 03.11.2006, 12:47: Message edited by: MiscellaneousFiles ]
Posted by turbo (Member # 593) on :
Ah, home now and feeling much more creative. Can't decide whether to do Son of Sam, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer or Charles Manson though...
Posted by turbo (Member # 593) on :
Jeffrey Dahmer it is. With lettuce leaf.

Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Good work Turbo. Hometime it is!
Posted by mart (Member # 32) on :
1) It's not in Paint
2) You've all gone home

Genghis Khan and watermelon

[ 03.11.2006, 22:26: Message edited by: mart ]
Posted by London (Member # 29) on :

eta: I have no idea why there's a little tiny version of the same picture at the top of this one, but oh well.

eta: OMG i am such a fucking FAILURE!!!! not only does he not have the physalis on his fucking head, but benway had already done dennis nilsen! i suck! [Mad] [Mad] [Mad]

[ 03.11.2006, 14:59: Message edited by: London ]
Posted by Jimmy Big Nuts (Member # 895) on :
nice try, sister.
Posted by Sidney (Member # 399) on :
Jack the Ripper with curiously large and misshapen banana

Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Nice work there Sidney. Particularly the softer side of Jack, getting ready to make himself a jam sandwich.
Posted by Bandy (Member # 12) on :
Jeffrey Dahmer proves he's put his 'eating young gay men' phase well and truly behind him by stepping out with a lovely asparagus tip tucked behind his ear.

Posted by mart (Member # 32) on :
Posted by mart (Member # 32) on :
Finally flexed my Paint muscles:

Charles Manson looks on helplessly as a French beret-wearing avocado skateboards onto his head.
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :

timothy mcveigh with cherry earrings
Posted by London (Member # 29) on :
nice one hippy
Posted by Bandy (Member # 12) on :
lolol. excellent.

have you been practising over the weekend, hippy?
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
nah i just can take direction well (outline, always outline!) and had my home computer where i could define some colours a bit better so i could get a flesh tone!

way to suck all the fun out of the thread, hippy. normal service resumed from....

Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
i'm liking mart's manson. he has that wild-eyed misguided messianic complete nutjob look down well.
Posted by Sidney (Member # 399) on :
Richard Ramirez, balancing a pyramid of blueberries


[ 06.11.2006, 05:58: Message edited by: Sidney ]
Posted by Cactus (Member # 866) on :
Posted by not... (Member # 25) on :
Alright Cactus?
Posted by Cactus (Member # 866) on :
Alright not, please do not mess up this thread with your idle jibber jabber or people will be upset. remember.

Posted by Boy Racer (Member # 498) on :

Our Glorious Leader proudly displays the fine produce of our mighty nation.

[ 06.11.2006, 08:04: Message edited by: Boy Racer ]
Posted by Waynster (Member # 56) on :

Kenneth Erskine presents: The Water Melon
Posted by Darryn.R (Member # 1) on :
John Wayne Gacy and a Granny Smiths..

Posted by Boy Racer (Member # 498) on :
Dammit I was gonna do Gacy!

Nice skills though Darryn.
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :

Posted by Darryn.R (Member # 1) on :
Jack The Ripper and his prize winning marrow..

Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
See this is what happens with 'creative' threads. Some fucker always come along and raises the bar so high nobody wants to play any more.

You cunry.
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
Originally posted by Benny the Ball:
So, my question is;

You find out through medical study/an angel appearing at night to declare/just plain old intuition or something that you are only going to have sex three more times in your life - so do you go out in style? Do you mix it up and try something new? Or do you just bang the loved one three more times?

I haven't thought about Cindy Crawford for years, but had a really odd dream about her when we were on holiday last week.

I was at some sort of party in a big house in some exotic location (for some reason, most of my dreams seem to play out 'in a big house' - Freudian connotations?). Anyway, a buzz went around the assembled guests that Cindy Crawford had arrived. By and by, she came into the room, with a couple of people in attendance, and I got a look at her. The years had not been kind. She looked dreadful: really raddled and hard-living - the elegant clothes she was wearing made it even worse - here was someone who had led the high life, caned it for at least ten years longer than she should and now wore all those late nights and disillusioned daybreaks on her face for all to see.

No one said anything, but you could tell that everyone was thinking the same thing. A palpable shiver of pity and horror passed through the room. Not long afterwards, she left. On her way out, I made an effort to go over and say hello and say how big a fan I'd been when I'd been a teen and she'd been at the height of her fame. She seemed touched, but she had a look on her face that was kind of ashamed and more or less said 'Yes - thanks. But now look at me.'

She got into the car and was driven away. That was the end of the dream.

[ 06.11.2006, 09:19: Message edited by: ben ]
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
What I mean to say is that I'd consider giving Cindy Crawford a pity-fuck, but probably wouldn't go through with it.

[ 06.11.2006, 09:17: Message edited by: ben ]
Posted by scrawny (Member # 113) on :
As one of your last three?
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
N-no - just generally. Sorry, I'm having trouble shaking off the sadness of Cindy Crawford.
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
Dear Ben,

There's a thread about the execution of Saddam Hussein elsewhere on the forum. The debate was pretty lively this morning but it's gone off the boil somewhat, and I think you are the perfect forumite to bring it back to life.

Yours sincerely,

PS: Here's the link: *
Posted by Waynster (Member # 56) on :

Anatoly Onoprienko and his novelty carrot toilet chain
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :

[ 06.11.2006, 09:51: Message edited by: ben ]
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
Not particularly?
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
I feel kinda bad now. Sorry ben, I was trying to be all edgy, like Benway, but just came across as a complete bastard, like Dang. [Frown]
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Is that a Mass Turderer, Waynester?
Posted by turbo (Member # 593) on :
Can someone do Son of Sam? With a durian on his head?
Posted by Boy Racer (Member # 498) on :
Get with programme turbo, Benway already did a pretty good Son of Sam.

Anyone with a Durian on their head would have to be making a smell face.
Posted by turbo (Member # 593) on :
Apologies to Jimmy Big Nuts. That was indeed an excellent Son of Man. I really want a murderous durian-wearer though, but I can't think of any more serial killers...

[ 06.11.2006, 14:25: Message edited by: turbo ]
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
wiki>serial killers>massmurderers

Do me proud, Turbo.
Posted by turbo (Member # 593) on :
Marc Dutroux

Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :

vlad the impaler, with "stake" (vegetarian kebab - he's trying to cut back, you know)
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
i have way too much time on my hands.
Posted by Physic (Member # 195) on :

Edmund Kemper playing with his plums
Posted by Louche (Member # 450) on :
Did Ben say anything interesting?
Posted by herbs (Member # 101) on :
I did an ace, though minimal, Jack the Ripper with loganberry but Misc's picture hosting thing rejected it. The art world is impoverished as a result.
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
hint: save it as a jpeg not as a bmp!
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
i want a goddamn graphics tablet, dammit.

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