quote:Originally posted by Pink: I cant sleep due to excitment over new car that i collected today. It rocks :-)
Have similar problem as my new Land Rover will finally be ready tomorrow. I'm half excited about having a lovely new motor, and half dreading a) people staring at it/me as I drive around (this model is quite unusual - haven't seen a single one elsewhere yet), b) having it deliberately scratched/stolen/dented and c) finding it's actually a fuel guzzling, uncomfortable ride, impossible to park at Tescos and miserably slow on motorways. We'll soon see.
My classroom is like a greenhouse - glass sides, see. But, can I open the windows and teach while the grass around the room is being cut? Can we get anything done with this noise? The hell we can.
-------------------- i wrote for luck - they sent me you Posts: 3505
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admittedly, the first half is me ranting about a good thing, which kind of doesnt make sense.
oh no i thought of something.
the media office at work lost my 2500 report on the professional practises and now i have to go to college to hand in another copy when id really much rather sit on the sofa and eat toast
-------------------- EXETER- movement of Jah people.
quote:Originally posted by discodamage: the media office at work lost my 2500 report on the professional practises and now i have to go to college to hand in another copy when id really much rather sit on the sofa and eat toast
to be fair, raz, i think the incompetence of losing a 2500 word essay- the basis of my marks for an entire module- and noone bothering to ask me for three weeks why i hadnt handed it in, is something to rant about just a little bit. maybe i gave superfluous importance to the eating toast bit.
darryn- seeing as this is my first time ever arriving in a foreign city on my own im kinda digging the idea of getting the train and taxis and stuff actually, in a proper lone backpacker kind of way. but thank you for the offer of offering.
-------------------- EXETER- movement of Jah people.
"Jule and I had a talk about 'the boys'. Because 'the boys' are not doing any housework. No cleaning. None. They'll do the dishwasher but to the bare minimum. Very little emptying of bin, instead the commencement of a second bag beside the bin. Minimal taking of bottles to the recycling box. No sweeping of floor. No mopping. No dusting. No hoovering of carpeted areas. No cleaning of bathrooms. Apparently Richard pees all over the floor in the bathroom downstairs, and then leaves it there, where Jule treads in it, and then it bleaches the colour out of the red vinyl flooring. NICE! And Mark does not pick his hair out of the drain, clean the glass in the shower or clean the sink.
So! Before it goes ANY FURTHER we have to have house meeting, because we want it to be clean, and nice, not scraggly and dirty and studenty, but we do not want the girls to do all the cleaning, because it is the TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY and things should have moved on. I bet they don't though. i bet this is a problem FOREVER.
The question is: do boys not notice the mess? Do they not know that if you clean things, they become nice? Do they know, but not care? Do they know, care, rub their hands with glee, and say 'mua ha HAAA! Those stupid girls are doing EVERYTHING!' or what? What? Why? what should we say? How can we approach this without sounding like nagging housewives from hell?"
That is my mini-rant. I was going to turn it into a thread... but I can't be arsed.
quote:Originally posted by Londie: Do they know, but not care? Do they know, care, rub their hands with glee, and say 'mua ha HAAA! Those stupid girls are doing EVERYTHING!'
Nope. It probably genuinely doesn't occur to them. It's thoughlessness, not a premediated evil plan...but yes, on average men are happier living in mess than women....on average...
No. It is an evil plan. It is, it is, it is.
Living with men is like living in a black and white Hitchcock style movie where the male character slowly drives the female character insane by making her believe that it is all in her imagination!
"Don't be silly, darling. The toilet bowl is perfectly clean. That pebble dash effect is all in your sweet, little head."
"Now, now, my angel. I haven't piled dirty dishes in the sink - see how empty it is? Oh, you must be feeling tired today."
"Sssssh, my love. There are no dirty underpants and socks all over the floor. You know I always put my dirty smalls in the laundry basket, darling. Are you sure you weren't simply having a bad dream?"
-------------------- They give you a pen as fat as a modest cock and you're expected to dab it on the page, as though you were mopping the dregs of an afternoon Tommy.
i particularly like the "what? what do you mean? i did unfold the socks before washing them....oh damn the heisenberg uncertainty principle. thats the only way the socks are in a ball now. and not my sheer laziness. and now i know it pisses you off you can guarantee i won't be making an effort there again you deranged manic pyscho. you weren't like this when we moved in. it was on tap sex and easy living. we managed to tidy the house to a respectful level and not look like tramps and eat well and still have sex. but no. not now. 8 months down the line and its like living with my mother. only i had sex more frequently with her" or is that just me?
-------------------- i was there. i was there. i've never been wrong. Posts: 2631
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quote:Originally posted by Sidney: No. It is an evil plan. It is, it is, it is.
Living with men is like living in a black and white Hitchcock style movie where the male character slowly drives the female character insane by making her believe that it is all in her imagination!
Sidney. Yes. ExACTly. Here are some choice quotes from my best mnine FMM, who is girlfriend of one of the boy-flatmates:
"I had e-words with Mark and he was all 'rrarr rarr nonsense raarr raar! hrmph! i have cleaned bathroom (a couple of times). i not paying for cleaner!' [...] Boys, ew. I think you will find it hard to persuade them to clean to your standards. Like Mark is a bit deluded; he says: 'I'm pretty good in the kitchen too, tidying up after I use it. ' Um. right."
They don't get it. Is not about putting Marmite in cupboard. Is about mopping floor, cleaning glass screens in shower (he has NEVER DONE THIS NEVER NEVER NEVER, he let it grow like stalegmites or whatever is called), is about scrubbing toilet and scrubbing sink and scrubbing and sweeping all the time! To make nice! I'm not even a tidy person normally, but I want it nice, because it is SO nice, our beautiful new home, and they are going to piss all over it and never hoover the stairs, the ugly smelly stinky c*nts. I wish I was a lesbian (with other pretty girl lesbians with Veronica Lake hair, not butch dykes, I don't wanna be fisted.)
Have you ever seen a man washing up? It would be funny, if you didn't have to do it again afterwards so things are safe to eat off.
Idly holding a plate under a lukewarm running tap does not constitute "washing". And if you poured water into the saucepan straight after using it, it wouldn't need so much scrubbing anyhow!
I still laugh at the way Thron hangs his washing up on the clothes horse; shirts all scrunched up and flung on anyhow. And then he wonders why they take 4 days to dry!
I hate nagging though, what if I end up like my mum, pointing out that the skirting boards needed dusting? I like cleanliness, but I kinda draw the line at obsessive dusting....
Edit to reduce the blanket generalisation and say that my grandad always did the washing up after big family meals, and was most particular about it. He also washed, peeled and chopped all the veg beforehand. Mind you, my nan did have 59 years of marriage in which to train him.
[ 27 March 2003: Message edited by: Vogon Poetess ]
-------------------- What I object to is the colour of some of these wheelie bins and where they are left, in some areas outside all week in the front garden.
quote:Originally posted by Vogon Poetess: Have you ever seen a man washing up? It would be funny, if you didn't have to do it again afterwards so things are safe to eat off.
arse. i say arse. i wash up properly. with hot hot water and soapy soapy tits. oops. sorry bubbles.
and still i get told off. for not rinsing. fucks sake. i now no longer eat at home so i don't wash up.
-------------------- i was there. i was there. i've never been wrong.
come on, this is sooooo tired. men are shit at this and that. Ladies, You're not so critical when you're bending over in bed, are you? Oh no, it's all sweetness then. Anyway, women are just as crappy as men at tidying up, and if they're stuck with some guy who wants you to be his mother, then perhaps they shouldn't have pampered his ass into complacency.
I'm going to email Jonesy now and find out about his Respect the Cock, tame the **** gentleman friend.
I am very clean and tidy around the house, more so than a girl. This will surprise you I'm sure. I am so clean and tidy you will begin to appreciate the benefits of normal, messy guys who allow you to leave a book in the kitchen (obviously the wrong place for a book!) or a hairband with hair all spidered around it sluttily loose on the bathroom shelf rather than in a nice tray, drawer, box or wicker basket bought for the purpose.
I'm not generalising about all guys. I'm talking about Mark and Richard. Jake was always supa-tidy, supa-clean. He used to teach me. 'Put things away when you're done!' It never sunk in until I left him and had to fend for myself.
Posts: 1552
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I hate Valentine's Day. Stupid commercialised crap
quote:Originally posted by Vogon Poetess: Mind you, my nan did have 59 years of marriage in which to train him.
See, it takes that long. The mythical power of dangling greasy plates under a cold tap. It's a whole system of belief. I bet that's what Jedi believe you know.
Posts: 3340
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However, I am bitter and rancid and am spewing my bile in the direction of all men. Hahahahahahahahaha!
Actually, the only tidy man I have ever lived with is my son and I think that is because I have taught him to be this way.
[kate thornton]lol, yes, I remember when he was 2 years old and I taught him the 'dusting game'. We had a duster each and went around the house making everything shiny. He loved that game, he did, lol[/kate thornton]
-------------------- They give you a pen as fat as a modest cock and you're expected to dab it on the page, as though you were mopping the dregs of an afternoon Tommy.
quote:Originally posted by Londie: The question is: do boys not notice the mess? Do they not know that if you clean things, they become nice? Do they know, but not care? Do they know, care, rub their hands with glee, and say 'mua ha HAAA! Those stupid girls are doing EVERYTHING!' or what? What? Why? what should we say? How can we approach this without sounding like nagging housewives from hell?"
Its not just boys unfortunatly:
Gemini: Olivia (Geminis old flatmate) why don't you ever dust or hoover? Olivia: My mum doesn't dust or hoover Gemini: But your mother has a cleaner.
quote:Originally posted by Londie: They don't get it. Is not about putting Marmite in cupboard. Is about mopping floor, cleaning glass screens in shower (he has NEVER DONE THIS NEVER NEVER NEVER, he let it grow like stalegmites or whatever is called), is about scrubbing toilet and scrubbing sink and scrubbing and sweeping all the time!
I can normally only really be bothered to do a major, obsessive compulsive style cleaning attack in the bathroom when Pink goes away for a couple of days, so he's never really seen me do it. He gets really proud of himself for pouring bleach down the loo twice a year and has actually admitted that he thought pixies or something kept the room from looking a tip. Pah.
Look at him. That's hardly the stance of a man acquainted with the long lasting properties of Fairy Liquid. I bet he's never washed up once in his entire life. Too busy trying to find socks to match his pink shirt and practising his harlem shuffle. Or something.
-------------------- They give you a pen as fat as a modest cock and you're expected to dab it on the page, as though you were mopping the dregs of an afternoon Tommy.
quote:Originally posted by Sidney: [QB Look at him. That's hardly the stance of a man acquainted with the long lasting properties of Fairy Liquid. I bet he's never washed up once in his entire life. Too busy trying to find socks to match his pink shirt and practising his harlem shuffle. Or something.[/QB]
and thats why you all wanted him to fuck you. not for his washing up prowess.
-------------------- i was there. i was there. i've never been wrong.
I didn't. He was far too greasy looking. I imagine that his cock would taste like saveloy. Yack.
-------------------- They give you a pen as fat as a modest cock and you're expected to dab it on the page, as though you were mopping the dregs of an afternoon Tommy. Posts: 1847
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...and I'd get into the Veronica Lake lesbians Londie described, if only minges tasted like sherry trifle.
-------------------- They give you a pen as fat as a modest cock and you're expected to dab it on the page, as though you were mopping the dregs of an afternoon Tommy. Posts: 1847
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